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Suoqin Jin

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
School/Department:School of Mathematics and Statistics
Business Address:Room 312, Laowaiwen Building
Contact Information:sqjin@whu.edu.cn; suoqin.jin@gmail.com
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Dr. Suoqin Jin is a professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at Wuhan University. He works on the interface between mathematics, machine learning, data science and biomedicine. His main research focuses on developing mathematical and machine learning theories, models and methods to address the challenging questions in biomedical field, particularly regarding complex diseases (e.g., cancer), skin biology and neuroscience. Recently, he is particulalry interested in developing advanced mathematical models and machine learning methods for analyzing single-cell genomic and imaging data, as well as nonlinear dynamics analysis of tumor microenvironment.

Email: sqjin_at_whu.edu.cn; suoqin.jin_at_gmail.com

More information is available at Dr. Suoqin Jin's homepage: https://jinworks.github.io/