
Personal Information
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Date of Birth:
1969-02-01 -
b3649bea208037eee78dd7d9dd32cc5590409bc04457dab3ff63af18105c2a58d1fc5601cfe791fae32731d5a778e74ec1cf8d007ddf3466c2408c1a07b8e160cb28c64125fda8e3b7e4034ea8e22e8769af5c54ceba1fd19dbc28ea050ac78d6252d815ead6dd861c914a665f2ce534f5edffc77a56197612eeb8aa8f6df97d -
Date of Employment:
1999-12-07 -
遥感信息工程学院 -
Education Level:
研究生毕业 -
Business Address:
遥感信息工程学院5号楼414 -
Male -
Contact Information:
hchma@whu.edu.cn 027-68778081 -
Employed -
Teacher College:
School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering
Paper Publications
Current position: Home > Scientific Research > Paper Publications
- [1]. 李德仁 , 马洪超 and 徐宏根. 结合SOM神经网络和混合像元分解的高光谱影像分类方法研究. 遥感学报. 2007,(06):778-786 (06). 778-786. 2007.
- [2]. 贾鹏 , 杨耘 , 马洪超 and 邱丹丹. 基于多源卫星图像融合的水坝检测方法的研究. 遥感学报. 2006,(04):449-455 (04). 449-455. 2006.
- [3]. 刘清川 , 巩翼龙 , 张良 , 马洪超 and 邹长江. 机载LiDAR点云时间纹理信息航带重叠区消冗. 遥感学报. 2014,18(06):1208-1216 (06). 1208-1216. 2014.
- [4]. 张良 , 马洪超 and 陈卓. 改进邻域结构与轮廓分析的LiDAR点云立交桥提取. 遥感学报. 2013,17(05):1146-1157 (05). 1146-1157. 2013.
- [5]. 郭丽艳马洪超王军利 一种消除不规则地物影响的规则地物边缘检测算子. 现代测绘. 2004,(02):16-18 (02). 16-18. 2004.
- [6]. 吴勇 , 谭熙 , 黄樟灿 , 马洪超 and 王宗跃. 基于字符上下边缘的车牌校正方法. 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版). 2009,31(02):177-180+185 (02). 177-180. 2009.
- [7]. 田礼乔 , 邬建伟 , 马洪超 and 李奇. 机载小光斑LIDAR的森林参数评估. 林业资源管理. 2008,(01):74-81+102 (01). 74-81. 2008.
- [8]. 高广 , 王宗跃 , 邬建伟 , 马洪超 and 彭检贵. 一种去除机载LiDAR航带重叠区冗余点云的方法. 计算机工程与应用. 2012,48(32):33-38+112 (32). 33-38. 2012.
- [9]. 彭检贵 , 徐宏根 , 马洪超 and 王宗跃. 结合影像和LiDAR点云数据的水体轮廓线提取方法. 计算机工程与应用. 2009,45(21):33-36 (21). 33-36. 2009.
- [10]. 刘鹏飞 , 徐宏根 , 马洪超 and 钟良. 基于分布式的RS影像快速分发机理及应用. 计算机工程与应用. 2008,(27):203-206 (27). 203-206. 2008.
- [11]. 马洪超 and 李云帆. 从LiDAR数据中提取建筑物平面目标的新方法. 计算机工程与应用. 2011,47(10):5-7 (10). 5-7. 2011.
- [12]. 邬建伟 , 马洪超 and 陈卓. 基于机载LiDAR数据的三维树木建模方法. 计算机工程. 2012,38(04):1-3 (04). 1-3. 2012.
- [13]. 马洪超 , 邬建伟 and 邬建伟. 机载LIDAR激光束与扫描镜对准误差影响分析. 红外与激光工程. 2008,(02):243-246 (02). 243-246. 2008.
- [14]. 马洪超 and 周伟. TM影像分类领域多分类器线性组合方法及差异性度量研究. 黑龙江工程学院学报. 2006,(04):14-20 (04). 14-20. 2006.
- [15]. 李云帆 , 马洪超 and 陈卓. 结合角度纹理信息和Snake方法从LiDAR点云数据中提取道路交叉口. 国土资源遥感. 2013,25(04):79-84 (04). 79-84. 2013.
- [16]. 赵璐颖 , 周薇薇 , 蔡湛 , 王杰栋 , 马洪超 and 王素元. 基于分组LM算法的全波形LiDAR高斯分解. 测绘与空间地理信息. 2016,39(07):144-147 (07). 144-147. 2016.
- [17]. 周薇薇 , 马洪超 and 王娜. 机载LiDAR系统的CCD相机安置角检校方法. 测绘与空间地理信息. 2016,39(09):117-120+123 (09). 117-120. 2016.
- [18]. 赵向东 , 马洪超 and 马洪超. 基于地形随机场模型的遥感图像几何纠正. 测绘学报. 2006,(03):251-254 (03). 251-254. 2006.
- [19]. 程垒 , 高广 , 张良 , 马洪超 and 马洪超. 一种检查机载LiDAR平面精度的新方法. 测绘通报. 2014,(07):14-17+26 (07). 14-17. 2014.
- [20]. 赵亮亮 , 高广 , 马洪超 and 彭检贵. 利用机载LiDAR点云数据提取城区道路. 测绘通报. 2012,(09):16-19 (09). 16-19. 2012.
- [21]. 钟良 , 马洪超 and 孙杰. 遥感信息协同智能网格模型设计及实现. 测绘科学技术学报. 2009,26(04):265-268 (04). 265-268. 2009.
- [22]. 邬建伟 , 王宗跃 , 马洪超 and 彭检贵. 机载LiDAR点云的双阈值自动提取断裂线方法. 测绘科学技术学报. 2010,27(04):275-279 (04). 275-279. 2010.
- [23]. 李奇 , 马洪超 , 邬建伟 and 邬建伟. 顾及语义的机载LiDAR点云格网化方法. 测绘科学技术学报. 2008,(02):87-89+93 (02). 87-89. 2008.
- [24]. Guo Liyan , Ma Hongchao and 马洪超. Feature level information fusion based on neural network and its application to airport recognition(人工神经网络信息融合及其在机场识别中的应用研究). Wuhan Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi Kexue Ban)/Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University. 2005.
- [25]. Jia Xiaoxia (2) , Song Yan (1) , Ma Hongchao (1) and Xu Honggen (1). A remote sensing image classification method based on generalized gaussian mixture model(顾及上下文信息的混合广义高斯密度模型遥感影像分类方法研究). Wuhan Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi Kexue Ban)/Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University(武汉大学学报(信息科学版)). 2008.
- [26]. Wu Jianwei (1) , Xu Honggen (1) , Ma Hongchao (1) and Wang Zongyue (1 2). An approach for distributed organization and paralleled access of LiDAR point clouds data(LiDAR点云数据的分布式组织及其并行获取方法). Wuhan Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi Kexue Ban)/Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University(武汉大学学报(信息科学版)). 2009.
- [27]. Tang Xuan (2) , Ma Hongchao (1) and Sun Jie (1). Optimization of LiDAR system Ortho-image mosaic seam-line(机载LiDAR正射影像镶嵌线智能优化研究). Wuhan Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi Kexue Ban)/Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University(武汉大学学报(信息科学版)). 2011.
- [28]. 马洪超 , Zhang Liang (3) , Zhou Weiwei (1) , Ma Hongchao (1 2) and Shi Xiaotian (1). Semivariogram-based weight estimation for error detection in point clouds from stereo images(变差函数权值估算的移动最小二乘匹配点云粗差剔除). Yaogan Xuebao/Journal of Remote Sensing(遥感学报). 2016.
- [29]. 马洪超 , Wu Jianwei (1) , Yao Chunjing (1) , Ma Hongchao (1 2) and 马洪超. Registration of LiDAR point clouds and high resolution images based on linear features(利用线特征进行高分辨率影像与LiDAR点云的配准). Wuhan Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi Kexue Ban)/Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University(武汉大学学报(信息科学版)). 2012.
- [30]. Zhong Liang (1) , Wu Jianwei (1) , Ma Hongchao (1) and Li Yunfan (1). Extracting bridges from airborne LiDAR data based on terrain features(顾及地形特征的机载LiDAR数据桥梁提取算法研究). Wuhan Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi Kexue Ban)/Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University(武汉大学学报(信息科学版)). 2011.
- [31]. Fu Jing (3) , Zhang Liang (1) , Ma Hongchao (1) and Gao Guang (1 2). A ground filtering algorithm for airborne LiDAR in consideration of terrain break lines(顾及地形断裂线的LiDAR点云滤波方法研究). Wuhan Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi Kexue Ban)/Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University(武汉大学学报(信息科学版)). 2015.
- [32]. Zhang Liang (1) , Ma Hongchao (1) and Gao Guang (1). Automatic extraction of building roofs from LiDAR data using a hybridized method(利用合成算法从LiDAR数据提取屋顶面). Wuhan Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi Kexue Ban)/Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University(武汉大学学报(信息科学版)). 2014.
- [33]. Liang Zhong (1) , Zongyue Wang (1) , Jianwei Wu (1) , Honggen Xu (1) , Hongchao Ma (1) and Xun Zeng (1). Semantic discovery and integration of remote sensing data on grid. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2007.
- [34]. Wu Jianwei (1) , Ma Hongchao (1 2) and Li Yunfan (1). Planar segmentation and topological reconstruction for urban buildings with LiDAR point clouds. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2011.
- [35]. Feng Qiu (1) , Liqiao Tian (2) , Jianwei Wu (1) , Hongchao Ma (1) and Qi Li (1). Filter algorithm for airborne LIDAR data. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2007.
- [36]. Song Yan (1) , Li De-Ren (2) , Ma Hong-Chao (1 2) and Xu Hong-Gen (1). Application of high spatial resolution airborne hyperspectral remote sensing data in thematic information extraction. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2006.
- [37]. Hongchao Ma (1) , Yao Chunjing (1) and Li Yunfan (1). A fast method for objects detection and recognition on high resolution imagery based on geostatistical and local cluster analysis. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives. 2008.
- [38]. 马洪超 , Wu Jianwei (1) , Di Liping (2) , Xu Honggen (1) , Ma Hongchao (1) and 马洪超. On virtualization of remote sensing products under environment of geo-spatial grid( 论地球空间网格环境下的遥感产品虚拟化). Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University(武汉大学学报(信息科学版)). 2007.
- [39]. Wu Jianwei (1) , Lin Ying (2) , Ma Hongchao (1) and Yang Yun (1). Multiple level sets segmentation for high resolution remote sensing imagery( 多水平集演化的高分辨率遥感影像分割). Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University(武汉大学学报(信息科学版)). 2008.
- [40]. Ma Hong-Chao (1) and Li Qi (1). The study of point-cloud production method based on waveform laser scanner data(基于激光雷达波形数据的点云生产). Cehui Xuebao/Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica(测绘学报). 2008.
- [41]. Chen Zhuo (1 3) , Gao Guang (1) , Ma Hongchao (1 2) and Zhang Liang (1). Automatic registration of urban aerial images with airborne LiDAR points based on line-point similarity invariants(点、线相似不变性的城区航空影像与机载激光雷达点云自动配准). Cehui Xuebao/Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica(测绘学报). 2014.
- [42]. Ma Hongchao (1 2) and Chen Zhuo (1). Automatic extracting and modeling approach of city cloverleat trom airborne LiDAR data( 基于机载LiDAR数据的大型立交桥自动提取与建模方法). Cehui Xuebao/Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica(测绘学报). 2012.
- [43]. Ma Hongchao (1) and Li Yunfan (1). Building planar surfaces segmentation in LiDAR data using adaptive mean shift algorithm. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing. 2011.
- [44]. Hongchao Ma (1) and Yunfan Li (1). A new method for estimating building dominant directions in LiDAR data based on straight skeleton. 2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, ICCSN 2011. 2011.
- [45]. Peng Shiyu , Ma Hongchao and Xu Yuanjin. Study on identification of altered rock in hyperspectral imagery using spectrum of field object. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS. 2014.
- [46]. 马洪超 , Wang Suyuan , Zhang Liang , Zhou Weiwei , Ma Hongchao and 马洪超. Decomposition of small-footprint full waveform LiDAR data based on generalized Gaussian model and grouping LM optimization. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2017.
- [47]. 马洪超 , Zhou Liguo , Ma Hongchao and Luo Yimin. DEM Retrieval From Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds in Mountain Areas via Deep Neural Networks. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS. 2017.
- [48]. 马洪超 , Zhang Liang , Cai Zhan , Ma Haichi , Ma Hongchao and Liu Ke. Building Extraction from Airborne LiDAR Data Based on Min-Cut and Improved Post-Processing. REMOTE SENSING. 2020, 12(17), 2849. (17). 2020, 12(17), 2849.. 2020.
- [49]. 马洪超 , Zhang Liang(3) , Luo Wenjun(1) , Liu Ke(1) , Ma Hongchao(12) and Ma Haichi(1). Direct georeferencing for the images in an airborne lidar system by automatic boresight misalignments calibration. Sensors (Switzerland). 2020, 20(18), 5056. (18). 2020, 20(18), 5056.. 2020.
- [50]. 蔡湛 , 马洪超 and 梁安祺. 基于SVM的机载LiDAR数据电力线提取方法. 激光杂志. 2019,40(02):29-34. (02). 29-34. 2019.
- [51]. 马洪超 , Ma Haichi , Cai Zhan , Zhang Liang , Ma Hongchao and Liu Ke. Strip Adjustment of Airborne LiDAR Data in Urban Scenes Using Planar Features by the Minimum Hausdorff Distance. SENSORS. 2019, 19(23). (23). 2019, 19(23).. 2019.
- [52]. 马洪超 , Zhang Liang , Ma Hongchao and Peng Shubiao. Automatic Registration of Optical Images with Airborne LiDAR Point Cloud in Urban Scenes Based on Line-Point Similarity Invariant and Extended Collinearity Equations. SENSORS. 2019, 19(5). (5). 2019, 19(5).. 2019.
- [53]. 马洪超 , Zhang Liang , Ma Hongchao and Cai Zhan. A Building Detection Method Based on Semi-Suppressed Fuzzy C-Means and Restricted Region Growing Using Airborne LiDAR. REMOTE SENSING. 2019,11(7). (7). 2019,11(7).. 2019.
- [54]. 马洪超 and 彭泊涵. 基于SURF特征匹配算法的直接定位技术研究. 测绘与空间地理信息. 2018,41(04):75-79. (04). 75-79. 2018.
- [55]. 蔡湛 , 马洪超 and 赵璐颖. 基于互信息的机载LiDAR点云自动滤波处理特征选择. 测绘与空间地理信息. 2018,41(04):90-93+97. (04). 90-93. 2018.
- [56]. 马洪超 , Hongchao Maab⁎ Weiwei Zhoua Liang Zhangc and 马洪超. DEM refinement by low vegetation removal based on the combination of full waveform data and progressive TIN densification. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2018,146:260 -271. (2018,146:260 -271.). 2018,146:260 -271.. 2018.
- [57]. 马洪超 , Zhou Weiwei , Zhang Liang , Chen Yawei , Ma Hongchao and Shi Xiaotian. A parameter-free progressive TIN densification filtering algorithm for lidar point clouds. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING. 2018,39(20):6969 -6982. (20). 2018,39(20):6969 -6982.. 2018.
- [58]. 马洪超 , Zhang Liang , Cai Zhan , Ma Hongchao and 马洪超. Comparison of the filtering models for airborne LiDAR data by three classifiers with exploration on model transfer. JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING. 2018,12(01):1. (01). 2018,12(01):1.. 2018.
- [59]. 马洪超 , Zhang Liang , Ma Hongchao and Cai Zhan. Model transfer-based filtering for airborne LiDAR data with emphasis on active learning optimization. REMOTE SENSING LETTERS. 2018,9(2):111 -120. (2). 2018,9(2):111 -120.. 2018.
- [60]. 马洪超 Two Specific Multiple-Level-Set Models for High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Image Classification. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS. 6 (3). 2009.
- [61]. 马洪超 Distributed data organization and parallel data retrieval methods for huge laser scanner point clouds. COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES. 37 (2). 2011.
- [62]. 马洪超 Comparison of the filtering models for airborne LiDAR data by three classifiers with exploration on model transfer. JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING. 12. 2018.
- [63]. 马洪超 利用线特征进行高分辨率影像与LiDAR点云的配准. 武汉大学学报. 信息科学版. 37 (2). 2012.
- [64]. 马洪超 Decomposition of small-footprint full waveform LiDAR data based on generalized Gaussian model and grouping LM optimization. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 28 (4). 2017.
- [65]. 马洪超 论地球空间网格环境下的遥感产品虚拟化. 武汉大学学报. 信息科学版. 32 (9). 2007.
- [66]. 马洪超 徕卡机载激光雷达的数据获取与处理. 测绘通报. (0494-0911). 2008.
- [67]. 马洪超 论地球空间网格环境下的遥感产品虚拟化. 武汉大学学报. 信息科学版. 32 (1671-8860). 2007.
- [68]. 马洪超 基于地形随机场模型的遥感图像几何纠正. 测绘学报. 35 (1001-1595). 2006.
- [69]. 马洪超 人工神经网络信息融合及其在机场识别中的应用研究. 武汉大学学报. 信息科学版. 30 (1671-8860). 2005.
- [70]. 一种检查机载LiDAR平面精度的新方法. 测绘通报. (0494-0911). 2014.
- [71]. Yao Chunjing , 马洪超 and 马洪超. 徕卡机载激光雷达的数据获取与处理. 测绘通报. 2008,(10):70-71 (10). 70-71. 2008.