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武汉大学 化学与分子科学学院
新加坡国立大学 化学与生物分子工程系
博士后 (Research Fellow)
新加坡国立大学 化学与生物分子工程系
博士 (导师:Prof. Neal Chung Tai-Shung)
南京大学 化学化工学院 应用化学专业
南京大学 化学化工学院 应用化学专业
A.新型渗透能源(Osmotic energy)的开发利用
水资源利用和新能源开发是全球性的热点问题。利用压强延迟渗透/减压渗透(Pressure-retarded osmosis)技术,结合高分子膜的半渗透特性,对具有渗透压差的自然水流(如河流与海水交汇)、污染水源(如污水与卤水混合)进行新型能源开发。此项工作设计并纺制高透量强耐压的高分子超薄复合膜,研究该类型膜的能源生产效能;工作处于世界领先水平,对废水资源利用和新能源开发具有积极意义。
2015 北美膜科学学会青年膜科学家奖 (2015 NAMS Young Membrane Scientist Award)
2014 世界未来基金会环境与可持续性发展优秀博士论文奖 一万美金 (The World Future Foundation PhD Prize in Environmental undefinedamp; Sustainability Research)
2012 第十四届亚太化工代表大会青年科学研究者奖 (The Young Researcher Award at the 14th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE))
2010 新加坡工程师协会优秀工程奖 (The IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards 2010 of the Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES))
2018~2020 国家自然科学基金51703167“两性离子聚合物接枝的压力延滞渗透膜制备及其亲水性、耐压性和抗污染研究”,主持
2017~2019 深圳市科技计划JCYJ20170303170340122“耐压型渗透膜的制备及其渗透发电性能研究”,主持
2017~2020 江苏省自然科学基金BK20170412 “点击接枝超支化聚合物对电纺丝膜结构与性能调控的研究及其对含油废水的处理”,主持
2017~2018 能量存储与转换材料化学教育部重点实验室开放基金项目“压力延滞渗透发电膜制备及其在污水中抗污染性能研究”,参与
2017~2019 湖北省自然科学基金2017CFB127“具有抗污染能力的纳滤膜及其结构与性能研究”,主持
2017~2018 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金武汉大学自主科研项目2042017kf0014“强抗压型高通量渗透发电膜的研究”,主持
2013~2018 新加坡国立研究基金会 (Singapore National Research Foundation) 项目1102-IRIS-11:“Membrane development for osmotic power generation”,参与,Project leader
1. Li, J. L.; Wang, C. P.; Xiang, Z.; Zhao, Y. J.; Zhang, Y.; Li, X.*; Cai, T.* “Button and buttonhole” supramolecular structure enables the self-healing behaviors of functionalized poly(ether sulfone) membranes for osmotic power generation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 42322−42329 (2018 IF = 8.456,工程技术I区,Top 10 (27/293,材料科学))。
2. Huang, Y.; Zhang, X. R.; Ye, S.-J.; Li, J. L.; Li, X.*; Cai, T.* Robust hollow nanocomposites with ruthenium-bipyridine complexes for heterogeneous catalysis of logic-controlled RAFT polymerization, Nanoscale 2019, 11, 13502–13510 (2018 IF = 6.97,工程技术I区,Top 12 (18/148,应用物理))。
3. Shao, S.; Fu, W.; Li, X. J.; Shi, D.; Jiang, Y.; Li, J.; Gong, T.; Li, X.* Membrane fouling by the aggregations formed from oppositely charged organic foulants, Water Research 2019, 159, 95−101 (2018 IF = 7.913,环境科学与生态学I区,Top 1 (1/90,水资源研究),Top 4 (10/250,环境科学))。
4. Li, X.; Ye, S.-J.; Huang, Y.; Li, J. L.; Cai, T.* Precise growth of polymer brushes on silica-based nanocomposites via visible-light-regulated controlled radical polymerization, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7, 6173−6179 (2018 IF = 10.733,工程技术I区,Top 7 (21/293, 材料科学),Top 6 (6/103, 能源燃料))。
5. Li, J. L.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, S.; Liu, M.; Li, X.*; Cai, T.* Hyperbranched poly(ionic liquid) functionalized poly(ether sulfone) membranes as healable antifouling coatings for osmotic power generation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7, 8167−8176 Highlighted in back cover (2018 IF = 10.733,工程技术I区,Top 7 (21/293, 材料科学),Top 6 (6/103, 能源燃料))。
6. Huang, Y. #; Li, X.#; Li, J. L.; Zhang, B.*; Cai, T.* An environmentally benign and pH-sensitive photocatalyst with surface-bound metalloporphyrin for heterogeneous catalysis of controlled radical polymerization, Macromolecule 2018, 51(20), 7974−7982 (2018 IF = 5.997,化学II区TOP,Top 5 (5/87,高分子科学)) 。
7. Li, X.; Li, J. L.; Huang, W. G.; Zhang, X.-Z.; Zhang, B.*; Cai, T.* Metalloporphyrin-bound Janus nanocomposites with dual stimuli responsiveness for nanocatalysis in living radical polymerization, Nanoscale 2018, 10, 19254–19261 Outside back cover (2018 IF = 6.97,工程技术I区,Top 12 (18/148,应用物理))。
8. Zhang, Y.; Li, J. L.; Cai, T.; Cheng, Z. L.; Li, X.*; Chung, T. S.* Sulfonated hyperbranched polyglycerol grafted membranes with antifouling properties for sustainable osmotic power generation using municipal wastewater, Journal of Membrane Science 2018, 563, 521–530 (2018 IF = 7.015,工程技术I区,Top 3 (2/87,高分子科学))。
9. Li, X.; Li, J. L.; Wang, Y.; Cai, T.* Fabrication of smart hybrid nanoreactors from platinum nanodendrites encapsulating in hyperbranched polyglycerol hollow shells, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2018, 1, 2559−2566。
10. Cheng, Z. L.; Li, X.; Chung, T. S.* The forward osmosis-pressure retarded osmosis (FO-PRO) hybrid system: A new process to mitigate membrane fouling for sustainable osmotic power generation, Journal of Membrane Science 2018, 559, 63–74 ((2018 IF = 7.015,工程技术I区,Top 3 (2/87,高分子科学))。
11. Cheng, Z. L.; Li, X.; Feng, Y. N.; Wan, C. F.; Chung, T. S.* Tuning water content in polymer dopes to boost the performance of outer-selective thin-film composite (TFC) hollow fiber membranes for osmotic power generation, Journal of Membrane Science 2017, 524, 97–107 (2018 IF = 7.015,2017 IF = 6.578,工程技术I区,Top 3 (2/87,高分子科学))。
12. Li, X.; Hu, X.; Cai, T.* Construction of hierarchical fouling resistance surfaces onto poly(vinylidene fluoride) membranes for combating membrane biofouling, Langmuir 2017, 33(18), 4477–4489 (2018 IF = 3.683,2017 IF = 3.789,化学II区TOP)。
13. Li, X.; Cai, T.; Amy, G. L.; Chung, T. S.* Cleaning strategies and membrane flux recovery on anti-fouling membranes for pressure retarded osmosis, Journal of Membrane Science 2017, 522, 116–123 (2018 IF = 7.015,2017 IF = 6.578,工程技术I区,Top 3 (2/87,高分子科学))。
14. Li, X.; Cai, T.*; Kang, E. T.* Hairy hybrid nanorattles of platinum nanoclusters with dual-responsive polymer shells for confined nanocatalysis, Macromolecules 2016, 49(15), 5649–5659 (2018 IF = 5.997,2016 IF = 5.835,化学II区TOP,Top 5 (5/87,高分子科学))。
1. Li, X.; Cai, T.; Chen, C.; Chung, T. S.* Negatively charged hyperbranched polyglycerol grafted membranes for osmotic power generation from municipal wastewater, Water Research 2016, 89, 50–58 (2018 IF = 7.913,2016 IF = 6.942,环境科学与生态学I区,Top 1 (1/90,水资源研究),Top 4 (10/250,环境科学))。
2. Li, X.; Ang, W. L.; Liu, Y. D.; Chung, T. S.* Engineering design of outer-selective tri-bore hollow fiber membranes for forward osmosis and oil-water separation, AIChE Journal 2015, 61(12), 4491–4501 (2018 IF = 3.463,2015 IF = 2.980,工程技术II区,美国化工协会会刊,国际化工领域具有最高综合影响的期刊)。
3. Li, X.; Cai, T.; Chung, T. S.* Anti-fouling behavior of hyperbranched polyglycerol-grafted poly(ether sulfone) hollow fiber membranes for osmotic power generation, Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48(16), 9898–9907, Highly Cited Paper (top 1% of the academic field of Environment/Ecology, analysized by Web of Science) (2018 IF = 7.149,2014 IF = 5.330,环境科学与生态学I区,Top 6 (14/250,环境科学))。
4. Li, X. and Chung, T. S.* Thin-film composite P84 co-polyimide hollow fiber membranes for osmotic power generation, Applied Energy 2014, 114, 600–610 (2018 IF = 8.426,2014 IF = 5.613,工程技术I区,Top 4 (5/138,化学工程))。
5. Li, X.; Zhang, S.; Fu, F. J.; Chung, T. S.* Deformation and reinforcement of thin-film composite (TFC) polyamide-imide (PAI) membranes for osmotic power generation, Journal of Membrane Science 2013, 434, 204–217 (2018 IF = 7.015,2013 IF = 4.908,工程技术I区,Top 3 (2/87,高分子科学))。
6. Li, X. and Chung, T. S.* Effects of free volume in thin-film composite membranes on osmotic power generation, AIChE Journal 2013, 59(12), 4749–4761 (2018 IF = 3.463,2015 IF = 2.980,2013 IF = 2.581,工程技术II区,美国化工协会会刊,国际化工领域具有最高综合影响力的期刊)。
7. Li, X.; Wang, K. Y.; Helmer, B.; Chung, T. S.* Thin-film composite membranes and formation mechanism of thin-film layers on hydrophilic cellulose acetate propionate substrates for forward osmosis processes, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2012, 51(30), 10039–10050 (2018 IF = 3.375,2012 IF = 2.206,工程技术II区TOP)。
8. Chung, T. S.*; Li, X.; Ong, R. C.; Ge, Q. C.; Wang, H. L.; Han, G. Emerging forward osmosis (FO) technologies and challenges ahead for clean water and clean energy applications, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2012, 1(3), 246–257, Top Cited Paper (2018 IF = 4.463,2015 IF = 3.571,Top 15 (20/138,化学工程))。
9. Cai, T.; Li, X.; Wan, C. F.; Chung, T. S.* Zwitterionic polymers grafted poly(ether sulfone) hollow fiber membranes and their antifouling behaviors for osmotic power generation, Journal of Membrane Science 2016, 497, 142–152 (2018 IF = 7.015,2016 IF = 6.035,工程技术I区,Top 3 (2/87,高分子科学))。
10. Cheng, Z. L.; Li, X.; Liu, Y. D.; Chung, T. S.* Robust outer-selective thin-film composite polyethersulfone hollow fiber membranes with low reverse salt flux for renewable salinity-gradient energy generation, Journal of Membrane Science 2016, 506, 119–129 (2018 IF = 7.015,2016 IF = 6.035,工程技术I区,Top 3 (2/87,高分子科学))。
11. Gai, W. X.; Li, X.; Xiong, J. Y.; Wan, C. F.; Chung, T. S.* Evolution of micro-deformation in inner-selective thin film composite hollow fiber membranes and its implications for osmotic power generation, Journal of Membrane Science 2016, 516, 104–112 (2018 IF = 7.015,2016 IF = 6.035,工程技术I区,Top 3 (2/87,高分子科学))。
12. Han, G.; Zhang, S.; Li, X.; Chung, T. S.* Progress in pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) membranes for osmotic power generation, Progress in Polymer Science 2015, 51, 1–27 (2018 IF = 24.505,2015 IF = 27.184,化学I区,Top 1 (1/87,高分子科学))。
13. Zhao, D. L.; Qiu, G. L.; Li, X.; Wan, C. F.; Lu, K. J.; Chung, T. S.* Zwitterions coated hollow fiber membranes with enhanced antifouling properties for osmotic power generation from municipal wastewater, Water Research 2016, 104, 389–396 (2018 IF = 7.913,2016 IF = 6.942,环境科学与生态学I区,Top 1 (1/90,水资源研究),Top 4 (10/250,环境科学))。
14. Han, G.; Zhang, S.; Li, X.; Chung, T. S.* High performance thin film composite pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) membranes for renewable salinity-gradient energy generation, Journal of Membrane Science 2013, 440, 108–121 (2018 IF = 7.015,2017 IF = 6.578,2016 IF = 6.035,2015 IF = 5.557,2014 IF = 5.056,2013 IF = 4.908,工程技术I区,Top 3 (2/87,高分子科学))。
15. Han, G.; Zhang, S.; Li, X.; Widjojo, N.; Chung, T. S.* Thin film composite forward osmosis membranes based on polydopamine modified polysulfone substrates with enhancements in both water flux and salt rejection, Chemical Engineering Science 2012, 80, 219–231 (2018 IF = 3.372,2012 IF = 2.386,工程技术II区TOP)。
16. Li, J. G.; Liu, Q.; Li, X.; Liu, Y. B.*; Xie, J. P.* Template-assisted fabrication of thin-film composite forward-osmosis membrane with controllable internal concentration polarization, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2016, 55(18), 5327–5334 (2018 IF = 3.375,2016 IF = 2.843,工程技术II区TOP)。
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