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    • 博士生导师 硕士生导师
    • 主要任职:空间全生命周期健康国际研究中心(ISLE)主任
    • 其他任职:人民医院特聘教授、首席科学家
    • 学历:博士研究生毕业
    • 电子邮箱:




    发布时间:2023-04-11   点击次数:


    2011-2015  福建师范大学地理科学学院,学士

    2015-2020  华东师范大学城市与区域科学学院,博士

    2020-2022  华东师范大学城市与区域科学学院,博士后



    ·       Yin, C., Yao, X., & Sun, B.* (2022). Population density and obesity in rural China: Mediation effects of car ownership. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 105, 103228

    ·       Yin, C., Cao, J.*, & Sun, B. (2020). Examining non-linear associations between population density and waist-hip ratio: An application of gradient boosting decision trees. Cities, 107, 102899

    ·       Yin, C., & Sun, B.* (2020). Does compact built environment help to reduce obesity? Influence of population density on waist–hip ratio in Chinese cities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21), 7746. (IF: 4.798, SSCI-Q1 & SCI-Q2 & 自然资源高质量期刊T3)

    ·       Yin, C., & Sun, B.* (2018). Disentangling the effects of the built environment on carownership: Amulti-level analysis of Chinese cities.Cities, 74, 188-195

    ·       Yin, C., Guo, R., & Sun, B.* (2022). Effect of Compact Residencesand Workplaces on YoungAdults’ Commuting Behavior: Evidencefrom Shanghai, China. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 148(2), 05022004

    ·       Sun, B., &Yin, C.* (2020). Impacts ofa multi-scale built environment and its correspondingmoderatingeffects on commute duration in China. Urban Studies, 57(10), 2115-2130

    ·       Sun, B., &Yin, C.* (2018). Relationship between multi-scale urban built environments and body mass index:A studyof China. Applied Geography, 94, 230-240

    ·       尹春, 孙斌栋*, 何舟, 林杰. (2018). 城市建成环境对通勤时耗的影响及规划启示. 城市规划, 42(8): 83-89

    ·       孙斌栋,尹春* (2018). 人口密度对居民通勤时耗的影响及条件效应——来自上海证据. 地理科学, 38(1): 41-48

    ·       孙斌栋, 何舟, 李南菲, 尹春*. (2017). 职住均衡能够缓解交通拥堵吗?——基于GIS缓冲区方法的上海实证研究. 城市规划学刊, 237(5): 98-104

    ·       孙斌栋,尹春*. (2018). 建成环境对居民健康的影响——来自拆迁安置房居民的证据. 城市与区域规划研究, 10(4): 48-58

    ·       孙斌栋, 吴江洁, 尹春*, 陈玉. (2019).通勤时耗对居民健康的影响——来自中国家庭追踪调查的证据. 城市发展研究, 26(3): 59-64

    ·       Fan, L.*, Cao, J., Hu, M., &Yin, C. (2022). Exploring the importance of neighborhood characteristics to and their nonlinear effects on life satisfaction of displaced seniorfarmers. Cities, 124, 103605

    ·       Sun, B., Lin, J.*, &Yin, C. (2021). How does commute duration affect subjective well-being?A case study of Chinese cities. Transportation, 48, 885-908

    ·       Liu, J., Yin, C., Liu, C., Tang, Y., &Zhang, X.* (2018). Modelinga production function to evaluate the effect of medical staffing on antimicrobial stewardship performance in china,2009–2016:static and dynamic panel data analyses. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 9, 775

    ·       Li, W., Sun, B.*, Yin, C., Zhang,T., &Liu, Q. (2018). Does metro proximitypromotehappiness? Evidence from Shanghai. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 11(1), 1271-1285

    ·       姚夏劼, 孙斌栋*, 仲政, 尹春. (2020). 中国乡村建成环境对肥胖的影响:基于村民BMI数据的实证. 上海城市规划, 2020(5): 8-14


    ·        “超级博士后”人才激励计划  (2020)

    ·       上海市决策咨询研究成果一等奖  (2020)

    ·       华东师范大学校长奖学金  (2018)

    ·       博士研究生国家奖学金  (2018)

    ·       春芬论坛优秀论文一等奖  (2018)