1. 2023全国高校工程管理类专业院长/系主任大会. 2023.12(中国·重庆)
2. 分组主持人:2023数智工程管理前沿论坛. 2023.11(中国·长沙)
3. 2023年项目管理前沿20人论坛. 2023.10(中国·大连)
4. 第二届ASCE 大中华论坛 2023.09(中国·深圳)
5. 2023年智能建造专业师资能力培训 2023.08(湖北·武汉)
6. 小组报告:Nie qingwei , Liu Guangjin, Yang Lin.Sustainable Development and Construction of Urban Underground Space Based on Complex Network Theory: The Case of Hongshan District,Wuhan City.2023.08 Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate. 2023.08(Reporter: Nie)
7. 小组报告:Zheng Ya, Yang Lin.Exploring the Direction of Post-Pandemic Urban Development from the Land Development Perspective Using Complex Network Analysis. 2023.08 Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate. 2023.08(Reporter: Zheng)
8. 2023年全国高校MEM论文评审专家培训会 2023.07(中国·重庆)
9. 2023年中国建筑学会工程管理年会 2023.04(中国·北京)
10. 2023年智能建造新工科专业教学研讨会 2023.03(湖北·武汉)
11. 分会场主持:Lijia Shao, Zhaoqian Liao, Lin Yang. China's International Engineering Risks in the Post-epidemic era based on Network Theory. CRIOCM2022.主办方:香港中文大学, 2022.12.02(Reporter: Shao)
12. 分会场主持:Xiaoyue Lv, Zhaoqian Liao and Lin Yang. Critical Risks Associated with Blockchain Adoption in China’s Construction Supply Chain .CRIOCM2022.主办方:香港中文大学, 2022.12.02(Reporter: Lv)
13. 分会场主持:Lin Yang ,Xinran Hu, Jiaming Lou. Increasing Resilience of Utility Tunnel PPP Projects through Risk Management:A Case on in Shiyan City. CRIOCM2021.主办方:清华大学, 2021.11.20(Reporter: Hu)
14. 小组主持/汇报:Organizational interaction and dilemma governance strategies in response to the COVID 19 epidemic.CRIOCM2020,.主办方:华中师范大学, 2020.11.28.
15. 特邀报告:复杂网络理论在工程管理中的应用. 东南大学,2020.11.11 (江苏·南京)
16. 特邀报告:复杂项目优化探索:如何寻找最具影响力的组织节点?——基于复杂网络视角. 工程管理理论与方法前沿学术研讨会,石家庄铁道大学,(河北·石家庄),2019.12.07
17. 特邀报告:Discussion on Urban Resilience from the Perspective of Complex Network. The Third International Conference on Natural Resource Management and Public Policy,Wuhan, China,Oct. 19-20,2019
18. 特邀报告:The Study of Resource Recycling in Green Building,2019 International Conference on Resource Sustainability - Cities (icRS Cities 2019),Adelaide, Australia ,July 1-3, 2019,
19. 小组报告:复杂网络视角下的城市综合管廊项目风险关联性研究,2019年中国建筑学会工程管理年分会青年论坛,(浙江·杭州),2019.04.21
20. 小组报告:复杂项目应对工程延误:基于复杂网络,2018年国家自然科学基金工商管理学部青年论坛,(广东·广州),2018.11.08
21. 小组报告:复杂网络视角下的项目(群)组织优化研究,2018年中国建筑学会工程管理年分会青年论坛,(海南·海口),2018.04.04
22. 小组报告:基于SNA的大型工程项目群组织总控与优化研究,2017年中国建筑学会工程管理年分会青年论坛,(内蒙古·包头),2017.06.22
23. 小组报告: Research on Urban Infrastructure Sustainable Development, New Frontiers in Construction—Applied Research Conference, College of Built Environment, University of Washington, U.S.A, March 3-4, 2016.
24. 小组报告:A New Measure of Hazard Impact for Innovation in Construction Risk Management, International conference for Education and Research in Construction, Department of construction management, Texas Tech University. U.S.A. 2015.11.22
25. 小组报告:Research of Risk Prediction in Tunnel Surroundings based on Unequal Time Series and Gray Model, Boston University,U.S.A. 2015.10.15
26. 小组报告:Study on Green Construction Technology of Super High-rise Building ,Pusan National University,Korea. 2014.08.25-28