Personal Information
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Date of Employment:
2016-12-05 -
School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering -
Administrative Position:
Professor -
Education Level:
With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study -
Male -
Contact Information:
Zhibing Yang: zbyang[at]whu.edu.cn -
Employed -
Teacher College:
School of Water Resources and Hydroelectric Engineering
Hydraulic Structure Engineering
Other Contact Information
7babf8b996fc02ba8f391f8b71b22a8bcd3f4abeccc50782ac500df2fc7bbbfd33ec0121535ccb720ea6e8c8df3da800745dcf948c0bd9a02ad5c77e04e6d33c04185bb88739ad1e39fd79615c8afd8e3118d468533fff05fefb4c3e65073aa021f4b7573ae694db00bd0033171d46e65f649f546418a26ce92eabcfbdf7fea1 -
3211a7347b00b31ee19ddf589c6303386b34ed7919d299f553c9175d57665e78064ec1d01e8b21fe43b07ded0b3a113a0feaf145da0520ef78dcb7f84ac1b8e4dccbd48c3236393a1739a7497f37a6b8712b3e0d37822068323f12b089045a215b82b297745e5d3bac4dbc739fe1a20b8cb3fd1c7a0f0d65136a565d4a15630b -
Zhibing Yang is a professor at the School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, Wuhan University. His main research interests focus on the complex transport phenomena of fluids and particles in geological media across scales with applications in, e.g., subsurface hydrology, environmental remediation and earth resources engineering.
Education and Experience
Ph.D., Uppsala University, 2008-2012 (Supervisor: Prof. Auli Niemi; Prof. Fritjof Fagerlund)
Visiting Scholar, Colorado School of Mines, 2009-2010 (Supervisor: Prof. Tissa Illangasekare)
Postdoctoral researcher, Uppsala University, 2013-2014 (Supervisor: Prof. Auli Niemi)
Postdoctoral researcher, MIT, 2014-2016 (Supervisor: Prof. Ruben Juanes)
Teaching activities
At Wuhan University: Engineering Geology, Physical Geography, Hydrology and Hydrogeology, Seepage Analysis and Control, Introduction to Ocean Engineering
At Uppsala University: Groundwater Hydraulics, Global Hydrology, Runoff and Groundwater Modelling
At MIT, as Postdoc Teaching Fellow: Computer Programming for Scientific and Engineering Applications
Selected publications (underlined authors are supervised graduate students or postdocs )
Multiphase flow and unsaturated flow in porous and fractured media
Li, D.#, Yang Z.# *, Pahlavan A. A., Zhang, R., Hu, R., & Chen, Y.-F.* (2024). Stability transition in gap expansion-driven interfacial flow. Physical Review Letters, 133, 034003.(click here)
Zhou, C. B., Chen, Y. F., Hu, R., & Yang, Z. (2023). Groundwater flow through fractured rocks and seepage control in geotechnical engineering: Theories and practices. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 15(1), 1-36.
Zhang, L., Yang, Z., Méheust, Y., Neuweiler, I., Hu, R., & Chen, Y. F. (2023). Displacement Patterns of a Newtonian Fluid by a Shear-Thinning Fluid in a Rough Fracture. Water Resources Research, 59(9), e2023WR034958. (click here)
Xue, S., Yang, Z., Zhou, Z., Hu, R., & Chen, Y.-F. (2023). Influence of Liquid Splitting Behavior at Intersections on Infiltration Dynamics in an Unsaturated Fracture Network. Water Resources Research, 59(10), e2023WR034639. (click here)
Zhou, Z., Yang, Z., Xue, S., Hu, R., & Chen, Y. F. (2022). Liquid breakthrough time in an unsaturated fracture network. Water Resources Research, 58(3), e2021WR031012. (click here)
Zhou, Z., Yang, Z., Luo, C., Xue, S., Yao, C., Hu, R., & Chen, Y.-F. (2023). Influence of Inertia on Liquid Splitting at Fracture Intersections. Journal of Hydrology, 129270. (click here)
A, H., Yang, Z., Hu, R., & Chen, Y.-F. (2023). Molecular Origin of Wetting Characteristics on Mineral Surfaces. Langmuir, 39(8), 2932–2942. (click here)
A, H., Yang, Z., Hu, R., Chen, Y. F. (2022). Roles of energy dissipation and asymmetric wettability in spontaneous imbibition dynamics in a nanochannel. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 607, 1023-1035. (click here)
A, H., A., Yang, Z., Chen, Y., Hu, R., Wood, C. D., Kang, Q., & Chen, Y. F. (2024). H2 diffusion in cement nanopores and its implication for underground hydrogen storage. Journal of Energy Storage, 102, 113926.(click here)
Xue, S., Yang, Z., Hu, R., & Chen, Y.-F. (2020). Splitting Dynamics of Liquid Slugs at a T-Junction. Water Resources Research, 56(8), e2020WR027730. (click here)
Yang, Z., Méheust, Y., Neuweiler, I., Hu, R., Niemi, A., & Chen, Y. F. (2019). Modeling immiscible two‐phase flow in rough fractures from capillary to viscous fingering. Water Resources Research, 55(3), 2033-2056. (click here)
A, H., Yang, Z., Hu, R., Chen, Y. F., & Yang, L. (2020). Effect of Solid–Liquid Interactions on Substrate Wettability and Dynamic Spreading of Nanodroplets: A Molecular Dynamics Study. J. Phys. Chem. C, 124, 23260-23269. (click here)
Yang, Z., Xue, S., Zheng, X., & Chen, Y. F. (2019). Partitioning Dynamics of Gravity‐Driven Unsaturated Flow Through Simple T‐Shaped Fracture Intersections. Water Resources Research, 55(8), 7130-7142. (click here)
Yang, Z., Li, D., Xue, S., Hu, R., & Chen, Y. F. (2019). Effect of aperture field anisotropy on two-phase flow in rough fractures. Advances in Water Resources, 132, 103390. (click here)
Yang, Z., I. Neuweiler, Y. Méheust, F. Fagerlund, and A. Niemi (2016). Fluid trapping during capillary displacement in fractures. Advances in Water Resources, 95, 264-275. (click here)
Yang, Z., A. Niemi, F. Fagerlund and T. Illangasekare (2013). Two-phase flow in rough-walled fractures: comparison of continuum and invasion-percolation models. Water Resources Research. 49(2), 993–1002. (click here)
Yang, Z., A. Niemi, F. Fagerlund, and T. Illangasekare (2012). A generalized approach for estimation of in-plane curvature in invasion percolation models for drainage in fractures. Water Resources Research, 48(9), W09507. (click here)
Hu, R., Wu, D. S., Yang, Z., & Chen, Y. F. (2018). Energy conversion reveals regime transition of imbibition in a rough fracture. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(17), 8993-9002. (click here)
da Silva, J. A., Kang, P. K., Yang, Z., Cueto‐Felgueroso, L., & Juanes, R. (2019). Impact of Confining Stress on Capillary Pressure Behavior During Drainage Through Rough Fractures. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(13), 7424-7436. (click here)
Zhao, B., MacMinn, C. W., Primkulov, B. K., Chen, Y., Valocchi, A. J., Zhao, J., Q. Kang, K. Bruning, J. E. McClure, C. T. Miller, A. Fakhari, D. Bolster, T. Hiller, M. Brinkmann, L. Cueto-Felgueroso, D. A. Cogswell, R. Verma, M. Prodanović, J. Maes, S. Geiger, M. Vassvik, A. Hansen, E. Segre, R. Holtzman, Z. Yang, C. Yuan, B. Chareyre, R. Juanes (2019). Comprehensive comparison of pore-scale models for multiphase flow in porous media. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201901619. (click here)
Coupled processes of flow and particle mechanics
Zhang, R., Yang, Z., Detwiler, R., Li, D., Ma, G., Hu, R., & Chen, Y.-F. (2023). Liquid cohesion induced particle agglomeration enhances clogging in rock fractures. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(5), e2022GL102097. (click here)
A, H., Cao, H., Hu, R., Chen, Y. F., Gui, C., & Yang, Z. (2024). Regulating droplet impact dynamics of nanoparticle suspension: Phenomena, mechanisms, and implications. Physics of Fluids, 36(1). (click here)
Li, D., Yang, Z., Zhang, R., Hu, R., & Chen, Y. F. (2022). Morphological patterns and interface instability during withdrawal of liquid-particle mixtures. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 608, 1598-1607. (click here)
Wu, T., Yang, Z., Hu, R., Chen, Y.F., Zhong, H., Yang, L. and Jin, W. (2021). Film entrainment and microplastic particles retention during gas invasion in suspension-filled microchannels. Water Research, 194, p.116919. (click here)
Yang, Z., & Juanes, R. (2018). Two sides of a fault: Grain-scale analysis of pore pressure control on fault slip. Physical Review E, 97(2), 022906. (click here)
Hu, X., Yang, Z., & Chen, Y. F. (2021). Fluid-driven particle transport patterns in a confined geometry: Effect of flow velocity and particle concentration. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 92, 103998. (click here)
Meng, Y., Primkulov, B. K., Yang, Z., Kwok, C. Y., & Juanes, R. (2020). Jamming transition and emergence of fracturing in wet granular media. Physical Review Research, 2(2), 22012. (click here)
Groundwater contamination and remediation: NAPLs, microplastics, colloids
Wu, T., Yang, Z., Hu, R., Chen, Y.F. (2023). Three-Dimensional Visualization Reveals Pore-Scale Mechanisms of Colloid Transport and Retention in Two-Phase Flow. Environmental Science & Technology, 57, 1997−2005 (click here, ES&T cover)
Wu, T., Chen, Y., & Yang, Z. (2024). 3D pore-scale characterization of colloid aggregation and retention by confocal microscopy: Effects of fluid structure and ionic strength. Science of The Total Environment, 170349. (click here)
Xiong, X., Yang, Z., Hu, R., & Chen, Y. F. (2023). Predicting colloid transport and deposition in an array of collectors. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 659, 130762. (click here)
Wang, Z., Yang, Z., Hu, R., & Chen, Y. F. (2022) Mass transfer during surfactant-enhanced DNAPL remediation: pore-scale experiments and new correlation, Journal of Hydrology, 621, 129586 (click here)
He, H., Wu, T., Chen, Y.F., Yang, Z. (2023). A pore-scale investigation of microplastics migration and deposition during unsaturated flow in porous media. Science of the Total Environment, 858, 159934. (click here)
Wang, Z., Yang, Z., Fagerlund, F., Zhong, H., Hu, R., Niemi, A., Illangasekare, T., & Chen, Y. F. (2022). Pore-Scale Mechanisms of Solid Phase Emergence During DNAPL Remediation by Chemical Oxidation. Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 16, 11343–11353. (click here)
Wang, Z., Yang, Z., & Chen, Y. F. (2023). Pore-scale investigation of surfactant-enhanced DNAPL mobilization and solubilization. Chemosphere, 341, 140071. (click here)
Xiong, X., Yang, Z., Hu, R., & Chen, Y. F. (2022). Evaluating Single-Collector Efficiencies of Colloid Deposition from Lagrangian Simulations: Geometric Models and Particle Release Scenarios. Water Resources Research, e2022WR033821. (click here)
Wu, T., Yang, Z., Hu, R., Chen, Y.F., Zhong, H., Yang, L. and Jin, W. (2021). Film entrainment and microplastic particles retention during gas invasion in suspension-filled microchannels. Water Research, 194, p.116919. (click here)
Yang, Z., A. Niemi, F. Fagerlund, T. Illangasekare and R. Detwiler (2013). Dissolution of dense non-aqueous phase liquids in vertical fractures: effect of finger residuals and dead-end pools. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 149, 88-99. (click here)
Yang, Z., A. Niemi, F. Fagerlund, and T.H. Illangasekare (2012). Effect of single-fracture aperture statistics on entrapment, dissolution and source depletion behavior of dense non-aqueous phase liquids. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 133, 1-16. (click here)
Yang, Z., H. Zandin, A. Niemi, and F. Fagerlund (2013), The role of geological heterogeneity and variability in water infiltration on non-aqueous phase liquid migration. Environmental Earth Sciences, 68(7), 2085-2097. (click here)
Geological storage of CO2
Joodaki, S., Yang, Z., Bensabat, J., & Niemi, A. (2020). Model analysis of CO2 residual trapping from single-well push pull test based on hydraulic withdrawal tests -- Heletz, residual trapping experiment I. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 97, 103058. (click here)
Yang, Z., Chen, Y.-F., & Niemi, A. (2020). Gas migration and residual trapping in bimodal heterogeneous media during geological storage of CO2. Advances in Water Resources, 103608. (click here)
Basirat, F., Yang, Z., Bensabat, J., Levchenko, S., Pan, L., & Niemi, A. (2020). Characterization of CO2 self-release during Heletz Residual Trapping Experiment I (RTE I) using a coupled wellbore-reservoir simulator. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 102, 103162. (click here)
Basirat, F., Z. Yang, and Niemi A. (2017). Pore-scale modeling of wettability effects on CO2–brine displacement during geological storage. Advances in Water Resources, 109, 181-195. (click here)
Yang, Z., A. Niemi, L. Tian, Saba Joodaki, and M. Erlström (2015). Modeling of pressure buildup and estimation of maximum injection rate for geological CO2 storage at the South Scania site, Sweden. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 5(3), 277-290. (click here)
Yang Z., L. Tian, B. Jung, S. Joodaki, F. Fagerlund, R. Pasquali, R. Vernon, N. O’Neill, and A. Niemi (2015). Assessing CO2 storage capacity in the Dalders Monocline of the Baltic Sea Basin using dynamic models of varying complexity. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 43, 149-160. (click here)
Yang, Z., L. Tian, A. Niemi and F. Fagerlund (2013). Upscaling of the constitutive relationships for CO2 migration in multimodal heterogeneous formations. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 19, 743-755. (click here)
Karst groundwater modeling
Zheng, X., Yang, Z., Zhan, S., Du, X., Chen, Y., Hu, R., & Chen, Y. F. (2024). Numerical simulation of tracer breakthrough curves in karst aquifers by a coupled discrete-continuum model. Journal of Hydrology, 132147.(click here)
Zheng, X., Yang, Z., Wang, S., Chen, Y. F., Hu, R., Zhao, X. J., ... & Yang, X. L. (2021). Evaluation of hydrogeological impact of tunnel engineering in a karst aquifer by coupled discrete-continuum numerical simulations. Journal of Hydrology, 597, 125765. (click here)
Zhou, B. Q., Yang, Z., Hu, R., Zhao, X. J., & Chen, Y. F. (2021). Assessing the impact of tunnelling on karst groundwater balance by using lumped parameter models. Journal of Hydrology, 599, 126375. (click here)
Chen, Y. F., Yuan, J., Wang, G., Xu, J., Hu, R., & Yang, Z. (2022). Evaluation of groundwater flow through a high rockfill dam foundation in karst area in response to reservoir impoundment. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 160, 105268.
Social Affiliations
Associate Editor,Advance in Water Resources