






[3]国家重点研发计划项目 “多模态遥感大数据智能融合分析与精准推测”专题

[4]国家重点研发计划项目 “国土资源与生态环境安全应急响应关键技术”专题

[5]国家重点研发计划项目 “城市多尺度综合感知技术与体系”专题

[6]湖北省重点项目 星地一体精密定位及通导遥应用

[7]参与国家自然科学基金面上 项目:“空间关联规则挖掘尺度优化的模型和算法”








1) 主编《OGC标准地理空间信息服务及服务链开发教程》,2018年8月出版;

2) 合著《无人机遥感初级实验教程》,黄方、谭喜成、陆俊,2021年出版;

3) 合著《空间信息并行处理方法与技术》,黄方、王力哲、谭喜成,2019年1月出版;

4) 参编《时空大数据的技术与方法》。



2) 2024年中国国际大学生创新大赛(原互联网+)湖北省金奖:通信-定位-遥感一体化应急技术(第一指导老师)

3) 2023年第十八届“挑战杯”主体赛国家一等奖:通信-导航-感知一体化组网应急智能装备(第一指导老师)

4) 2023年湖北省第十四届“挑战杯”特等奖:通信-导航-感知一体化智能组网应急装备(第一指导老师)

5) 2023年武汉大学优秀本科教学业绩奖

6) 2021年中国高校GIS技能大赛杰出指导老师奖

7) 2018地理信息科技进步二等奖:基于工作流引擎和web.Service技术的国家应急测绘保障能力建设项目管理系统研发。

8) 2015年地理信息科技进步二等奖:地理信息高性能计算服务平台关键技术应用。

9) 2014年地理信息科技进步三等奖:“基于超级计算机的城市规划地理信息平台关键技术研究与应用”

10) 2012年获全国优秀地理信息工程金奖:智慧码头一体化生产管理信息系统。 



[1] yuhui zeng, xicheng tan*, et. al. the study of ddpg based spatiotemporal dynamic deployment optimization of air-ground ad hoc network for disaster emergency response,

     international journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation,volume 128, april 2024, 103708 (sci一区顶刊)

[2] shiqi tian,xicheng tan*,ailong ma,zhuo zheng,liangpei zhang,yanfei zhong. temporal-agnostic change region proposal for semantic change detection,

     isprs journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing, 2023,204:306-320(sci一区顶刊)

[3]sheng he, xicheng tan*, yanfei zhong, et. al. 2023. " evolutionary pso-based emergency monitoring geospatial edge service chain in the emergency communication network." 

     international journal of digital earth 16 (1):2797-2817. https://doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2023.2239765.(sci一区)

[4] tan xicheng, jiao jinguo, zhong yanfei, et. al. the cnrieeemc: a communication-navigation-remote sensing-integrated ecological environment emergency monitoring chain for tailings areas. 

     international journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation. 2022(108):1-13. doi10.1016/j.jag.2022.102710.(sci一区顶刊)

[5] tan xicheng,jiao jingguo,chen nengcheng,et. al. geoscience model service integrated workflow for rainstorm waterlogging analysis. 

     international journal of digital earth. 2021,doi10.1080/17538947.2021.1898686.(sci一区)

[6] xicheng tan, liping di*, meixia deng,et. al. agent-as-a-service based geospatial service aggregation on the cloud: a case study of flood response”, 

     environmental modelling & software,2016. 210–225. (sci一区顶刊,发表年)

[7] luowen raoa, xicheng tana*,et. al. lceves: a locally constrained evolutionary algorithm for vehicle evacuation scheduling under urban waterlogging risk, 

     TGIS,2024 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/tgis.13196 (sci)

[8] xicheng tan*, liping di, meixia deng, et al. "cloud-and agent-based geospatial service chain: a case study of submerged crops analysis during flooding of the yangtze river basin." 

     ieee journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing, 8.3 (2015): 1359-1370.   (sci)

[9] xicheng tan , liping di, yanfei zhong. spark-based adaptive mapreduce data processing method for remote sensing imagery, ijrs. 2020    (sci)                                           

[10] xicheng tan, liping di , yanfei zhong, nengcheng chen, et. al. distributed geoscience algorithm integration based on ows specifications: a case study of the extraction of a river network,

     isprs international journal of geo-information, 2019,8(1).1-16  (sci)

[11] xicheng tan*, liping di, meixia deng, et al. "building an elastic parallel ogc web processing service on a cloud-based cluster: a case study of remote sensing data processing service." 

     sustainability 7.10 (2015): 14245-14258.  (sci)

[12] huang fang, yang hao, tan xicheng*. fast reconstruction of 3d point cloud model using visual slam on embedded uav development platform, remote sensing,12(20),3308 (sci)

[13] jianxin cheng, qiuming kuang, chenkai shen, jin liu, xicheng tan*, and wang liu. reslap: generating high-resolution climate prediction through image super-resolution. 2020:39623-39634, doi: 10.1109/access.2020.2974785  (sci)

[14] xicheng tan., song guo, di, liping di,meixia deng, fang huang, et al. parallel agent-as-a-service (p-aaas) based geospatial service in the cloud. remote sensing, 2017,9(4), 382.1-16  (sci)

[15] tian shiqi,zhong yanfei,zheng zhuo,ma ailong,tan xicheng, zhang liangpei. large-scale deep learning based binary and semantic change detection in ultra high resolution remote sensing imagery: from benchmark datasets to urban application, 

      isprs journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing, 2022,193:164-186. (sci一区顶刊)

[16] wan you, tan xicheng, shu hua. finding and evaluating community structures in spatial networks, 

      isprs international journal of geo-information,2023, 12(5), doi10.3390/ijgi12050187 (sci)

[17] fang shenghu, sha moquan, xie yichun, lin wenjuan, qiu dai, tu jianguang, tan xicheng, li xiaolei, sha zongyao. shifted global vegetation phenology in response to climate changes and its feedback on vegetation carbon uptake, remote sensing, 2023,15(9),doi:10.3390/rs15092288 (sci)

[19] pan shaoming, chong yanwen, zhang hang, tan xicheng (2017). a global user-driven model for tile prefetching in web geographical information systems:. plos one, 12(1), e0170195. 1-22  (sci)

[20] pan shaoming,chong yanwen,xu zhengquan,tan xicheng. an enhanced active caching strategy for data-intensive computations in distributed gis[j]. 

       journal of supercomputing, 2017, 73(10):4324-4346.  (sci)

[21] sha zongyao; xie yichun; tan xicheng. assessing the impacts of human activities and climate variations on grassland productivity by partial least squares structural equation modeling(pls-sem)[j]. 

       journal of arid land, 2017, 9(4):473-488.    (sci)

[22]sun ziheng; di liping;hao haosheng;wu xiaoqing;tong daniel q.;zhang chen;virgei cora;fang hui;yu eugene;tan xicheng;yue peng. cyberconnector: a service-oriented system for automatically tailoring multisource earth observation data to feed earth science models. 

      earth science informatics. 2018,11(1):1-17  (sci)

[23]huang fang, lan bo, tao jian, chen yinjie, tan xicheng, feng jie, ma yan. a parallel nonlocal means algorithm for remote sensing image denoising on an intel xeon phi platform[j]. ieee access, 2017, pp(99):1-10.  (sci)

[24] fang huang, ji zhou, jian tao, xicheng tan, shunlin liang, jie cheng, 2016. pmodtran: a parallel implementation based on modtran for massive remote-sensing data processing, 

      international journal of digital earth, 2016,9(9): 819-834.    (sci一区)

[25] fang huang, shuanshuan bu, jian tao, xicheng tan, opencl implementation of a parallel universal kriging algorithm for massive spatial data interpolation on heterogeneous systems[j]. 2016, 5(6).  (sci)

[26] fang huang, dingsheng liu, xicheng tan, jian wang, yunping chen, binbinhe.2010. explorations of the implementation of a parallel idw interpolation algorithm in a linux cluster-based parallel gis. 

      computers & geosciences. computers and geosciences, v 37, n 4, p 426-434, april 2011.  (sci)

[27] zongyao sha, zhong, jialin, yongfei, xicheng tan, & jonatha. spatio-temporal patterns of satellite-derived grassland vegetation phenology from 1998 to 2012 in inner mongolia, china. 

      journal of arid land,2016, 8(3), 462-477.  (sci)

[28] sun ziheng, fang hui, di liping, yue peng, tan xicheng, & bai yuqi. (2016). developing a web-based system for supervised classification of remote sensing images. 

      geoinformatica, 1-21.   (sci)

[29] fang huang, yinjie chen, li li, ji zhou, jian tao, xicheng tan & guangsong fan .implementation of the parallel mean shift-based image segmentation algorithm on a gpu cluster. 

      international journal of digital earth 2018,   (sci)

[30] fang huang, qiang zhu, ji zhou, jian tao, xiaocheng zhou, du jin, xicheng tan and lizhe wang , research on the parallelization of the dbscan clustering algorithm for spatial data mining based on the spark platform,remote sensing,2017,12. 1-32   (sci)

[31] sha zongyao; ali, yahya; wang yuwei; chen jiangping; tan xicheng; li ruren. mapping the changes in urban greenness based on localized spatial association analysis under temporal context using modis data. 

      isprs international journal of geo-information,2018,10.1-14              (sci)

[32] 潘少明; 种衍文; 李红; 谭喜成, 基于访问相关性的空间数据副本控制策略,华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2017:45(5),1-5.  

[33] 王金传;谭喜成(通讯);王召海;钟燕飞;成布怡;董华萍, 基于faster r-cnn深度网络的遥感影像目标识别方法研究,地球信息科学学报,2018年8月,1500-1508.


[35] chao peng , xicheng tan, et al. "scheduling algorithm research for spatial information service under cloud environment." agro-geoinformatics (agro-geoinformatics 2014), third international conference on. ieee, 2014.

[36] zongyao sha, xicheng tan, and yongfei bai, 2014. localized spatial association: a case study for understanding vegetation successions in a typical grassland ecosystem. in: grmse 2014, ccis 482, pp. 33–45, 2014.

[37] qi liu, xicheng tan, et al. "gb-tree: an efficient lbs location data indexing method." agro-geoinformatics (agro-geoinformatics 2014), third international conference on. ieee, 2014.

[38] 邢汉发, 李长辉, 林鸿, 谭喜成,宋杨. "超级计算机在城市规划管理中的应用." 测绘工程 2 (2014): 020.

[39] xicheng tan, yang song, and wenting xiang. "remote sensing image classification based on svm and object semantic." geo-informatics in resource management and sustainable ecosystem. springer berlin heidelberg, 2013. 748-755.

[40] chao peng, xicheng tan et al. "virtual reality in smart city." geo-informatics in resource management and sustainable ecosystem. springer berlin heidelberg, 2013. 107-118.

[41] xicheng tan, yang song, wenting xiang. remote sensing image classification based on svm and object semantic. geo-informatics in resource management and sustainable ecosystem( grmse 2013), wuhan, china, november 8-10, 2013, proceedings, part i, pp 748-755.

[42] xicheng tan, yongping yu. hybrid p2p network based distributed 3d spatial data transmission. international conference on information technology and computer science (itcs'2009) v2, p 330-333. 

[43] xicheng tan , fang huang. 3d spatial analysis oriented hybrid p2p computing. proceedings of the 2009 international joint conference on computational sciences and optimization, cso 2009, v 2, p 153-155, 2009 

[44] xicheng tan, fang huang. research on distributed geo-computing oriented self- organized p2p network. 2nd international symposium computer science and computational technology. 2009.

[45] 谭喜成,边馥苓. 2006. 用贝叶斯分类方法和本体实现空间信息语义互操作, 武汉大学学报(信息科学版).volume:31(8). pages:724~727. 

[46] 谭喜成,边馥苓. 2005.基于本体协同的空间信息互操作方法,武汉大学学报(信息科学版). volume:30(2). pages:178~181.

[47] xicheng tan , fuling bian. 2006. p2p and agent service based on-line 3dgis. web and wireless geographical information systems, hongkong ,china. lncs:4295 . pages:170-179. 

[48] 边馥苓,谭喜成.适应于分布式虚拟地理环境服务的对等网络模型研究,武汉大学(信息 科学版). volume:32(11). pages:1028~1033. 2007.

[49] fang huang, dingshengliu, xichengtan, jianwang, yunpingchen, binbinhe.2010. explorations of the implementation of a parallel idw interpolation algorithm in a linux cluster-based parallel gis. computers & geosciences. article in press.

[50] xicheng tan, liang yu, fuling bian. large-scale p2p network based virtual geographic environment (vge), geoinformatics 2007: geospatial information technology and applications. volume:6754,pages:675427-1~675427-9. 2007.

[51] xicheng tan, liang yu, fuling bian. routing algorithm analysis of the distributed virtual geographic environment oriented p2p network. geoinformatics 2008:geospatial information technology and applications. guangzhou .china.2008. vol.7143,71432b-1~71432b-8.

[52] liang yu, xicheng tan, fuling bian.2007. distributed decision-support gis application based on web-service, geoinformatics 2007: geospatial information technology and applications. volume:6754,pages:675436-1~675436-9.


1)国家发明专利:一种无人机自组织通信网络时空演化部署方法、装置、设备及介质 (ZL202310376307.0)(已授权)(学生第一,本人第二)


3)    国家发明专利:多边缘计算节点中的地理信息服务进化粒子群优化方法 (ZL202310543371.3)(已授权)(学生第一,本人第二)

4)    国家发明专利:一种湖泊水位长时间序列监测数据的异常值剔除方法 (ZL202210614390.6)(已授权)(学生第一,本人第二)

5)  国家发明专利:一种改进的城市内涝车辆避险路径遗传规划方法(ZL202210659134.9)(已授权)(学生第一,本人第二)

6)    国家发明专利:   支持多样化内涝风险数据的车辆避险可选路径搜索方法(ZL202210434403.1)(已授权)(学生第一,本人第二)

7)    实用新型专利:一种基于机甲大师的外置设备箱(ZL202321311802.5)(已授权)(学生第一,本人第二)

8)  国家发明专利:   一种面向多目标点的多无人机协同数据采集方法及装置(已授权(学生第一,本人第二)

9)  国家发明专利:  一种反馈式地理空间数据服务质量日志一致性维护方法(已授权)(学生第一,本人第二)

10)国家发明专利:   一种基于三维空间进化粒子群的无线自组网空间部署优化方法(已授权)(学生第一,本人第二)

11)国家发明专利:   基于深度强化学习的空地自组通信网络时空动态部署方法(已授权)(学生第一,本人第二)

12)国家发明专利:  一种基于免疫多目标进化算法的多卫星观测规划方法(已申请)(学生第一,本人第二)

13)国家发明专利:  一种基于粒子群算法的温室气体监测站点布局优化方法(已申请)(学生第一,本人第二)



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