Yao Yibin*, Tang Jun, Chen Peng, Zhang Shun and Chen Jiajun, An improved iterative algorithm for 3-D ionospheric tomography reconstruction, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2014, 52(8):4696-4706,DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2013.2283736
- Pre One: Yao Yibin*, Xu Chaoqian, Zhang Bao and Cao Na, GTm-III: A new global empirical model for mapping zenith wet delays onto precipitable water vapor, Geophysical Journal International, 2014, 197:202-212, DOI:10.1093/gji/ggu008
- Next One: Yao Yibin*, Zhang Bao, Xu Chaoqian and Yan Feng, Improved one/multi-parameter models that consider seasonal and geographic variations for estimating weighted mean temperature in ground-based GPS meteorology, Journal of Geodesy, 2014, 88(3):273-282, DOI:10.1007/s00190-013-0684-6