Personal Information
- Doctoral Supervisor
- Master Tutor
Theoretical Physics. AstrophysicsStatus:
物理科学与技术学院Education Level:
With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate StudyStatus:
物理科学与技术学院Date of Employment:
1 Theoretical Physics;
1 Astrophysics

范锡龙*, 透镜化引力波的散射问题及其应用。
范锡龙* , 贝叶斯引力波多信使天文学
范锡龙* , The title of my thesis is “Galaxy evolution by chemical and spectro-photometric models”
发表论文列表: ads
打开宇宙时空弯曲的大门, 《人民日报》 作者: 朱宗宏,范锡龙
陈雁北、范锡龙:爱因斯坦都不敢想象,我们真的探测到引力波! 知社,作者:陈雁北, 范锡龙
量子力学与相对论翩翩起舞, 科学家在宇宙金矿挖论文金矿 | 引力波重磅 知社,作者:陈雁北, 范锡龙
时空与物质、广义相对论与量子力学的完美结合 ——深度科普解读双中子星并合多信使观测, 《物理》,2017, 作者:陈雁北, 范锡龙
又“听”黑洞并合,“猴年马月”并不遥远 《科技日报》 2016-06-16 01版
引力波能绕过黑洞吗?——引力波本性的思考 , 科学网, 张宏升、范锡龙
GW astronomy application
Constraining the ellipticity and frequency of binary neutron star remnant via its gravitational-wave and electromagnetic radiations , Yuan, Yong ; Fan, Xi-Long; Lü, Hou-Jun, 2023, MNRAS
Gravitational Wave Radiation from Newborn Accreting Magnetars, Cheng, Quan ; Zheng, Xiao-Ping ; Fan, Xi-Long ; Huang, Xi, ,2023, RAA
Probing the Large-scale Structure of the Universe Through Gravitational Wave Observations, Shao, Xiaoyun ; Cao, Zhoujian ; Fan, Xilong; Wu, Shichao, 2022, RAA
Tail wavelets in merger of binary compact objects , Lin, Kai ; Qian, Wei-Liang ; Fan, Xilong ; Zhang, Hongsheng , CPC, 2020
Probing Intrinsic Properties of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts with Gravitational Waves, Fan, Xilong; Messenger, Christopher ; Heng, Ik Siong , 2017, PRL
Search for stochastic gravitational-wave background from string cosmology with Advanced LIGO and Virgo's O1 O3 data, Jiang, Yang ; Fan, Xi-Long ; Huang, Qing-Guo , 2023
How gravitational fluctuations degrade the high-dimensional spatial entanglement, Wu, Haorong; Fan, Xilong; Chen, Lixiang , 2022
Constraining the Stochastic Gravitational Wave from String Cosmology with Current and Future High-frequency Detectors, Li, Yufeng ; Fan, Xilong ; Gou, Lijun, 2019, ApJ
Stochastic gravitational-wave background from spin loss of black holes, Fan, Xi-Long; Chen, Yanbei, 2018, PRD
Short gamma-ray bursts and gravitational-wave observations from eccentric compact binaries , Tan, Wei-Wei; Fan, Xi-Long; Wang, F. Y, MNRAS, 2018
Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background from Neutron Star r-mode Instability Revisited , Zhu, Xing-Jiang; Fan, Xi-Long; Zhu, Zong-Hong, 2011, ApJ
nMulti-messenger astronomy
Using a multi-messenger and multi-wavelength observational strategy to probe the nature of dark energy through direct measurements of cosmic expansion history . Qi, Jing-Zhao ; Jin, Shang-Jie ; Fan, Xi-Long ; Zhang, Jing-Fei ; Zhang, Xin, 2021, JCAP
Determining the Nature of White Dwarfs from Low-frequency Gravitational Waves, Han, Wen-Biao; Fan, Xi-Long , 2018, ApJ
GW data analysis
Geometrical expression of the angular resolution of a network of gravitational-wave detectors and improved localization methods, Wen, L.; Fan, X.; Chen, Y.,, 2008, JPhCS
Some optimizations on detecting gravitational wave using convolutional neural network, Li, Xiang-Ru ; Yu, Wo-Liang ; Fan, Xi-Long ; Babu, G. Jogesh, FoP, 2020
Waveform Reconstruction of Core-Collapse Supernovae Gravitational-Waves with Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition, Yuan, Yong ; Fan, Xi-Long ; Lv, Hou-Jun ; Sun, Yang-Yi ; Lin, Kai, 2024, MNRAS
The optimal approach of detecting stochastic gravitational wave from string cosmology using multiple detectors,Xi-Long Fan and Zong-Hong Zhu, 2008. PLB
Method to detect gravitational waves from an ensemble of known pulsars, Fan, Xilong; Chen, Yanbei; Messenger, Christopher, 2016, PRD
Hierarchical Bayesian method for detecting continuous gravitational waves from an ensemble of pulsars, Pitkin, M.; Messenger, C. ; Fan, X. ,2018, PRD
Applying deep neural networks to the detection and space parameter estimation of compact binary coalescence with a network of gravitational wave detectors, Xilong Fan, Jin Li, Xin Li, Yuanhong Zhong, Junwei Cao, SCHPMA, 2019
Exploring the sky localization and early warning capabilities of third generation gravitational wave detectors in three-detector network configurations, Li, Yufeng; Heng, Ik Siong ; Chan, Man Leong ; Messenger, Chris; Fan, Xilong, 2022, PRD
nMulti-messenger astronomy
A Bayesian approach to multi-messenger astronomy: Identification of gravitational-wave host galaxies
Fast resolution of Galactic binaries in LISA data , Gao, Pin; Fan, Xi-Long ; Cao, Zhou-Jian ; Zhang, Xue-Hao, PRD 2023
Characterizing instrumental noise and stochastic gravitational wave signals from combined time-delay interferometry, Wang, Gang; Li, ; Xu, Peng; Fan, Xilong 2022,PRD
Simultaneously search for multi-target Galactic binary gravitational waves in reduced parameter space with LMPSO-CV , Gao, Pin ; Fan, Xilong ; Cao, Zhoujian , 2024, PRD
Lensed GW system
nWave nature:
Poisson-Arago spot for gravitational waves , Zhang, HongSheng; Fan, XiLong, 2021, SCPMA
Gravitational lensing of gravitational waves: Rotation of polarization plane , Hou, Shaoqi ; Fan, Xi-Long; Zhu, Zong-Hong , 2019, PRD
The Wave Nature of Continuous Gravitational Waves from Microlensing , Liao, Kai; Biesiada, Marek ; Fan, Xi-Long, 2019, ApJ
Constraining cosmological parameters from strong lensing with DECIGO and B-DECIGO sources , Hou, Shaoqi; Fan, Xi-Long; Zhu, Zong-Hong, 2021, MNRAS
Constraining Cosmological Parameters in the FLRW Metric with Lensed GW+EM Signals, Li, Yufeng ; Fan, Xilong ; Gou, Lijun , 2019, ApJ
Precision cosmology from future lensed gravitational wave and electromagnetic signals , Liao, Kai ; Fan, Xi-Long ; Ding, Xuheng; Biesiada, Marek ; Zhu, Zong-Hong , 2017, Nature Communications
Lensing rates of gravitational wave signals displaying beat patterns detectable by DECIGO and B-DECIGO, Hou, Shaoqi; Li, Pengbo ; Yu, Hai search by orcid ; Biesiada, Marek; Fan, Xi-Long; Kawamura, Seiji; Zhu, Zong-Hong, 2021, PRD
Inspiraling Double Compact Object Detection and Lensing Rate: Forecast for DECIGO and B-DECIGO, Piórkowska-Kurpas, Aleksandra ; Hou, Shaoqi ; Biesiada, Marek; Ding, Xuheng; Cao, Shuo; Fan, Xilong ; Kawamura, Seiji ; Zhu, Zong-Hong 2021, ApJ
nLens properties:
Gravitational wave interference via gravitational lensing: Measurements of luminosity distance, lens mass, and cosmological parameters , Hou, Shaoqi; Fan, Xi-Long;Liao, Kai; Zhu, Zong-Hong , PRD, 2020
Anomalies in Time Delays of Lensed Gravitational Waves and Dark Matter Substructures, Liao, Kai; Ding,; Biesiada, Marek; Fan, Xi-Long ; Zhu, Zong-Hong, 2018, ApJ
n Fundamental Physics :
Speed of Gravitational Waves from Strongly Lensed Gravitational Waves and Electromagnetic Signals , Fan, Xi-Long; Liao, Kai ; Biesiada, Marek ; Piórkowska-Kurpas, Aleksandra ; Zhu, Zong-Hong , 2017, PRL n n n n n