Date of Birth:1976-05-24
Education Level:研究生毕业
Paper Publications
[1]. 方德斌 A novel method for carbon dioxide emission forecasting based on improved Gaussian processes regression. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. 173. 2018.
[2]. 方德斌 An Improved Predictor-Corrector Interior-Point Algorithm for Linear Complementarity Problems with O(root nL)-Iteration Complexity. JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS. 2011.
[3]. 方德斌 A double auction model for competitive generators and large consumers considering power transmission cost. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS. 43 (1). 2012.
[4]. 方德斌 Optimal pricing mechanism for generators and large consumers considering power transmission cost. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC. 2010.
[5]. 方德斌 Objective function model of government supervisor in electricity market of incomplete information. Dianli Zidonghua Shebei / Electric Power Automation Equipment. 28 (7). 2008.
[6]. 方德斌 工程项目业主招标风险综合评价研究. 武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 64 (3). 2011.
[7]. 方德斌 The extensive game model of electric power transaction between generator and large customer. 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2006, ICARCV '06. 2006.
[8]. 方德斌 Research on fuzzy overall evaluation of logistics enterprises based on DEA with preference. 2008 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2008. 2008.
[9]. 方德斌 电力市场监管中的非对称信息描述与度量方法. 统计与决策. (1002-6487). 2008.
[10]. 方德斌 工程管理专业学生创新能力培养教学评价研究. 北京理工大学学报(社会科学版). 12 (1009-3370). 2010.
[11]. 方德斌 不确定信息下准公共物品社会认可度与政府管制政策——基于电网运行的证据研究. 管理世界. (1002-5502). 2012.
[12]. 方德斌 Research on Risk Management of Engineering Project Auction. ADVANCED RESEARCH ON INFORMATION SCIENCE, AUTOMATION AND MATERIAL SYSTEM, PTS 1-6. 219-220 (1022-6680). 2011.
[13]. 方德斌 发电市场政府激励性监管机制研究. 武汉理工大学学报. 30 (1671-4431). 2008.
[14]. 方德斌 考虑碳排放的发电侧多属性采购第二价格拍卖. 系统工程理论与实践. 33 (1000-6788). 2013.
[15]. 方德斌 Research on Fuzzy Overall Evaluation of Logistics Enterprises Based on DEA with Preference. 2008 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, NETWORKING AND MOBILE COMPUTING, VOLS 1-31. 2008.
[16]. 方德斌 隧道运营风险系统解释结构模型研究. 武汉理工大学学报. 32 (1671-4431). 2010.
[17]. 方德斌 Research on distribution mechanism to improve cooperation in P2P systems. ICCSE'2006: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Science & Education: ADVANCED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY, NEW EDUCATION. 2006.
[18]. 方德斌 新常态下中国能源需求预测预警研究. 资源开发与市场. (1005-8141). 2017.
[19]. 方德斌 湖北省能源消费影响机理研究——基于Granger因果关系及LMDI. 资源开发与市场. (1005-8141). 2017.
[20]. 方德斌 The extensive game model of electric power transaction between generator and large customer. 2006 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL, AUTOMATION, ROBOTICS AND VISION, VOLS 1- 5. (2474-2953). 2006.
[21]. 方德斌 Transportation and Storage Problems for Regional Power Coal Allocation Planning of China. 2ND IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED COMPUTER CONTROL (ICACC 2010), VOL. 1. 2010.
[22]. 方德斌 Game analysis for large customer direct purchase electricity under open electricity market. Fourth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business: The Internet Era & The Global Enterprise, Vols 1 and 2. 2005.
[23]. 方德斌 Game analysis for large customer direct purchase electricity under open electricity market. Fourth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business: The Internet Era & The Global Enterprise, Vols 1 and 2. 2005.
[24]. 方德斌 低碳转型趋势下中国能源消费结构优化. 技术经济. (1002-980X). 2016.
[25]. 方德斌 美国PJM市场雍塞处理经验启示. 中国电力企业管理. (1007-3361). 2008.
[26]. 方德斌 工程管理专业大学生创新能力培养的影响因素研究. 中国电力教育. (1007-0079). 2009.
[27]. 方德斌 基于GPR模型的中国“十三五”时期碳排放趋势预测. 技术经济. (1002-980X). 2015.