- [1]. 控制--Xiaoqun Wu, Bing Mao, Xiuqi Wu, Jinhu Lü*, “Dynamic event-triggered leader-follower consensus control for multi-agent systems“. Siam Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 189-209. 2022.
- [2]. 控制--Bing Mao, Xiaoqun Wu#, Jinhu Lü*, Guanrong Chen, "Predefined-time bounded consensus of multiagent systems with unknown nonlinearity via distributed adaptive fuzzy control". IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, DOI10.1109/TCYB.2022.3163755. 2022.
- [3]. 控制--Na Li, Xiaoqun Wu*, Jianwen Feng, Yuhua Xu, Jinhu Lü, “Fixed-time synchronization of coupled neural networks with discontinuous activation and mismatched parameters”. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 2470-2482, June 2021. (ESI highly cited paper). 2021.
- [4]. 控制--Na Li, Xiaoqun Wu*, Jianwen Feng, Jinhu Lü, “Fixed-time synchronization of complex dynamical networks: a novel and economical mechanism”. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 52, no. 6, pp.4430-4440, 2022. (ESI highly cited paper).
- [5]. 控制--Yuhua Xu, Xiaoqun Wu*, Bing Mao, Jinhu Lü, Chengrong Xie, “Fixed-time synchronization in the pth moment for time-varying delay stochastic multilayer networks”. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 1135-1144, February 2022. (ESI highly cited paper).
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- [5]. "基于移动位置的复杂社会网络感知", 国家自然科学基金面上项目(Grant No. 61573262), 2016/01- 2019/12,主持.