李武,教授,博士生导师,入选国家级青年人才项目(2022年)。2015年在武汉大学获得博士学位,导师雷爱文教授。2016-2021年在德国莱布尼茨催化研究所从事博士后研究,合作导师Matthias Beller教授。2022年2月入职武汉大学化学与分子科学学院。自2022年开展工作以来,李武聚焦催化氘标记化学,以通讯作者身份发表论文11篇,其中包括:Nature (1篇)、Nat. Synth.(1篇)、J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2篇)、 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(1篇)、Nat. Commun.(1篇)、Chin. J. Catal.(1篇)、 Green Synth. Catal.(2篇)、Chin. J. Chem.(2篇)。2022年获得国家自然科学基金委海外优青的资助,2022年获武汉英才“优秀青年人才”。曾获武汉英才“优秀青年人才”、湖北省优秀博士学位论文、武汉大学“十大珞珈风云学子” 、“十大学术之星”等奖励和荣誉。主要从事:同位素标记化学;电化学和电催化同位素标记;纳米催化剂的设计、创制及其催化同位素标记应用。欢迎优秀学子报考博士或硕士研究生(包括推荐免试研究生和直博生),同时招聘博士后/研究助理(长期有效),优秀者可以申请武汉大学“卓越博士后”计划,并欢迎本科生来课题组交流学习。请有意申请者将个人简历、科研工作总结/代表性论文发至邮箱:wu.li@whu.edu.cn。进一步了解研究方向可参考B站视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1dj411U7Tz/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=81b65167cd815b172f62cb029a1f29cb
1. Bu, F.#, Deng, Y.#, Xu, J., Yang, D., Li, Y., Li, W.* and Lei, A.*, Electrocatalytic reductive deuteration of arenes and heteroarenes. Nature 2024, 634, 592–599.
2. Bu, F.#, Deng, Y.#, Lu, L., Li. Y., Song, W., Yang, Z., Luo, X., Dong, X., Yi, R., Wang, S., Lei, A.*, and Li, W.*, Electrocatalytic Alkene Hydrogenation/Deuteration, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2025, 147, 5785−5795.
3. Li, Y.#, Peng, Y.#, Dong, W.#, Jiang, X., Lu, L., Yang, D., Hsu, L-C., Li, W.*, Su, B-L.* and Lei, A.*, Multiscale Anion-Hybrid in Atomic Ni Sites for High-Rate Water Electrolysis: Insights into the Charge Accumulation Mechanism, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 14194–14202.
4. Li, H.#, Li, Y.#, Chen, J., Lu, L., Wang, P., Hu, J., Ma, R., Gao, Y., Yi, H.*, Li, W.* and Lei, A.*, Scalable and Selective Electrochemical Hydrogenation of Polycyclic Arenes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, 63, e202407392.
5. Li, Y.#, Lu, L.#, Jiang, X., Yang, D, Chen, J-L., Chowdhury, A. D., Li, W.*, Pei, X.*, and Lei, A.*, Dynamic Boron-doping Switched Chitin-based Single-site Pt Catalyst for Chemo-selective Hydrogenation, Nat. Commun. 2025, 16, 2296.
6. Qiu, F. #, Chen, Y.#, Liao, P., Gao, Y., Guo, M.*, Zhang, H.*, Lei, A.* and Li, W.*, Electrochemical selective deuterium labelling of N-heteroarenes, Green Synth. Catal. 2024, doi. org/10.1016/j.gresc.2024.06.003.
7. Li, H., Shabbir, M., Li, W.* and Lei, A.*, Recent Advances in Deuteration Reactions, Chin. J. Chem. 2024, 42, 1145–1156. (Dedicated to Prof. Xiyan Lu for his outstanding contributions to organometallic chemistry and catalysis)
8. Qiu, F., Yang, L., Gao, Y., Yang, J., Lei, A.* and Li, W.*, Selective and Scalable Deuteration of Heteroarenes Using Nickel-Based Nanoparticles, Chin. J. Chem. 2024, 42, 2993–2998. (Dedicated to the 130th Anniversary of Wuhan University)
9. Yang, L.#, Qiu, F.#, Chen, Y., Gao, Y., Wang, T.*, Lei, A.* and Li, W.*, Copper-Catalyzed Deuteration of (Hetero)Aryl Halides, Green Synth. Catal. 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gresc.2024.12.004.
10. Li, W., Rabeah, J., Bourriquen, F., Yang, D., Kreyenschulte, C., Rockstroh, N., Lund, H., Bartling, S., Surkus, A-E., Junge, K., Brückner, A.*, Lei, A.*, and Beller, M.*, Scalable and selective deuteration of (hetero)arenes, Nature Chem., 2022, 14, 334–341 (Highlighted in “Synfacts”).
论文发表详细情况可参考:ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7102-4630
X-Mol https://www.x-mol.com/groups/Li_Wu/publications