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Paper Publications
- 2023-08-18
[1]. Min Yao , Fang Wang , Zhiyuan Chen and Hanrui Ye. Optimal incentive contract with asymmetric cost information. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 2020.
- 2023-08-18
[2]. Zhong Zheng , Zhiyuan Chen and Sinem Kinay Savaser. The implications of contract timing on a supply chain with random yield. International Journal of Production Economics. 2021.
- 2023-08-18
[3]. Zhiyuan Chen , Hanrui Ye , Bingxi Liu and Weili Xue. Analysis of road capacity and franchise price decision delegation in toll road Bot project. Transportation Research Part E Logistics and Transportation Review. 2021.
- 2023-08-18
[4]. Zhiyuan Chen , Shaobo Sun , Jianbin Li , Langlang Zhang and Hao Fan. Optimal BOT contract in a two-road transportation network. Transportation Research Part E Logistics and Transportation Review. 2022.
- 2023-08-18
[5]. Zhiyuan Chen and Guangwen Kong. Hospital admission, facility-based isolation, and social distancing: An SEIR model with constrained medical resources. Production and Operations Management. 2022.
- 2018-10-14
[6]. 陈植元 Inter-temporal price discrimination and satiety-driven repeat purchases. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. 251 (1). 2016.
- 2018-10-14
[7]. 陈植元 A Variant of L-b-Convexity and its Application to Inventory Models with Batch Ordering. ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. 31 (6). 2014.
- 2018-10-14
[8]. 基于百度指数的投资者关注度与股票市场表现的实证分析. 统计与决策. (1002-6487). 2016.