Personal Information
- Name (Pinyin):Wang Yan
- E-Mail:
- Education Level:研究生毕业
- Status:Employed
- Teacher College:School of Resources and Environmental Sciences
- [1]. Evaluation of different factors on metal leaching from nickel tailings using generalized additive model (GAM). ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY. 2022.
- [2]. VNIR estimation of heavy metals concentrations in suburban soil with multi-scale geographically weighted regression. CATENA. 2022.
- [3]. 我国西南某红土镍尾矿重金属污染特征及潜在生态风险. 有色金属工程. 2022.
- [4]. 某氧化铜矿尾矿区重金属污染特征及农作物健康风险评价. 有色金属工程. 2021.
- [5]. 基于监测断面空间聚类的中国枯水期水质污染区域格局. 环境科学研究. 2022.
- [6]. 满足水功能区管理目标的中小河流纳污能力计算方法及参数取值研究. 水利水电快报. 2021.
- [7]. “发现计划”地理学联合实习的实践与思考——以第11届地理学国家理科基地联合实习为例. 地理教学. 2020.