Huang Chi
Personal Information
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Name (Pinyin):Huang Chi
- E-Mail:
- Administrative Position:Professor
- Education Level:研究生毕业
- Business Address:化学与分子科学学院
- Gender:Male
- Contact Information:++86-27-68754226
- Status:Employed
- Alma Mater:Wuhan University
- Teacher College:School of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences
- Honors and Titles
2023 elected:2023年度湖北省科技进步奖三等奖. 医用水溶性高分子PVP自由基聚合关键技术、成套设备及产业化
2020 elected:湖北省双创战略团队A类负责人
2019 elected:湖北省双创战略团队B类负责人
2018 elected:湖北省双创战略团队C类负责人
2012 elected:江苏省双创人才
2011 elected:武汉市东湖高新技术开发区“3551光谷人才”
2017 elected:首批“全国万名优秀创新创业导师人才库”
2017 elected:甲基芳烃氨氧化的高效长寿面催化剂的研制与工业化应用. 中国石油与化学工业联合会技术发明三等奖
2016 elected:取代甲苯氨氧化的含钒复合氧化物催化剂的研制与应用. 湖北省技术发明二等奖
2014 elected:科研反哺教学 培养化学创新人才. 第七届国家高等学校教学成果二等奖
2013 elected:科研反哺教学 培养化学创新人才. 湖北省高等学校教学成果一等奖
2005 elected:理科化学类专业化工课程体系和教学内容改革研究. 度湖北省高等学校教学成果一等奖.
2005 elected:《大学化学实验》.湖北省多媒体课件二等奖
2003 elected:含碳官能团有机硅化合物的研究、开发与产业化. 湖北省科技进步一等奖
Other Contact Information
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Study on the thermal decomposition behavior of ammonium perchlorate catalyzed by Zn-Co cooperation in MOF
- Date of Publication:2022-10-10
- Hits:
Impact Factor:
7.0DOI number:
Inorganic Chemistry FrontiersAbstract:
The combustion performance of solid propellants plays a decisive role in the overall application of rockets. Changing the decomposition behavior of ammonium perchlorate (AP) by adding a catalyst is an effective strategy to control the combustion of solid propellants. Among them, the synergistic catalysis of AP thermal decomposition through different catalytic paths is clearly more efficient. Despite the effectiveness of catalysts, the catalytic mechanism is not clear. In this study, a bimetallic ZnCo–ZIF was used as a catalyst for the thermal decomposition of AP, and the thermal decomposition behavior of AP, actual catalytic component, and the synergistic mechanism of two metals were analyzed. The results showed that ZnCo–ZIF had the best catalytic effect for AP thermal decomposition, high temperature decomposition of AP reached 317.6 °C, and heat release reached 1945 J g−1. The in situ monitoring of gas products via the TG-IR test showed that ZnCo–ZIF could decompose in advance in the presence of AP, while Co3O4/ZnO with good dispersion actually played a catalytic role, and the two metal oxides accelerate the decomposition of AP and contribute more heat release through a synergistic effect in the catalytic process. The synergistic catalytic process can be explained by the mechanism of reactive oxygen oxidation and lattice oxidation, and Zn improves the oxidation degree of N and generates nitrogen oxides (N2O, NO, and NO2) by releasing lattice oxygen, while Co weakens the N–H bond and accelerates the oxidation of NH3. These two catalytic processes occur together, reducing the temperature of the AP decomposition peak and increasing heat release. This interesting synergy phenomenon provides experience for exploring synergies between two or more metals.Co-author:
Ren Zhuoqun,Wang YazhouCorrespondence Author:
Zhang Yifu*,Huang Chi*Volume:
9Page Number:
5195Translation or Not:
noDate of Publication:
2022-10-10Included Journals:
SCILinks to published journals:
- Pre One:Rational design of double-sandwich-like C@Co,CoO/Co2SiO4/rGO architectures boost electrochemical performances of Co2SiO4 for energy storage devices
- Next One:"Three-in-One" Strategy that Ensures V2O5.nH(2)O with Superior Zn2+ Storage by Simultaneous Protonated Polyaniline Intercalation and Encapsulation