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    • 博士生导师 硕士生导师
    • 主要任职:空间全生命周期健康国际研究中心(ISLE)主任
    • 其他任职:人民医院特聘教授、首席科学家
    • 学历:博士研究生毕业
    • 电子邮箱:




    发布时间:2023-04-11   点击次数:


    2015-2019  西南大学地理科学学院,获学士学位

    2019-2022  首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院,获硕士学位

    2022-          武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,博士在读



    ·       K. Qin, Z. Wang, S. Dai, Y. Li, M. Li, C. Li, G. Qiu, Y. Shi, C. Yin, S. Yang, P. Jia* (2024). Spatiotemporal patterns of air pollution over the epidemic course: a national study in China, Remote Sensing   (IF=5.0)

    ·       D. Lu, Z. Wang*, X. Li, and Y. Zhou (2024). Evaluation of the efficiency and drivers of complemented cropland in southwest China over the past 30 years from the perspective of cropland abandonment, Journal of Environmental Management 351:119909  (IF=8.7)

    ·       D. Lu, Z. Wang, K. Su, Y. Zhou, X. Li, A. Lin* (2024). Understanding the impact of cultivated land-use changes on China’s grain production potential and policy implications: a perspective of non-agriculturalization, non-grainization, and marginalization, Journal of Cleaner Production 436:140647  (IF=11.1)

    ·       Y. Ke*, Y. Han, L. Cui, P. Sun, Y. Min, Z. Wang, Z. Zhuo, Q. Zhou, X. Yin, D. Zhou (2024). Suaeda Salsa spectral index for Suaeda Salsa mapping and fractional cover estimation in intertidal wetlands, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 207:104–121  (IF=12.7)

    ·       M. Lyu, X. Li*, Y. Ke, J. Jiang, L. Zhu, L. Guo, H. Gong, B. Chen, Z. Xu, Z. Ke, Z. Wang (2023). Reconstruction of spatially continuous time-series land subsidence based on PS-InSAR and improved MLS-SVR in Beijing plain area, GIScience & Remote Sensing 60(1)  (IF=6.7)

    ·       T. Sun, Z. Wang, F. Lei, L. Lin, X. Zhang, X. Song, Y. Ji, X. Zhang, P. Zhang, Z. She, J. Cai, P. Jia*, H. Liang* (2023). Long-term exposure to air pollution and increased risk of atrial fibrillation prevalence in China, International Journal of Cardiology 378  (IF=3.5)

    ·       Y. Cao, T. Sun, Z. Wang, F. Lei, L. Lin, X. Zhang, X. Song, X. Zhang, P. Zhang, Z. She, J. Cai, S. Yang, P. Jia, J. Li*, H. Liang* (2023). Association between one-year exposure to air pollution and the prevalence of pulmonary nodules in China, Journal of Breath Research 17(3)  (IF=3.8)

    ·       F. Zhang, H. Li, W. Xu, G. Song, Z. Wang, X. Mao, Y. Wei, M. Dai, Y. Zhang, Q. Shen, F. Fu, J. Tan, L. Ge, X. He, T. Yin, S. Yang, S. Li*, P. Yang*, P. Jia*, Y. Zhang* (2023). Sulfur dioxide may predominate in the adverse effects of ambient air pollutants on semen quality among the general population in Hefei, China, Science of The Total Environment 867:161472  (IF=9.8)

    ·       Z. Wang, D. Zhou, X. Li, L. Zhu, H. Gong, Y. Ke* (2023). Virtual image-based cloud removal for Landsat images, GIScience & Remote Sensing 60(1)  (IF=6.7)

    ·       Z. Wang, Y. Ke*, D. Lu, Z. Zhuo, Q. Zhou, Y. Han, P. Sun, Z. Gong, D. Zhou (2022). Estimating fractional cover of Saltmarsh vegetation species in coastal wetlands in the Yellow River Delta, China using ensemble learning model, Frontiers in Marine Science 9  (IF=3.7)

    ·       D. Lu, Y. Wang, Q. Yang*, Z. Wang, A. Lin, Y. Tang, Y. Li (2022). Effects of population spatial redistribution on vegetation greenness: a case study of Chongqing, China, Ecological Indicators 138: 108803  (IF=6.9)

    ·       Z. Wang, Y. Ke*, M. Chen, D. Zhou, L. Zhu, J. Bai (2021). Mapping coastal wetlands in the Yellow River Delta, China during 2008–2019: impacts of valid observations, harmonic regression, and critical months, International Journal of Remote Sensing 42(20):7880-906  (IF=3.2)

    ·       韩月, 柯樱海*, 王展鹏, 梁德印, 周德民.(2023). 资源一号 02D 卫星高光谱数据黄河三角洲湿地景观分类, 遥感学报 27: 1387–1399.

    ·       王展鹏, 柯樱海*, 潘云, 李志萍, 孙颖张怀清. (2021). 北京平原造林工程对生态需水量的影响研究, 地理与地理信息科学 37(5):71-78.

    ·       王展鹏, 宋立生*, 兰子焱, 杨梦颖鲁丹. (2019). 考虑下垫面类型的干旱指数比较研究, 遥感技术与应用 34(04): 865-873.

    ·       贺敏, 宋立生*, 王展鹏, 辜清, 王大菊, 郭博. (2018). 基于多源数据的干旱监测指数对比研究——以西南地区为例, 自然资源学报 33(07): 1257-1269.


    ·       一种基于构建虚拟影像的光学遥感影像厚云去除方法 (发明)

    ·       一种基于机器学习重建高时空分辨率地面沉降信息的方法 (发明)

    ·       一种通过数据融合提取水体信息的方法 (发明)


    ·       研究生国家奖学金  (2021)

    ·       西南大学优秀毕业论文  (2019)

    ·       西南大学科技创新先进个人  (2018)

    ·       美国大学生数学建模竞赛二等奖(Honorable Mention)  (2018)

    ·       西南大学第十一届数学建模竞赛二等奖  (2017)