个人信息Personal information
- 博士生导师
- 硕士生导师
- 教师拼音名称:Liu
- 出生日期:1970-02-01
- 电子邮箱:
- 入职时间:1995-12-07
- 所在单位:计算机学院
- 学历:研究生毕业
- 性别:女
- 在职信息:在职
- 毕业院校:武汉大学
- 所属院系:计算机学院
- 学科:
- [1]. 刘娟 A Novel Locally Linear Embedding and Wavelet Transform Based Encoding Method for Prediction of MHC-II Binding Affinity. INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES-COMPUTATIONAL LIFE SCIENCES. 2 (2). 2010.
- [2]. 刘娟 MDAS: An Integrated System for Metabonomic Data Analysis. INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES-COMPUTATIONAL LIFE SCIENCES. 1 (1). 2009.
- [3]. 刘娟 Characterizing dynamic regulatory programs in mouse lung development and their potential association with tumourigenesis via miRNA-TF-mRNA circuits. BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. 7. 2013.
- [4]. 刘娟 A simple method of inferring pairwise gene interactions from microarray time series data. 2005 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, ICMLC 2005. 2005.
- [5]. 刘娟 Computer aided design of the intelligent system for monitoring the slope stability. Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA). 2008.
- [6]. 刘娟 基于端粒损失的数据挖掘研究与应用. 计算机工程与应用. 39 (1002-8331). 2003.
- [7]. 刘娟 Characterizing dynamic regulatory programs in mouse lung development and their potential association with tumourigenesis via miRNA-TF-mRNA circuits. BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. 7 (1752-0509). 2013.
- [8]. 刘娟 Biclustering gene expression data by random projection based on bucketing. 2008 INTERNATIONAL SPECIAL TOPIC CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS IN BIOMEDICINE, VOLS 1 AND 2. 2008.
- [9]. 刘娟 Discovering protein complexes from protein-protein interaction data by local cluster detecting algorithm. FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY, VOL 4, PROCEEDINGS. 2007.
- [10]. Computer Aided Design of the Intelligent System for Monitoring the Slope Stability. 2008 7TH WORLD CONGRESS ON INTELLIGENT CONTROL AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-23. 2008.