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Assoc. Prof. Fang Hua is an orthodontist and a researcher in evidence-based dentistry, dental public health, orthodontics and clinical epidemiology. He obtained his PhD in Dental Public Health from the University of Manchester, UK, and is now working at the School & Hospital of
Stomatology, Wuhan University, China as the head of Centre for Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, as well as deputy director of both the Center for Evidence-Based Stomatology and Clinical Research Center Office. He is also an honorary research fellow of the Division of Dentistry, University of Manchester, the president-elect of IADR Evidence-Based Dentistry Network, as well as an editorial board member of Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice, BMC Oral Health, Scientific Reports, and the Chinese Journal of Stomatology.
Websites and Social Links
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→ Publons
2022.09- Head, Centre for Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry at Optics Valley Branch, Hospital of Stomatology, Wuhan University, China
2022.06- Deputy Director, Centre for Dentofacial Development & Sleep Medicine, School & Hospital of Stomatology, Wuhan University, China
2021.11- Associate Professor in Orthodontics, School of Stomatology, Wuhan University, China
2019.02- Deputy Director, Clinical Research Centre Office, School & Hospital of Stomatology, Wuhan University, China
2018.04- Executive Deputy Director, Centre for Evidence-Based Stomatology, School & Hospital of Stomatology, Wuhan University, China
2017.11-2021.11 Lecturer in Orthodontics, School of Stomatology, Wuhan University, China
2017.08- Honorary Research Fellow, Division of Dentistry, School of Medical Sciences, The University of Manchester, UK
2017 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Dental Public Health / Communit Dentistry Division of Dentistry
The University of Manchester
Supervisors: Prof. Helen Worthington, Prof. Anne-Marie Glenny & Prof. Tanya Walsh
Thesis title: ‘Issues in the dissemination of dental / medical research: reporting quality, publication bias and open access’ (Ai)
2014 Master of Science (MSc) in Orthodontics School of Stomatology
Wuhan University, China
Supervisor: Prof. Hong He
Dissertation title: ‘Prevalence of peg-shaped maxillary permanent lateral incisors: a meta-analysis’
2011 Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)
School of Stomatology, Wuhan University, China
Dissertation title: ‘Evidence-based decision making in management of asymptomatic third molars’
2023.11- Committee Member and Secretary, Hubei Orthodontic Society
2022.09- Vice President, Stomatology Committee, The STAR Group, WHO Collaborating Centre for Guideline Implementation and Knowledge Translation
2020.09- Fellow, World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO)
2020.09- Committee Member / Youth Committee Member, Chinese Orthodontic Society
2019.06- President-elect / Vice President / Secretary / Councilor, Evidence-Based Dentistry Network, International Association for Dental Research (IADR)
2018.03- Youth Committee Member, Hubei Sleep Research Society
2018.01- Member, Evidence-Based Medicine Committee, Chinese Medical Doctor Association (CMDA)
2016.03- Member, Evidence-Based Research Network (EBRNetwork)
2025.01- Scientific Advisory Board, JDR Clinical & Translational Research
2024.08- Editorial Board Member, Translational Dental Research
2024.05- Editorial Board Member, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
2024.03- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Orthodontics
2024.03- Editorial Board Member, Scientific Reports
2024.01- Editorial Board Member, BMC Oral Health
2023.06- Editorial Board Member, Chinese Journal of Stomatology
2022.05- Advisory Board Member, Heliyon
2022.05- Review Editor, Frontiers in Oral Health
2022.02- Review Editor, Frontiers in Physiology
2021.10- Guest Associate Editor, Frontiers in Big Data
2021.10- Guest Associate Editor, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence
2020.04- Guest Associate Editor, Frontiers in Medicine
2020.04- Guest Associate Editor, Frontiers in Public Health
2019.01- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice
2017.07-2024.05 Editor, Cochrane Oral Health (part of Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews)
Research grants
2024.01 - 2024.12 Development of the evidence summary for interproximal reduction based on scoping reviews and network meta-analyses. Funder: China Oral Health Foundation (COHF). Amount: 30,000 RMB. Number: A2023-008. Role: PI.
2023.03 - 2024.03 Increasing the value of orthodontic clinical research via wider and better use of dental patient reported outcome measures (INVOLVE-dPROM). Funder: International Orthodontics Foundation (IOF). Amount: 30,000 USD. Number: IOF2022E06. Role: PI.
2021.10-2023.10 Development of an international core outcome set for trials on the prevention and treatment of orthodontically induced enamel white spot lesions (COS-OWSL). Funder: Chinese Stomatological Association - Chinese Orthodontic Society Basic Research Fund. Amount: 60,000 RMB. Number: COS-B2021-08. Role: PI.
2020.01-2022.12 Effects and mechanism of a quantum dot – biomimetic mineralization loading system in the prevention of orthodontically induced enamel demineralization. Funder: National Natural Science Foundation of China. Amount: 210,000 RMB. Number: 81901044. Role: PI.
2019.11-2022.10 eCampus for Dental Education supporting multidisciplinary team-based learning and Evidence-based treatment planning (EDEMTET). Funder: Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education. Amount: 998,865 EUR. Number: 610211-EPP-1-2019-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP. Role: Quality Board Member.
2018.04-2020.06 Evaluation of the open access and reporting quality of dental research based on ‘avoidable research waste’ concepts. Funder: China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. Amount: 80,000 RMB. Number: 2018M630884. Role: PI.
2018.04-2019.12 Establishing an evaluation system for the dissemination and translation quality of dental research based on ‘avoidable research waste’ concepts. Funder: Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Wuhan University). Amount: 60,000 RMB. Number: 2042018kf0070. Role: PI.
1. Wang Y #, Guo F #, Chen X, Yu R, Qin D, Hua F *. Selective outcome reporting among randomized controlled trials published in leading dental journals: A research-on-research study. Journal of Dentistry. 2024 Dec;151:105448.
2. Qin D, Guo F, Hua F *. How to report outcomes in clinical dental research. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2024 Nov. Online ahead of print. DOI: 10.1016/j.jebdp.2024.102053.
3. Li J #, Yu X #, Gao L, Xin L, Wang Y, Guo F, Hua F *. Reporting of search strategy among systematic reviews in leading dental specialty journals: A research-on-research study. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. 2024 Nov. Online ahead of print. DOI: 10.1111/joor.13904.
4. Li Y #, Zhao T #, Ngan P, Yi S, Wei Z, Hua F *, He H *. Hyoid bone position and upper airway morphology of children with obstructive sleep apnea: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research. 2024 Nov. Online ahead of print. DOI: 10.1111/ocr.12873.
5. Luo T #, Yan J #, Cao L, Liao X, Wang N, Hua F *, He H *. Novel orthodontic adhesives with antibacterial, mineralization and fluorescence properties for enamel demineralization prevention. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2024 Nov;500:156737.
6. Wang Q #, Tao Z #, Zhao T, Qin D, He H, Hua F *. The usage and reporting of dental patient-reported outcomes among systematic reviews in orthodontics: A methodological study. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2024 Oct. Online ahead of print. DOI: 10.1016/j.jebdp.2024.102049.
7. Lu W #, Yu X #, Li Y, Cao Y, Chen Y *, Hua F *. Artificial intelligence-related dental research: Bibliometric and altmetric analysis. International Dental Journal. 2024 Sep. Online ahead of print. DOI: 10.1016/j.identj.2024.08.004.
8. Singh BP # *, Singh N #, Jayaraman S, Kirubakaran R, Joseph S, Muthu S, Jivnani H, Hua F. Occlusal interventions for managing temporomandibular disorders. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2024 Sep;9:CD012850.
9. Zhao T, Yang Z, Ngan P, Luo P, Zhang J, Hua F *, He H *. Association between adenotonsillar hypertrophy and dentofacial characteristics of children seeking for orthodontic treatment: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2024 Sep;125(4):101751.
10. Huang X #, Qin D #, Ngan P, Cao L, Hua F *, He H *. White spot lesion–related perception of aesthetics and treatment satisfaction among orthodontic patients, orthodontists and other dental specialists. Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research. 2024 Aug;27(4):626-34.
11. Wang Y, Zhou S, Zheng J, Yan L, Ngan P, Hua F, He H *. Comparison of treatment effects between clear aligners and fixed appliances in patients treated with miniscrew-assisted molar distalization. European Journal of Orthodontics. 2024 Jun;46(3):cjae021.
12. Zhao T #, Tao Z #, Zhang G, Zhu J, Du M, Hua F, He H *. Fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO) affects midpalatal suture bone remodeling during rapid maxillary expansion. European Journal of Orthodontics. 2024 Apr;46(2):cjae009.
13. Yan J, Cao L, Luo T, Hua F, He H *. In vitro evaluation of an easy-to-remove orthodontic adhesive with photochromic property. Angle Orthodontist. 2024 Mar;94(2):200–6.
14. Qin D, He H, Tu YK, Hua F *. Enhancing the quality of reporting of orthodontic clinical research. Seminars in Orthodontics. 2024 Feb;30(1):2-9.
15. Zheng KW, Hsu JY, Chang YH, Tang B, He H, Hua F, Pandis N, Tu YK *. Observational studies in orthodontics. Seminars in Orthodontics. 2024 Feb. 2024 Feb;30(1):10-7.
16. Tu YK *, Hsu JY, Chang YH, Tang B, He H, Hua F, Pandis N. Analyzing longitudinal growth data in orthodontics. Seminars in Orthodontics. 2024 Feb. 2024 Feb;30(1):18-28.
17. Huang X #, Tao Z #, Ngan P, Qin D, He H, Hua F *. The use of dental patient-reported outcomes among comparative observational studies in orthodontics: A methodological study. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2024 Jan;24(1S):101956.
18. Qin D, Hua F *, John MT. Glossary for dental patient-centered outcomes. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2024 Jan;24(1S):101951.
19. Hua F *. Dental patient-reported outcomes update 2023. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2024 Jan;24(1S):101968.
20. Lin L #, Zhao T #, Ngan P, Zhuang Y, Qin D, Hua F *, He H *. Obstructive sleep apnea-related knowledge, attitude, experience, and behaviors among orthodontic professionals: a survey. Sleep and Breathing. 2023 Dec;27:2361-9.
21. Guo F #, Ye W #, Qin D, Fang X, Hua F *, He H *. Abstracts of randomized controlled trials in pediatric dentistry: reporting quality and spin. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2023 Nov;23(11):263.
22. Liu X #, Zhang R #, Yu X, Hua F, Zhang L *, Chen Z *. Self-adhesive flowable composite resins and flowable composite resins in permanent teeth with occlusal cavities: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Dentistry. 2023 Nov;138:104691.
23. McGrath C *, Clarkson J, Glenny AM, Walsh L, Hua F. Effectiveness of mouthwashes in managing oral diseases and conditions: Do they have a role? International Dental Journal. 2023 Nov;73(S2):S69-S73.
24. Yan J, Cao L, Luo T, Qin D, Hua F *, He H *. In vitro evaluation of a novel fluoride‑coated clear aligner with antibacterial and enamel remineralization abilities. Clinical Oral Investigations. 2023 Oct;27(10):6027-42.
25. Zhao Y #, Yan Q #, Wu X, Hua F *, Shi B *. Characteristics, level of evidence, and impact of clinical studies on peri-implantitis: 2017 to 2021. Journal of Periodontology. 2023 Oct;94(10):1266-76.
26. Lin L #, Tang B #, Cao L, Yan J, Zhao T, Hua F *, He H *. The knowledge, experience, and attitude on artificial intelligence-assisted cephalometric analysis: Survey of orthodontists and orthodontic students. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. 2023 Oct;164(4):e97-e105.
27. Li Q #, Tang S #, Yu X, Glenny AM, Hua F *. The contents, methods and assessment of evidence-based dentistry education: A scoping review. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2023 Sep;23(3):101895.
28. Jin S #, Han H #, Huang Z, Xiang Y, Du M, Hua F, Guan X, Liu J, Chen F *, He H *. Automatic three-dimensional nasal and pharyngeal airway subregions identification via Vision Transformer. Journal of Dentistry. 2023 Sep;136:104595.
29. Wang N, He H, Hua F *. Research progress on the risk factors of orthodontically induced enamel demineralization, 2023 Jul. Online ahead of print. [in Chinese]
30. Fang X, Guo F, Chen Z, Hua F *, Zhang L *. Abstracts of randomised controlled trials in the field of dentofacial trauma: Reporting quality and spin. Dental Traumatology. 2023 Jun;39(3):276-84.
31. Liu Y #, Zhao T #, Ngan P, Qin D, Hua F *, He H *. The dental and craniofacial characteristics among children with obstructive sleep apnea: A systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Orthodontics. 2023 Jun;45(3):346-355.
32. Guo F, Zhao T, Zhai Q, Fang X, Yue H, Hua F *, He H *. “Spin” among abstracts of randomized controlled trials in sleep medicine: A research-on-research study. SLEEP. 2023 Jun;46(6):zsad041.
33. Cao L #, Yan J #, Luo T, Yan H, Hua F *, He H *. Antibacterial and fluorescent clear aligner attachment resin modified with chlorhexidine loaded mesoporous silica nanoparticles and zinc oxide quantum dots. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 2023 May;141:105817.
34. Fang X #, Hua F #, Chen Z *, Zhang L *. Caries risk assessment‑related knowledge, attitude, and behaviors among Chinese dentists: a cross‑sectional survey. Clinical Oral Investigations. 2023 Mar;27(3):1079-1087.
35. Wang N #, Yu J #, Yan J, Hua F *. Recent advances in antibacterial coatings for orthodontic appliances. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2023 Feb;11:1093926.
36. Liu J, Hua F, Zhang H, Hu J *. Influence of using collagen on the soft and hard tissue outcomes of immediate dental implant placement: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2023 Feb;124(1S):101385.
37. Zhong Y #, Wang Y #, Dan S, Zhao T, Li T, Qin D, Hua F *. The reporting quality of systematic review abstracts in leading general dental journals: A methodological study. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2023 Mar;23(1):101831.
38. Hua F *. Dental patient-reported outcomes update 2022. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2023 Jan:23(1S):101802.
39. Tao Z #, Zhao T #, Ngan P, Qin D, Hua F *, He H *. The use of dental patient-reported outcomes among randomized controlled trials in orthodontics: A methodological study. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2023 Jan;23(1S):101795.
40. Yu X #, Chen Y #, Li Y, Hong J, Hua F *. A bibliometric mapping study of the literature on oral health-related quality of life. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2023 Jan;23(1S):101780.
41. Cao L #, Yan J #, Tang B, Zhao T, Hua F *, He H *. Research progress on the application of deep learning in cephalometric analysis. Journal of Prevention and Treatment of Stomatological Diseases. 2023 Jan;31(1):58-62. [in Chinese]
42. Qin D #, Hua F #, Yue H, Yan Q, He H *, Tu YK. The reporting and methodological quality of split-mouth trials in oral implantology: A methodological study. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 2022 Dec;33(12):1282-92.
43. Huang X #, Yan J #, Hua F *, He H *. Research progress on the relationship between orthodontic treatment and the oral microbiome. Journal of Prevention and Treatment of Stomatological Diseases. 2022 Dec;30(12):896-901. [in Chinese]
44. Yan J #, Hua F #, Cao L, Yang H *, He H *. Multifunctional modification of orthodontic adhesives with ZnO quantum dots. Dental Materials. 2022 Nov;38(11):1728-41.
45. Zhao Y #, Yan Q #, Wu X, Hua F *, Shi B *. The benefit of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy to mechanical debridement in the treatment of smokers with peri‑implant diseases: a systematic review and meta‑analysis. Lasers in Medical Science. 2022 Oct;37(8):3051-66..
46. Li C #, Fang X #, Qin D #, Hua F *. The structure format of abstracts: A survey of leading dental journals and their editors. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2022 Sep;22(3):101646.
47. Lin L #, Zhao T #, Qin D, Hua F *, He H *. The impact of mouth breathing on dentofacial development: A concise review. Frontiers in Public Health. 2022 Sep;10:929165.
48. Cheng J, Yang F, Li J, Hua F, He M, Song G *. Treatment outcomes of regenerative endodontic procedures in traumatized immature permanent necrotic teeth: A retrospective study. Journal of Endodontics. 2022 Sep;48(9):1129-36.
49. Chen D #, Meng Z #, Zhao T, Yu X, He H, Hua F *, Dong W *. Association between sleep-disordered breathing and periodontal diseases: a systematic review protocol. Frontiers in Medicine. 2022 Aug;9:960245.
50. Wang D #, Chen L #, Wang L, Hua F, Li J, Li Y, Zhang Y, Fan H *, Li W *, Clarke M *. Abstracts for reports of randomised trials of COVID-19 interventions had low quality and high spin. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2021 Jul;139:107-120.
51. Fang X, Wu X, Levey C, Chen Z, Hua F *, Zhang L *. Spin in the abstracts of randomized controlled trials in operative dentistry: A cross-sectional analysis. Operative Dentistry. 2022 Jun;47(3):287-300.
52. Luo T #, Yan J #, Hua F *, He H *. Application of nanoparticles in preventing enamel demineralization during orthodontics. Journal of Prevention and Treatment of Stomatological Diseases. 2022 Jun;30(6):443-8. [in Chinese]
53. Yan J, Yang H, Luo P, Hua F *, He H *. Application of amorphous calcium phosphate agents in the prevention and treatment of enamel demineralization. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2022 May;10:853436.
54. Yu J #, Hua F #, Qin D, Zhao D *, Li Z *. Impact of citywide COVID-19 testing on people’s behaviour in seeking for dental services in Wuhan. Oral Diseases. 2022 Apr;28(S1):922-4
55. Yu X #, Meng Z #, Qin D, Shen C, Hua F *. The long-term influence of Open Access on the scientific and social impact of dental journal articles: An updated analysis. Journal of Dentistry. 2022 Apr;119:104067.
56. Zhao T, Wang M, Yang Z, Zhang J, Hua F, He H *. Percentage of tonsil hypertrophy in orthodontic patients with different sagittal skeletal relationship. Chinese Journal of Stomatology. 2022 Mar;57(3):266-71. [in Chinese]
57. Zhao S #, Hua F #, Yan J, Yang H *, Huang C *. Effects of plant extracts on dentin bonding strength: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2022 Feb;10:836042.
58. Hua F *. Dental patient-reported outcomes update 2021. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2022 Jan:22(1S):101663.
59. Wang Y #, Qin D #, Guo F, Levey C, Huang G, Ngan P, Hua F *, He H *. Outcomes used in trials regarding the prevention and treatment of orthodontically induced white spot lesions: A scoping review. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. 2021 Nov;160(5):659-70.e7.
60. Qin D #, Hua F #, Liang S, Worthington H, He H *. The reporting quality of split-mouth trials in orthodontics according to CONSORT guidelines: 2015–19. European Journal of Orthodontics. 2021 Oct;43(5):557-66.
61. Guo F #, Fang X #, Li C, Qin D, Hua F *, He H *. The presence and characteristics of ‘spin’ among randomized controlled trial abstracts in orthodontics. European Journal of Orthodontics. 2021 Oct;43(5):576-82.
62. Qin D, Wang Y, Level C, Ngan P, He H *, Hua F *. Protocol for the development of a Core Outcome Set for trials on the prevention and treatment of Orthodontically induced enamel White Spot Lesions (COS-OWSL). Trials. 2021 Jul;22(1):507.
63. Zhao T #, Zhou J #, Yan J, Cao L, Cao Y, Hua F *, He H *. Automated adenoid hypertrophy assessment with lateral cephalometry in children based on artificial intelligence. Diagnostics. 2021;11(8):1386.
64. Guo H, Chang S, Pi X, Hua F, Jiang H, Liu C *, Du M *. The Effect of Periodontitis on Dementia and Cognitive Impairment: A Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021 Jun;18:6823.
65. Yu L #, Yu X #, Li Y, Yang F, Hong J, Qin D, Song G *, Hua F *. The additional benefit of professional fluoride application for children as an adjunct to regular fluoride toothpaste: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Oral Investigations. 2021 Jun;25(6):3409-19.
66. Almaqrami BS, Alhammadi MS, Tang B, Alyafrusee ES, Hua F, He H *. Three-dimensional morphological and positional analysis of the temporomandibular joint in adults with posterior crossbite: A cross-sectional comparative study. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. 2021 Jun;48(6):666-77.
67. Guo F, Hua F *. Research progress in minimally invasive treatment for orthodontically induced enamel demineralization. Journal of Oral Science Research. 2021 Apr;37(1):288-91. [in Chinese]
68. Wu X, Yan Q, Hua F, Shi B *. Social impact of articles published by Chinese authors in oral implantology during the past three years. Journal of Oral Science Research. 2021 Mar;37(3):269-72. [in Chinese]
69. Li J #, Hua F #, Xu P, Huang C, Yang H *. Effects of desensitisers on adhesive-dentin bonding strength: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry. 2021 Jan;23(1):7-19.
70. Yang F #, Yu L #, Qin D, Hua F, Song G *. Online consultation and emergency management in peadiatric dentistry during the Covid-19 epidemic in Wuhan: A retrospective study. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2021 Jan;31(1):5-11.
71. Zhao T #, Wu X #, Zhang Q, Li C, Worthington H, Hua F *. Oral hygiene care for critically ill patients to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2020 Dec;12:CD008367.
72. Guo F #, Tang B #, Qin D #, Zhao T, Su YX, McGrath C, Hua F *, He H *. The impact of COVID-19 epidemic on orthodontic patients in China: An analysis of posts on Weibo. Frontiers in Medicine. 2020 Dec;7:577468.
73. Qin D, Hua F *, He H *, Liang S, Worthington H, Walsh T. Quality of split-mouth trials in dentistry: 1998, 2008 and 2018. Journal of Dental Research. 2020 Dec;99(13):1453-60.
74. Hu H #, Feng C #, Jiang Z, Wang L, Shrestha S, Yan J, Shu Y, Ge L, Lai W, Hua F *, Long H *. Effectiveness of remineralizing agents in the prevention and reversal of orthodontically induced white spot lesions: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Clinical Oral Investigations. 2020 Dec;24(12):4153-67.
75. Yu J #, Hua F #, Shen Y, Haapasalo M, Qin D, Zhao D *, Peng B *, Fouad A. Resuming of endodontic practices in COVID-19 hardest-hit area of China: A web-based survey. Journal of Endodontics. 2020 Nov;46(11):1577-83.e2.
76. Yu L #, Yu X #, Li Y, Li J, Hua F *, Song G *. Is it necessary for children to receive professional fluoride in addition to regular fluoride toothpaste? Protocol for a systematic review. BMJ Open. 2020 Sep;10(9):e037422.
77. Li T #, Hua F #, Dan S, Zhong Y, Levey C, Song Y *. Reporting quality of systematic review abstracts in operative dentistry: An assessment using the PRISMA for Abstracts guidelines. Journal of Dentistry. 2020 Nov;102:103471.
78. Wu X #, Hu Q #, Yan Q #, Zhang T, Riley P, Hua F *, Shi B *, Tu YK. Trends in the level of evidence and impact of clinical studies published in leading oral implantology journals: 2008-2018. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 2020 Oct;31(10):980-91.
79. Wu X #, Yan Q #, Fang X, Hua F *, Shi B *, Tu YK. Spin in the abstracts of randomized controlled trials in periodontology and oral implantology: A cross-sectional analysis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2020 Sep;47(9):1079-86.
80. Yan YR, Hua F, He MJ, Lei T, Tan YQ, Zhou G *. Heterogeneity of outcome measures used in randomized controlled trials for the treatment of oral lichen planus: a methodological study. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2020 Sep;20(3):101468.
81. Hua F #, Qin D #, Yan J, Zhao T, He H *. COVID-19 related experience, knowledge, attitude and behaviors among 2669 orthodontists, orthodontic residents and nurses in China: A cross-sectional survey. Frontiers in Medicine. 2020 Aug;7:481.
82. Wu X #, Yan Q #, Riley P, Hua F *, Shi B *, Glenny AM, Tu YK. Abstracts presented at the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO) Congresses: Publication fate and discrepancies with full-length articles. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 2020 Aug;31(8):715-26.
83. Meng Z, Xiang Q, Wu X, Hua F *, Dong W *, Tu YK. The level of evidence, scientific impact and social impact of clinical studies in periodontology: A methodological study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2020 Aug; 47(8):902-11.
84. Fang X #, Hua F #, Riley P, Chen F, Zhang L, Walsh T, Chen Z *. Abstracts of published randomised controlled trials in Endodontics: Reporting quality and spin. International Endodontic Journal. 2020 Aug;53(8):1050-61.
85. Chen L, Hong J, Xiong D, Zhang L, Li Y, Huang S *, Hua F *. Are parents’ education levels associated with either their oral health knowledge or their children’s oral health behaviors? A survey of 8446 families in Wuhan. BMC Oral Health. 2020 Jul;20(1):203.
86. Tao Z, Chu G, McGrach C, Hua F, Leung YY, Yang W, Su Y *. Nature and Diffusion of COVID-19-related Oral Health Information on Chinese Social Media: An Analysis of Tweets on Weibo. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2020 June; DOI: 10.2196/19981.
87. Hua F #, Yan J #, Zhao S, Yang H *, He H *. In-vitro remineralization of enamel white spot lesions with a carrier-based amorphous calcium phosphate delivery system. Clinical Oral Investigations. 2020 Jun;24(6):2079-89.
88. Meng L, Hua F, Bian Z *. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Emerging and future challenges for dental and oral medicine. Journal of Dental Research. 2020 May;99(5):481-7.
89. Zhao T #, Zhang X #, Ngan P, Yuan W, Chen X, Hua F, He H *. Effects of maxillary skeletal expansion on upper airway airflow: A computational fluid dynamics analysis. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2020 Jan/Feb;31(1):e6-e10.
90. Almaqrami BS #, Hua F #, Liu Y, He H *. Research waste related editorial policies of leading dental journals: Situation 2018. Oral Diseases. 2020 Mar;26(3):696-706.
91. Hu H #, Feng C #, Jiang Z, Wang L, Shrestha S, Su X, Shu Y, Ge L, Lai W, Hua F, Long H *. Effectiveness of remineralising agents in prevention and treatment of orthodontically induced white spot lesions: a protocol for a systematic review incorporating network meta-analysis. Systematic Reviews. 2019 Dec;8(1):339.
92. Yan Q #, Wu X #, Su M, Hua F *, Shi B *. Short implants (≤6 mm) versus longer implants with sinus floor elevation in atrophic posterior maxilla: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 2019 Oct;9(10):e029826.
93. Hua F #, Zhao T #, Walsh T, Sun Q, Chen X, Worthington H, Jiang F, He H *. Effects of adenotonsillectomy on the growth of children with obstructive sleep apnoea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS): protocol for a systematic review. BMJ Open. 2019 Aug;9(8):e030866.
94. Hua F #, Sun Q #, Zhao T, Chen X, He H *. Reporting quality of randomised controlled trial abstracts presented at the SLEEP Annual Meetings: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2019 Jul;9(7):e029270.
95. Chen Y #, Hua F #, Mei Y, Thiruvenkatachari B, Riley P, He H *. The characteristics and level of evidence of clinical studies published in 5 leading orthodontic journals. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2019 Sep;19(3):273-82.
96. McGrath C *, O’Connell B, Hua F, Wong MCM, Bridges S. A call to ‘retire statistical significance’: It ain’t what you do it’s the way that you do it. The Hong Kong Medical Diary. 2019 Sep;24(9):14-5.
97. Zong C, Tang B, Hua F, He H *, Ngan P. Skeletal and dentoalveolar changes in the transverse dimension using microimplant-assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE) appliances. Seminars in Orthodontics. 2019 Mar;25(1):46-59.
98. Hua F, He H *. Interpretation of the consolidated standards of reporting trials (CONSORT) guideline for within person trials. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine. 2018 Sep;18(9):1001-6. [in Chinese]
99. Zhao T, Ngan P, Hua F, Zheng J, Zhou S, Zhang M, Xiong H, He H *. Impact of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea on the development of Class II hyperdivergent patients receiving orthodontic treatment: A pilot study. Angle Orthodontist. 2018 Sep;88(5):560-6.
100. Yan Q, Hua F, Su M, Liu S, Shi B *. Patients’ satisfaction of implant supported overdentures versus conventional dentures: a systematic review. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine. 2018 Aug;18(8):858-64. [in Chinese]
101. Mei Y, Hua F, He H *. Analyzing the social impact of orthodontic articles published by Chinese authors in international journals during the past five years. Chinese Journal of Stomatology. 2018 Jul;53(7):475-9. [in Chinese]
102. Hua F *, Walsh T, Glenny AM, Worthington H *. Structure formats of randomised controlled trial abstracts: a cross-sectional analysis of their current usage and association with methodology reporting. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2018 Jan;18(1):6.
103. Hua F, Sun H, Walsh T, Glenny AM, Worthington H *. Open access to journal articles in oncology: Current situation and citation impact. Annals of Oncology. 2017 Oct;28(10):2612-17.
104. Hua F *, Shen C, Walsh T, Glenny AM, Worthington H. Open access: Concepts, findings, and recommendations for stakeholders in dentistry. Journal of Dentistry. 2017 Sep;64:13-22.
105. Riley P *, Glenny AM, Hua F, Worthington H. Pharmacological interventions for preventing dry mouth and salivary gland dysfunction following radiotherapy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2017 Jul;7:CD012744.
106. Hua F *, Walsh T, Glenny AM, Worthington H. Reporting quality of randomized controlled trial abstracts presented at European Orthodontic Society congresses. European Journal of Orthodontics. 2016 Dec;38(6):584-92.
107. Jin L, Hua F *, Cao Q *. Reporting quality of randomized controlled trial abstracts published in leading laser medicine journals: an assessment using the CONSORT for abstracts guidelines. Lasers in Medical Science. 2016 Nov;31(8):1583-90.
108. Hua F, Xie H, Worthington H, Furness S *, Zhang Q, Li C. Oral hygiene care for critically ill patients to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2016 Oct;10:CD008367.
109. Hua F, Walsh T *, Glenny AM *, Worthington H *. Surveys on reporting guideline usage in dental journals. Journal of Dental Research. 2016 Oct;95(11):1207-13.
110. Hua F, Walsh T, Glenny AM, Worthington H *. Thirty percent of abstracts presented at dental conferences are published in full: a systematic review. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2016 Jul;75:16-28.
111. Hua F *, Sun H, Walsh T, Worthington H, Glenny AM. Open access to journal articles in dentistry: Prevalence and citation impact. Journal of Dentistry. 2016 Apr;47:41-8.
112. Hua F #, Deng L #, Kau CH, Jiang H, He H *, Walsh T. Reporting quality of randomized controlled trial abstracts: survey of leading general dental journals. The Journal of the American Dental Association. 2015 Sep;146(9):669-78.e1.
113. Xiong H, Hua F, He H *. Discussion on dynamic occlusion objectives and related controversy in evidence-based medicine. Chinese Journal of Stomatology. 2015 May;50(5):271-4. [in Chinese]
114. Hua F, He H *, Ngan P, Bouzid W. Prevalence of peg-shaped maxillary permanent lateral incisors: A meta-analysis. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. 2013 Jul;144(1):97-109.
115. Jiang H, Hua F, Yao L, Tai B *, Du M *. Effect of 1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride foam on white spot lesions in orthodontic patients: a randomized trial. Pediatric Dentistry. 2013 May;35(3):275-8.
116. He H *, Hua F. Orthodontic treatment for labially impacted canines. Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology. 2012 Nov;5(11): 654-7. [in Chinese]
117. Bouzid W, Hua F, Xiong H, Keyimu R, He H *. A survey of maxillary peg-laterals among 1612 orthodontic patients. Chinese Journal of Clinicians. 2012 Aug;6(15):4459-61. [in Chinese]
118. Hua F, Li X, He H *. Evidence-based decision making in management of asymptomatic third molars. International Journal of Stomatology, 2012 Feb;39(2):237-40. [in Chinese]
Editorials and commentaries
1. Lu W, Zhang H, Hua F *. Adding calcium phosphate agents alongside fluorides may enhance caries prevention and remineralization, although evidence is limited. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2024 Sep;24(3):102024..
2. Cao L, He H *, Hua F *. Current neural networks demonstrate potential in automated cervical vertebral maturation stage classification based on lateral cephalograms. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2024 Mar;24(1);101928.
3. Cao L, He H *, Hua F *. Deep learning algorithms have high accuracy for automated landmark detection on 2D lateral cephalograms. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2022 Dec;22(4):101798.
4. Huang M, Liu S *, Hua F *. Resin infiltration may be a feasible option to esthetically mask enamel white spot lesions. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2022 Jun;22(2):101715.
5. Zhao T, Hua F *, He H *. Rapid maxillary expansion may increase the upper airway volume of growing patients with maxillary transverse deficiency. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2021 Sep;21(3):101579.
6. Hua F *. Evidence-based dental practice: How to use the literature to inform clinical decision-making. Journal of Oral Science Research. 2021 Jan;37(1):1-5. [in Chinese]
7. Zhao T, Hua F *, He H *. Alternate rapid maxillary expansion and constriction (Alt-RAMEC) may be more effective than rapid maxillary expansion alone for protraction facial mask treatment. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2020 Jun;20(2):101408.
8. Wang Y, Hua F *, Jiang H *. CPP-ACP may be effective, but not significantly greater than using fluorides alone, in preventing and treating white spot lesions around orthodontic brackets. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2020 Mar;20(1):101416.
9. Hua F *. Increasing the value of orthodontic research through the use of dental patient-reported outcomes. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2019 Mar;19(2):99-105.
10. Hua F *, Yang H *, He H *. Current enamel remineralization therapies have limited effects on postorthodontic white spot lesions. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2018 Dec;18(4):339-42.
11. Hua F *. Twenty-five years of evidence-based dentistry: From concepts to practice. Journal of Oral Science Research. 2018 Nov;34(11):1149-53. [in Chinese]
12. Liu Y, Hua F *, He H *. Nasoalveolar molding therapy may offer positive effects on unilateral clefts of lip and/or palate. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2018 Sep;18(3):252-4.
13. Sun Q, Hua F *, He H *. Adenotonsillectomy may have beneficial effects on the dentofacial development of children with adenotonsillar hypertrophy. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2018 Mar;18(1):73-5.
14. Yan Q *, Hua F *, Shi B *. Patients are more satisfied with implant-supported mandibular overdentures than with conventional dentures. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2017 Dec;17(4):411-3.
1. Meng L, Hua F, Bian Z *. Response to the letter to the editor: How to deal with suspended oral treatment during the COVID-19 epidemic. Journal of Dental Research. 2020 Jul;99(8):988.
2. Hua F, Walsh T, Worthington H, Glenny AM. “Predatory” publishing and open access in dentistry. The Journal of the American Dental Association. 2016 Aug;147(8):600-1.
3. Hua F, Zhao C *. China's National Mental Health Working plan. The Lancet. 2015 Oct;386(10002):1442.
1. He H, Hua F, Zhao T. Principles and Biomechanics of Aligner Treatment [Chinese version of Nanda R, Castroflorio T, Garino F & Ojima K (eds.), Principles and Biomechanics of Aligner Treatment]. Shenyang: Liaoning Science and Technology Press, 2024.
2. He H, Hua F, Zhao T. Orthodontics in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients [Chinese version of Kim SJ & Kim KB (eds.), Orthodontics in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients]. Shenyang: Liaoning Science and Technology Press, 2024.
3. He H, Hua F. Evidence-Based Orthodontics [Chinese version of Huang G, Richmond S & Vig K (eds.), Evidence-Based Orthodontics (Second Edition)]. Beijing: People’s Medical Publishing House, 2023.
4. Seneviratne CJ, McGrath C, Coulthard P, Ayo-Yusuf OA, Okunseri C, Hua F (eds.). The Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Dentistry: Infection Control, Public Health and Beyond. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA, 2022.
1. Hua F. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of prognosis research. In: Sun X, Yang K (eds.), Evidence-Based Medicine (2nd Edition). Beijing: People’s Medical Publishing House, 2021.
2. Guo C, Hua F, Shi Z. The Cochrane Collaboration and Cochrane Oral Health Group. In: Shi Z, Hua C, Li C (eds.), Evidence-Based Stomatology (3rd Edition). Beijing: People’s Medical Publishing House, 2020.
3. Liu X, Shi Z, Hua F. Apply evidence-based medicine to improve the quality of dental journal articles. In: Shi Z, Hua C, Li C (eds.), Evidence-Based Stomatology (3rd Edition). Beijing: People’s Medical Publishing House, 2020.
4. Ye Q, Li C, Hua F. The involvement of users in evidence-based stomatology. In: Shi Z, Hua C, Li C (eds.), Evidence-Based Stomatology (3rd Edition). Beijing: People’s Medical Publishing House, 2020.
5. He H, Hua F, Ngan P. S33: Prevalence of peg-shaped maxillary permanent lateral incisors. In: Huang G, Richmond S, Vig K (eds.), Evidence-Based Orthodontics (2nd Edition). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2018.
6. He H, Hua F, Zhou S. The timing of early orthodontic treatment of class III malocclusion. In: Bai D & Zhao Z (eds.), Advanced Strategy with Positive Control in Orthodontics. Beijing: People’s Medical Publishing House, 2015.
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