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[1].  On the extension of multivalued holomorphic functions on a Stein space.  Math. Ann.. 
[2].  Szegő kernels and equivariant embedding theorems for CR manifolds.  Math. Res. Lett.. 
[3].  Chin-Yu Hsiao , Xiaoshan Li 和 George Marinescu.  Equivariant Kodaira embedding for CR manifolds with circle action.  Michigan Math. J..  70 (1).  55-113.  2021. 
[4].  Chin-Yu Hsiao 和 Xiaoshan Li.  Morse inequalities and embeddings for CR manifolds with circle action..  Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sin. (N.S.).  15 (2).  93-122.  2020. 
[5].  Chin-Yu Hsiao , Rung-Zhung Huang , Xiaoshan Li 和 Guokuan Shao.  S^1 equivariant index theorems and Morse inequalities on complex manifolds with boundary..  J. Funct. Anal..  279 (3).  51pp.  2020. 
[6].  Hendrik Herrmann , Chin-Yu Hsiao 和 Xiaoshan Li.  Torus equivariant Szegő kernel asymptotics on strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds..  Acta Math. Vietnam..  45 (1).  113-135.  2020. 
[7].  Xiaoshan Li 和 Guicong Su.  On a holomorphic family of Stein manifolds with strongly pseudoconvex boundaries..  J. Geom. Anal..  30 (1).  632-645.  2020. 
[8].  Hendrik Herrmann , Chin-Yu Hsiao 和 Xiaoshan Li.  Szegö kernel asymptotic expansion on strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds with S^1 action.  Internat. J. Math..  29 (9).  35pp.  2018. 
[9].  Chin-Yu Hsiao 和 Xiaoshan Li.  Szegő kernel asymptotics and Morse inequalities on CR manifolds with S^1 action.  Asian J. Math..  3.  413-450.  2018. 
[10].  Hendrik Herrmann , Chin-Yu Hsiao 和 Xiaoshan Li.  An explicit formula for Szegő kernels on the Heisenberg group.  Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.).  34 (8).  1225-1247.  2018. 
[11].  Chin-Yu Hsiao , Xiaoshan Li 和 Georeg Marinescu.  On the stability of equivariant embedding of compact CR manifolds with circle action.  Math. Z..  289 (1-2).  201-222.  2018. 
[12].  Hendrik Herrmann , Chin-Yu Hsiao 和 Xiaoshan Li.  Szegő kernel expansion and equivariant embedding of CR manifolds with circle action.  Ann. Global Anal. Geom..  52 (3).  313-340.  2017. 
[13].  Xiaoshan Li Closed range property for dbar on the Poincare disk.  Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sin. (N.S.).  11 (3).  571-578.  2016. 
[14].  Chin-Yu Hsiao 和 Xiaoshan Li.  Morse inequalities for Fourier components of Kohn-Rossi cohomology of CR manifolds with S^1-actio....  Math. Z..  284 (1-2).  441-468.  2016. 
[15].  Xiaojun Huang 和 Xiaoshan Li.  dbar-equation on a lunar domain with mixed boundary conditions.  Trans. Amer. Math. Soc..  368 (10).  6915-6937.  2016. 
[16].  Xiaojun Huang , Xiaoshan Li 和 Ming Xiao.  Nonembeddability into a fixed sphere for a family of compact real algebraic hypersurfaces.  Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN.  16.  7382-7393.  2015. 
[17].  Xiaoshan Li 和 Mei-Chi Shaw.  The dbar-equation on an annulus with mixed boundary conditions.  Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sin. (N.S.).  8 (3).  399-411.  2013. 
[18].  A simple proof of a theorem of Calabi.  Illinois J.Math..  56 (1).  95-99.  2013. 
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