• 其他栏目


    • 主要任职:教授
    • 其他任职:国土经济学会理事、国土经济学会青年工作委员会副主任委员、中国自然资源学会资源大数据分会委员、中国农村发展学会专委会委员、湖北省国土空间规划学会专委会副主任委员
    • 毕业院校:武汉大学
    • 所在单位:资源与环境科学学院
    • 电子邮箱:













    [1] 2023-2027,国家自然科学基金重大项目,乡村地域系统协同观测与转型机理及模拟,骨干参与

    [2] 2022-2025,国家自然科学基金面上项目,耦合耦合生态空间动态交互过程的城市演化建模与情景模拟研究,主持

    [3] 2018-2021,国家自然科学基金面上项目,耦合渐变/突变演化过程特征的适应性区域土地利用优化配置研究,主持

    [4] 2018-2022,国家重点研发项目,县域村镇发展潜力评估关键技术,骨干参与

    [5] 2015-2017,国家自然科学基金青年项目,耦合时空连续非平稳特征的土壤有机碳动态抽样网络优化模型,主持

    [6] 2018-2020,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,区域土地利用系统多情景演化模拟与决策响应机理分析,主持

    [7] 2014-2015,测绘地理信息公益性行业科研专项,地理国情时空数据挖掘关键技术研究,技术负责

    [8] 2011-2013,国家十二五863计划课题,智能地理计算并行技术与中间件开发,技术负责

    [9] 2008-2010,国家十一五科技支撑计划课题,村镇土地评价分析系统开发,项目骨干


    Qiu, M.L., Liu, D.F.*, Zhao, Y.X., Tong, Z.M., He, J.H., Fortin, M.J., Huang, J.L.*. (2025). Assessing Assisted Natural Regeneration as a Cost-Efficient Mitigation for Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss in China. Earth’s Future, 13, e2024EF005257.

    Liu, Dianfeng, Li, Fuxiang, Qiu, Mingli, Zhang, Yang, Zhaoxiao, He, Jianhua. (2024). An integrated framework for measuring sustainable rural development towards the SDGs. Land Use Policy, 147, 107339.

    Qiu, Mingli, Liu, Dianfeng*. (2023). Assessing spatial heterogeneous response of ecosystem service relationships to land use intensification. Ecological Indicators, 154,110721.

    Wen, Xinyuan, Liu, Dianfeng*, Qiu, Mingli, Wang, Yinjie, Niu, Jiqiang, Liu, Yaolin.(2023). Esitimation of Maize yield incorporating the synergistic effect of climatic and land use change in Jilin, China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 33, 1725-1753.

    Sun, Yingying, Liu, Dianfeng*, Wang, Peng. (2022). Urban simulation incorporating coordination relationships of multiple ecosystem services. Sustainable Cities and Society, 76, 103432. 

    Huang, Junlong, Tang, Zhuo,Liu, Dianfeng*, He, Jianhua. (2020). Ecological response to urban development in a changing socio-economic and climate context: Policy implications for balancing regional development and habitat conservation. Land Use Policy, 97, 104772. 

    Yan Zhang, Yanfang Liu, Yiheng Wang, Dianfeng Liu*, et al. (2020). Urban expansion simulation towards low-carbon development: A case study of Wuhan, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 63,102455.

    Yang Hang, Huang Junlong, Liu Dianfeng*. (2020). Linking climate change and socioeconomic development to urban land use simulation: Analysis of their concurrent effects on carbon storage. Applied Geography, 115, 102135.

    Zhao, Hongzhuo, Liu Dianfeng*, et al. (2021). Incorporating spatio-temporal connectivity for prioritized conservation of individual habitat patches in a dynamic landscape. Ecological Indicators, 124, 107414.

    Liu, Xiaojing, Liu, Dianfeng*, et al. (2020). Exploring the spatio-temporal impacts of farmland reforestation on ecological connectivity using circuit theory: A case study in the agro-pastoral ecotone of North China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 30(9): 1419-1435.

    Zhenzhen Pan, Jianhua He*, Dianfeng Liu*, Jianwei Wang. (2020). Predicting the joint effects of future climate and land use change on ecosystem health in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, China. Applied Geography, 124, 102293.

    Zhao, Xiang, Ma, Xiaoya, Tang, Wenwu, Liu, Dianfeng*. (2019). An adaptive agent-based optimization model for spatial planning: A case study of Anyue County, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 51, 101733.

    Kong Xuesong, Liu Dianfeng*, Tian Yasi, Liu Yaolin. (2021). Multi-objective spatial reconstruction of rural settlements considering intervillage social connections. Journal of Rural Studies, 84: 254-264.

    Liu Dianfeng, Kong Xuesong, Zhou Boyuan, Tian Yasi, Liu Yaolin, Wang Hua. (2019). Spatial optimization of rural settlement relocation by incorporating inter‐village social connections under future policy scenarios. Transactions in GIS, doi: 10.1111/tgis.12528.

    Liu Dianfeng,Tang Wenwu, Liu Yaolin, et al. (2017). Optimal rural land use allocation in central China: Linking the effect of spatiotemporal patterns and policy interventions. Applied Geography, 86(9):165-182.

    Liu, Wei, Liu, Dianfeng*, Liu, Yang. (2022). Spatially Heterogeneous Response of Carbon Storage to Land Use Changes in Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 33, 271-286. 

    Liu Yaolin, Liu Dianfeng, Liu Yanfang, He Jianhua, et al. Rural land use spatial allocation in the semiarid loess hilly area in China: Using a Particle Swarm Optimization model equipped with multi-objective optimization techniques. Science China Earth Sciences, 2012, 55(7):1166-1177.


    [1] 地理信息科技进步特等奖,大数据辅助多规合一关键技术(排名3/15),2018,

    [2] 河南省科技进步二等奖,面向国土空间规划的智能优化关键技术及应用示范(排3/12),2020

    [3] 地理信息科技进步一等奖,智能空间优化关键技术与应用(排名3/15),2014

    [4] 地理信息科技进步二等奖,国土空间规划智能评价与优化关键技术研究及应用(排2/10),2022

    [5] 国土资源科技奖一等奖,国土大数据高性能分析计算与空间优化关键技术及应用(排10/15),2020

    [6] 国土资源科技奖二等奖,土地利用与生态保护协同优化关键技术与应用(排名7/10),2023


    [1] 国家高等教育教学成果二等奖(2023,排名6/12)

    [2] 湖北省教学成果奖一等奖(2022,排名6/10)

    [3] 武汉大学教学成果一等奖(2023,排名3)

    [4] 湖北省优秀本科学位论文指导教师,2015

    [5] 武汉大学优秀本科学位论文指导教师,2017,2018,2022

    [6] 指导大学生获得全国大学生测绘学科创新创业智能大赛科技论文竞赛、SuperMap杯高校GIS大赛、全国大学生土地国情调查大赛等学科竞赛一等奖、二等奖多项


    2006.9 -- 2011.6
    武汉大学       土地资源管理       博士       管理学博士学位

    2002.9 -- 2006.6
    武汉大学       资源环境与城乡规划管理       本科       学士


    2014.12 -- 至今

    武汉大学      资源与环境科学学院      副教授、教授、硕士生导师、博士生导师

    2015.10 -- 2016.10

    University of North Carolina at Charlotte      访问学者

    2011.9 -- 2014.12

    武汉大学      资源与环境科学学院      师资博士后、讲师


    团队名称: “土地资源空间优化配置与模拟”自然资源部科技创新团队
