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  • 博士生导师
  • 硕士生导师
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  • 办公地点:武汉大学工学部十教407
  • 所属院系: 土木建筑工程学院
  • 学科: 岩土工程



主持国家自然科学基金(面上、青年项目各1项)以及湖北省自然科学基金等科研项目6项,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目等8项,在国内外岩石力学与工程地质领域主流权威期刊发表论文100余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在IJRMMS、RMRE、TUST、EG等期刊发表SCI论文30篇(中科院一区16篇、二区8篇,JCR Q2以上24篇),EI论文9篇,入选ESI高被引论文4篇、热点论文1篇,论文总被引2200余次,单篇最高被引163次,H指数为28,申请/授权发明专利11项,获批软件著作权2项,参编英/中文专著各1部。(数据截至2024年6月)

入选2022年湖北省“楚天学者”,任中国岩石力学与工程学会国际事务处副秘书长、岩石破碎工程专委会委员、青年工作委员会委员、工程安全与防护分会理事、红层工程分会理事、露天开采与边坡工程专委会委员,湖北省地下工程学会理事,中科院一区TOP期刊Int. J. Min. Sci. & Techno.青年编委(获评2023年优秀青年编委)、中国煤炭学会会刊Int. J. Coal Sci. & Techno.科学编辑、Geotech. Geolo. Eng.编委、Rock Mechanics Bulletin青年编委、《应用力学学报》青年编委(获评2022年优秀青年编委),SCI期刊Adv. Civ. Eng.编委以及SCI期刊Shock Vib. 编委,担任TUST, IJRMMS, EG, RMRE, CBM等40多个国内外顶级期刊评审人,近3年受邀评审稿件逾200篇。



(1) 冻结岩石力学、岩石动力学

(2) 多场耦合岩体力学(深部地热开发、超临界CO2驱替、水力压裂等)

(3) 裂隙岩体注浆加固机理及效果预测

(4) 深部工程灾害(岩爆、大变形)控制机理与技术


ORCID: https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-2981-5110

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lei-Weng-2

WOS: https://webofscience.clarivate.cn/wos/author/record/2089010

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56425148200

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=zh-TW&user=gqJnBbMAAAAJ


2020.04 至今   副教授,武汉大学,土木建筑工程学院

2017.04 - 2020.03   重点资助博士后(合作导师:吴志军教授、刘泉声教授),武汉大学,土木建筑工程学院


2012.09 - 2016.12   博士,中南大学,导师:李夕兵教授

2015.09 - 2016.10   联培博士,The University of Adelaide,导师:Prof. Abbas Taheri

2009.09 - 2012.06   硕士,武汉理工大学,导师:房泽法教授

2005.09 - 2009.06   本科,武汉理工大学








主持,基于高速3D DIC技术的脆性岩石裂纹扩展规律研究,武汉大学“双一流”建设引导专项人才科研启动基金项目,2018-2019.




2023  第八届青年岩石力学与岩土工程创新创业大赛二等奖(1/7)

2023  岩石损伤破裂细-宏观机制及连续-非连续数值预测方法,中国岩石力学与工程学会自然科学奖一等奖(4/5)

2022  湖北省“楚天学者”计划

2022  首届湖北省博士后创新创业大赛优胜奖(2/6)及湖北省“优秀博士后”称号

2022  岩体开挖损伤效应及其对围岩破裂的影响机理,湖南省自然科学奖三等奖(2/4)

2021  隧道围岩-支护结构变形协调作用分析方法与控制技术,西藏自治区科技进步一等奖(9/15)

2019  深部硬岩非常规破坏机理与预测方法,湖南省自然科学奖二等奖(6/6)

2016  玲珑金矿花岗岩岩爆倾向性及岩爆发生机制研究,中国黄金协会科技奖三等奖(10/12)

2014  采空区内冒落松散岩体的成巷方法与施工技术研究,中国黄金协会科技奖二等奖(6/15)


[27] Weng, L., Zhang, H., Wu, Z.*, Wang, J., Wu, L., Shi, J., Chu, Z., Liu, Q., Ma, S. & Zhang, J. (2024). Unraveling the shear behaviors of bonding interface for post-grouted sandstones considering the temperature and confining pressure effects, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 30: 4212-4227.

[26] Wu, Z.*, Wu, Y., Weng, L.*, Li, M., Wang, Z. & Chu, Z. (2024). Machine learning approach to predicting the macro-mechanical properties of rock from the meso-mechanical parameters, Computers and Geotechnics, 166: 105933.

[25] Weng, L., Zhang, H., Wu, Z., Xu, X.*, Zhang, C., Li, M. & Liu, Q. (2024). Heterogeneous frost deformation of partially-saturated sandstones due to the freeze-thaw cycle, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 57(1): 61-77.

[24] Weng, L., Wu, Z.*, Wang, Z., Chu, Z., Xu, X. & Liu, Q. (2023). Acoustic Emission Source Localization in Heterogeneous Rocks with Random Inclusions Using a PRM-Based Wave Velocity Model, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 56(5): 3301-3315

[23] Weng, L., Wu, Z., Chu, Z.*, Lu, H.*, Xu, X. & Liu, Q. (2023). Evolution of the Unfrozen Water Content for Partially-Saturated Sandstones and the Critical Degree of Saturation, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 56: 1-18.

[22] Weng, L., Wu, Z.*, Zhang, S., Liu, Q. & Chu, Z. (2022). Real-time characterization of the grouting diffusion process in fractured sandstone based on the low-field nuclear magnetic resonance technique. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 152:105060.

[21] Liu, Y., Weng, L.* & Chu, Z. (2022). Numerical investigation of rock dynamic fragmentation during rockslides using a coupled 3D FEM-DEM method, Journal of Mountain Science, 19(4): 1051-1069.

[20] Weng, L., Wu, Z.*, Liu, Q., Chu, Z. & Zhang, S. (2021). Evolutions of the unfrozen water content of saturated sandstones during freezing process and the freeze-induced damage characteristics. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 142:104757. 

[19] Wu, Q., Weng, L.*, Zhao, Y. & Feng, F. (2021). Influences of the infilling stiffness on the mechanical and fracturing responses of hollow cylindrical sandstone under uniaxial compression tests, Journal of Central South University, 28(8): 2485-2498.

[18] Weng, L., Wu, Z.* & Liu, Q. (2020). Dynamic mechanical properties of dry and water-saturated siltstones under sub-zero temperatures. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 53:4381-7701. 

[17] Wu, Z., Li, M. & Weng, L.* (2020). Thermal-Stress-Aperture Coupled Model for Analyzing the Thermal Failure of Fractured Rock Mass, International Journal of Geomechanics, 20(10): 0001809.

[16] Weng, L., Wu, Z.*, Taheri, A. & Liu, Q. (2020). Deterioration of dynamic mechanical properties of granite due to freeze-thaw weathering: Considering the effects of moisture conditions, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 176: 103092.

[15] Weng, L., Wu, Z.* & Liu, Q. (2020). Influence of heating/cooling cycles on the micro/macrocracking characteristics of Rucheng granite under unconfined compression, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 79: 1289-1309.

[14] Weng, L., Wu, Q.*, Zhao, Y. & Wang, S. (2020). Dynamic Response and Failure of Rock in Initial Gradient Stress Field under Stress Wave Loading, Journal of Central South University, 27: 963-972.

[13] Weng, L., Wu, Z.*, Liu, Q. & Wang Z. (2019). Energy dissipation and dynamic fragmentation of dry and water-saturated siltstones under sub-zero temperatures, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 220: 106659.

[12] Wu, Q., Li, X., Weng, L.*, Li, Q., Zhu, Y., & Luo, R. (2019). Experimental investigation of the dynamic response of prestressed rockbolt by using an SHPB-based rockbolt test system, Tunnelling & Underground Space Technology, 93: 103088.

[11] Weng, L., Wu, Z.* & Liu, Q. (2019). Numerical Analysis of Degradation Characteristics for Heterogeneous Rock under Coupled Thermomechanical Conditions, International Journal of Geomechanics, 19(10): 04019111.

[10] Wu, Q., Weng, L.*, Zhao, Y., Guo, B. & Luo, T. (2019) On the tensile mechanical characteristics of fine-grained granite after heating/cooling treatments with different cooling rates. Engineering Geology, 253:94-110. 

[9] Su, C., Wu, Q., Weng, L.* & Chang, Xu. (2019). Experimental investigation of mode I fracture features of steel fiber-reinforced reactive powder concrete using semi-circular bend test, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 209: 187-199.

[8] Weng, L., Wu, Z.* & Liu, Q. (2019). Evaluating Damage and Microcracking Behavior of Granite Using NMR Testing under Different Levels of Unconfined Compression, International Journal of Geomechanics, 19(1): 04018186.

[7] Weng, L., Wu, Z.* & Li, X. (2018) Mesodamage characteristics of rock with a pre-cut opening under combined static-dynamic loads: A nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) investigation. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 51(8):2339-2354. 

[6] Weng, L.*, Li, X., Shang, X.. & Xie, X. (2018). Fracturing Behavior and Failure in Hollowed Granite Rock with Static Compression and Coupled Static–Dynamic Loads. International Journal of Geomechanics, 18(6): 04018045.

[5] Yang, X., Weng, L.*, & Hu, Z. (2018). Damage Evolution of Rocks under Triaxial Compressions: An NMR Investigation. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 22(8): 2856-2863.

[4] Weng, L.*, Li, X., Taheri, A., Wu, Q. & Xie, X. (2018) Fracture evolution around a cavity in brittle rock under uniaxial compression and coupled static–dynamic loads. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 51(2):531-545. 

[3] Weng, L., Huang, L.*, Taheri, A., & Li, X. (2017) Rockburst characteristics and numerical simulation based on a strain energy density index: a case study of a roadway in Linglong gold mine, China. Tunnelling & Underground Space Technology, 69:223-232. 

[2] Li, X., & Weng, L.* (2016). Numerical investigation on fracturing behaviors of deep-buried opening under dynamic disturbance. Tunnelling & Underground Space Technology, 54: 61-72.

[1] Weng, L., Li, X.*, Tao, M., & Wang, S. (2014). Numerical modelling of water-coupling cutting blasting in granite quarry. Transactions of the Institution of Mining & Metallurgy, Section A: Mining Technology, 123(4): 183-192.


[10] 向前,王科,翁磊*,尤伟军,储昭飞,李泽宇. (2024). 不同卸载方向下高应力岩石真三轴卸荷力学特性研究, 水文地质工程地质,51(3): 80-89.

[9] 吴秋红,夏宇浩,赵延林,翁磊*,王世鸣 & 冯淦. (2024). 基于DIC及CPG技术的热冷循环后花岗岩I型断裂特性研究,煤炭学报,10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2023.0974

[8] 吴秋红,夏宇浩,赵延林,翁磊*,杨毅 & 冯淦. (2023). 不同温度及冷却速率下花岗岩动态拉伸力学特性,煤炭学报,48(5): 2179-2193

[7] 吴志军,张锶浪,翁磊*,刘泉声 & 周原. (2022). 温度和围压影响下裂隙砂岩渗透注浆过程的实时核磁共振试验研究, 岩石力学与工程学报, 41(4): 660-675.

[6] 翁磊*,张皓量,张勇,储昭飞 & 徐翔宇. (2022). 低温下饱水粉砂岩的动态力学特性及本构模型研究, 应用力学学报, 39(6): 1096-1107.

[5] 吴志军,方立群,翁磊* & 刘泉声. (2022). 基于TBM掘进性能的岩体分级及可掘性等级感知识别方法, 岩石力学与工程学报, 41(S1): 2684-2699.

[4] 吴志军,卢槐,翁磊*,刘泉声 & 沈坚强. (2021). 基于核磁共振实时成像技术的裂隙砂岩渗流特性研究, 岩石力学与工程学报, 40(2): 263-275.

[3] 翁磊*, 李夕兵, 周子龙 & 刘科伟. (2016). 屈曲型岩爆的发生机制及其时效性研究,采矿与安全工程学报, 33(1): 172-178.

[2] 李夕兵, 翁磊*, 谢晓锋 & 吴秋红. (2015). 动静载荷作用下含孔洞硬岩损伤演化的核磁共振特性试验研究,岩石力学与工程学报,34(10): 1985-1993.

[1] 翁磊*, 李夕兵, 刘科伟, 黄麟淇 & 徐欣. (2014). 玲珑金矿松散围岩主巷变形破坏机制及支护对策,中国安全科学学报, 24(7): 129-134.


翁磊,吴志军,张皓量,殷修梁,吴龙骥,徐翔宇,刘泉声. (2023),可变倾角裂隙网格岩体动水注浆试验系统及试验方法,CN202311026170.2

翁磊,吴志军,刘泉声,马梁,储昭飞,张皓量. (2022)  微流控动水注浆可视化试验系统与试验方法,CN202211554192.1

吴志军,吴龙骥,翁磊,刘泉声,徐翔宇,储昭飞. (2022) 一种高聚物改性水泥动水注浆材料及其制备方法,CN202311401005.0

翁磊,吴秋红,吴志军,夏雨浩,储昭飞,杨毅,张皓量. (2022) 深部梯度应力环境下预应力锚杆动态力学性能试验装置及方法,CN202310018759.1

吴志军,张锶浪,翁磊. (2021) 裂隙岩心渗透注浆充填效果检测方法及系统. ZL 2021 1 0158131.2 已授权. 

翁磊,吴志军,储昭飞. (2020) 饱和冻结岩石未冻束缚水和未冻自由水含量的获取方法. ZL 2020 1 1359954. 3 已授权. 

吴志军,王智洋,翁磊. (2020) 非均质岩石波速场的获取方法. ZL 2020 1 1448942.8 已授权. 

吴志军,卢槐,张波,翁磊. (2018) 一种增强3D打印类岩石材料强度及改善其力学性能的方法. ZL 2018 1 1204291.0 已授权. 

吴志军,刘洋,刘泉声,张波,翁磊,马亮亮,于方正. (2019) 一种用于岩石或者混凝土试件的冲击试验装置及试验方法,CN201910014195.8.











国际岩石力学学会会员(ISRM Membership),2018-.

美国土木工程师协会会员(ASCE Membership),2018-.


SCI期刊International Journal of Mining Science and Technology青年编委(获评2023年优秀青年编委),2020-.

EI期刊International Journal of Coal Science and Technology学术编辑,2021-.


SCI期刊Shock and Vibration编委,2023-.

EI期刊Geotechnical and Geological Engineering编委,2023-.

SCI期刊Advances in Civil Engineering编委,2021-.

卓越行动计划高起点新期刊Rock Mechanics Bulletin青年编委,2023-.

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