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    Acoustics. Optics. Condensed Matter Physics
  • Education Level:

    With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
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    1 Acoustics;
    1 Optics;
    1 Condensed Matter Physics

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Current position: English > Research > Publications

Applications of bound states in the continuum in photonics

  • Time:2024-04-28
  • Hits:
  • Journal:

    nature reviews physics
  • Abstract:

    The intriguing properties of bound states in the continuum (BICs) have attracted a lot of attention in photonics. Besides being effective in confining light in a counter-intuitive way, the correspondence between the near-field mode pattern and the far-field radiation of BICs manifests the fascinating topological characteristics of light. Early works on photonic BICs were mainly focused on designing artificial structures to facilitate their realization, while recent advances have shifted to exploring their exceptional properties in applications. In this review, we survey important breakthroughs and recent advances in this field. We detail the unique properties of BICs, including light confinement enhancement, sharp Fano resonances, and topological characteristics. We provide insights into the unique phenomena derived from BICs and the impact of BICs on various applications. We also discuss the paradigm shift enabled or facilitated by BICs in several emerging research frontiers, such as parity-time symmetric systems, higher-order topology, exciton-photon coupling, and moir\'e superlattices.
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