个人信息Personal information
- 博士生导师
- 硕士生导师
- 教师拼音名称:Yang Min
- 电子邮箱:
- 所在单位:资源与环境科学学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 办公地点:资源与环境科学学院电脑城413
- 性别:男
- 联系方式:yangmin2003@whu.edu.cn
- 在职信息:在职
- 毕业院校:武汉大学
- 所属院系:资源与环境科学学院
- 学科:
联系方式Contact information
- [1]. Yang, M., Zou, R., Ai, T., & Yan, X. (2024). Regularizing building outlines extracted from remote sensing images by integrating multiple algorithms. Geocarto International, 39(1), 2370322..
- [2]. Zhang, X., An, J., Zhou, Y., Yang, M., & Zhao, X. How sustainable is OpenStreetMap? Tracking individual trajectories of editing behavior.. International Journal of Digital Earth, 17(1)..
- [3]. Kong Bo, Ai Tinghua, Zou Xinyan, Yan, Xiongfeng, Yang Min*. 2024. A graph-based neural network approach to integrate multi-source data for urban building function classification. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 110, 102094..
- [4]. Yang Min, Cao Minjun, Cheng Lingya, Jiang Huiping, Tinghua Ai, Yan Xiongfeng. Classification of urban interchange patterns using a model combining shape context descriptor and graph convolutional neural network, Geo-spatial Information Science, 2023, 1-16..
- [5]. Yu, Huafei, Ai, Tinghua, Yang, Min, Huang, Weiming, Harrie, Lars. A graph autoencoder network to measure the geometric similarity of drainage networks in scaling transformation.. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL EARTH. 2023,16 (1), 1828-1852..
- [6]. Yan, Xiongfeng*; Yang, Min*. A deep learning approach for polyline and building simplification based on graph autoencoder with flexible constraints.. CARTOGRAPHY AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SCIENCE. 2023.
- [7]. A point selection method in map generalization using graph convolutional network model. Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 2023,1-21.
- [8]. 杨敏, 陈果, 李连营, 黄浩然, 苗静, 晏雄锋. 序列卷积神经网络支持下线状地图目标的分段方法. 测绘学报. 2023, 52(1): 108-116.
- [9]. 万子健, 李连营, 杨敏*, 周校东. 车辆轨迹数据提取道路交叉口特征的决策树模型. 测绘学报. 2019, 48(11): 1391-1403..
- [10]. A Stacking Ensemble Learning Method to Classify the Patterns of Complex Road Junctions.. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2022, 11, 523..
- [11]. Yan, X.; Yang, M*. A Comparative Study of Various Deep Learning Approaches to Shape Encoding of Planar Geospatial Objects. . ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2022, 11, 527..
- [12]. 刘鹏程, 黄欣, 马宏然, 杨敏. 建筑物多边形高精度识别的傅里叶形状描述子神经网络方法. 测绘学报. 2022, 51(9): 1969-1976..
- [13]. 晏雄锋, 袁拓, 杨敏*, 孔博,刘鹏程. 建筑物形状特征分析表达与自适应化简方法.. 测绘学报. 2022,51(2):269-278..
- [14]. Yu H, Ai T, Yang M*, et al. Automatic Segmentation of Parallel Drainage Patterns Supported by a Graph Convolution Neural Network. Expert Systems with Applications. 2022: 118639.
- [15]. Lu Wang, Tinghua Ai, Dirk Burghardt, Yilang Shen & Min Yang. A hexagon-based method for polygon generalization using morphological operators.. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. https://doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2022.2108036.
- [16]. Yang, M.; Huang, H.; Zhang, Y.; Yan, X. Pattern Recognition and Segmentation of Administrative Boundaries Using a One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network and Grid Shape Context Descriptor. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2022, 11, 461.
- [17]. Yang Min, Kong Bo, Dang Ruirong, & Yan Xiongfeng.Classifying urban functional regions by integrating buildings and points-of-interest using a stacking ensemble method. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2022, 108: 102753.
- [18]. Yang Min, Jiang Chenjun, Yan Xiongfeng, Ai Tinghua, Cao Minjun, & Chen Wenyuan.Detecting interchanges in road networks using a graph convolutional network approach.. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2022: 1-21.
- [19]. Yu Huafei, Ai Tinghua, Yang Min,Huang Lina, Yuan Jiaming.A recognition method for drainage patterns using a graph convolutional network. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2022, 107: 102696.
- [20]. Yang Min, Yuan Tuo, Yan Xiongfeng, Ai Tinghua, & Jiang Chenjun.A hybrid approach to building simplification with an evaluator from a backpropagation neural network. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2022, 36(02): 280-309.
- [21]. Yan Xiongfeng, Chen Huan, Huang Haoran, Liu Qian, Yang Min*.Building Typification in Map Generalization Using Affinity Propagation Clustering. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2021, 10(11): 732.
- [22]. Xin Rui, Ai Tinghua, Zhu Ruoxin, Ai Bo, Yang Min, Meng Liqiu.A Multi-Scale Virtual Terrain for Hierarchically Structured Non-Location Data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2021, 10(06): 379.
- [23]. 杨敏, 袁拓, 孔博, & 陈文媛.地图数据图层级批量综合功能的设计与研制. 测绘地理信息. 2021, 46(01): 71-74.
- [24]. 杨敏, 蒋琛俊, 李莹, & 陈欢.分布依存规则指导的空间数据冲突探测与一致性改正. 测绘通报. 2020, (12), 50-53.
- [25]. 晏雄锋, 艾廷华, 杨敏, & 郑建滨.地图空间形状认知的自编码器深度学习方法. 测绘学报. 2021, 50(06): 757-765.
- [26]. Yan Xiongfeng, Ai Tinghua, Yang Min, & Tong Xiaohua.Graph convolutional autoencoder model for the shape coding and cognition of buildings in maps. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2021, 35(03): 490-512.
- [27]. Yang Min, Yan Xiongfeng, Zhang Xiang, & Li Xingong. Constrained trajectory simplification with speed preservation. Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 2020, 47(02): 110-124.
- [28]. Xiao Yi, Ai Tinghua, Yang Min, Zhang Xiang.A Multi-Scale Representation of Point-of-Interest (POI) Features in Indoor Map Visualization. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2020, 9(04): 239.
- [29]. 刘鹏程, 肖天元, 艾廷华, 杨敏. 基于傅里叶能量度量的曲线多尺度表达. 中国矿业大学学报. 2020, 49(03): 587-594.
- [30]. 刘鹏程, 许小峰, 杨敏. 一种顾及符号完整性的矢量瓦片地图改进方案. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版). 2020, 47(03): 455-462.
- [31]. Ai Tinghua, Hongmei Yin, Shen YiLiang, Yang Min, Wang Lu.A formal model of neighborhood representation and applications in urban building aggregation supported by Delaunay triangulation. Plos one. 2019, 14(07): e0218877.
- [32]. Yan Xiongfeng, Ai Tinghua, Yang Min, Yin Hongmei.A graph convolutional neural network for classification of building patterns using spatial vector data. ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing. 2019, 150: 259-273.
- [33]. Shen Yilang, Ai Tinghua, Yang Min.Extracting centrelines from dual-line roads using superpixel segmentation. IEEE Access. 2019, 7: 15967-15979.
- [34]. Shen Yilang, Ai Tinghua, Li Wende, Yang Min, Feng Yu.A polygon aggregation method with global feature preservation using superpixel segmentation. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 2019, 75: 117-131.
- [35]. 信睿, 艾廷华, 晏雄锋, 杨敏. 相似性度量支持下的隐喻地图轮廓设计. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版). 2019, 44(04): 625-632.
- [36]. Zhang Xiang, Yin Weijun, Yang Min, Ai Tinghua, Jantient Stoter.International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation. 2018, 72: 42-56.
- [37]. Yang Min, Ai Tinghua, Yan Xiongfeng, Chen Yuanyuan, Zhang Xiang.A map-algebra-based method for automatic change detection and spatial data updating across multiple scales. Transactions in GIS. 2018, 22(02): 435-454.
- [38]. 陈利燕, 张新长, 林鸿, 杨敏. 跨比例尺新旧居民地目标变化分析与决策树识别. 测绘学报. 2018, 47(03):403-412.
- [39]. Ai Tinghua, Ke Shu, Yang Min*, & Li JingZhong.Envelope generation and simplification of polylines using Delaunay triangulation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2017, 31(02): 297-319.
- [40]. Huang Lina, Ai Tinghua, Peter Van Oosterom, Yan Xiongfeng, Yang Min. A matrix-based structure for vario-scale vector representation over a wide range of map scales: The case of river network data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2017, 6(07): 218.
- [41]. Chen Xiaoqiang, Wu Huayi, Ai Tinghua, Yang Min. Detail resolution: A new model to describe level of detail information of vector line data. Spatial Data Handling in Big Data Era. 2017. 167-177.
- [42]. 杨敏, 陈媛媛, 金澄, 程前. 保持移动速度特征的轨迹线化简方法. 测绘学报. 2017, 46(12):2016-2023.
- [43]. 成晓强, 杨敏, 桂志鹏, 艾廷华, 吴华意. 信息量与相似度约束下的网络地图服务缩略图自动生成算法. 测绘学报. 2017, 46(11): 1891-1898.
- [44]. 金澄, 陈瑗瑗, 杨敏*. 面向轨迹起止特征点数据的多比例尺可视化方法. 地球信息科学学报. 2017,19(08): 1011-1018.
- [45]. 杨敏, 艾廷华, 晏雄锋, 杨伟, 周校东, & 周启. 叠置运算支持下的跨比例尺城区居民地数据变化发现与更新. 测绘学报. 2016, 45(04): 466-474.
- [46]. 晏雄锋, 艾廷华, 杨敏. 居民地要素化简的形状识别与模板匹配方法. 测绘学报. 2016, 45(07): 874-882.
- [47]. 禹文豪, 艾廷华, 杨敏, 刘纪平. 利用核密度与空间自相关进行城市设施兴趣点分布热点探测. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版). 2016, 41(02): 221-227.
- [48]. 张柠, 艾廷华*, 杨敏. 决策树支持下跨比例尺居民地数据更新. 测绘科学. 2016, 41(04): 154-160.
- [49]. Ai Tinghua, Yang Min*, Zhang Xiang, & Tian Jing. Detection and correction of inconsistencies between river networks and contour data by spatial constraint knowledge. Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 2015, 42(01): 79-93.
- [50]. Ai Tinghua, Zhang Xiang, Zhou Qi, Yang Min. A vector field model to handle the displacement of multiple conflicts in building generalization. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2015, 29(08): 1310-1331.
- [51]. 杨敏*, 艾廷华, 卢威, 成晓强, 周启. 自发地理信息兴趣点数据在线综合与多尺度可视化方法. 测绘学报. 2015, 44(02): 228-234.
- [52]. 杨敏. 顾及上下文特征的地图综合选取方法与应用研究. 测绘学报. 2014, 43(08): 877.
- [53]. 高凯*, 杨敏, 张跃鹏. 保持空间分布特征的散列式居民地综合选取方法. 测绘科学技术学报. 2015, 32(06): 626-630.
- [54]. 章铭芳, 杨敏, 周启. 保持分布特征与重要性意义的高程点选取方法. 测绘通报. 2015, (11): 47-51.
- [55]. 陈瑗瑗, 杨敏. 跨比例尺新旧地图数据间的变化信息分类与识别. 国际地理信息学科学术年会. 2015年, 北京.
- [56]. 成晓强, 艾廷华, 杨敏.一种决策驱动的地图综合服务语义增强方法. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版). 2014, 39(5): 561-565.
- [57]. Ai Tinghua*, Cheng Xiaoqiang, Liu Pengcheng, Yang Min. A shape analysis and template matching of building features by the Fourier transform method. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 2013, 41: 219-233.
- [58]. 杨敏*, 艾廷华, 刘鹏程, 成晓强. 等高线与水网数据集成中的匹配及一致性改正. 测绘学报. 2012, 41(01): 152-158.
- [59]. 刘鹏程*, 艾廷华, 杨敏. 基于傅里叶级数的等高线网络渐进式传输模型. 测绘学报. 2012, 41(02): 284-290.