Personal Information
- Name (Pinyin):Chen Lei
- Date of Birth:1982-08-15
- Date of Employment:2012-12-09
- Education Level:研究生毕业
- Gender:Male
- Status:Employed
- Teacher College:The school of electrical engineering
Optimal allocation of flux-coupling-type SFCLs for a micro-grid with wind-PV hybrid generation and battery energy storage
- Date of Publication:2018-10-14
- Hits:
2016 Asian Conference on Energy, Power and Transportation Electrification, ACEPT 2016Translation or Not:
noDate of Publication:
- Pre One:Technical evaluation of superconducting fault current limiters used in a micro-grid by considering the fault characteristics of distributed generation, energy storage and power loads
- Next One:Coordinated Control of Superconducting Fault Current Limiter and Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage for Transient Performance Enhancement of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Generation System