WANG Liuquan


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Here is an incomplete list of math journals. Click the journal to visit its website. The list is not in any particular order and will be updated in the future. 

A. Comprehensive Journals

  1. Annals of Mathematics 

  2. Acta Mathematica

  3. Journal of the American Mathematical Society

  4. Inventiones Mathematicae

  5. Duke Mathematical Journal

  6. Journal of the European Mathematical Society

  7. Mathematische Annalen

  8. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik

  9. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics

  10. Advances in Mathemacis

  11. American Journal of Mathematics

  12. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society

  13. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society

  14. Journal of the London Mathematical Society

  15. International Mathematics Research Notices IMRN

  16. Advances in Applied Mathematics

  17. Science China Mathematics

  18. Acta Mathematica Sinica English Series

  19. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society

  20. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society

B. Specialized Journals

  1. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A

  2. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B

  3. Combinatorica

  4. Annals of Combinatorics

  5. Journal of Number Theory

  6. International Journal of Number Theory

  7. Acta Arithmetica

  8. Ramanujan Journal

  9. Discrete Mathematics

  10. European Journal of Combinatorics

  11. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics

  12. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics

  13. Journal of Algebra

  14. Algebra & Number Theory

  15. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

  16. Integral Transforms and Special Functions

  17. Research in Number Theory

  18. Integers, Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory

  19. Journal of Integer Sequences

  20. Hardy-Ramanujan Journal