结构识别--Guofeng Mei, XiaoqunWu*, YingfeiWang, Mi Hu, Jun-an Lu, Guanrong Chen, "Compressive-sensing-based structure identification for multilayer networks"
- 发布时间:2019-10-18
- 点击次数:
- 发表刊物:IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 754-764, February 2018. (ESI highly cited paper)
- 是否译文:否
- 收录刊物:SCI
- 上一条:控制--Yuhua Xu, Xiaoqun Wu*, Bing Mao, Jinhu Lü, Chengrong Xie, “Fixed-time synchronization in the pth moment for time-varying delay stochastic multilayer networks”
- 下一条:结构识别--Xiaoqun Wu*, Xueyi Zhao, Jinhu Lv, Longkun Tang, Jun-an Lu, "Identifying topologies of complex dynamical networks with stochastic perturbations"