Li Shen
Personal Information
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Name (Pinyin):Shen Li
- E-Mail:
- Date of Employment:2013-12-06
- Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
- Business Address:实验大楼701
- Gender:Female
- Contact Information:13886059515
- Status:Employed
- Teacher College:School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering
- Discipline:
Cartography and Geoinformation Engineering
- Honors and Titles
2024 elected:2024 年全国大学生测绘学科创新创业智能大赛——科技论文竞赛一等奖指导教师
2024 elected:2024年优秀本科毕业论文指导教师
2024 elected:2024年武汉大学课程思政优秀论文奖
2022 elected:2022年武汉大学课程思政优秀论文奖
2022 elected:指导研究生荣获2022年国家奖学金
2023 elected:武汉大学第三届教学创新大赛二等奖
2023 elected:武汉大学第十一届青年教师教学竞赛一等奖
2023 elected:2023年优秀本科毕业论文指导教师
2022 elected:2022年优秀本科毕业论文指导教师
2020 elected:2020年优秀本科毕业论文指导教师
2016 elected:2016年优秀本科毕业论文指导教师
2020 elected:湖北省大学生GIS大赛一等奖优秀指导教师
2020 elected:第九届全国大学生GIS大赛特等奖优秀指导教师
2019 elected:第八届全国大学生GIS大赛特等奖优秀指导教师
2013 elected:2013年国家优秀自费留学生奖学金
Other Contact Information
- PostalAddress:
- Email:
- [1]. Li Shen, Jiawei Song, Yibo Zhou et al. Assessing the ecological resilience of Ebola virus in Africa and potential influencing factors based on a synthesized model. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 19 (2). e0012843. 2025.
- [2]. Shen L, Jiang C, Weng F, et al. Spatiotemporal risk of human brucellosis under intensification of livestock keeping based on machine learning techniques in Shaanxi, China. Epidemiology and Infection. 152 (132). 2024.
- [3]. Li Shen, Jingya Ding, Yingxuan Wang, et al. Spatialetemporal trends in leprosy burden and its associations with socioeconomic and physical geographic factors: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Public Health. 230. 172-182. 2024.
- [4]. Li Shen, Minghao Sun, Mengna Wei, et al. The non-stationary and spatially varying associations between hand, foot and mouth disease and multiple environmental factors: A Bayesian spatiotemporal mapping model study. infectious disease modeling. 9 (2). 373-386. 2024.
- [5]. Yao Bai, Li Shen (共同第一作者),Minghao Sun, et al. The short and long-term impact of nonpharmaceutical interventions on the prevalence of varicella in Xi'an during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Medical Virology. 95 (8). 2023.
- [6]. Li Shen, Minghao Sun, Wentao Ma, et al. Synergistic driving effects of risk factors on human brucellosis in Datong City, China: A dynamic perspective from spatial heterogeneity. Science of the Total Environment. 894 (164948). 1-9. 2023.
- [7]. An, C., Shen, L., Sun, M., et al. Exploring risk transfer of human brucellosis in the context of livestock agriculture transition: A case study in Shaanxi, China. Frontiers in Public Health. 10. 1009854(共同第一作者). 2023.
- [8]. Zhang, H., Shen, L., Sun, M., et al. Spatiotemporal impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions against COVID-19 on the incidence of infectious diarrhea in Xi'an, China. Frontiers in Public Health. (10). 1011592(共同第一作者). 2022.
- [9]. Song, S., Li, Q., Shen, L., et al. From Outbreak to Near Disappearance: How Did Non-pharmaceutical Interventions Against COVID-19 Affect the Transmission of Influenza Virus?. Frontiers in Public Health. 10. 863522(共同第一作者). 2022.
- [10]. Shen, L., Sun, M., Song, S., et al. The impact of anti-COVID-19 nonpharmaceutical interventions on hand, foot, and mouth disease-A spatiotemporal perspective in Xi'an, northwestern China. Journal of Medical Virology. 97 (4). 3121-3132(IF=20.693). 2022.
- [11]. Shen, L., Jiang, C., Sun, M., et al. Predicting the Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Human Brucellosis in Europe Based on Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Network. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology. 2022.
- [12]. Shen, L. Spatiotemporal association of rapid urbanization and water-body distribution on hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome: A case study in the city of Xi’an, China. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. (16). 1-21. 2022.
- [13]. 申力,卢宾宾 地理国情监测专业的主动交互式教学模式探究. 高教学刊. (20). 100-107. 2022.
- [14]. 申力,张鹏林,胡庆武,李建松,陈江平,周军其,艾明耀. 地理国情监测专业创新人才培养模式探索. 测绘地理信息. 4 (1). 21-24. 2022.
- [15]. 孙酩皓, 申力,高博轩,邵中军,刘昆. 基于GTWR模型的陕西省HFRS发病影响因素分析. 现代预防医学. 47 (23). 4230-4235. 2020.
- [16]. 朱瑾,李建松,蒋子龙,申力* 区域人口空间分布多尺度动态分析方法研究. 吉林大学学报:信息科学版. 33 (5). 533-539. 2017.
- [17]. 李振涛,申力*,潘励. , 潘励 , 申力 and 李振涛. 从本科毕业设计选题看武汉大学遥感学科的发展趋势. 测绘与空间地理信息. 2016,39(02):28-30+35 (02). 28-30. 2016.
- [18]. Li Shen, Xulin Guo, Kang Xiao. Spatiotemporally characterizing urban temperatures based on remote sensing and GIS analysis: a case study in the city of Saskatoon (SK, Canada). OPEN GEOSCIENCES. 2015.
- [19]. Li Shen Spatial quantification and pattern analysis of urban sustainability based on a subjectively weighted indicator model: A case study in the city of Saskatoon, SK, Canada. Applied Geography. 53. 117-127. 2014.
- [20]. Li Shen, Jared M.Kyllo, Xulin Guo. An Integrated Model Based on a Hierarchical Indices System for Monitoring and Evaluating Urban Sustainability. Sunstainability. 5. 524-559. 2013.
- [21]. Li Shen, Yuhong He, Xulin Guo. Exploration of Loggerhead Shrike Habitats in Grassland National Park of Canada Based on in Situ Measurements and Satellite-Derived Adjusted Transformed Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (ATSAVI). Remote Sensing. (5). 432-453. 2013.
- [22]. Li Shen, Yuhong He, Xulin Guo. Suitability of the normalized difference vegetation index and the adjusted transformed soil-adjusted vegetation index for spatially characterizing loggerhead shrike habitats in North American mixed prairie. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 7. 073574-17. 2013.
- [23]. Li Shen, Huping Xu, Xulin Guo, Ping Wu. Oceanography of Skeletonema costatum harmful algal blooms in the East China Sea using MODIS and QuickSCAT satellite da. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 6. 063529-18. 2012.
- [24]. Li Shen, Huiping Xu, Xulin Guo. Satellite Remote Sensing of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and a Potential Synthesized Framework. Sensors. (12). 7778-7803. 2012.
- [25]. Li Shen , 蒋子龙 , 李建松 and 朱瑾. 区域人口空间分布多尺度动态分析方法研究. 吉林大学学报(信息科学版). 2017,35(05):533-543 (05). 533-543. 2017.
- [26]. Li Shen, Huiping Xu, Xulin Guo, Meng Li. Characteristics of Large-Scale Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the Yangtze River Estuary and the Adjacent East China Sea (ECS) from 2000 to 2010. Journal of Environmental Protection. 2. 1285-1294. 2011.
- [27]. 申力,许惠平,吴萍. 长江口及东海赤潮海洋环境特征综合探讨. 海洋环境科学. 29 (5). 631-634. 2011.
- [28]. 申力,许惠平,吴萍. 基于光谱特征的MODIS 影像 东海水体类别信息提取. 遥感信息. (3). 71-76. 2011.
- [29]. 申力,许惠平,吴萍. 赤潮期东海水体不同遥感分类算法应用分析. 海洋环境科学. 31 (1). 102-106. 2011.