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Personal Information
  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
  • Name (Pinyin):Xu Xinyu
  • Date of Birth:1978-10-18
  • E-Mail:
  • Date of Employment:2007-12-07
  • Administrative Position:地球物理大地测量研究所所长
  • Education Level:研究生毕业
  • Business Address:测绘学院8305
  • Gender:Male
  • Contact Information:13627238111
  • Status:Employed
  • Alma Mater:武汉大学
  • Teacher College:School of Geodesy and Geomatics
  • Discipline: Solid Earth Physics;
    Geodesy and Surveying Engineering
Other Contact Information
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Current position: Home   >   Research Focus


  • 利用卫星、航空、地面、海洋等多源观测数据构建全球或者区域重力场模型