王一安 博士
团队介绍:武大英飒团队(WHU InSAR Explorer WSE)学术带头人为廖明生教授,学术顾问为龚健雅院士,团队教师有廖明生、张路、董杰、Timo Balz、沈鹏、王茹等,在校研究生20名左右。团队近20年来深耕雷达干涉测量(InSAR)理论、技术与应用方面的研究工作,产出多项国际前沿成果,创造多个国内雷达干涉测量应用典范。
团队成员介绍: :
王一安 博士生
西班牙加泰罗尼亚理工大学:Jordi Joan Mallorqui Franquet
[1] Yian Wang, Jie Dong, Lu Zhang , Li Zhang , Shaohui Deng , Guike Zhang , Mingsheng Liao, Jianya Gong (2022). Refined InSAR tropospheric delay correction for wide-area landslide identification and monitoring. Remote Sensing of Environment, 275, 113013
[2] Yian Wang, Donglie Liu, Jie Dong, Lu Zhang, Jincheng Guo, Mingsheng Liao, Jianya Gong. J. (2021). On the applicability of satellite SAR interferometry to landslide hazards detection in hilly areas: a case study of Shuicheng, Guizhou in Southwest China. LANDSLIDES. doi: 10.1007/s10346-021-01648-y
[3] Yian Wang, Jie Dong, Zhang Lu, Shaohui Deng, Guike Zhang, Mingsheng Liao, and Jianya Gong. "Automatic detection and update of landslide inventory before and after impoundments at the Lianghekou reservoir using Sentinel-1 InSAR." International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 118 (2023): 103224.
[4] Yian Wang, Qihuan Huang, Jian Guo, Jianfeng Jiang, Qingqing Wang, Angelique Nishyirimbere. (2019). Displacement monitoring and modeling of Qinghai–Tibet Railway in permafrost area using Sentinel-1A data. ARAB J GEOSCI, 12(6). doi: 10.1007/s12517-019-4393-1.
[5] Yian Wang, Jiayin Luo, Jie Dong, Jordi Joan. Mallorqui, Mingsheng Liao, Lu Zhang, Jianya Gong,Sequential polarimetric phase optimization algorithm for dynamic deformation monitoring of landslides. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Manuscript in review)
[6] Qihuan Huang, Yian Wang, Guido Luzi, Michele Crosetto, Oriol Monserrat, Jianfeng Jiang, Hanwei Zhao, Youliang Ding. (2020). Ground-Based Radar Interferometry for Monitoring the Dynamic Performance of a Multitrack Steel Truss High-Speed Railway Bridge. REMOTE SENS-BASEL, 12(16), 2594. doi: 10.3390/rs12162594 (SCI, 影响因子5.349)
[7] Qihuan Huang, Yian Wang, Jia Xu, Angelique Nishyirimbere, Zhimin Li. (2017). Geo-Hazard Detection and Monitoring Using SAR and Optical Images in a Snow-Covered Area: The Menyuan (China) Test Site. ISPRS INT J GEO-INF, 6(10), 293. doi: 10.3390/ijgi6100293 (SCI) (SCI, 影响因子5.349)
[8] Jie Dong, Shangjing Lai, Nan Wang, Yian Wang, Zhang Lu, Liao Mingsheng. (2021) Multi-scale deformation monitoring with Sentinel-1 InSAR analyses along the Middle Route of the South-North Water Diversion Project in China. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 100:102324 doi:10.1016/j.jag.2021.102324
[9] Li. Zhang, Jie. Dong, Lu. Zhang, Yian. Wang, Wei. Tang and Mingsheng. Liao, "Adaptive Fusion of Multi-Source Tropospheric Delay Estimates for InSAR Deformation Measurements," Frontiers in Environmental Science, vol. 10, 2022, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.859363.
[10] Qingqing Wang, Qihuan Huang, N He, B He, Z Wang, Yian Wang. (2020). Displacement monitoring of upper Atbara dam based on time series InSAR. Survey review - Directorate of Overseas Surveys, 52(375), 485-496. doi: 10.1080/00396265.2019.1643529
[11] Qihuan Huang, Oriol Monserrat, Michele Crosetto, Bruno Crippa, Yian Wang, Jianfeng Jiang, Youliang Ding. (2018). Displacement Monitoring and Health Evaluation of Two Bridges Using Sentinel-1 SAR Images. REMOTE SENS-BASEL, 10(11), 1714. doi: 10.3390/rs10111714
[12] 黄其欢, 王青青, 何宁, 王一安 and 周彦章, "PSI技术应用于防波堤沉降监测研究," 岩土工程学报, vol. 41, no. 04, pp. 761-768, 2019.
[13] 黄其欢, 王一安, "Sentinel-1 TOPS影像干涉处理与形变监测," 大地测量与地球动力学, vol. 37, no. 4, 2017, doi: 10.14075/j.jgg.2017.04.008.
[14] 黄其欢, 丁幼亮, 王一安 and 尹方舟, "基于InSAR的南京大胜关大桥纵向位移监测与分析," 东南大学学报 (自然科学版), vol. 47, no. 3, 2017, doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-0505.2017.03.02814
[15] 江剑锋, 黄其欢, 王一安, 王青青 and 剑郭, "InSAR技术在安庆铁路长江大桥变形监测中的应用," 甘肃科学学报, vol. 30, no. 6, 2018
[1] EGU 2021: Poster: Refined InSAR landslides deformation monitoring with tropospheric delay correction using multi-temporal moving-window linear model, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5493, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5493, 2021.
[2] FRINGE 2021: Poster: Identification And Monitoring Of Landslides In Mountainous Areas With Time-series InSAR: Analysis Of Landslide Detection Failure In Jichangzheng, Guizhou, China. ID 233
[3] Big SAR data 2021: Oral: Improved InSAR tropospheric delay correction for wide-area landslides identification and monitoring. #93
[4] FRINGE 2023: Poster: Sequential Polarimetric Phase Optimization Algorithm For Dynamic Deformation Monitoring of Landslides. 358
[1] 专利:黄其欢,葛成豪,王一安, 《基于PSI的大型铁路桥梁健康监测方法》,2021
[2] 专利:王一安, 董杰,罗佳音,廖明生,张路 《一种用于近实时DS-InSAR处理的极化序贯相位优化方法》,2024,(已受理)
[3] 软著:王一安,董杰,张路,廖明生《雷达干涉测量适用性评估软件》,2021
[4] 软著:郭绍琨,董杰,张路,廖明生,王一安《海量InSAR点云可视化平台》,2022