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    • 博士生导师 硕士生导师
    • 主要任职:空间全生命周期健康国际研究中心(ISLE)主任
    • 其他任职:人民医院特聘教授、首席科学家
    • 学历:博士研究生毕业
    • 电子邮箱:




    发布时间:2023-04-11   点击次数:


    2012-2016  福建师范大学地理科学学院,获学士学位

    2016-2019  中国科学院城市环境研究所,获硕士学位

    2019-2024  荷兰特温特大学地理信息与对地观测学院,博士学位

    2024-          武汉大学人民医院医学遥感信息研究院,博士后


    ·       K. Qin, Z. Wang, S. Dai, Y. Li, M. Li, C. Li, G. Qiu, Y. Shi, C. Yin, S. Yang, P. Jia* (2024). Spatiotemporal patterns of air pollution over the epidemic course: a national study in China, Remote Sensing   (IF=5.0)

    ·       S. Dai, Y. Li, A. Stein, S. Yang, P. Jia* (2024). Street view imagery for built environment auditing: a systematic review, International Journal of Geographical Information Science  (IF=5.7)

    ·       S. Dai, G. Qiu, Y. Li, S. Yang, S. Yang, P. Jia* (2024). State of the art of lifecourse cohort establishment, China CDC Weekly  (IF=4.7)

    ·       W. Zhang, Z. Liu, K. Qin, S. Dai, H. Lu, M. Lu, J. Ji, Z. Yang, C. Chen, P. Jia* (2024). Long-term dynamic monitoring and driving force analysis of eco-environmental quality in China, Remote Sensing 16(6): 1028  (IF=5.0)

    ·       C. Yin*, J. Liu, S. Dai, B. Sun (2024). Mixed land use has opposite associations with subjective well-being through social capital: spatial heterogeneity in residential and workplace neighborhoods, Travel Behaviour and Society 35: 100724  (IF=5.2)

    ·       Y. Tian, S. Zuo*, J. Ju, S. Dai, Y. Ren, P. Dou (2024). Local carbon emission zone construction in the highly urbanized regions: application of residential and transport CO2 emissions in Shanghai, China, Building and Environment 247: 111007  (IF=7.4)

    ·       S. Dai, W. Zhao*, Y. Wang, X. Huang, Z. Chen, J. Lei, A. Stein, P. Jia (2023). Assessing spatiotemporal bikeability using multi-source geospatial big data: a case study of Xiamen, China, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation: 125, 103539  (IF=7.5)

    ·       S. Yang, B. Yu, W. Yu, S. Dai, C. Feng, Y. Shao, X. Zhao, X. Li, T. He, P. Jia* (2023). Development and validation of an age-sex-ethnicity-specific metabolic syndrome score in the Chinese adults, Nature Communications 14: 6988  (IF=16.6)

    ·       P. Jia*, Y. Shi, Q. Jiang, S. Dai, B. Yu, S. Yang, G. Qiu, S. Yang (2023). Environmental determinants of childhood obesity: a meta-analysis, The Lancet Global Health 11: S7  (IF=34.3)

    ·       S. Zuo*S. Dai, J. Ju, F. Meng, Y. Ren, Y. Tian, K. Wang (2022). The importance of the functional mixed entropy for the explanation of residential and transport CO2 emissions in the urban center of China, Journal of Cleaner Production 380: 134947  (IF=11.1)

    ·       P. Zhang, S. Yang, S. Dai, D. Aik, S. Yang, P. Jia* (2022). Global spreading of Omicron variant of COVID-19, Geospatial Health 17  (IF=1.7)

    ·       Y. Liu, J. Li, W. Chen*, L. Song, S. Dai (2022). Quantifying urban mass gain and loss by a GIS-based material stocks and flows analysis, Journal of Industrial Ecology 26(3): 1051-1060  (IF=5.9)

    ·       W. Wang, X. Liu, C. Zhang, F. Sheng, S. Song, P. Li, S. Dai, B. Wang, D. Liu, L. Zhang, X. Yang, Z. Zhang, S. Liu, A. Zhang, Q. Liu*, G. Jiang (2022). Identification of two-dimensional copper signatures in human blood for bladder cancer with machine learning, Chemical Science 13(6): 1648-1656  (IF=8.4)

    ·       S. Dai, X. Zheng, L. Gao, C. Xu, S. Zuo, Q. Chen, X. Wei, Y. Ren* (2021). Improving plot-level model of forest biomass: A combined approach using machine learning with spatial statistics, Forests 12(12): 1663  (IF=2.9)

    ·       P. Jia*S. Dai, T. Wu, S. Yang (2021). New approaches to anticipate the risk of reverse zoonosis, Trends in Ecology & Evolution 36: 580-590  (IF=16.8)

    ·       P. Dou, S. Zuo*, Y. Ren*, MJ. Rodriguez, S. Dai (2021). Refined water security assessment for sustainable water management: A case study of 15 key cities in the Yangtze River Delta, China, Journal of Environmental Management 290: 112588  (IF=8.7)

    ·       S. Yang, S. Dai, Y. Huang, P. Jia* (2021). Pitfalls in modeling asymptomatic COVID-19 infection, Frontiers in Public Health 9: 593176  (IF=5.2)

    ·       L. Song, S. Dai, Z. Cao, Y. Liu, W. Chen* (2021). High spatial resolution mapping of steel resources accumulated above ground in mainland China: Past trends and future prospects, Journal of Cleaner Production 297: 126482  (IF=11.1)

    ·       S. Zuo, L. Yang*, P. Dou, HC. Ho, S. Dai, W. Ma, Y. Ren, C. Huang (2021). The direct and interactive impacts of hydrological factors on bacillary dysentery across different geographical regions in central China, Science of the Total Environment 764: 144609  (IF=9.8)

    ·       P. Jia*S. Dai, KE. Rohli, RV. Rohli, Y. Ma, C. Yu, X. Pan, W. Zhou* (2021). Natural environment and childhood obesity: A systematic review, Obesity Reviews 22: e13097  (IF=8.9)

    ·       P. Jia*, X. Cao, H. Yang, S. Dai, P. He, G. Huang, T. Wu, Y. Wang* (2021) Green space access in the neighbourhood and childhood obesity, Obesity Reviews 22: e13100  (IF=8.9)

    ·       M. Luo, H. Li, X. Pan, T. Fei, S. Dai, G. Qiu, Y. Zou, H. Vos, J. Luo*, P. Jia* (2021). Neighbourhood speed limit and childhood obesity, Obesity Reviews 22: e13052  (IF=8.9)

    ·       X. Pan, L. Zhao, J. Luo, Y. Li, L. Zhang, T. Wu, M. Smith, S. Dai, P. Jia* (2021). Access to bike lanes and childhood obesity: A systematic review and metaanalysis, Obesity Reviews 22: e13042  (IF=8.9)

    ·       X. Pan, H. Li, L. Zhao, X. Yang, J. Su, S. Dai, J. Ning, C. Li, G. Cai, G. Zhu* (2021). Response of syntrophic bacterial and methanogenic archaeal communities in paddy soil to soil type and phenological period of rice growth, Journal of Cleaner Production 278: 123418  (IF=11.1)

    ·       S. Dai, Y. Ren, S. Zuo*, C. Lai, J. Li, S. Xie, B. Chen (2020). Investigating the uncertainties propagation analysis of CO2 emissions gridded maps at the urban scales: a case study of Jinjiang city, China, Remote Sensing 12: 3932  (IF=5.0)

    ·       戴劭勍李佳佳杨维旭陈方煜江辉仙* (2020). 春节期间的 PM2.5 污染短期暴露健康效应评估——以长三角地区 25 个城市为例上海城市规划 5: 22-29  (北大核心)

    ·       S. Xie, G. Yu*, C. Li, J. Li, G. Wang, S. Dai, Y. Wang (2020). Treatment of high-ash industrial sludge for producing improved char with low heavy metal toxicity, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 150: 104866  (IF=6.0)

    ·       S. Dai, S. Zuo, Y. Ren* (2020). A spatial database of CO2 emissions, urban form fragmentation and city-scale effect related impact factors for the low carbon urban system in Jinjiang city, China, Data in Brief 29: 105274  (IF=1.2)

    ·       S. Zuo, S. Dai, Y. Ren* (2019). More fragmentized urban form more CO2 emissions? An comprehensive relationship from the combination analysis across different scales, Journal of Cleaner Production 244: 118659  (IF=11.1)

    ·       窦攀烽左舒翟*任引戴劭勍云国梁 (2019). 气候和土地利用/覆被变化对宁波地区生态系统产水服务的影响环境科学学报 39 (7): 2398-2409  (北大核心, CSCD)

    ·       Q. Yang*, T. Huang, S. Wang*, J. Li*S. Dai, S. Wright, Y. Wang, H. Peng (2019). A GIS-based high spatial resolution assessment of large-scale PV power generation potential and associated CO2 emission reduction in China, Applied Energy 247: 254-269  (IF=11.2)

    ·       G. Yun, Y. He*, Y. Jiang, P. Dou, S. Dai (2019). PM2.5 spatiotemporal evolution and drivers in the Yangtze River Delta between 2005 and 2015, Atmosphere 10(2): 55  (IF=2.9)

    ·       S. Zuo, S. Dai, X. Song, C. Xu, Y. Liao, W. Chang, Q. Chen, Y. Li, J. Tang, W. Man, Y. Ren* (2018). Determining the mechanisms that influence the surface temperature of urban forest canopies by combining remote sensing methods, ground observations, and spatial statistical models, Remote Sensing 10(11): 1814  (IF=5.0)

    ·       S. Zuo, S. Dai, Y. Li, J. Tang, Y. Ren* (2018). Analysis of heavy metal sources in the soil of riverbanks across an urbanization gradient, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(10): 2175  (IF=4.6)

    ·       戴劭勍江辉仙*李佳佳苏娴吴娟任引 (2018). H市城区步行环境对两抢一盗警情的影响地理科学 38 (8): 1235-1244  (北大核心, CSCD,CSSCI,地理学T1期刊)

    ·       G. Yun, S. Zuo, S. Dai, X. Song, C. Xu, Y. Liao, P. Zhao, W. Chang, Q. Chen, Y. Li, J. Tang, W. Man, Y. Ren* (2018). Individual and interactive influences of anthropogenic and ecological factors on forest PM2.5 concentrations at an urban scale, Remote Sensing 10(4): 521  (IF=5.0)

    ·       叶琴曾刚*戴劭勍王丰龙 (2018). 不同环境规制工具对中国节能减排技术创新的影响——基于285个地级市面板数据中国人口·资源与环境 28(2): 115-122  (北大核心, CSCD,CSSCI)

    ·       Q. Ye, S. Dai, G. Zeng* (2017). Research on the effects of command-and-control and market-oriented policy tools on China’s energy conservation and emissions reduction innovation, Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment 16(1): 1-11  (IF=9.3)

    ·       S. Dai, J. Li, S. Zuo*, Y. Ren*, H. Jiang (2017). Landscape-Scale Simulation Analysis of Waterlogging and Sponge City Planning for a Central Urban Area in Fuzhou City, China, International Low Impact Development Conference China 2016: LID Applications in Sponge City Projects: 251-260  (EI)

    ·       李苗裔戴劭勍王静远沈振江(2016). 基于政府大数据的北京城市空间发展模式分析时空信息学报(地理信息世界) 23(3): 20-26


    ·       一种预测大面积亚热带森林生物量的混合效应模型(发明).

    ·       结合源解析与机器学习以提升森林生物量的估算精度(发明).

    ·       一种多源数据融合的森林资源清查生物量估算模型(发明).


    ·       基于环境物联网与 InVEST 的水安全监测系统 V1.0 (2019). 登记号: 2019SR0517519.

    ·       基于环境物联网数据的水源涵养监测系统 V1.0 (2018). 登记号: 2018SR745897.


    ·       内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市土默特左旗旗委、旗政府、旗卫健委表彰(2022

    ·       第五届城垣杯规划决策支持模型设计大赛二等奖 (2021)

    ·       国家公派留学奖学金 (2019)

    ·       永清环保奖学金二等奖学金(2019

    ·       中国科学院城市环境研究所一等奖学金(2019

    ·       中国生态学学会优秀研究生科研创新作品(2019

    ·       中国教育部国家奖学金(2018

    ·       第二届大数据支持空间规划与设计竞赛全国三等奖(2018

    ·       中国科学院城市环境研究所二等奖学金(2018

    ·       中国科学院大学三好学生(20172018

    ·       第五届’共享杯’大学生科技资源共享服务创新大赛全国优秀奖(2018

    ·       易智瑞(中国)信息技术有限公司第十五届用户大会’优秀志愿者’(2017

    ·       Esri杯全国大学生GIS开发竞赛3维建模与设计组全国优胜奖(2015

    ·       第十四届’挑战杯’全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛’智慧城市’专项赛全国三等奖(2015

    ·       福建师范大学首届’年度学生人物’提名奖与科技创新奖(2015

    ·       MathorCup 2014全球大学生数学建模竞赛全国三等奖(2014