Zhenzhong CHEN


Personal Information

Personal Information

  • Name (English):

    Zhenzhong CHEN
  • Contact Information:

  • Academic Titles:

  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates


[For more details, please visit my homepage https://zhenzhong-chen.github.io/ ] 

[本人仅在遥感院招生请访问个人主页 https://zhenzhong-chen.github.io/]

Zhenzhong Chen received the B.Eng. degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and the Ph.D. degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, both in electrical engineering. He is currently a Professor at Wuhan University (WHU). He has also held visiting positions at INRIA/IRISA, University of Waterloo, etc. His current research interests include image and video processing, computational vision, multimedia data mining, photogrammetry and remote sensing, etc. He has published more than 200 international journal or conference papers. He has been active in ISO/IEC MPEG, ITU-T, IEEE and AVS standards where he has co-authored over 100 standardization contributions for H.26x, MPEG VCM, JPEG-AI, AVS1/2/3, etc. He has more than 10 filed/granted PCT patents and received Shenzhen Patent Award. He has been a VQEG board member and Immersive Media Working Group Co-Chair, a Selection Committee Member of ITU Young Innovators Challenges, an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, and Editor of IEEE IoT Newsletters. He was a recipient of the CUHK Young Scholars Dissertation Award, the CUHK Faculty of Engineering Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award, Microsoft Fellowship, etc.

He has received the fundings supports from National Young Talents Program, NSFC Key Program and General Program, National Key R&D Program of China, NSF of Hubei Province Key Program, Wuhan Youth Science & Technology Plan, K. C. Wong Education Foundation, as well as industrial partners INRIA/IRISA (France), Tencent, Huawei, DFMC, etc. He has supervised more than 50 postgraduate students (PGS) and 100 final-year-project (FYP) undergraduate students, who have received more than 20 PGS National Scholarships, more than 10 Championships/Gold Medals/First-Class Prizes in International Challenges or National Contests, including CVPR, ICME, as well as ‘‘Challenge Cup’’ and ‘‘Internet +’’.

陈震中于华中理工大学电子信息工程系获学士学位,香港中文大学电子工程获博士学位。目前为武汉大学教授,同时在INRIA/IRISA、滑铁卢大学等担任访问教授。目前的研究方向包括图像和视频处理、计算视觉、多媒体数据挖掘、摄影测量和遥感等。他发表了200多篇国际期刊或会议论文。他活跃于ISO/IEC MPEG、ITU-T、IEEE和AVS标准,与人合著了100多篇H.26x、MPEG VCM、JPEG-AI、AVS1/2/3等标准技术提案。他拥有10多项PCT专利,并获得深圳专利奖。他是VQEG理事会成员和沉浸式媒体工作组联合主席,ITU青年创新者挑战赛评选委员会委员, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation的副主编,以及IEEE物联网通讯的编委。曾获香港中文大学青年学者博士论文奖、香港中文大学工程学院杰出博士论文奖、微软学者奖等。
