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主持国家自然科学基金2项(面上、青年项目各1项),中国博士后科学基金1项,湖北省博士后科学基金1项以及国家重点实验室开放基金2项,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目等8项,在国内外岩石力学与工程地质领域主流权威期刊发表论文70余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在IJRMMS、RMRE、TUST、EG等期刊发表SCI论文25篇(中科院二区以上16篇,JCR Q2区以上20篇),EI论文8篇,入选ESI高被引论文3篇、热点论文1篇,论文总被引次数1300次,单篇最高被引次数124次,H指数为21,申请/授权发明专利9项,参与编著英文和中文专著各1部。(数据截至2022年11月)
现任中国岩石力学与工程学会岩石破碎工程专委会委员、美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)会员,矿业工程领域一区TOP SCI期刊IJMST青年编委、SCI期刊ACE编委、EI期刊IJCST学术编辑、应用力学学报青年编委,担任TUST, IJRMMS, EG, RMRE, CBM等20多个国际顶级期刊审稿人,近5年受邀评审稿件逾150篇。
(1) 冻结岩石力学、岩石动力学
(2) 深部岩体力学与岩爆机理
(3) 多场耦合岩石变形破坏机理
(4) 裂隙岩体注浆加固机理及其稳定性评价
(5) 基于人工智能方法的岩石微-细-宏观关联研究
ORCID: 0000-0002-2981-5110
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2020.04 - 至今 特聘副研究员,武汉大学,土木建筑工程学院
2017.04 - 2020.03 重点博士后/助理研究员,武汉大学,土木建筑工程学院
2015.09 - 2016.10 Research Assistant,The University of Adelaide,School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering
2012.09 - 2016.12 博士:中南大学,导师:李夕兵教授
2015.09 - 2016.10 博士:The University of Adelaide,导师:Dr. Abbas Taheri
2009.09 - 2012.06 硕士:武汉理工大学,导师:房泽法教授
2005.09 - 2009.06 本科:武汉理工大学
主持,基于高速3D DIC技术的脆性岩石裂纹扩展规律研究,武汉大学“双一流”建设引导专项人才科研启动基金项目,2018-2019.
2022 岩体开挖损伤效应及其对围岩破裂的影响机理,湖南省自然科学奖三等奖
2022 隧道围岩-支护结构变形协调作用分析方法与控制技术,西藏自治区科技进步一等奖
2019 深部硬岩非常规破坏机理与预测方法,湖南省自然科学奖二等奖
2016 玲珑金矿花岗岩岩爆倾向性及岩爆发生机制研究,中国黄金协会科技奖三等奖
2014 采空区内冒落松散岩体的成巷方法与施工技术研究,中国黄金协会科技奖二等奖
Weng, L., Wu, Z., Chu, Z.*, Lu, H.*, Xu, X. & Liu, Q. (2022). Evolution of the Unfrozen Water Content for Partially-Saturated Sandstones and the Critical Degree of Saturation. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.
Liu, Y., Weng, L.* & Chu, Z.* (2022) Numerical investigation of rock dynamic fragmentation during rockslides using a coupled 3D FEM-DEM method. Journal of Mountain Science, 19(4):1051-1069.
Weng, L., Wu, Z.*, Zhang, S., Liu, Q. & Chu, Z. (2022) Real-time characterization of the grouting diffusion process in fractured sandstone based on the low-field nuclear magnetic resonance technique. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 152:105060.
吴志军,张锶浪,翁磊*,刘泉声,周原. (2022) 温度和围压影响下裂隙砂岩渗透注浆过程的实时核磁共振试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 41(4):660-675.
吴志军,方立群,翁磊*,刘泉声. (2021) 基于TBM掘进性能的岩体分级及可掘性等级感知识别方法. 岩石力学与工程学报, 41(S1): 2684-2699.
Liu, Y., Li, X., Weng, L.*, Wu, Q. & Wang, H. (2021) Unconfined and Triaxial Compression Tests on Hollowed Cylindrical Sandstones to Explore the Infilling Effects on the Deformation and Mechanical Behaviors. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2021:8521438.
Wu, Q., Weng, L.*, Zhao, Y. & Feng, F. (2021) Influence of infilling stiffness on mechanical and fracturing responses of hollow cylindrical sandstone under uniaxial compression tests. Journal of Central South University, 28(8):2485-2498.
Weng, L., Wu, Z.*, Liu, Q., Chu, Z. & Zhang, S. (2021) Evolutions of the unfrozen water content of saturated sandstones during freezing process and the freeze-induced damage characteristics. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 142:104757.
吴志军,卢槐,翁磊*,刘泉声,沈坚强. (2021) 基于核磁共振实时成像技术的裂隙砂岩渗流特性研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 40(2):263-275.
Wu, Q., Weng, L.*, Zhao, Y., Zhao, F., Peng, W. & Zhang, S. (2020) Deformation and cracking characteristics of ring-shaped granite with inclusion under diametrical compression. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13:681.
Wu, Z., Li, M. & Weng, L.* (2020) Thermal-Stress-Aperture Coupled Model for Analyzing the Thermal Failure of Fractured Rock Mass. International Journal of Geomechanics, 20(10):0001809.
Weng, L., Wu, Z.*, Taheri, A. & Liu, Q. (2020) Deterioration of dynamic mechanical properties of granite due to freeze-thaw weathering: Considering the effects of moisture conditions. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 176:103092.
Weng, L., Wu, Z.* & Liu, Q. (2020) Dynamic mechanical properties of dry and water-saturated siltstones under sub-zero temperatures. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 53:4381-7701.
Weng, L., Wu, Q.*, Zhao, Y. & Wang, S. (2020) Dynamic Response and Failure of Rock in Initial Gradient Stress Field under Stress Wave Loading. Journal of Central South University, 27:963-972.
Weng, L., Wu, Z.* & Liu, Q. (2020) Influence of heating/cooling cycles on the micro/macrocracking characteristics of Rucheng granite under unconfined compression. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 79:1289-1309.
Weng, L., Wu, Z.*, Liu, Q. & Wang Z. (2019) Energy dissipation and dynamic fragmentation of dry and water-saturated siltstones under sub-zero temperatures. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 220:106659.
Wu, Q., Li, X., Weng, L.*, Li, Q., Zhu, Y., & Luo, R. (2019) Experimental investigation of the dynamic response of prestressed rockbolt by using an SHPB-based rockbolt test system. Tunnelling & Underground Space Technology, 93:103088.
Weng, L., Wu, Z.* & Liu, Q. (2019) Numerical Analysis of Degradation Characteristics for Heterogeneous Rock under Coupled Thermomechanical Conditions. International Journal of Geomechanics, 19(10):04019111.
Wu, Q., Weng, L.*, Zhao, Y., Guo, B. & Luo, T. (2019) On the tensile mechanical characteristics of fine-grained granite after heating/cooling treatments with different cooling rates. Engineering Geology, 253:94-110.
Su, C., Wu, Q., Weng, L.* & Chang, Xu. (2019) Experimental investigation of mode I fracture features of steel fiber-reinforced reactive powder concrete using semi-circular bend test. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 209:187-199.
Weng, L., Wu, Z.* & Liu, Q (2019) Evaluating Damage and Microcracking Behavior of Granite Using NMR Testing under Different Levels of Unconfined Compression. International Journal of Geomechanics, 19(1):04018186.
Weng, L., Wu, Z.* & Li, X. (2018) Mesodamage characteristics of rock with a pre-cut opening under combined static-dynamic loads: A nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) investigation. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 51(8):2339-2354.
Weng, L.*, Li, X., Shang, X.. & Xie, X. (2018) Fracturing Behavior and Failure in Hollowed Granite Rock with Static Compression and Coupled Static–Dynamic Loads. International Journal of Geomechanics, 18(6):04018045.
Weng, L.*, Li, X., Taheri, A., Wu, Q. & Xie, X. (2018) Fracture evolution around a cavity in brittle rock under uniaxial compression and coupled static–dynamic loads. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 51(2):531-545.
Yang, X., Weng, L.*, & Hu, Z. (2018) Damage Evolution of Rocks under Triaxial Compressions: An NMR Investigation. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 22(8):2856-2863.
Weng, L., Huang, L.*, Taheri, A., & Li, X. (2017) Rockburst characteristics and numerical simulation based on a strain energy density index: a case study of a roadway in Linglong gold mine, China. Tunnelling & Underground Space Technology, 69:223-232.
Li, X., & Weng, L.* (2016) Numerical investigation on fracturing behaviors of deep-buried opening under dynamic disturbance. Tunnelling & Underground Space Technology, 54:61-72.
Weng, L.*, Li, X., & Tao, M. (2015) Influence of geostress orientation on fracture response of deep underground cavity subjected to dynamic loading. Shock & Vibration, 575879.
Weng, L., Li, X.*, Tao, M., & Wang, S. (2014) Numerical modelling of water-coupling cutting blasting in granite quarry. Transactions of the Institution of Mining & Metallurgy, Section A: Mining Technology, 123(4):183-192.
翁磊*, 李夕兵, 周子龙, & 刘科伟. (2016) 屈曲型岩爆的发生机制及其时效性研究. 采矿与安全工程学报, 33(1):172-178.
李夕兵, 翁磊*, 谢晓锋, & 吴秋红 (2015) 动静载荷作用下含孔洞硬岩损伤演化的核磁共振特性试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 34(10):1985-1993.
翁磊*, 李夕兵, 刘科伟, 黄麟淇, & 徐欣. (2014) 玲珑金矿松散围岩主巷变形破坏机制及支护对策. 中国安全科学学报, 24(7):129-134.
房泽法, 翁磊, 王仕文, & 黄梦昌. (2011). 复杂环境下烟囱基础一次点火开挖爆破. 爆破, 28(3): 83-85+93.
Wang, Z., Wu, Z., Chu, Z., Weng, L., Liu, Y. & Liu, Q. (2022). Study on mesoscopic failure mechanism of grout-infilled sandstone under uniaxial compression using an improved AE localization technique, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 160: 105275.
Li, M., Wu Z., Weng, L., Zhou, Y. & Liu, Q. (2022). Evaluating the pore characteristics of granite in disposal system under thermo-hydro-mechanical (T-H-M) coupling, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 160: 105237.
Yang, T., Ma, H., Weng, L., Liu, Y., Chu, Z., Zhang, P., Jin, G. & Chang, W. (2022). Fragmentation analyses of rocks under high-velocity impacts using the combined finite-discrete element simulation, Frontiers in Earth Science, 10: 998521.
Wu, Z., Cui, W., Weng, L. & Liu, Q. (2022). A 2D FDEM-based THM coupling scheme for modeling deformation and fracturing of the rock mass under THM effects, Computers and Geotechnics, 152: 105019.
储昭飞,孙振宇,张勇,翁磊. (2022). 考虑纵向施工的深埋软岩隧道黏弹-塑性时效解析,铁道标准设计,10.13238/j.issn.1004-2954.202204060007
Li, M., Wu, Z., Weng, L., Liu, Q. & Chu, Z. (2022). Quantitative relationships between the mineral composition and macro mechanical behaviors of granite under different temperatures: Insights from mesostructure-based DEM investigations, Computers and Geotechnics, 148: 104838.
Wu, Q., Xie, C., Xie, Y., Zhao, Y., Li, X., Liu, J. & Weng, L. (2022). Extending application of asymmetric semi-circular bend specimen to investigate mixed mode I/II fracture behavior of granite, Journal of Central South University, 29(4): 1289-1304.
Ren, D., Liu, B., Sun, J., Weng, L. & Chu, Z. (2022). An interacting wing-crack based semi-analytical meso-scale model for describing elasto-plastic damage behavior of brittle rocks, Computers and Geotechnics, 146:104748.
Chu, Z., Wu, Z., Wang, Z., Weng, L., Liu, Q. & Fan, L. (2022) Micro-mechanism of brittle creep in saturated sandstone and its mechanical behavior after creep damage. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 149:104994.
Wang, Z., Wu, Z., Chu, Z., Weng, L. & Liu, Q. (2022) An Improved Wave Velocity Model for Acoustic Emission Source Localization in Heterogeneous Rock Materials with Unknown Inclusions. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 148(1):04021122.
储昭飞,吴志军,刘泉声,翁磊,徐翔宇 (2021) 基于核磁共振技术的石膏粉末型3D打印试样水理特性及裂隙渗流特性初探. 中国科学:技术科学, 51(1):79-92.
Li, M., Wu, Z., Weng, L., Ji, J. & Liu, Q. (2021) Numerical Investigation of Coupled Effects of Temperature and Confining Pressure on Rock Mechanical Properties in Fractured Rock Mass Using Thermal-Stress-Aperture Coupled Model. International Journal of Geomechanics, 21(10):0002171.
Chu, Z., Wu, Z., Liu, Q., Weng, L., Wang, Z. & Zhou, Y. (2021) Evaluating the Microstructure Evolution Behaviors of Saturated Sandstone Using NMR Testing Under Uniaxial Short-Term and Creep Compression. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 54: 4905-4927.
Xu, X., Wu, Z., Sun, H., Weng, L., Chu, Z. & Liu., Q. (2021) An extended numerical manifold method for simulation of grouting reinforcement in deep rock tunnels. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 115(2):104020.
Wu, Z., Zhou, Y., Weng, L., & Liu., Q. (2021) Seepage characteristics of chemical grout flow in porous sandstone with a fracture under different temperature conditions: An NMR based experimental investigation. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 142:104764.
Wu, Z., Wang, Z., Fan, L., Weng, L. & Liu, Q. (2021) Micro-failure process and failure mechanism of brittle rock under uniaxial compression using continuous real-time wave velocity measurement. Journal of Central South University, 28(2):556-571.
Chen, Z., Huang, L., Li, X., Weng, L. & Wang, S. (2020) Influences of the Height to Diameter Ratio on the Failure Characteristics of Marble under Unloading Conditions. International Journal of Geomechanics, 20:04020148.
Wu, Z., Zhou, Y., Weng, L., Liu., Q. & Xiao, Y. (2020) Investigation of thermal-induced damage in fractured rock mass by coupled FEM-DEM method. Computational Geosciences, 24:1833-1843.
Su, C., Qiu, J., Wu, Q. & Weng, L. (2020) Effects of high temperature on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of hard coal. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 30(5):643-650.
Chen, Z., Li, X., Dusseault, M.B. & Weng, L. (2020) Effect of excavation stress condition on hydraulic fracture behaviour. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 226:106871.
Wu, Z., Zhang, B., Weng, L., Liu, Q., Wong, L. N. Y. (2020) A New Way to Replicate the Highly Stressed Soft Rock: 3D Printing Exploration. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 53:467-476.
Li, X., Chen, Z., Weng, L., Li, C. (2019) Unloading responses of pre-flawed rock specimens under different unloading rates. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 29(7):1516-1526.
Chen, Z., Li, X., Weng, L., Wang, S., & Dong, L. (2019) Influence of Flaw Inclination Angle on Unloading Responses of Brittle Rock in Deep Underground. Geofluids, 4657645.
Wu, Q., Li, X., Tao, M., Zhao, F., Weng, L., & Dong, L. (2018) Conventional triaxial compression on hollow cylinders of sandstone with various fillings: Relationship of surrounding rock with support. Journal of Central South University, 25(8):1976-1986.
Li, Q., Liu, K., Li, X., Wang, Z., & Weng, L. (2018) Cutting parameter optimization for one-step shaft excavation technique based on parallel cutting method. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 28(7):1413-1423.
Shang, X., Li, X., & Weng, L. (2018) Enhancing seismic P phase arrival picking based on wavelet denoising and kurtosis picker. Journal of Seismology, 22(1):21-33.
Li, X., Shang, X., Wang, Z., Dong, L., & Weng, L. (2016) Identifying P-phase arrivals with noise: An improved Kurtosis method based on DWT and STA/LTA. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 50-61.
Li, X., Wu, Q., Tao, M., Weng, L., Dong, L., & Zou, Y. (2016) Dynamic Brazilian Splitting Test of Ring-Shaped Specimens with Different Hole Diameters. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 49(10):4143-4151.
Du, K., Li, X., Li, D., & Weng, L. (2015) Failure properties of rocks in true triaxial unloading compressive test. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,, 25(2):571-581.
Li, X., Wang, S., Weng, L., Huang, L., Zhou, T., & Zhou, J. (2015) Damage constitutive model of different age concretes under impact load. Journal of Central South University, 22(2):693-700.
Zhou, Z., Jiang, Y., Zou, Y., & Weng, L. (2014) Degradation mechanism of rock under impact loadings by integrated investigation on crack and damage development. Journal of Central South University, 21(12):4646-4652.
尚雪义, 李夕兵, 彭康, 王泽伟, & 翁磊. (2017) FSWT-SVD模型在岩体微震信号特征提取中的应用. 振动与冲击, 36(14):52-60.
闻磊, 李夕兵, 唐海燕, & 翁磊. (2017) 变温度区间冻融作用下岩石物理力学性质研究及工程应用. 工程力学, (3):100-105.
谢晓锋, 李夕兵, 尚雪义, 翁磊, & 邓青林. (2017) PCA-BP神经网络模型预测导水裂隙带高度. 中国安全科学学报, 27(3):100-105.
闻磊, 李夕兵, 吴秋红, 翁磊, & 苏伟. (2015) 冻融循环作用下花岗斑岩动载强度研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 34(7):1297-1306.
Weng, L., Wu, Z. and Liu, Q. (2018) Numerical analysis of the degradation characteristics of heterogeneous rock under coupled thermo-mechanical conditions. CouFrac Conference Focused on Advances in Coupled Processes in Fractured Media. Wuhan, China.
Weng Lei; Li Xibing; Xie Xiaofeng (2017) Damage Characteristics of Rock in Initial Gradient Stress Field under Stress Wave Loading. 15th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (15th IACMAC). Wuhan, China.
Weng, L., Li, X.*, Liu, D. (2014) Study on the occurrence mechanism of rockburst in a granite roadway of Linglong gold mine. 3rd ISRM Young Scholars’ Symposium on Rock Mechanics. Xi’an, China.
Li, X., Tao, M., Weng, L. and Zhou, Z. (2016) Coupled static and dynamic test. Rock Mechanics and Engineering: Excavation, Support and Monitoring. CRC Press.
翁磊 (2013) 海底矿床开采的相似模拟试验. 海底大型金属矿床安全高效开采技术. 冶金工业出版社.
吴志军,张锶浪,翁磊 (2021) 裂隙岩心渗透注浆充填效果检测方法及系统. ZL 2021 1 0158131.2 已授权.
翁磊,吴志军,储昭飞. (2020) 饱和冻结岩石未冻束缚水和未冻自由水含量的获取方法. ZL 2020 1 1359954. 3 已授权.
吴志军,王智洋,翁磊. (2020) 一种非均质岩石波速场的获取方法. ZL 2020 1 1448942.8 已授权.
吴志军,卢槐,张波,翁磊. (2018) 一种增强3D打印类岩石材料强度及改善其力学性能的方法. ZL 2018 1 1204291.0 已授权.
吴志军,刘洋,刘泉声,张波,翁磊,马亮亮,于方正. (2019) 一种用于岩石或者混凝土试件的冲击试验装置及试验方法,已申请.
国际岩石力学学会会员(ISRM Membership),2018-.
美国土木工程师协会会员(ASCE Membership),2018-.
SCI期刊Advances in Civil Engineering编委,2021-.
SCI期刊International Journal of Mining Science and Technology青年编委,2020-.
EI期刊International Journal of Coal Science and Technology学术编辑,2021-.
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences.
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology.
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
International Journal of Mining Sciences and Technology.
Construction and Building Materials.
Geotechnique Letters.
International Journal of Geomechanics.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics.
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment.
Computers and Geotechnics.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics.
Cold Region Science and Technology.
Acta Geotechnica.
Journal of Mountain Science.
Energy Science & Engineering.
Journal of Engineering.
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering.
Computers and Concrete: an international journal.