Cui Dan
Personal Information
Personal Information
Name (English):
Cui DanDate of Birth:
34f995094d6d26b360cb431d3e2799dc20ab6f1a53dac66f5ae27bbd2e19767a8f425bc65a4af590ae58d8223df5909a35ab131476b0873d2a338f84a4a9fcefcf6d30e7f406e05727c245773484a7f3056291c5cb2e97de720220f1eabdb5cdb9a8eb72b829c86a81c87a906010a49e60a6d24e20080744071258e97f6a1267Date of Employment:
公共卫生学院Education Level:
Employed- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Dan Cui
Department of Global Health
School of Health Sciences
Wuhan University
East Lake Road 115
Wuhan, 430071
E-mail: alyssazz@126.com
1992-1997: Hubei Medical University M.D. (It was name the Medical School of Wuhan University since 2000)
2002-2007: Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Department of Maternity and Child Health Care, Ph.D.
2008-2009: Office of Public Health, Hawaii University, Visiting Scholar.
Employment History
1997-2002: Residency, Department of Gynecology and Obstetric, Wuhan Shangzhi Hospital
2007-2010: Instructor, Department of Medical Sociology, School of Public Health, Wuhan University
2011- : Associate Professor, Department of Medical Sociology, School of Public Health, Wuhan University
2016-: Associate Professor, Department of Global Health, School of Health Sciences, Wuhan University
Director of the institute of health management in Hubei province (2007).
Director of the 4th session of the council of Children’s all-round development seminar of Hubei province (2011).
Director of health promotion and tobacco control association of Hubei province (2011).
Managing director of the institute of health management in Wuhan city (2012).
Managing director of the medical insurance research association of Hubei Province (2015).
Director of professional committee of health insurance of China preventive medicine association (2016)
Research Experience
2017-2018 Study on the management project of the social medical insurance about the national negotiation medicines in 2017. Financial support by Human Resources and Social Security Department of Hubei Province. ¥300,000
2016-2017 Study on how to reform the essential medicine policy. Financial support by National Health and Family Planning Commission of PR. China. ¥80,000
2015-2017 The legislative study of Basic medical and health law. Financial support by National Health and Family Planning Commission of PR. China. ¥80,000
2015-2016 Estimating the disease burden attributable to healthcare associated infections (HAIs) with antimicrobial resistant (AMR) bacteria in China. Financial support by British Prosperity Fund. £16,000
2015-2017 To study the influencing mechanism of social support in the elderly with MCI. Financial support by Science and Technology Department of Hubei Province. ¥30,000
2015 Study on the reformational counterplan for county public hospital based on the baseline survey. Financial support by Hubei Health and family planning commission. ¥60,000
2014-2015 Evaluation on the rural women’s breast cancer and cervical cancer screening project of Hubei province. Financial support by Hubei provincial government. ¥50,000
2013-2014 Evaluation on the basic health service in Pingshan district of Shenzhen City. Financial support by Pingshan District government. ¥10,000
2010-2012 Study on the indicator system of comprehensive assessment of the county hospital in Hubei province. Financial support by health and family planning commission of Hubei province. ¥40,000
2010-2011 Evaluation on the service capability of village clinics of Hubei province. Financial support by health and family planning commission of Hubei province. ¥50,000
2007-2008 Study on the ability of technical services of family planning technical service stations of Hubei Province. Financial support by health and family planning commission of Hubei province. ¥50,000
2014-2017 Technology evaluation on the CRRT’s application. Financial support by National health and family planning commission.
2014-2017 Strengthen the study of equity in health care in China by training and evaluation. Financial support by national health and family planning commission.
2007-2010 Comprehensive assessment of the contraception birth control technology. Financial support by national ministry of science and technology. Participant.
2009-2010 Chinese Dementia care and Research Center: Infrastructure, training and pilot studies. Financial support by NIH.
2007-2008 Policy evaluation of the Publicity and education on the AIDS prevention among rural-to-urban migrants. Financial support by China-English AIDS. Roadmap Tactical Support Project. Participant and report author.
2004-2007 Study on the relationship between FGR and Zinc nutrition during pregnancy. Dissertation for Ph.D.
2005-2006 Social Evaluation for primary intervention measures in HIV/AIDS. Financial support by China-English AIDS Roadmap Tactical Support Project. Participant.
2006-2007 Training program for Medical students in management skills of preventing AIDS. Financial support by Global Fund. Participant.
2005-2006 Investigation on the mother-to-child transmission model and intervention measures. Financial support by Department of Science and Technology, P.R.China. Participant.
2005-2006 Study on the prevention and control in major chronic diseases – Project of Community Health Service Model. Financial support by Department of Science and Technology, P.R.China. Participant.
2004-2005 Study on the gender equality in maternity and child health care. Financial support by the Population Fund of UN.
2004-2005 Establish the training model for advance talents in maternity and child health care. Financial support by Department of Health. P.R.China.
2003-2004 Study on the service model and accessibility in maternity and child health care for the rural-to-urban migrants. Financial support by Department of Health , P.R.China.
First Author
1. Dan Cui, Xinliang Liu, Peter Hawkey, Hao Li, Quan Wang, Zongfu Mao, Jin Sun. Use of and microbial resistance to antibiotics in China: a path to reducing antimicrobial resistance. Journal of International Medical Research. 30th Jan, 2017. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs /10.1177/0300060516686230
2. Dan Cui, Pei-gang Wang, Quan Wang. A three-pronged approach to the care of elders with Alzheimer’s disease. Ageing International.2010:35:142-152.
3. Dan Cui, Pei-gang Wang. "Quality of life" and its related concepts. Study and Practice. 2010;5:94-98.
4. Dan Cui, Li Fang, Zongfu Mao, Shangchun Wu, Li Li, Jing Dong. Study on the indicator system of comprehensive assessment of IUD. Reproduction & contraception. 2010;35(10):684-690.
Correspongding Author
5. Chen Li, Dan Cui*, Hongyu Peng, Yuxiao Zhang, Xiao Yin, Yitan Hou. Practical study of bringing negotiation medicine into Health insurance management. Chinese Hospital Managemtn. 2018;38(5):39-41.
6. Xiaoli Li, Mingyu Liu, Liang Cheng, Hongfei Zhu, Shuhuan Shang, Dan Cui. Impact of comprehensive health education on oral care knowledge, attitude and practice in the edderly in long term care institutions. Shanghai Journal of Stomatology. 2018;27(2):181-184.
7. Wenjie Wang, Linqi Xiao, Chen Li, Dan Cui*, Xin Fang, Yuxiao Zhang, Xiaoshan Yang, Xiao Yin. The utilization of essential medicines in rural primary medical institutions in poor or remote areas of 3 provinces in central and western China. Chinese Health Resources. 2017;20(6):490-494.
8. Linqi Xiao, Wenjie Wang, Chen Li, Xin Fang, Yuxiao Zhang, Dan Cui*, Chang Fu, Zongfu Mao. An investigation of the knowledge, attitude, and practice of the doctors who prescribe on essential medicine policy in rural primary medical institutions in poor or remote areas of 3 provinces in central and western China. Chinese Health Resources. 2017;20(6):495-498
9. Jiangli Hu, Xueyun Liu, Yuxiao Zhang, Mengyuan Tian, Xin Fang, Xiao Yin, Dan Cui*. Residents’ statisfaction of community health service and its influencing factors with PSQ-18 Scale. Modern Preventive Medicine. 2017;44(11):1991-1195.
10. Mengyuan Tian, Dan Cui*, Yuxiao Zhang, Xiao Yin, Xin Fang, Jianglin Hu. Affordability evaluation for 3 kinds of anti-tumor targeted drugs: taking Hubei Province as an example. China Pharmacy.2017;28(20):2745-2748.
11. Hong Yao, Xueyun Liu, Chang Fu, Xianhui Chen, Dan Cui*, Zongfu Mao. Satisfaction degree of community health services among residents in Shenzhen Pingshan New District and its influencing factors. Chinese General Practice. 2017;20(4):423-426.
12. Xin Fang, Xiao Yin, Yuxiao Zhang, Mengyuan Tian, Jianglin Hu, Zongfu Mao, Dan Cui*. Evaluation on the sustainable operation capability of new rural cooperative medical scheme in Hubei province. Chinese Health Resources. 2017;20(1):24-27.
13. Yuxiao Zhang, Dan Cui*, Zongfu Mao, Jianglin Hu. Discussing the equity principle of medical payment mechanism of high-value drugs in view of Rawls’ justice theory. Chinese Health Service Management. 2017;(1):33-36.
14. Yuxiao Zhang, Dan Cui*, Zongfu Mao. International comparative study on high-value drugs payment system and its implications for China. Chinese Journal of Health Policy. 2016;9(12):44-9.
15. Yuxiao Zhang, Xiao Yin, Mengyuan Tian, Dan Cui*, Zongfu Mao. Budget impact analysis on using Herceptin for breast cancer with HER-2 positive. Chinese Health Economics. 2016; 35(12):63-6.
16. Tian Mengyuan, Yin Xiao, Zhang Yuxiao, Fang Xin, Hu Jianglin, Cui Dan*, Mao Zongfu. Budget impact analysis on the Gefitnib for treating NSCLC. Health Economics Research. 2016;(12):25-28.
17. Xin Fang, Mengyuan Tian, Yuxiao Zhang, Xiao Yin, Jianglin Hu, Dan Cui*. Drugs administration and individual affordability under different medical insurance entry price : example of anti-tumor targeted drugs. Chinese Journal of Health Policy. 2016;9(11):40-44.
18. Yao Hong, Cui Dan*, Wang Quan, Mao Zongfu. Satisfaction to free screening for breast and cervical cancer and its influential factors among rural woman in Hubei Province. Chinese Journal of Public Health. http://iras.lib.whu.edu.cn:8080/rwt/ 401/http/P75YPLUDN3WXTLUPMW4A/kc
19. Zhang Yun, Dan Cui*, Zongfu Mao, Quan Wang, Haiyan Feng. Discussion on the comprehensive social management on severe mental illness in Xianning, Hubei. Medicine and society, 2014; 27(7):16--19.
20. Yi Cai, Dan Cui, Zongfu Mao. Patient satisfaction with the medical services delivered by two-tier health care facilities in Sanming City. Chinese General Practice. 2018;21(10):1234-1238.
21. Wenjie Wang, Mao Zongfu*, Linqi Xiao, Yuxiao Zhang, Cui Dan. Study on the supply and security of essential drugs in primary medical institutions in poor areas. Health Economics Research. 2018;(2):35-37.
22. Wenjie Wang, Linqi Xiao, Chen Li, Xin Fang, Yuxiao Zhang*, Dan Cui, Xiao Yin, Zongfu Mao. Investigation on the utilization of essential medicines in 26 rural primary medical institutions from poverty-stricken areas of Huanggang City. China Pharmacy. 2018;29(2):156-159.
23. Chen Li, Wenjie Wang, Linqi Xiao, Xin Fang, Xiao Yin, Dan Cui, Yuxiao Zhang*. The antimicrobial drug procurement in rural primary medical institutions in poor or remote areas of three provinces in central and western China. Chinese Health Resources. 2017;20(6):481-485.
24. Wenjie Wang, Chen Li, Linqi Xiao, Yuxiao Zhang*, Xin Fang, Dan Cui, Xiao Yin, Zongfu Mao. The procurement and supply of essential medicines in rural primary medical institutions in poor or remote areas of three provinces in central and western China. Chinese Health Resources. 2017;20(6):485-489.
25. Jianglin Hu, Jingchai Sun, Xinliang Liu, Jiaze Tan, Guoping Sun, Quan Wang, Dan Cui, Hao Li*. Analysis on operating efficiency of community health service centers in Pingshan new district of Shenzhen City. Chinese Health Resources. 2017;20(6): 412-417.
26. Lichen Yu, Xinliang Liu, Zongfu Mao, Dan Cui, Fei Xiong, Hao Li*. Technical efficiency of CRRT services in nephrology department in Wuhan City based on bootstrap-DEA. Chinese Hospital Management. 2017,37(7):34-7.
27. Jiao Yuan, Keyuan Zuo, Jianqiu Zhou, Yu Chen, Dan Cui, Yuxiao Zhang, Zongfu Mao. Effect of on implementing essential medicine centralized procurement policy for essential medicines in public hospitals. Chin Hosp Pharm J. 2017;37(9):783-786.
28. Huixia Zhou, Xinliang Liu, Ping Yang, Dan Cui, Quan Wang, Hao Li*. Prevalence survey and analysis of healthcare-associated infections in a tertiary general hospital in Tianmen in 2013-2015. Chin J Nosocomiol. 2017;27(03):681-684.
29. Yi Cai, Dan Cui, Zongfu Mao. Analysis of long-term care service system in the United States and its implications to China. Chinese Journal of Health Policy. 2017;10(1):58-63.
30. Xiao Yin, Xin Fang, Jianglin Hu, Mengyuan Tian, Yuxiao Zhang, Dan Cui, Zongfu Mao. Budget impact analysis on Sunitinib for metastatic renal carcinoma. Chinese Health Economics. 2016;35(12):67-9.
31. Xiao Yin, Yenan Yao, Dan Cui, Mengyuan Tian, Xin Fang, Jianglin Hu, Hongxia Bi, Xingyuan Sun, Zongfu Mao. Analysis on medical insurance fund operating status in counties of Hubei. Chinese Health Economics. 2016:35(9):47-49.
32. Chao Wang, Jie Zhu, Yi Cai, Dan Cui, Quan Wang, Zongfu Mao. Community-based study of the relationship between social capital and cognitive function in Wuhan, China. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2016;28(8):717-724.
33. Huan Qin, Quan Wang, Zongfu Mao, Dan Cui. Discussion on the cultivation model of undergraduates major in global health in China. Chinese Journal of Social Medicine, 2014;31(6):395-397.
34. Hongfei Zhu, Dan Cui, Kebin Liu, Li Wang, Lili Huang, Jinjie Li. Long pentraxin PTX3 attenuates ischemia reperfusion injury in a cardiac transplantation model. Transplant International.2014;87-95.
35. Li Li, Yuanzhen Zhang, Dan Zeng, Fei Li, Dan Cui. Depression in Chinese men undergoing different assisted reproductive technique treatments: prevalence and risk factors. J Assist Reprod Genet, 2013,1161-1167.
36. Xiaoyun Hu*, Xin Chen, Zongfu Mao, Quan Wang, Dan Cui. Surveys on awareness and needs of community health education among city residents in Hubei Province. Chinese Journal of Health Education. 2010;26(9):658-661.
37. Xiaoyun Hu, Xin Chen, Zongfu Mao, Quan Wang, Dan Cui, Su Xue, Yukai Du*. Surveys on the situation of health education in urban community health service institutes in Hubei Province. Chinese Journal of Health Education. 2009;25(6):444-446.
38. Xiaoyun Hu, Xin Chen, Zongfu Mao, Quan Wang, Dan Cui, Yukai Du*. The current situation and prospect of study on the model of health education in urban community. Chinese Primary Health Care. 2009;23(1):53-55.
39. Mingjin Luo, Dan Cui, Zongfu Mao*. Study on the current situation of health education about HIV/AIDS among the migrant architectural workers in Wuhan. Chinese Journal of Social Medicine. 2008;25(3):175-177.
1. Youmei Feng, Bei Wu. Aging and global health - National Programmed Textbooks. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House.2018. (Editor)
2. Yukai Du, Yong Xu. Parsing indicators of Healthy China 2030 Plan Outline. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House.2018. (Editor)
3. Liming Li. Epidemiology. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House.2015. (Editor)
4. Yukai Du, Yi Liu. Maternal and Child Health Management - National Programmed Textbooks. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House. 2018. (Editor)
5. Zilin Tong, Yuhua Zou, Dan Cui. Health Care Ethics - National Programmed Textbooks. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House. 2018. (Associate Editor)
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