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The Xiang Lab is dedicated to advancing multi-dimensional and functional super-resolution imaging techniques to unravel nanoscale heterogeneity in biological systems and nanomaterials. Our research is driven by the following key directions:
I. Innovation in Multi-Dimensional Super-Resolution Imaging: We develop cutting-edge imaging techniques to capture functional information at the nanoscale, including diffusivity, polarity, electrical potential, enzyme activity, ion concentration, and other critical parameters.
II. Visualization of Nanoscale Heterogeneity: We aim to map and analyze nanoscale heterogeneity in intracellular environments and nanomaterials, enabling the exploration of structure-function relationships at the single-molecule level.
III. Integration of Imaging and Electrochemical Systems: By combining multi-dimensional super-resolution imaging with electrochemical systems, we investigate the interplay between electrical and optical properties of single molecules, shedding light on how these interactions influence biochemical activities at the nanoscale.
Through these efforts, we strive to push the boundaries of imaging technology and deepen our understanding of complex nanoscale phenomena
Representative Publications:
1. L. Xiang†, K. Chen†, R. Yan, W. Li & K. Xu*, “Single-molecule displacement mapping unveils nanoscale heterogeneities in intracellular diffusivity”. Nat. Methods 2020, 17, 524-530
2. L. Xiang, M. Wojcik, S. J. Kenny, R. Yan, S. Moon, W. Li & K. Xu*, “Optical characterization of surface adlayers and their compositional demixing at the nanoscale”. Nat. Commun. 2018, 9, 1435
3. L. Xiang*, R. Yan, K. Chen, W. Li, K. Xu*, "Single-molecule displacement mapping unveils sign-asymmetric protein charge effects on intraorganellar diffusion," Nano Lett. 2023, 23, 1711
4. L. Xiang†, K. Chen†, K. Xu*, “Single molecules are your quanta: A bottom-up approach toward multidimensional super-resolution microscopy”. ACS Nano 2021, 15, 12483-12496
5. R. Sha†, L. Xiang†, C. Liu†, A. Balaeff, Y. Zhang, P. Zhang, Y. Li, D. N. Beratan*, N. Tao* & N. C. Seeman*, “Charge splitters and charge transport junctions based on guanine quadruplexes”. Nat. Nanotech. 2018, 13, 316-321
6. L. Xiang, J. L. Palma, Y. Li, V. Mujica, M. A. Ratner & N. Tao*, “Gate-controlled conductance switching in DNA”, Nat. Commun. 2017, 8, 14471
7. C. Liu†, L. Xiang†, Y. Zhang, P. Zhang, Y. Li, N. Tao & D. N. Beratan*, “Engineering nanometer-scale coherence in soft matter”, Nat. Chem. 2016, 8, 941-945
8. L. Xiang, J. L. Palma, C. Bruot, V. Mujica, M. A. Ratner & N. Tao*, “Intermediate tunnelling–hopping regime in DNA charge transport”, Nat. Chem. 2015, 7, 221-226
9. L. Xiang, N.J. Tao*, “Reactions triggered electrically”, Nature 2016, 531, 38-39 (Commentary Article)
10. L. Xiang, K. Xu*, “Super-resolution writing”, Nat. Chem. 2019, 11, 969-971 (Commentary Article)