1. 现代汉语的语音象征性(杨旭译);LaPolla, Randy J. 1994. An experimental investigation into soundsymbolism as it relates to Mandarin Chinese. In Leanne Hinton, Johanna Nichols,and John Ohala (eds.), Sound Symbolism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,130-147.链接
2. 底层、表层和附层影响的动因和结果——以藏缅语为例(郑武曦译);LaPolla, Randy. J. 2009. Causes and Effects of Substratum, Superstratum and Adstratum Influence, with Reference to Tibeto-Burman Languages. Senri Ethnological Studies 75: 227–237. In Yasuhiko Nagano (ed.) Issues in Tibeto-Burman Historical Linguistics.链接
3. 语言结构与文化、认知的逻辑必然联系(杨旭译);LaPolla, Randy J. 2015. On the logical necessity of a cultural connectionfor all aspects of linguistic structure.In Rik De Busser & Randy J. LaPolla (eds.), Language Structure andEnvironment: Social, Cultural, and Natural Factors, 33-44. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.链接
4. 汉藏语的子句修饰名词构式(郑武曦译);LaPolla, Randy J. 2017. Noun-modifying clause constructions in Sino-Tibetan languages. In Yoshiko Matsumoto, Bernard Comrie, & Peter Sells (eds.), Noun-Modifying Clause Constructions in Languages of Eurasia: Reshaping theoretical and geographical boundaries, 91-103. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Pub. Co.链接
5. 论及物性(杨旭译);LaPolla, Randy J., František Kratochvíl & Alexander R. Coupe 2011. On transitivity. Studies in Language 35(3):469-492.链接
6. 追根溯源、鉴古知今——实现语言类型学的现代化(杨旭译);LaPolla, Randy J. 2020 Forward to the past: Modernizing linguistic typology by returning to its roots. Asian Languages and Linguistics 1.1:147-167.链接
7. 日旺语的名物化(郑武曦译);LaPolla, Randy J. 2008. Nominalization in Rawang. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 31.2:45-66. 链接
8. 汉语作为话题-述题型(非话题突出型/非SVO型)语言(李姝姝译);LaPolla, Randy J. 2009. “Chinese as a Topic-Comment (Not Topic-Prominent and Not SVO) Language”. In Studies of Chinese Linguistics: Functional Approaches, ed. by Janet Xing, 9-22. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.链接
9. 论句法关系的来源与功能(杨旭译);LaPolla, Randy J. 2006 The how and why of syntactic relations. Invited plenary address and keynote of the Centre for Research on Language Change Workshop on Grammatical Change at the Annual Conference of the Australian Linguistics Society, University of Queensland, 7-9 July, 2006. 链接
10. 从构式语法角度分析现代汉语的结构(姚洲译);LaPolla, Randy J. 2013b. Arguments for a construction-based approach to the analysis of Chinese. In Tseng Chiu-yu (ed.), Human Language Resources and Linguistic Typology, Papers from the Fourth International Conference on Sinology, 33-57. Taiwan: Academia Sinica.链接
11. 羌语的示证(郑武曦译);LaPolla Randy J. 2003. Evidentiality in Qiang. In Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. (ed). Studies in Evidentiality. 63–78. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.链接
12. 论语序的描写(卢琳译);“On Describing Word Order” (Randy J. LaPolla & Dory Poa).Catching Language: The Standing Challenge of Grammar Writing, ed. by Felix Ameka, Alan Dench, & Nicholas Evans, 269-295. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2006.链接
13. 试探以韵脚来确定先秦文献的结构和解释:以《道德经》为例(李盟译);"On the use of rhymes in determining the structure and interpretation of Old Chinese texts: The case of the DàoDé Jīng《道德經》. Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics 15: 1-9, 2022 (Special issue in honor of Prof. Li Fang-Kuei’s 120th birthday).
1. 独龙语和原始藏缅语比较研究(乐赛月译);“Dulong and Proto-Tibeto-Burman.” Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 10.1(1987): 1-42.
2. 藏缅语族动词的人称标志_其性质及起源时代(作者自译);“On the Dating and Nature of Verb Agreement in Tibeto Burman.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 55.2(1992):298-315.
3. 语用关系与汉语的词序(詹卫东译);“Pragmatic Relations and Word Order in Chinese.” Word Order in Discourse, ed. by Pamela Downing & Michael Noonan, 297-329. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins Pub. Co., 1995.
4. 民族迁徙和语言接触在汉藏语系发展过程中的作用(沈瑞清译);“The Role of Migration and Language Contact in the Development of the Sino-Tibetan Language Family“, Areal Diffusion and Genetic Inheritance: Case Studies in Language Change, ed. by R. M. W. Dixon & A. Y. Aikhenvald, 225-254. Oxford: Oxford University Press, November 2001.
4. 汉藏语系语言的起源和扩散(卢琳译);"The origin and spread of Sino-Tibetan languages." Nature, published online 2019.04.24. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-019-01214-6
5. 李方桂先生口述史(王启龙、邓小咏译);Linguistics East and West: Sino-Tibetan, Tai, and American Indian, recorded and edited by Ning-ping Chan & Randy J. LaPolla. Transcript of our interviews with Prof. Fang-Kuei Li to record his oral history. Published by the Regional Oral History Office, a department of the Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, 1989.
6. 再论语言学的方法论与论据—对“汉藏语系”改为“跨喜马拉雅语系”的质疑(黄成龙、宋佳译);“Once again on methodology and argumentation in linguistics: Problems with the arguments for recasting Sino-Tibetan as ‘Trans-Himalayan’”. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 39:2 (Dec 2016), 282–297.
7. 意义的创造(姚洲编译);2021年5月21日悉尼大学所作演讲“The Meaning of Creation”.