Alma Mater:武汉大学
Paper Publications
[1]. Shunli Wang, Rui Li*, Huayi Wu Integrated expression and analysis of urban food disaster events from the perspective of multi-spatial semantic fusion. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 132 (104032). 2024.
[2]. Qiushi Hu, Rui Li*,Xiaorui Yang & Huayi Wu Multi-scale population analysis unit construction method considering scene feature variability and long/short-term patterns in spatiotemporal population activities. International Journal of Digital Earth. International Journal of Digital Earth. 17 (1). 2024.
[3]. Xia, J., Li, R*., Liu, X., Liu, G., & Peng, M Scale effects-aware bottom-up population estimation using weakly supervised learning. International Journal of Digital Earth. 17 (1). 2024.
[4]. Zhaohui Liu, Rui Li*, Jing Cai, Qiushi Hu & Huayi Wu Mobility difference index: a quantitative method for detecting human mobility difference. GIScience & Remote Sensing. 61 (1). 2024.
[5]. 胡秋实,李锐*,吴华意,刘朝辉,蔡晶 顾及城市场景变化的人口分析单元表达. 武汉大学学报 (信息科学版). 2023.
[6]. Hongyan Li, Rui Li*, Jing Cai, & Shunli Wang The Spatial Equilibrium Model of Elderly Care Facilities with High Spatiotemporal Sensitivity and Its Economic Associations Study. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 13 (8). 268. 2024.
[7]. Liu, Guangyu, Rui Li*, Jing Xia, Zhaohui Liu, Jing Cai, Huayi Wu, and Mingjun Peng Dual-environment feature fusion-based method for estimating building-scale population distributions. Geo-Spatial Information Science. 2023.
[8]. Fengying Jin, Rui Li & Huayi Wu* Graph neural network-based similarity relationship construction model for geospatial services. Geo-spatial Information Science. 2023.
[9]. Rui Li, Shili Shu, Shunli Wang, Yang Liu , Yanhao Li and Mingjun Peng* DAT-MT Accelerated Graph Fusion Dependency Parsing Model for Small Samples in Professional Fields. Entropy. 25 (10). 2023.
[10]. Shunli Wang, Rui Li*, Huayi Wu Integrating machine learning with linguistic features: A universal method for extraction and normalization of temporal expressions in Chinese texts. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 233. 2023.
[11]. 凌朝阳,李锐*,吴华意,李江,桂志鹏 语义驱动的地理实体关联网络构建与知识服务. 测绘学报. 52 (3). 2023.
[12]. Qiushi Hu, Rui Li*, Huayi Wu, Zhao Huiliu Construction of a refined population analysis unit based on urban forms and population aggregation patterns. International Journal of Digital Earth. 15 (1). 2022.
[13]. Guangsheng Dong, Rui Li*, Huayi Wu, Wei Huang, Hongping Zhang, Vincent Tao & Quan Liu Learning the spatial co-occurrence for browsing interests extraction of domain users on public map service platforms. Geo-spatial Information Science. 2022.
[14]. 李江,刘朝辉,宋旭颖,李锐,吴华意 顾及地理信息云服务领域知识的空间分析任务日志识别方法. 测绘地理信息. 48 (1). 2023.
[15]. Jiang Li, Jing Cai, Rui Li* Wavelet transforms based ARIMA-XGBoost hybrid method for layer actions response time prediction of cloud GIS services. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications. 2023.
[16]. 桂志鹏 ; 梅宇翱 ; 吴华意 ; 李锐 顾及POI人口吸引力异质性的城市人口空间化方法. 地球信息科学学报. 24 (10). 2022.
[17]. 吴京航 , Zhipeng Gui , Li Shen , Wu Huayi , Liu Hongbo , 李锐 , 梅宇翱 and 彭德华. 顾及格网属性分级与空间关联的 人口空间化方法. 武汉大学学报 (信息科学版). 47 (9). 2022.
[18]. Wu Huayi , 胡秋实 , 李锐 and 刘朝辉. 城市人口时空分布估计研究进展. 测绘学报. 51 (9). 2022.
[19]. Fengying Jin , Rui Li , Jianyuan Liang , Xianyuan Zhang , Huaqiao Xing & Zhipeng Gui and Huayi Wu. An Augmented Geospatial Service Web Based on QoS Constraints and Geospatial Service Semantic Relationships. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 11 (7). 2022.
[20]. Wu Huayi , 靳凤营 , , , 邢华桥 , Zhipeng Gui , 李锐 and 向隆刚. 地理信息服务网络与协同研究进展. 测绘学报. 51 (6). 2022.
[21]. Guangsheng Dong , Rui Li , Huayi Wu , Wenjing Chen and Wei Huang & Hongping Zhang. Browsing Behavior Modeling and Browsing Interest Extraction in the Trajectories on Web Map Service Platforms. Expert Systems with Applications. 195. 2022.
[22]. Guangsheng Dong , Xiangning Mou , Hongping Zhang , Rui Li , Huayi Wu , Jie Jiang , Fangning Li and Wensen Yu. Browsing target extraction and spatiotemporal preference mining from the complex virtual trajectories. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 129. 2024.
[23]. Rui Li , Jingqi Wang and Shunli Wang & Huayi Wu. Prediction of network public opinion features in urban planning based on geographical case-based reasoning. International Journal of Digital Earth. 15 (1). 2022.
[24]. Yang Liu , Rui Li , Shunli Wang and Huayi Wu & ZhipengGui. Deducing Flood Development Process Using Social Media: An Event-Based and Multi-Level Modeling Approach. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 11 (5). 2022.
[25]. Yuao Mei , Zhipeng Gui , Jinghang Wu , Dehua Peng , Rui Li and Huayi Wu & Zhengyang Wei. Population spatialization with pixel-level attribute grading by considering scale mismatch issue in regression modeling. Geo-spatial Information Science. 25 (3). 2022.
[26]. Rui Li , Guangsheng Dong and Bingzhen Chen & Huayi Wu. Planning-oriented optimization strategy for visualizing power distribution networks: from global to local. International Journal of Digital Earth. 14 (12). 2021.
[27]. Shunli Wang , Rui Li , Jie Jiang and Yao Meng. Fine-Scale Population Estimation Based on Building Classifications: A Case Study in Wuhan. Future Internet. 13 (10). 2021.
[28]. 孟瑶 , 李锐 , 蒋捷 , 王顺利 and Wu Huayi. 基于建筑物信息的城市街道尺度人口估算. 武汉大学学报 (信息科学版). 46 (8). 2021.
[29]. 李锐 , 石佳豪 , Dong Guangsheng and 刘朝辉. 多粒度时空对象组成结构表达研究. 地球信息科学学报. 23 (1). 2021.
[30]. 陈文静 , 李锐 , Dong Guangsheng and 李江. 网络地理信息服务中用户空间访问聚集行为研究. 地球信息科学学报. 23 (1). 2021.
[31]. Guangsheng Dong , Rui Li , Jie Jiang and Huayi Wu & Stephen C. McClure. Multi-Granular Wavelet Decomposition-based Support Vector Regression and Moving Average Method for Service-time Prediction on Web Map Service Platforms. IEEE Systems Journal. 14 (3). 2020.
[32]. 胡定利 , 李锐 , 孟瑶 and Wu Huayi. 新闻地名共现视角下的中国城市网络. 武汉大学学报 (信息科学版). 45 (2). 2020.
[33]. 舒时立 , 李锐 and Wu Huayi. 基于地名树的最佳空间尺度新闻事件地点提取方法. 武汉大学学报 (信息科学版). 44 (9). 2019.
[34]. Rui Li , Guangsheng Dong , Jie Jiang , Huayi Wu and Ning Yang & Wenjing Chen. Self-adaptive load-balancing strategy based on a time series pattern for concurrent user access on Web map service. Computers and Geosciences. 131. 2019.
[35]. 李茹 , 李锐 , 蒋捷 and Wu Huayi. 网络地图用户访问会话时空特征分析. 数据分析与知识发现. 30 (6). 2019.
[36]. 李锐 , 沈雨奇 , 蒋捷 , 刘朝辉 and Wu Huayi. 公共地图服务中访问热点区域的时空规律挖掘. 武汉大学学报 (信息科学版). 43 (9). 2018.
[37]. 胡定利 , Zhipeng Gui , 李锐 and Wu Huayi. 中国城市企业数量空间分布及规模分布演变. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版). 52 (3). 2018.
[38]. 刘宵婧 , Zhipeng Gui , Cao Jun , 李锐 and Wu Huayi. GWR与STARMA结合的WMS响应时间时空预测模型. 武汉大学学报 (信息科学版). 43 (6). 2018.
[39]. Rui Li , Zhaohui Liu , Huayi Wu , Ru Li and Guangsheng Dong & Jie Jiang. Hierarchical Decomposition Method and Combination Forecasting Scheme for Access Load on Public Map Service Platforms. Future Generation Computer Systems. 87. 2018.
[40]. 王璟琦 , 李锐 and Wu Huayi. 基于空间自相关的网络舆情话题演化时空规律分析. 数据分析与知识发现. 14 (2). 2018.
[41]. Rui Li , Jiapei Fan , Huayi Wu and Jie Jiang & Guangsheng Dong. Group-user access patterns and tile prefetching based on a time-sequence distribution in Cloud-based GIS. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 69. 2018.
[42]. 刘朝辉 , 李锐 and 王璟琦. 顾及语义尺度的时空对象属性特征动态表达. 地球信息科学学报. 19 (9). 2017.
[43]. 于天星 , 李锐 and Wu Huayi. 面向对象的地理实体时空位置多粒度表达. 地球信息科学学报. 19 (9). 2017.
[44]. Rui Li , Ning Yang , Ru Li and Wei Huang & Huayi Wu. Regional disparities in online Map user access volume and determining factors. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. IV-2/W4. 2017.
[45]. Jie Zheng , Jianya Gong , Rui Li , Kai Hu and Huayi Wu & Siluo Yang. Community evolution analysis based on co-author network: a case study of academic communities of the journal of “Annals of the Association of American Geographers”. Scientometrics. 113. 2017.
[46]. 卿雅娴 , 李锐 and Wu Huayi. 基于论文合著网络的学术社区分析方法研究——以《美国地理学家联合会会刊》为例. 数字分析与知识发现. 1 (4). 2017.
[47]. Rui Li , Wei Feng and Huayi Wu & Qunying Huang. A replication strategy for a distributed high-speed caching system based on spatiotemporal access patterns of geospatial data. Environment and Urban Systems. 61. 2017.
[48]. Bo Cheng , Xuefeng Guan and Huayi Wu & Rui Li. Hypergraph+: An Improved Hypergraph-Based Task-Scheduling Algorithm for Massive Spatial Data Processing on Master-Slave Platforms. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 8 (4). 2016.
[49]. Rui Li , Jiapei Fan & Jie Jiang and Huayi Wu. Spatiotemporal correlation in WebGIS group-user intensive access patterns. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 31 (1). 2016.
[50]. Zhenqiang Li , Xuefeng Guan and Rui Li & Huayi Wu. 4D-SAS: A Distributed Dynamic-Data Driven Simulation and Analysis System for Massive Spatial Agent-Based Modeling. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 5 (4). 2016.
[51]. 李锐 , TANG Xu , 石小龙 , 樊珈珮 and Zhipeng Gui. 网络GIS中最佳负载均衡的分布式缓存副本策略. 武汉大学学报 (信息科学版). 40 (10). 2015.
[52]. Wu Huayi , 李锐 , zhouzhen , 蒋捷 and Zhipeng Gui. 公共地图服务的群体用户访问行为时序特征模型及预测. 武汉大学学报 (信息科学版). 40 (10). 2015.
[53]. Rui Li , Jiapei Fan , Xinxing Wang & Zhen Zhou and Huayi Wu. Distributed cache replacement method for geospatial data using spatiotemporal locality based sequence. Geo-spatial Information Science. 18 (4). 2015.
[54]. Rui Li , Yuqi Shen & Wei Huang and Huayi Wu. Regional WebGIS user access patterns based on a weighted bipartite network. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. II-4/W2. 2015.
[55]. Rui Li and Xinxing Wang & Yanping Lin. Replacement Method based on Access Spatiotemporal Locality in a Heterogeneous Distributed Cluster-based Caching System for WebGIS. The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal. 9. 2015.
[56]. Jizhe Xia , Chaowei Yang , Kai Liu , Zhipeng Gui , Zhenlong Li and Qunying Huang & Rui Li. Adopting cloud computing to optimize spatial web portals for better performance to support Digital Earth and other global geospatial initiatives. International Journal of Digital Earth. 8 (6). 2015.
[57]. Rui Li and Xinxing Wang & Xiaolong Shi. A replacement strategy for a distributed caching system based on the spatiotemporal access pattern of geospatial data. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. XL-4. 2014.
[58]. Rui Li , Wei Feng and Wang Hao & Huayi Wu. A New Parameter Estimation Method for a Zipf-like Distribution for Geospatial Data Access. ETRI Journal. 36 (1). 2014.
[59]. Rui Li , Yinfeng Zhang and Zhenquan Xu & Huayi Wu. A Load-balancing method for network GISs in a heterogeneous cluster-based system using access density. Future Generation Computer Systems. 29 (2). 2013.
[60]. Rui Li , Wei Feng and Zhengquan Xu & Shaoming Pan. A mathematical simulation model for access traffic of geospatial data. IEEE. 2012.
[61]. Min Peng , Zhengquan Xu and Shaoming Pan & Rui Li. AgentTMS: A MAS Trust Model based on Agent Social Relationship. Journal of Computers. 7 (6). 2012.
[62]. Rui Li , Rui Guo and Zhenquan Xu & Wei Feng. A prefetching model based on access popularity for geospatial data in a cluster-based caching system. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 26 (10). 2012.
[63]. 李锐 , 林艳萍 , Xu Zhengquan and 冯蔚. 空间数据存储对象的元数据可伸缩性管理. 计算机应用研究. 28 (12). 2011.
[64]. Yanping Lin , Rui Li and Zhengquan Xu & Rui Guo. A Dynamic Method for Metadata Partitioning Based on Intensive Access of Spatial Data. IEEE. 2011.
[65]. 朱莉 , Shen Weiming , 李锐 and 徐胜勇. 利用遗传算法的网络GIS集群服务器动态负载均衡算法. 武汉大学学报 (信息科学版). 36 (6). 2011.
[66]. 朱莉 , Shen Weiming , Pan Shaoming and 李锐. 集成缓存与预取的网络GIS体系结构研究. IEEE. 2010.
[67]. 李锐 , Pan Shaoming and 徐凤华. 基于多媒体视讯技术的协同GIS平台研究. 微计算机信息. 26 (13). 2010.
[68]. 王浩 , Pan Shaoming , 彭敏 and 李锐. 数字地球中影像数据的Zipf-like访问分布及应用分析. 武汉大学学报 (信息科学版). 35 (3). 2010.
[69]. Rui Li and Shaoming Pan & Hao Wang. Radius Restrained Distributed Breadth First Search Flooding in Large-scale Multimedia Communication. IEEE. 2009.
[70]. 王浩 , 喻占武 , 李锐 and 曾武. 基于开销代价的网络地理信息服务负载均衡算法研究. 测绘学报. 38 (3). 2009.
[71]. Pan Shaoming , 喻占武 and 李锐. 基于主动缓存的P2P海量地形漫游瓦片调度算法. 测绘学报. 38 (3). 2009.
[72]. 李锐 and 喻占武. 基于H.225.0Annex G协议的域间路由寻址策略. 通信学报. 29 (7). 2008.
[73]. Hao Wang , Rui Li & Yuanyuan Zeng and Zhanwu Yu. Call Routing with Weighted Random Selection and Endpoint Admission Control for VoIP Traffic. IEEE. 2006.
[74]. Zhanwu Yu , Rui Li and Shaoming Pan. Call Routing Algorithm for NGN Multimedia Communication Based on Quasi-homo-administrative Domain. IEEE. 2006.
[75]. Hao Wang , Zhanwu Yu and Rui Li. Routing Service in Large-Scale Multimedia Network. IEEE. 2006.
[76]. Rui Li and Zhanwu Yu. Research on Integrating Applications of Hypermedia Video Communication Technique with Collaborative GIS. SPIE. 2005.
[77]. Rui Li and Zhanwu Yu & Hao Wang. Research on Multi-Zone and Hierarchical Routing for Video Gatekeeper Based on Agent. IEEE. 2005.
[78]. 喻占武 , 李锐 , Pan Shaoming and Hu Ruimin. 甚低带宽环境下的多媒体通信传输控制模型. 小型微型计算机系统. 25 (2). 2004.
[79]. 李锐 , 喻占武 , 张晋东 and Hu Ruimin. 数据仓库与数据挖掘技术在配电故障中的应用. 计算机集成制造系统-CIMS. 8 (11). 2002.
[80]. 喻占武 , 李锐 and Hu Ruimin. PSTN可视电话中V.80协议的研究与实现. 武汉大学学报 (信息科学版). 27 (1). 2002.