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Spatiotemporal dynamics of wetlands and their driving factors based on PLS-SEM: A case study in Wuhan
Journal:Science of The Total Environment
Co-author:Ma L,Zhang Y,,Wang W
Indexed by:Journal paper
Correspondence Author:Chen N*
Document Code:151310
Document Type:J
Volume:806(Pt 3)
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2022-02-06
Included Journals:SCI
Pre One:Spatiotemporal evolution of urban carbon balance and its response to new-type urbanization: A case of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River Urban Agglomerations, China.
Next One:Fei KX, Wang C*, Zhang JX, Liu YZ, Xie X, Tu ZG. Flow-pose Net: an effective two-stream network for fall detection. Visual Computer 2022: 16