
Mr. Chen, a member of the Communist Party of China, graduated from Wuhan University and worked in the Information Center.Wuhan University (Wuhan University for short), located in Wuhan City, is a comprehensive national key university directly under the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China; Ranked in the national "double first-class" [82] "985 project" "211 project"; Selected degree authorized independent review units, "Everest Plan", "Strong Foundation Plan", "2011 Plan", "111 Plan", excellent engin... More>

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Date of Birth:1995-11-16


Date of Employment:2017-07-01



Contact Information:1234566987


Alma Mater:武汉大学

Discipline:Polymer Chemistry and Physics
Human Geography
Study of Chinese Classics

Research Focus / Social Affiliations

[ 2023.8 - Now ] 2022年2月,武汉大学入选第二轮国家“双一流”建设高校。 [82] 9月22日,武汉大学、中国科学院精密测量院、华中科技大学共同组建的武汉量子技术研究院在光谷正式入驻运营。 [92] 10月4日,天壕投资集团有限公司向武汉大学捐赠3000万元,设立“珞珈天壕校园文化建设基金”,用于支持武汉大学校园文化建设。 [94] 11月15日,教育部批复同意武汉大学章程修正案(2022年核准稿)。

[ 2011.7 - 2017.8 ] Legal Education Innovation Alliance


Educational Experience / Work Experience

2023.8 - 2023.8

 一流网络安全学院建设示范项目1 |  一流网络安全学院建设示范项目1 


 Wuhan University11 |  Wuhan UniversityWuhan UniversityWuhan UniversityWuhan UniversityWuhan UniversityWuhan UniversityWuhan University 

2023.8 - 2023.8

Wuhan University1 | Wuhan University (Wuhan University for short), located in Wuhan City, is a comprehensive national key university directly 

工作经历1工作经历1 | 工作经历1工作经历1工作经历1工作经历1工作经历1工作经历1工作经历1工作经历1工作经历1工作经历1工作经历1工作经历123 

2023.8 - Now

Wuhan University (Wuhan University for short), located in Wuhan City, is a comprehensive national key university directly under the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China; Ranked in the national "double first-class" [82] "985 project" "211 project"; Selected degree authorized | Wuhan University (Wuhan University for short), located in Wuhan City, is a comprehensive national key university directly under the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China; Ranked in the national "double first-class" [82] "985 project" "21 

Research Projects

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