Personal Information
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Name (Pinyin):Luo Fei
- E-Mail:
- Business Address:C202
- Gender:Male
- Contact Information:QQ:780656
- Status:Employed
- Academic Titles:计算机科学与技术系基础课教研室副主任
- Alma Mater:湖北工业大学(学士),武汉大学(硕士),武汉大学(博士)
- Teacher College:School of Computer Science
- Discipline:
Other specialties in Computer Science and Technology
Other Contact Information
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- Email:
- [1]. MMAR-Net: A Multi-Stride and Multi-Resolution Affine Registration Network for CT Images(SCI Q1). Big Data Mining and Analytics. 7 (4). 2024.
- [2]. EnlightenDepth: a Novel Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Low-light Enhancement in Endoscopy, BIBM2024, CCF-B.
- [3]. MFSegDiff: A Multi-Frequency Diffusion Model for Medical Image Segmentation. (CCF-B). BIBM2024.
- [4]. HS-Surf: A Novel High-Frequency Surface Shell Radiance Field to Improve Large-Scale Scene Rendering. (ACM MM 2024, CCF-A).
- [5]. Diffusion-FOF: Single-view Clothed Human Reconstruction via Diffusion-based Fourier Occupancy Field. CVPR2024,CCF A.
- [6]. DLCA-Recon: Dynamic Loose Clothing Avatar Reconstruction from Monocular Videos. (AAAI 2024, CCF A).
- [7]. Multi-Scale Implicit Surfaces Reconstruction for Outdoor Scenes. CVM2024 (CCF C).
- [8]. DGECN++: A Depth-Guided Edge Convolutional Network for End-to-end 6D Pose Estimation via Attention Mechanism. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology(Q1 top).
- [9]. RHViT: A Robust Hierarchical Transformer for 3D Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Biased Masked Image Modeling Pre-training. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEE BIBM 2023) CCF B.
- [10]. NeTO:Neural Reconstruction of Transparent Objects with Self-Occlusion Aware Refraction-Tracing. ICCV2023 (CCF A).
- [11]. Learning Long-range Information with Dual-Scale Transformers for Indoor Scene Completion. ICCV2023 (CCF A).
- [12]. Specular Highlight Detection and Removal Based on Coarse-to-fine Dynamic Association Learning. CGI2023(CCF C).
- [13]. Monocular Human Depth Estimation with 3D Motion Flow and Surface Normals. The Visual Computer.
- [14]. MMAR-net: a Multi-stride and Multi-resolution Affine Registration network for CT images. APBC 2022 (CCF C).
- [15]. Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation by Digging into Uncertainty Quantification. JCST (CCF B). 2023.
- [16]. ViFUNet: a Vision Flash based UNet for lung nodules segmentation task. BIBM(CCF B). 2022.
- [17]. Sparse RGB-D images create a real thing: A flexible voxel based 3D reconstruction pipeline for single object. Visual Informatics (SCI). 2022.
- [18]. DGECN: A Depth-Guided Edge Convolutional Network for End-to-End 6D Pose Estimation. CVPR 2022 (CCF A).
- [21]. Self-supervised Coarse-to- ne Monocular Depth Estimation Using a Lightweight Attention Module. Computational Visual Media (CCF C).
- [22]. HAUNet-3D: a Novel Hierarchical Attention 3D UNet for Lung Nodule Segmentation. IEEE BIBM 2021.
- [23]. Photorealistic Style Transfer via Adaptive Filtering and Channel Separation. ACM MM2022 (CCF A).
- [24]. A Comprehensive Pipeline for Complex Text-to-Image Synthesis. Journal of Computer Science & Technology (JCST) (CVM 2020).
- [25]. Adaptive Depth Estimation for Pyramid Multi-View Stereo. Computers & Graphics (CAD & Graphics 2021). 2021.
- [26]. Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation Based on Image Texture Detail Enhancement. The Visual Computer (TVC) (CGI 2021). 2021.
- [27]. Stable Depth Estimation within Consecutive Video Frames. CGI2021.
- [28]. A systematic evaluation of copy number alterations detection methods on real SNP array and deep sequencing data. BMC Bioinformatics 2019 20(Suppl 25):692.
- [29]. Illumination Animating and Editing in a Single Picture Using Scene Structure Estimation. Computers & Graphics (CAD/Graphics 2019).
- [30]. Joint bilateral propagation upsampling for unstructured multi-view stereo. the visual computer.
- [31]. 罗飞 Discovering conditional co-regulated protein complexes by integrating diverse data sources. BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. 4. 2010.
- [32]. 罗飞 Integrating peptides' sequence and energy of contact residues information improves prediction of peptide and HLA-I binding with unknown alleles. BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 14. 2013.
- [33]. 罗飞 A novel clustering method for analysis of gene microarray expression data. DATA MINING FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS, PROCEEDINGS. 3916. 2006.
- [34]. 罗飞 Predicting Binding-Peptide of HLA-I on Unknown Alleles by Integrating Sequence Information and Energies of Contact Residues. EMERGING INTELLIGENT COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS. 304 (1865-0929). 2012.
- [35]. 罗飞 A novel clustering method for analysis of gene microarray expression data. DATA MINING FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS, PROCEEDINGS. 3916 (0302-9743). 2006.
- [36]. 罗飞 Optimal genes selection with a new multi-objective evolutional algorithm hybriding NSGA-II with EDA. BMEI 2008: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING AND INFORMATICS, VOL 1. (1948-2914). 2008.
- [37]. 罗飞 The First-Order Derivative of Atmospheric Electronic Field in an Optimal Time Window Improves the Accuracy of Lightning Warning. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 4TH NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING ( NCEECE 2015). 47 (2352-5401). 2016.
- [38]. 罗飞 Integrating peptides' sequence and energy of contact residues information improves prediction of peptide and HLA-I binding with unknown alleles. BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 14 (1471-2105). 2013.
- [39]. 罗飞 Clustering analysis of microarray gene expression data with new clustering ensemble method. PROGRESS IN INTELLIGENCE COMPUTATION AND APPLICATIONS, PROCEEDINGS. 2007.