[1] 宇传华主译. 描述流行病学Meta回归框架. 武汉:武汉大学出版社, 2019, 5. (ISBN 978-7-307-20851-3 163页,20万字)
[2] David Vose主编;孙向东,王幼明主译;宇传华,黄保续审校. 定量风险分析指南(第3版). 北京:中国农业出版社, 2017, 6. (“十三五国家重点图书出版规划项目”) (ISBN 978-7-109-20939-8 586页, 85万字)2017-06-01
[3] 郭秀花, 宇传华主编. 医学现场调查技术(案例版). 北京: 科学出版社, 2017.1 (中国科学院教材建设专家委员会规划教材, 全国高等医药院校规划教材, 案例版)(ISBN:978-7-03-050799-01R.6367)
[4] 孙向东,王幼明主编;宇传华,黄保续主审. 兽医统计学. 北京:中国农业出版社, 2016, 3. (ISBN 978-7-109-20694-6 337页,36万字)
[5] 侯艳,李康,宇传华,周晓华译. 诊断医学中的统计学方法. 北京:高等教育出版社,2016.2(ISBN:9787040442595,422页,54万字)
[6] 蒋庆琅著;方积乾,宇传华译. 寿命表及其应用. 北京:中国统计出版社 2015.12 (ISBN: 978-7-5037-7660-1).(38.5万字)
[7] 宇传华主编. SPSS与统计分析(第2版). 北京:电子工业出版社 2014.7 (ISBN: 978-7-121-23409-5)(光盘ISBN: 978-7-89432-913-4). 页(108.2万字)
[8] 宇传华编著. Excel与数据分析(第3版). 北京:电子工业出版社 2013.7(ISBN: 978-7-121-20739-6)(光盘ISBN: 978-7-89432-675-1). 576页(80.6万字)
[9] 宇传华著. Excel统计分析与电脑实验(配光盘).北京:电子工业出版社 2009.1(ISBN: 978-7-121-07791-3),489页(78.8万字).
[10] 宇传华主编. SPSS与统计分析(配光盘). 北京:电子工业出版社 2007,2. (ISBN:978-7-121-03833-4),666页. (光盘ISBN: 978-7-89485-187-1)
[11] 宇传华译. 诊断医学统计学(精装). 北京:人民卫生出版社,2005.2(ISBN:7117065974),293页
[12] 杜民权,宇传华主编(中英文版). SPSS在口腔医学统计中的应用,武汉:武汉大学出版社,2006,2.(ISBN:7307048132) 364页
[13] 宇传华, 颜杰 编著. Excel与数据分析(配光盘). 电子工业出版社 2002,9.(ISBN:505379984),315页
[14] 宇传华,王霞,尚磊,范思昌. 国际疾病分类与统计.西安:第四军医大学,1995.
[15] 宇传华,王霞,范思昌. 卫生管理统计.西安:第四军医大学,1994.
[16] Yu Chuanhua (First Associate Editor). Fang Jiqian (Editor-in-chief). Statistical Methods for Biomedical Research. World Scientific Publishing, 2021. 4. Pages: 1160 (https://doi.org/10.1142/12060) ISBN: 978-981-122-886-5 (hardcover)
[17] 宇传华 第一副主编,见:方积乾主编.生物医学研究的统计方法(第2版). 北京:高等教育出版社,2019.8(ISBN:978-7-04-052277-8),534页
[18] 宇传华副主译,见:凌莉主译. 生物统计学基础(第3版). 北京:人民卫生出版社,2010.1(ISBN:711712359,共373页)
[19] 宇传华副主编,见:赵耐青,陈峰主编. 卫生统计学. 北京:高等教育出版社,2008.2(ISBN:9787040230871,十一五国家级规划教材),402页
[20] 宇传华副主编,见:方积乾主编.生物医学研究的统计方法. 北京:高等教育出版社,2007.6(ISBN:9787040208412),604页
[1] 宇传华编委,见:李晓松主编 《统计方法在医学科学中的应用》(第2版). 北京:人民卫生出版社,2021.11 (ISBN:978-7-117-32126-6,81.8万字, 国家卫生和计划生育委员会“十三五”规划教材,科研人员核心能力提升导引丛书(供研究生及科研人员用)
[2] 宇传华,李秀央. 第十七章 生存分析. 见颜艳,王彤 主编,《医学统计学》第五版(供研究生用),北京:人民卫生出版社,2020,10. (ISBN: 9787117303859,)(国家 “十三五"规划教材、科研人员核心能力提升导引丛书 供研究生及科研人员用)
[3] 宇传华编委,见:颜虹主编 《中华百科全书.卫生统计学》. 中国协和医科大学出版社,2020.4 (ISBN:978-7-5679-1324-0),p553.
[4] 宇传华编委,见:李晓松主编 《医学统计学》(第4版). 高等教育出版社,2020.5 (ISBN:978-7-04-054046-8,p205, “十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材,全国高等学校“十三五”医学规划教材。学习网址:http://abook.hep.com.cn/54046)
[5] 宇传华, 张云权. 第15章 数据挖掘. P290-310. 见方积乾主编. 医学统计学手册(Handbook of Medical Statistics). 北京:中国统计出版社 2018.5 (ISBN: 978-7-5037-8464-4).(60.0万字, 564页).
[6] 宇传华编委,见:李晓松主编 《卫生统计学》(第8版). 北京:人民卫生出版社,2017.8 (ISBN:978-7-117-24666-8/R.24667,p428, 国家卫生和计划生育委员会“十三五”规划教材,全国高等学校教材(供预防医学类专业用)
[7] 宇传华编委. 见郭秀花主编. 医学统计学与SPSS软件实现方法(第二版). 普通高等教育“十三五”规划教材. 北京:科学出版社,2017.7.( ISBN:978-7-03-051893-4 P345)
[8] ①Yongyong Xu, Haiyue Zhang, Yi Wan, Yang Zhang, Xia Wang, Chuanhua Yu, Zhe Yang, Feng Pan, Ying Liang. CHAPTER 14: DATA AND DATA MANAGEMENT (P425-454). ②Yunquan Zhang, Chuanhua Yu*. CHAPTER 15: DATA MINING(P455-487),in Handbook of Medical Statistics (Ji-qian Fang editor), Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.Pte. Ltd., 2017.7 (852 pages; ISBN 9789813148970)
[9] ①李建立,宇传华. 第七章 成本效果与循证医学(P121-143页);
②周旭毓,方积乾,宇传华,许宗利,田鲁,陆盈. 第九章 Meta分析(P175-243页);
③陈章荣,李妍,宇传华. 第十六章 毒理学的统计方法(P417-440页);
④张和平,宇传华. 第三十六章 树形法(P919~929页).
见:方积乾,陆盈 主编. Advanced Medical Statistics 现代医学统计学(第二版).北京:人民卫生出版社 2015.6. ISBN:978-7-117-20285-5/R.20286,共941页.
[10] 宇传华,周爱芬. 第十章 如何进行筛检试验的设计与分析. (第214至225页).见李晓松主编. 统计方法在医学科研中的应用. 北京:人民卫生出版社, 2015,2. ISBN 978-7-117-20180-3/R.20181 P315. (国家卫生和计划生育委员会“十二五”规划教材,全国高等医药建材建设研究会“十二五”规划教材,科研人员核心能力提升导引丛书,供研究生和科研人员用)
[11] Yu Chuanhua. Meta Analysis of Diagnostic Test. See: Chapter 9. Zhou XY,Fang JQ,Yu CH,et al. Meta analysis pp. 265-358; Lu Ying, Fang JQ, Lu Tian, Jin Hua. Advance Medical Statistics (2nd Edition). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.Pte. Ltd., August 25,2015. (http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/pdf/10.1142/9789814583312_0009). ISBN 978-981-4583-29-9 1472 pages .
[12] 宇传华. 第十九章 生存分析p135-141. 见孙振球,徐勇勇主编,《医学统计学习题解答》第四版(供研究生用),北京:人民卫生出版社,2015,7. (ISBN:978-7-117-20283-1/R.20284,共266页)(国家卫生和计划生育委员会“十二五"规划教材配套教材、全国高等医药教材建设研究会“十二五"规划教材配套教材)
[13] 宇传华, 马俊. 第九章 行列表资料的假设检验. 见颜虹 徐勇勇主编,《医学统计学》第3版(供7、8年制使用), 北京:人民卫生出版社,2015,7. (ISBN: 978-7-117-20504-7,共550页). (全国高等医药教材建设研究会规划教材,卫计委"十二五"规划教材,教育部"十二五"规划教材).
[14] 宇传华,胡樱. 第二十五章 Logistic回归(p472-488). 见李立明总主编,王建华主编,詹思延、谭红专、唐金陵、毛宗福副主编. 流行病学(第一卷第3版)(“十二五”国家重点图书出版规划项目). 北京:人民卫生出版社,2015,3. ISBN:978-7-117-19109-8,共909页)
[15] 宇传华,陈冠民. 第十九章 生存分析. 见孙振球,徐勇勇主编,《医学统计学》第四版(供研究生用),北京:人民卫生出版社,2014,9. (ISBN:9787117191098,共821页)(国家卫生和计划生育委员会“十二五"规划教材、全国高等医药教材建设研究会“十二五"规划教材)
[16] 宇传华编委,见:李晓松主审,张菊英主编 《医学统计学实习指导》(第3版). 北京:高等教育出版社,2014.9 (ISBN:978-7-04-040313-8,p254, “十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材)
[17] 宇传华编委,见:李晓松主编 《医学统计学》(第3版). 高等教育出版社,2014.8 (ISBN:978-7-04-039723-9,p356, “十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材,学习网址:http://abook.hep.com.cn/39723)
[18] 宇传华编委,见:徐勇勇主编 《医学统计学》(第三版). 高等教育出版社,2014.7 (ISBN:978-7-04-033958-1,p357,面向21世纪课程教材,“十五”国家级规范教材,学习网址:http://abook.hep.com.cn/33958 .)
[19] 宇传华编委 (第六章 第二节 模型寿命表;第七章 健康预期寿命). 见:梁晓峰,么鸿雁. 预期寿命分析----方法与工具培训手册. 人民卫生出版社,2014.3 (ISBN:978-7-117-18518-9/R.18519)
[20] 宇传华.第17章 寿命表. 见方积乾主编.卫生统计学学习指导与习题集(第2版). 人民卫生出版社(卫生部“十二五”规划教材配套教材,全国高等学校配套教材,). 2014.3 (ISBN:978-7-117-18500-4/R.18501).
[21] 宇传华编委,见:陆贤杰主编.Medical Statistics(医学统计学,高等医学院校双语教材). 广西科学技术出版社,2013.10 (ISBN 978-7-80763-902-2)
[22] 宇传华.第17章 寿命表. 见方积乾主编.卫生统计学(第七版). 人民卫生出版社(卫生部“十二五”规划教材,全国高等学校教材,). 2012.8 (ISBN:978-7-117-16196-1/R.16197).
[23] 宇传华,陈冠民. 第十七章 生存分析.见孙振球主编,《医学统计学》第三版(供研究生用),北京:人民卫生出版社,2010,8. (ISBN:978-7-117-12850-6/R.12851,共809页)(教育部推荐“研究生教学用书”)
[24] 宇传华,马俊,王伟. 第九章 行列表资料的假设检验. 见颜虹主编,《医学统计学》第2版(供7、8年制使用),北京:人民卫生出版社,2010,8. (ISBN:978-7-117-13107-0/R.13108,共550页). (卫生部“十一五”规划教材)
[25] 宇传华编委.见焦红主编. 湖北省第四次卫生服务调查报告.武汉:华中科技大学出版社,2010,9. (ISBN:9787810728744)
[26] 宇传华编委.见贺佳主编,SAS9.1统计软件应用教程(供研究生用),北京:人民卫生出版社,2010,8.(教育部推荐“研究生教学用书”配套用书)
[27] 李康,宇传华. 第11章 诊断试验评价与ROC分析方法. 饶克勤主编,卫生统计方法与应用进展(第1卷).人民卫生出版社,2008,1(ISBN 978-7-117-09380-4/R.9381)
[28] 宇传华编委.第19章 寿命表. 见方积乾主编.卫生统计学(第六版). 人民卫生出版社(十一五国家级规划教材,卫生部“十一五”规划教材). 2008.6 (ISBN:7117099445/9787117099448).
[29] 宇传华编委.第19章 寿命表. 见方积乾主编. 卫生统计学学习指导与习题集(本科预防配教). 人民卫生出版社(十一五国家级规划教材,卫生部“十一五”规划教材). 2008.4 (ISBN:9787117099455), 341 页.
[30] 宇传华编委.卫生部人事司,卫生部统计信息中心. 2006中国卫生人力报告. 中国协和医科大学出版社,2007. (ISBN:9787810728744)
[31] 宇传华编委.方积乾主编.医学统计学与电脑实验. 上海科学技术出版社(第三版)(附光盘),2006.8 (教育部研究生推荐教材)(ISBN:7532384152),547页.
[32] 宇传华编委.梁维君主编.医药统计学.中国医药科技出版社,2006,8.(ISBN:7506734656)317页.
[33] 宇传华编委.Fang Jiqian, et al. Medical Statistics and Computer Experiment. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.Pte. Ltd. 2005.10 (a member of editorial board)
Yu Chuanhua, Xu Yongyong, Fang Ji-Qian (2nd edn.). Chapter 14 Measures of Multivariate Data and Multivariate Analysis of Variance(pages 363~382).
Yu Chuanhua, Gao Guiming (2nd edn.). Chapter 22 Log-Linear Models and Poisson Regression (pages 523~544).
Yu Chuanhua, Fang Ji-Qian, Xu Yongyong, Gao Guiming (2nd edn.). Chapter 23 Analysis of Repeated Continuous- Type Measurements (pages 547~562).
Yu Chuanhua. (2nd edn.). Chapter 24 Design and Analysis of Sequential Experiments (pages 563~578).
Yu Chuanhua, Chen Pingyan, Fang Ji-Qian. (2nd edn.) ; Xu Yongyong, Yu Chuanhua. (3nd edn.). Chapter 30 Design and Analysis of Diagnostic and Screening Tests (pages 719~743).
Liu Qing, LingLi, Yu Chuanhua. (2nd edn.). Chapter 31 The Systematic Review of Medical Literatures and Meta-Analysis. (pages 745~762).
[34] Yu CH. Meta Analysis of Diagnostic Test. See: Chapter 7. Zhou XY,Fang JQ,Yu CH,et al. Meta analysis P279-298; Lu Y, Fang JQ. Advance Medical Statistics. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.Pte. Ltd.,2003.4
[35] 万毅,王霞, 宇传华. 国际疾病分类与统计(统计本科班用). 西安:第四军医大学, 2003.
[36] ①周晓华,宇传华. 证实偏倚下的诊断试验准确性评价(第二章11~24页);
②李建立,宇传华. 成本效果分析与循证医学(第五章97~117页);
③周旭毓,方积乾,宇传华等. Meta分析(第七章150~209页);
④伍鸥,余启汾,宇传华. 纵向资料分析的回归模型(第二十三章549~576页);
⑤张和平,宇传华. 树形法(第二十七章685~694页).
见:方积乾,陆盈 主编. 现代医学统计学. 人民卫生出版社 2002年4月.
[37] ①宇传华.诊断试验的评价(第十三章164~178页);
③宇传华. 多项反应模型(第十七章220~231页);
④宇传华. 生命统计(第二十九386~403页).
见:余松林主编. 医学统计学(7年制规划教材). 北京:人民卫生出版社 2002年3月.
[38] 军队卫生统计工作手册.人民军医出版社,2002年11月(注:宇传华为编委).
[39] ①宇传华,方积乾,徐勇勇. 连续型资料的重复测量分析;
③徐勇勇,宇传华,陈平雁等. 诊断和筛查试验的研究设计与分析;
④徐勇勇,宇传华,方积乾. 多元统计量与均数向量检验;
⑤徐勇勇,宇传华,陈峰. 序贯设计与分析;
⑥徐勇勇,柳青,凌莉,宇传华. 医学文献综合研究与META分析.
见:方积乾主编. 医学统计学与电脑实验. 上海科学技术出版社(第二版)(附光盘),2001 (教育部研究生推荐教材).
[40] 方积乾,徐勇勇,余松林等.医学统计学与电脑实验.上海:上海科学技术出版社,1997(page of 446).(注:宇传华为编委).
二、 论文 (*表示通讯作者,**与***分别为第二与第三通讯作者 CSCD=中国科学引文索引杂志)
[1] Zhao Yudi, Cao J inhong, Ma Yudiyang, Mubarik Sumaira, Bai Jianjun, Yang Donghui, Wang Kai, Yu Chuanhua*. Demographics of road injuries and micromobility injuries among China, India, Japan, and the United States population: evidence from an age-period-cohort analysis. BMC Public Health, 2022 Apr 14;22(1):760. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-13152-6.
[2] 赵雨镝,刘晴,王凯,陈叙宇,冉俐,胡琦凯,杜雪莹,王素青,谭晓东**,宇传华*.新型冠状病毒疫情期间武汉市中学生防疫行为情况及其影响因素[J/OL].武汉大学学报(医学版). https://doi.org/10.14188/j.1671-8852.2021.0956
[3] GBD 2019 Ageing Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Global, regional, and national burden of diseases and injuries for adults 70 years and older: systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease 2019 Study. BMJ, 2022 Mar 10;376:e068208. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2021-068208. (SCI IF= 39.89 SCI Q2)
[4] Ma Yudiyang, Hu Qian, Mubarik Sumaira, Cao Jinhong, Yu Chuanhua*. Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Long Trend of Mortality for Stroke and Subtypes Attributed to High SBP in Chinese Adults. Frontiers in Neurology,2022 (SCI IF= 4.003 SCI Q2)
[5] Ma Y, Yang D, Bai J, Zhao Y, Hu Q and Yu C. Time Trends in Stroke and Subtypes Mortality Attributable to Household Air Pollution in Chinese and Indian Adults: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis Using the Global Burden of Disease Study. Front. Aging Neurosci, 2022. 14:740549.doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.740549 (Proof) (SCI IF= 5.75 SCI Q1)
[6] Mubarik Sumaira, Sharma Rajesh, Hussain Rija, Iqbal Mujahid, Nawsherwan, Liu Xiaoxue, Yu Chuanhua*. Breast cancer mortality trends and predictions to 2030, and its attributable risk factors in East and South Asian countries. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022, (SCI IF= 6.576 SCI Q1)
[7] GBD 2019 Tuberculosis Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Global, regional, and national sex differences in the global burden of tuberculosis by HIV status, 1990-2019: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet Infect Dis. 2022, 22 (2):222-241. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(21)00449-7. (SCI IF= 25.071 SCI Q1)
[8] GBD 2019 Adolescent Young Adult Cancer Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). The global burden of adolescent and young adult cancer in 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet Oncol, 2022, 23(1):27-52. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(21)00581-7. (SCI IF= 41.316 SCI Q1)
[9] GBD 2019 Dementia Forecasting Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Estimation of the global prevalence of dementia in 2019 and forecasted prevalence in 2050: an analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet Public Health. 2022, 7(2):e105-e125. doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(21)00249-8. (SCI IF= 3.295 SCI Q2)
[10] Zhang Yuanyuan, Liu Linjiong, Zhang Liansheng, Yu Chuanhua, Wang Xuyan, Shi Zhihao, Hu Jianlin*, ZhangYunquan*. Assessing short-term impacts of PM2.5 constituents on cardiorespiratory hospitalizations: Multi-city evidence from China. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2022,240(3):113912. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2021.113912. (SCI IF= 5.840 SCI Q2)
[11] 覃桂宇, 王旭艳, 宇传华*. 武汉市颗粒物污染的呼吸系统健康影响
及经济损失分析. 公共卫生与预防医学, 2022, 33(2):6-11.
[12] Sun Panglin, Wen Haoyu, Liu Xiaoxue, Ma Yudiyang, Jang Jie, Yu Chuanhua*. Time trends in type 2 diabetes mellitus incidence across the BRICS from 1990 to 2019: an age-period-cohort analysis. BMC Public Health, 2022, 22(1):65. DOI:10.1186/s12889-021-12485-y (SCI IF= 3.295 SCI Q2)
[13] Bai Jianjun, Zhao Yudi, Yang Donghui, Ma Yudiyang, Yu Chuanhua*. Secular trends in chronic respiratory diseases mortality in Brazil, Russia, China, and South Africa: a comparative study across main BRICS countries from 1990 to 2019. BMC Public Health, 2022, 22(1):91. (SCI IF= 3.295 SCI Q2) DOI10.1186/s12889-021-12484-z
[14] Liu Yan, Yu Qiuyan, Wen Haoyu, Shi Fang, Wang Fang, Zhao Yudi, Hong Qiumian, Yu Chuanhua*. What matters: non-pharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19 in Europe. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control, 2022, 11(1):1 DOI:10.1186/s13756-021-01039-x. (SCI IF= 4.887 SCI Q3)
[15] Shi Fang, Li Hao, Liu Rui, Yu Chuanhua*. Emergency Preparedness and Management of Mobile Cabin Hospitals in China during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Frontiers in Public Health, 2022, 9(1):763723. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.763723. (SSCI IF= 3.709 SCI Q1)
[16] Liu Y, Xiong WJ, Wang L, Rang WQ*, Yu C**. Vitamin B1 Intake and the Risk of Colorectal Cancer: a Systematic Review of Observational Studies. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), 2021, 67(6):391-396. doi: 10.3177/jnsv.67.391. (SCI IF=2 SCI Q4)
[17] Zhang H, You S*, Zhang M, Liu D, Wang X, Ren J, Yu C**. The Impact of Atmospheric Pollutants on Human Health and Economic Loss Assessment. Atmosphere, 2021, 12, 1628. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12121628. (SCI IF=2.686 SCI Q3)
[18] Global Burden of Disease 2019 Cancer Collaboration(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost, Years Lived With Disability, and Disability-Adjusted Life Years for 29 Cancer Groups From 2010 to 2019: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. JAMA Oncol. 2021 Dec 30. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2021.6987. Online ahead of print. (SCI IF= 31.777 SCI Q1)
[19] Wang Lijun, Zhang Xiaoyu, Chen Tingting, Tao Jun, Gao Yanduo, Cai Li, Chen Huijun, Yu Chuanhua. Association of GestationalWeight Gain With Infant Morbidity and Mortality in the United States. Jama Network Open, 2021, 4(12):e2141498. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.41498. (SSCI IF= 8.485 SCI Q1)
[20] 陈伟锋, 宇传华, 胡樱. 1990—2017年中国白血病疾病负担分析. 中国慢性病预防与控制, 2021, 29(10):797-800. 2021-10-15 网络首发(CSCD)
[21] Ma Yudiyang, Cui Yiran, Hu Qian, Mubarik Sumaira, Yang Donghui, Jiang Yuan, Yao Yifan and Yu Chuanhua*. Long-Term Changes of HIV/AIDS Incidence Rate in China and the U.S. Population From 1994 to 2019: A Join-Point and Age-Period-Cohort Analysis. Front. Public Health, 2021, 15 November | https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.652868. (SSCI SCI IF= 3.709 JCR Q1)
[22] GBD 2019 Adolescent Mortality Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Global, regional, and national mortality among young people aged 10-24 years, 1950-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet, 2021 Oct 30;398(10311):1593-1618. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01546-4. (SCI IF= 79.321 SCI Q1)
[23] Liu Xiaoxue, Mubarik Sumaira, Wang Fang, Yu Yong, Wang Yafeng, Shi Fang, Wen Haoyu, Yu Chuanhua*. Lung cancer death attributable to long-term ambient particulate matter (PM2.5) exposure in East Asia countries. Frontiers in Medicine, 15 October 2021 8:742076. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.742076 (SCI IF= 5.091 SCI Q1)
[24] Local Burden of Disease Anaemia Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Anemia prevalence in women of reproductive age in low- and middle-income countries between 2000 and 2018. Nat Med. 2021 Oct;27(10):1761-1782. doi: 10.1038/s41591-021-01498-0. (SCI IF= 53.44 SCI Q1)
[25] GBD 2019 HIV Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一).Global, regional, and national sex-specific burden and control of the HIV epidemic, 1990-2019, for 204 countries and territories: the Global Burden of Diseases Study 2019. Lancet HIV, 2021 Oct;8(10):e633-e651. doi: 10.1016/S2352-3018(21)00152-1. (SCI IF= 12.767 SCI Q1)
[26] Global Burden of Disease 2020 Health Financing Collaborator Network. Tracking development assistance for health and for COVID-19: a review of development assistance, government, out-of-pocket, and other private spending on health for 204 countries and territories, 1990-2050. Lancet. 2021 Sep 23:S0140-6736(21)01258-7. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01258-7. Online ahead of print. (SCI IF= 79.321 SCI Q1)
[27] Cao Jinhong, Eshak Ehab S., Liu Keyang, Arafa Ahmed, Sheerah Haytham A., ChuanhuaYu*. Age‑period‑cohort analysis of stroke mortality attributable to high systolic blood pressure in China and Japan. Scientifc Reports, 2021, 11(9):19083. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-98072-y (SCI IF= 4.379 SCI Q1)
[28] Wang Fang, Yu Yong, Mubarik Sumaira, Zhang Yu, Liu Xiaoxue, Cheng Yao, Yu Chuanhua*, J Cao inhong**. Global Burden of Ischemic Heart Disease and Attributable Risk Factors, 1990–2017: A Secondary Analysis Based on the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Clinical Epidemiology, 2021, 13 :859-870. doi: 10.2147/CLEP.S317787 (SCI IF= 4.79 SCI Q1)
[29] 王燕逍翔, 白建军, 宇传华*. 基于全球视角的中国心血管病疾病负担现状及趋势. 公共卫生与预防医学, 2021, 32(6):6-11.
[30] 石芳, 孙向东, 宇传华*. 2013—2020年中国家禽H5亚型高致病性禽流感监测数据分析. 中国动物传染病学报,2021, 29(8):1-9. DOI: 10.19958/j.cnki.cn31-2031/s.20210824.001 (网络首发2021-08-24)
[31] 柯倩,宇传华*,刘晓雪,温昊于基于 GBD 数据的中国慢性肾病疾病负担现状及趋势分析. 公共卫生与预防医学, 2021, 32(5):1-5.
[32] GBD 2019 Stroke Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Global, regional, and national burden of stroke and its risk factors, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet Neurol, 2021,20(10):795-820. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(21)00252-0. Online ahead of print. (SCI IF= 44.182 SCI Q1)
[33] Yang Donghui, Liu Yan, Wang Yafeng, MaYudiyang, Bai Jianjun, Yu Chuanhua*. Association of Serum Vitamin B6 with All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality in a Prospective Study. Nutrients, 2021, 13(9):2977. doi.org/10.3390/nu13092977 (SCI SSCI IF= 5.719 JCR Q1)
[34] GBD 2019 Under-5 Mortality Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Global, regional, and national progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 3.2 for neonatal and child health: all-cause and cause-specific mortality findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 . Lancet, 2021,398(10303):870-905. Sep 4, doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01207-1. (SCI IF= 79.321 SCI Q1)
[35] GBD 2019 Dementia Collaborators. Use of multidimensional item response theory methods for dementia prevalence prediction: an example using the Health and Retirement Survey and the Aging, Demographics, and Memory Study. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak, 2021, 21(1):241. doi: 10.1186/s12911-021-01590-y. (SSCI SCI IF= 2.796 SCI Q3)
[36] Martial Nodjimadji Tamlengar, Mubarik Sumaira, Yu Chuanhua*. Long-term trends of tuberculosis incidence and mortality in four central African countries. Sci Rep, 2021,11(1):16624. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-95967-8. (SCI IF= 4.379 SCI Q1)
[37] Mubarik Sumaira, Yu Yong, Wang Fang, Malik Saima Shakil, Liu Xiaoxue, Fawad Muhammad, Shi Fang, Yu Chuanhua*. Epidemiological and sociodemographic transitions of female breast cancer incidence, death, case fatality and DALYs in 21 world regions and globally, from 1990 to 2017: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis. Journal of Advanced Research, 2021, (SCI IF= 10.479 SCI Q1)
[38] 石芳, 孙向东, 沈朝建, 宇传华*. 应用社会网络分析技术探索湖南省生猪调运特征[J]. 中国动物检疫, 2021, 38(8):22-27.
[39] Cromwell EA, Osborne JCP, Unnasch TR,…, Yu C, …, Pigott DM. Predicting the environmental suitability for onchocerciasis in Africa as an aid to elimination planning. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2021 Jul 28;15(7):e0008824. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008824. (SCI IF= 3.885 SCI Q1)
[40] GBD 2020, Release 1, Vaccine Coverage Collaborators. Measuring routine childhood vaccination coverage in 204 countries and territories, 1980-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2020, Release 1. Lancet. 2021, 398 (10299):503-521. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)00984-3 (SCI IF= 60.392 SCI Q1)
[41] Bhattacharjee NV, Schaeffer LE, Hay SI; Local Burden of Disease Exclusive Breastfeeding Collaborators. Mapping inequalities in exclusive breastfeeding in low- and middle-income countries, 2000-2018. Nat Hum Behav, 2021 Jun 3. doi: 10.1038/s41562-021-01108-6. (SCI IF= 12.282 SCI Q1)
[42] Shi F, Huang B, Shen C, Liu Y, Liu X, Fan Z, Mubarik S, Yu C*, Sun X**. Characterization and influencing factors of the pig movement network in Hunan Province, China. Prev Vet Med, 2021 Jun 1;193:105396. doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2021.105396 (SCI IF= 2.67 SCI Q1)
[43] GBD 2019 Chewing Tobacco Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Spatial, temporal, and demographic patterns in prevalence of chewing tobacco use in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet Public Health, 2021, 6(7):e482-e499. JUL doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(21)00065-7. (SSCI SCI IF= 21.648 SCI+SSCI)
[44] GBD 2019 Tobacco Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Spatial, temporal, and demographic patterns in prevalence of smoking tobacco use and attributable disease burden in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet. 2021 May 27:S0140-6736(21)01169-7. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01169-7. (SCI IF= 59.102 SCI)
[45] Shi F#, Wen H#, Liu R, Bai J, Wang F, Mubarik S, Liu X, Yu Y, Hong Q, Cao J, Yu C*. The comparison of epidemiological characteristics between confirmed and clinically diagnosed cases with COVID-19 during the early epidemic in Wuhan, China. Glob Health Res Policy. 2021 May 28;6(1):18. doi:10.1186/s41256-021-00200-8.
[46] 田秋霞, 马玉迪阳, 崔怡然, 宇传华*. 中、美、日三国艾滋病疾病负担现状及趋势分析. 公共卫生与预防医学, 2021, 32(3): 1-5.
[47] 蔡美钦,宇传华,胡樱. 基于GBD数据的中美德尘肺病疾病负担对比[J]. 公共卫生与预防医学,2021,32(1):5-9. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-2483.2021.01.002.
[48] Mubarik Sumaira#, Liu Xiaoxue #, Eshak Ehab S, Liu Keyang, Liu Qing, Wang Fang, Shi Fang, Wen Haoyu, Bai Jianjun, Yu Chuanhua* and Cao Jinhong**. The Association of Hypertension With the Severity of and Mortality From the COVID-19 in the Early Stage of the Epidemic in Wuhan, China: A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study. Frontiers in Medicine, 2021, 8:623608. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.623608. (SCI IF= 5.091 JCR Q1)
[49] Mubarik Sumaira#*, Liu Xiaoxue#, Malik Saima Shakil, Wang Lijun, Yu Yong, Yu Chuanhua**. Evaluation of lifestyle risk factor differences in global patterns of breast cancer mortality and DALYs during 1990–2017 using hierarchical age-period-cohort analysis. Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2021, 28(36):49864-49876. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-14165-1. (SSCI IF= 4.223 SCI+ SSCI JCR Q2)
[50] Cui Yiran, Mubarik Sumaira, Li Ruijia, Nawsherwan, Yu Chuanhua. Trend dynamics of thyroid cancer incidence among China and the U.S. adult population from 1990 to 2017: a joinpoint and age-period-cohort analysis. BMC Public Health, 2021 Mar 31;21(1):624. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-10635-w. (SCI SSCI IF=2.567 JCR Q2).
[51] 崔芳芳, 何贤英, 宇传华, 曹明波, 赵杰, 翟运开*. 1990-2016 年中国人群食管癌疾病负担变化趋势及危险因素分析. 中国卫生统计, 2021, 38(1): 87-91+95. (CSCD)
[52] GBD 2019 Hearing Loss Collaborators (Haile Lydia M, Kamenov Kaloyan, Briant Paul Svitil,等.Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Hearing loss prevalence and years lived with disability, 1990–2019: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet, 2021, 397(10278): 996-1009. (SCI IF= 79.321 SSCI). Mar 13 doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)00516-X
[53] Nodjimadji Tamlengar Martial, Sumaira Mubarik, Chuanhua Yu*. The Trend of HIV/AIDS Incidence and Risks Associated with Age, Period, and Birth Cohort in Four Central African Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18(5):2564. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18052564 (SCI SSCI IF= 3.39 SSCI Q1 )
[54] Local Burden of Disease HIV Collaborators(Graetz, Nicholas; Woyczynski, Lauren; Wilson, Katherine F.; 等.Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Mapping subnational HIV mortality in six Latin American countries with incomplete vital registration systems. BMC Medicine, 2021,Jan 8;19(1): 4. doi:10.1186/s12916-020-01876-4. (SCI IF= 6.782 JCR Q1).
[55] Wang K, Zhao Y, Nie J, Xu H, Yu C, Wang S*. Higher HEI-2015 Score Is Associated with Reduced Risk of Depression: Result from NHANES 2005-2016. Nutrients, 2021 Jan 25;13(2):348. doi: 10.3390/nu13020348. (SCI SSCI IF= 5.719 JCR Q1)
[56] Wang F, Cao J, Yu Y, Ding J, Eshak ES, Liu K, Mubarik S, Shi F, Wen H, Zeng Z, Bai J, Yu C*. Epidemiological characteristics of patients with severe COVID-19 infection in Wuhan, China: evidence from a retrospective, observational study. International Journal of Epidemiology, 2020, 49(6):1940-1950. doi:10.1093/ije/dyaa180. (SCI IF= 7.196, 5年IF= 10.422 JCR Q1)
[57] Local Burden of Disease Vaccine Coverage Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Mapping routine measles vaccination in low- and middle-income countries. Nature, 2021, Jan;589(7842):415-419. doi:10.1038/s41586-020-03043-4. (SCI IF= 42.779 JCR Q1)
[58] Vision Loss Expert Grp Global Burd (Steinmetz JD, Bourne RRA, Briant PS, …(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一)…Vos T). Causes of blindness and vision impairment in 2020 and trends over 30 years, and prevalence of avoidable blindness in relation to VISION 2020: the Right to Sight: an analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study. Lancet Glob Health, 2021 Feb;9(2):e144-e160. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(20)30489-7. (SSCI SCI IF= 21.597 JCR Q1)
[59] Luo Lisha, Jiang Junfeng, Yu Chuanhua, Zhao Mingjuan, Wang Yunyun, Li Quanlei, Jin Yinghui. Stroke Mortality Attributable to Low Fruit Intake in China: A Joinpoint and Age-Period-Cohort Analysis. Front Neurosci, 2020, Dec 1;14:552113. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.552113. eCollection 2020.DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2020.552113. (SSCI IF= 3.707 JCR Q2)
[60] Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases Writing Group(Roth GA, Mensah GA, Johnson CO, …Yu C…). Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risk Factors, 1990-2019: Update From the GBD 2019 Study. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2020 Dec 22;76(25):2982-3021. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2020.11.010. (SCI IF= 20.589 JCR Q1)
[61] 吴扬,宇传华*, 王旭艳, 张爽, 金钟, 马容娴. 湖北省128家医院超长住院日患者分布特征及影响因素分析. 公共卫生与预防医学, 2020, 31(6): 24-28.
[62] Bai Jianjun, Shi Fang, Cao Jinhong, Wen Haoyu, Wang Fang, Mubarik Sumaira, Liu Xiaoxue, Yu Yong, Ding Jianbo, Yu Chuanhua*. The epidemiological characteristics of deaths with COVID-19 in the early stage in Wuhan, China. Global Health Research and Policy, 2020, 5(1):54. (武汉大学办的杂志), 2020. DOI:10.1186/s41256-020-00183-y
[63] Mubarik S, Hu Y, Yu C*. A multi-country comparison of stochastic models of breast cancer mortality with P-splines smoothing approach. BMC Med Res Methodol, 2020, 20(1):299. doi: 10.1186/s12874-020-01187-5. (SSCI IF=3.031 JCR Q1)
[64] Meng R#, Luo X#, Du S **, Luo Y#, Liu D, Chen J, Li Y, Zhang W, Li J, Yu C*. The Mediating Role of Perceived Stress in Associations Between Self-Compassion and Anxiety and Depression: Further Evidence from Chinese Medical Workers [J]. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 2020,13:2729-2741 (SSCI , SCI IF=2.429) Available online 24 November 2020 https://doi.org/10.2147/RMHP.S261489
[65] Yang Donghui, Bian Yuqian, Zeng Zixin, Cui Yiran, Wang Yafeng,Yu Chuanhua*. Associations between Intensity, Frequency, Duration, and Volume of Physical Activity and the Risk of Stroke in Middle- and Older-Aged Chinese People:A Cross-Sectional Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2020, 17(11): 8628. doi:10.3390/ijerph17228628. (SCI SSCI IF=2.849 SSCI Q1 )
[66] Zeng Z, Bian Y, Cui Y, Yang D, Wang Y, Yu C*. Physical Activity Dimensions and Its Association with Risk of Diabetes in Middle and Older Aged Chinese People. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020,17(21):7803. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17217803. (SCI SSCI IF=2.849 SSCI Q1 )
[67] 李丽娜,李宁,胡樱*,刘娜,宇传华,王雷,王旭艳. 2004-2019年湖北省甲型肝炎流行特征分析及预测. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2020, 24(10):1165-1169.
[68] GBD 2019 Risk Factors(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Global burden of 87 risk factors in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet,2020 Oct 17;396(10258):1223-1249. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30752-2. (SCI IF= 59.102 SCI)
[69] GBD 2019 Diss Injuries(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Global burden of 369 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet, 2020 Oct 17, 396(10258):1204-1222. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30925-9. (SSCI IF= 59.102 SCI)
[70] Global Burden Dis 2019(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Five insights from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet, 2020 Oct 17;396(10258):1135-1159. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31404-5. (SCI IF= 59.102 SCI)
[71] Liu Xiaoxue, Yu Yong, Wang Minsheng, Mubarik Sumaira, WangFang, WangYafeng, Meng Runtang, Yu Chuanhua*. The mortality of lung cancer attributable to smoking among adults in China and the United States during 1990–2017. Cancer Communications, 2020, 40(11):611-619. https://doi.org/10.1002/cac2.12099. (SSCI IF= 10.392 JCR Q1).
[72] Song Xiaohua, Xiang Minrong, Liu Yan*, Yu Chuanhua**. Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Burnout Based on a Structural Equation Model. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2020, 62(12):e725-e731. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002040. (SCI IF= 1.644 SSCI JCR Q3).
[73] Masood Nosheen, Malik Saima Shakil, Raja Muhammad Naqqi, Mubarik Sumaira and Yu Chuanhua*. Unraveling the Epidemiology, Geographical Distribution, and Genomic Evolution of Potentially Lethal Coronaviruses (SARS, MERS, and SARS CoV-2). Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol., 2020, Aug 27;10:499. | https://doi.org/10.3389/fcimb.2020.00499 (SCI IF= 4.123 JCR Q2).
[74] Local Burden of Disease WaSH Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Mapping geographical inequalities in access to drinking water and sanitation facilities in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000-17. Lancet Global Health, 2020, Sep;8(9):e1162-e1185. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(20)30278-3. (SCI IF= 21.597 JCR Q1)
[75] Wang X, Yu Y, Yu C*, Shi F, Zhang Y**. Associations between acute exposure to ambient air pollution and length of stay for inpatients with ischemic heart disease: a multi-city analysis in central China. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 2020, 27(35):43743-43754. doi: 10.1007/s11356-020- 10256-7. (SCI IF= 3.056 JCR Q2)
[76] Wang Xuyan, Yu Chuanhua*, Zhang Yunquan, Shi Fang, Meng Runtang and Yu Yong**. Attributable Risk and Economic Cost of Cardiovascular Hospital Admissions Due to Ambient Particulate Matter in Wuhan, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(7):5453. 10.3390/ijerph17155453 (SCI SSCI IF=2.849 SSCI Q1 )
[77] Local Burden of Disease Diarrhoea Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Mapping geographical inequalities in oral rehydration therapy coverage in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000-17. Lancet Global Health, 2020, 8(8):1038-1060. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(20)30230-8. (SCI IF= 21.597 JCR Q1)
[78] Local Burden of Disease Diarrhoea Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Mapping geographical inequalities in childhood diarrhoeal morbidity and mortality in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000–17: analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet. 2020 Jun 6;395(10239):1779-1801. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30114-8. (SCI IF= 59.102 SCI)
[79] Liu Xiaoxue, Zhou Maigeng, Wang Fang, Mubarik Sumaira, Wang Yafeng, Meng Runtang, Shi Fang, Wen Haoyu,Yu Chuanhua*.Secular Trend of Cancer Death and Incidence in 29 Cancer Groups in China, 1990–2017:A Joinpoint and Age–Period–Cohort Analysis. Cancer Management and Research, 2020, 12(7): 6221–6238. (SCI IF= 2.886 JCR Q3)
[80] Wang Yafeng, Huang Wentao, O’Neil Adrienne, Lan Yutao, Aune Dagfinn, Wang Wei, Yu Chuanhua* & Chen Xiong**. Association between sleep duration and mortality risk among adults with type 2 diabetes: a prospective cohort study. Diabetologia, 2020, 63(11):2292-2304. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00125-020-05214-4 (SCI IF=10.122 JCR Q1)
[81] Wen Haoyu, Xie Cong, Wang Fang, Wu Yini and Yu Chuanhua*. Trends in Disease Burden Attributable to Tobacco in China, 1990–2017: Findings From the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Front. Public Health,2020, 8:237. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.00237 (SCI SSCI IF=2.483 JCR Q2)
[82] Fawad Muhammad, Mubarik Sumaira, Malik Saima Shakil, Hao Yangyang, Yu Chuanhua, Ren Jingli*. Trend Dynamics of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Transmission in 16 Cities of Hubei Province, China. Clinical Epidemiology, 2020:12, 699–709. (SCI IF=4.79 JCR Q3)
[83] Liu Xiaoxue, Zhou Maigeng, Yu Chuanhua*, Zhang Zhi-Jiang**. Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Type 2 Diabetes Mortality Attributable to Particulate Matter Pollution in China and the U.S.. Journal of Diabetes Research, 2020, Article ID 1243947, https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/1243947.
(SCI IF=2.965 JCR Q3)
[84] Liu Xiaoxue, Yu Yong, Wang Minsheng, Wang Fang, Mubarik Sumaira, Wang Yafeng, Meng Runtang and Yu Chuanhua.* Age-period-cohort analysis of kidney cancer deaths attributable to high body-mass index in China and U.S. adults. BMC Public Health, 2020, 20(1):882. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-09007-7 (SCI SSCI IF=2.567 JCR Q2)
[85] 吴景涛, 宇传华, 王雷, 胡樱*. 2004―2018年湖北省丙型肝炎流行特征与趋势. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2020, 24(4):451-455. (CSCD)
[86] Cui Y, Shen H, Wang F, Wen H, Zeng Z, Wang Y, Yu C*.A Long-Term Trend Study of Tuberculosis Incidence in China, India and United States 1992-2017: A Joinpoint and Age-Period-Cohort Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2020 May 11;17(9): 3334. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17093334. (SCI SSCI IF=2.849 SSCI Q1 )
[87] 崔怡然,宇传华*. 基于全球视角下的中国结核病负担现状与趋势分析. 中华疾病控制杂志,2020,24(3):258-263+283. (CSCD)
[88] Global Burden of Disease Health Financing Collaborator Network(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Health sector spending and spending on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, and development assistance for health: progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 3. Lancet. 2020 Apr 23. pii: S0140-6736(20)30608-5. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30608-5. [Epub ahead of print]
(SCI IF= 59.102 SCI)
[89] Haagsma JA, James SL, Castle CD, …,Yu C,…. Mokdad AH, Vos T. Burden of injury along the development spectrum: associations between the Socio-demographic Index and disability-adjusted life year estimates from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Inj Prev, 2020, 26( SUPP_1): 12-26. doi: 10.1136/injuryprev-2019-043296. ( SCI IF= 2.987 SSCI Q1)
[90] Franklin RC, Peden AE, … Yu C, …, James SL. The burden of unintentional drowning: global, regional and national estimates of mortality from the Global Burden of Disease 2017 Study. Inj Prev, 2020, 26( SUPP_1): 83-95. doi: 10.1136/injuryprev-2019-043484.( SCI IF= 2.987 SSCI Q1)
[91] James SL, Castle CD, Dingels ZV,et al(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Global injury morbidity and mortality from 1990 to 2017: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Inj Prev, 2020, 26(Supp 1): 96-114. doi: 10.1136/injuryprev-2019-043531. ( SCI IF= 2.987 SSCI Q1)
[92] James SL, Castle CD, Dingels ZV,et al(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Estimating global injuries morbidity and mortality: methods and data used in the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study. Inj Prev, 2020, 26( SUPP_1): 125-153. ( SCI IF= 2.987 SSCI Q1)
[93] LBD Double Burden of Malnutrition Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一).Mapping local patterns of childhood overweight and wasting in low- and middle-income countries between 2000 and 2017. Nat Med, 2020, Apr 20. doi: 10.1038/s41591-020-0807-6. [Epub ahead of print] ( SCI IF= 30.641 SCI Q1)
[94] Cao Jinhong, Eshak Ehab S, Liu Keyang, Yang Jin, Gero Krisztina, Liu Zhiming,Yu Chuanhua*. An Age-period-cohort Analysis of Stroke Mortality Attributable to Low physical Activity in china and Japan: Data from the GBD Study 1990–2016. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1):6525. April 16, doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-63307-x. (SCI IF= 4.011 SCI Q3)
[95] 王旭艳, 喻勇, 胡樱, 宇传华*. 基于指数平滑模型的湖北省新冠肺炎疫情预测分析. 公共卫生与预防医学, 2020, 31(1): 1-4.(网络首发)
[96] 宇传华, 刘晓雪. 同一世界,同一健康, 大众健康, 2020,419(5): 29-31.
[97] Mubarik S, Wang F, Fawad M, Wang Y, Ahmad I, Yu C*. Trends and Projections in Breast Cancer Mortality among four Asian countries (1990-2017): Evidence from five Stochastic Mortality Models. Scientific Reports. 2020 10(3):5480. Mar 25; doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-62393-1. (SCI IF= 3.998 SSCI Q3)
[98] Meng Runtang, Li Jingjing, Wang Zhenkun, Zhang Di, Liu Bing, Luo Yi, Ying Hu and Yu Chuanhua*. The Chinese version of the Perceived Stress Questionnaire: development and validation amongst medical students and workers. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 2020, 18(3):70. (SCI IF= 2.318 SSCI Q2)
[99] Zhang Yunquan, Xiang Qianqian, Yu Chuanhua, Yang Zhiming. Asthma mortality is triggered by short-term exposures to ambient air pollutants: Evidence from a Chinese urban population. Atmospheric Environment, 2020, 223(117271). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020. (SCI IF= 4.012 SSCI SCI Q1)
[100] 宇传华, 白建军. 社会人口指数(SDI)的概念及其应用. 公共卫生与预防医学, 2020, 31(1): 5-10.
[101] Wang Yafeng †, Jiao Yurui†, Nie Jing†, O’Neil Adrienn, Huang Wentao, Zhang Lei, Han Jiafei, Liu Hao, Zhu Yikun, Yu Chuanhua* and Woodward Mark. Sex differences in the association between marital status and the risk of cardiovascular, cancer, and all-cause mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 7,881,040 individuals. Global Health Research and Policy, 2020, Feb 28;5:4. doi: 10.1186/s41256-020-00133-8. (武汉大学办的杂志)
[102] Mubarik S, Wang F, Malik SS, Shi F, Wang Y, Nawsherwan, Yu C*. A Hierarchical Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Breast Cancer Mortality and Disability Adjusted Life Years (1990-2015) Attributable to Modified Risk Factors among Chinese Women. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2020, 17(4): E1367. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17041367. (SCI IF=2.468 SSCI Q1)
[103] Wang Y, Fu T, Liu Y, Yang G, Yu C, Zhang ZJ*. The association between metformin and head and neck cancer survival: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2020 Feb 17. doi: 10.2174/1381612826666200218095310. [Epub ahead of print] ( SCI IF= 2.412 SCI Q3)
[104] GBD 2016 Occupational Carcinogens Collaborators. Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一) Global and regional burden of cancer in 2016 arising from occupational exposure to selected carcinogens: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Occup Environ Med. 2020 Mar;77(3):151-159. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2019-106012. ( SCI IF= 3.556 SCI Q1)
[105] GBD 2016 Occupational Chronic Respiratory Risk Factors Collaborators (Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Global and regional burden of chronic respiratory disease in 2016 arising from non-infectious airborne occupational exposures: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Occup Environ Med. 2020 Mar;77(3):142-150. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2019-106013. ( SCI IF= 3.556 SCI Q1)
[106] GBD 2017 Cirrhosis Collaborators(
Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). The global, regional, and national burden of cirrhosis by cause in 195 countries and territories, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020, 5(3):245-266. Jan 22. doi: 10.1016/S2468-1253(19)30349-8. [Epub ahead of print]. ( SCI IF= 12.856 SCI Q1)
[107] Local Burden of Disease Child Growth Failure Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一)…... Mapping child growth failure across low- and middle-income countries. Nature, 2020, 577(7789):231-234. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1878-8. Epub 2020 Jan 8 ( SCI IF= 43.07 SCI Q1) ( SCI IF= 43.07 SCI Q1)
[108] Local Burden of Disease Educational Attainment Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一)….. Mapping disparities in education across low- and middle-income countries. Nature. 2020, 577(7789):235-238. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1872-1. Epub 2019 Dec 25 ( SCI IF= 43.07 SCI Q1)
[109] Wang Yafeng, Jin Ben, Paxton Raheem J, Yang Weili, Wang Xirui, Jiao Yurui, Yu Chuanhua*, Chen Xiong**. The effects of exercise on insulin, glucose, IGF-axis and CRP in cancer survivors: Meta-analysis and meta-regression of randomised controlled trials. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl), 2020, 29(1):e13186. doi: 10.1111/ecc.13186.( SCI IF= 2.421 SSCI Q1)
[110] 张丽敏, 吴景涛, 宇传华, 胡樱. 某三甲医院2004—2017年肺癌住院患者费用变化和原因分析. 中国医院统计, 2019-12-25
[111] Wang Yafeng, Tao Huan, Paxton Raheem J, Wang Junfeng, Mubarik Sumaira, Jia Yongqian**, Wang Wei***, Yu Chuanhua*. Post-diagnosis smoking and risk of cardiovascular, cancer, and all-cause mortality in survivors of 10 adult cancers: a prospective cohort study. American Journal of Cancer Research, 2019, 9(11):2493-2514. ( SCI IF= 4.737 SCI Q2)
[112] 沈惠, 宇传华. TOPSIS 法和非整秩次RSR 法1998—2017 年武汉市妇幼保健工作质量综合评价. 公共卫生与预防医学, 2019, 30(5):20-24.
[113] GBD 2017 Colorectal Cancer Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). The global, regional, and national burden of colorectal cancer and its attributable risk factors in 195 countries and territories, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 Dec;4(12):913-933. doi: 10.1016/S2468-1253(19)30345-0. ( SCI IF= 12.856 SCI Q1)
[114] Burstein R, Henry NJ, Collison ML, …Yu C(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一)….Mapping 123 million neonatal, infant and child deaths between 2000 and 2017. Nature, 2019, 574(7778):353-358. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1545-0 ( SCI IF= 43.07 SCI Q1)
[115] Zhang Yunquan, Xiang Qianqian, Yu Chuanhua, Bao Junzhe, Ho Hung-Chak, Sun Shengzhi, Ding Zan, Hu Kejia, Zhang Ling. Mortality risk and burden associated with temperature variability in China, United Kingdom and United States: Comparative analysis of daily and hourly exposure metrics. Environ Res, 2019 Sep 23;179(Pt A):108771. ( SCI IF= 5.026 SCI Q1)
doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2019.108771. [Epub ahead of print]
[116] Meng Runtang, Yu Yong(共同第一), Chai Shouxia(共同第一), Luo Xiangyu, Gong Boxiong, Liu Bing, Hu Ying, Luo Yi, Yu Chuanhua*. Examining psychometric properties and measurement invariance of a Chinese version of the Self-Compassion Scale – Short Form (SCS-SF) in nursing students and medical workers. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 2019, 12: 793–809. (SCI IF=1.84, SSCI 二区)
[117] GBD 2017 HIV collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence and mortality of HIV, 1980-2017, and projections to 2030, for 195 countries and territories: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors (GBD) 2017 Study. Lancet HIV, 2019, 6(12):e831-e859 . August 2019. DOI: 10.1016/S2352-3018(19)30196-1(SCI IF=14.753)
[118] Wang Fang, Mubarik Sumaira, Zhang Yu, Wang Lu, Wang Yafeng, Yu Chuanhua*, Li Hao**. Long-Term Trends of Liver Cancer Incidence and Mortality in China 1990–2017: A Joinpoint and Age–Period–Cohort Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2019, 16(8): 2878. doi:10.3390/ijerph16162878. (SCI IF=2.468 SSCI Q1 )
[119] GBD 2017 Childhood Cancer Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua为合作作者之一). The global burden of childhood and adolescent cancer in 2017: an analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet Oncol, 2019, 20(9):1211-1225. Sep 2019. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(19)30339-0.( SCI IF= 35.386 SCI)
[120] Mubarik Sumaira, Malik Saima Shakil, Wang Zhengkun, Li Chunhui, Fawad Muhammad, Yu Chuanhua*. Recent insights into breast cancer incidence trends among four Asian countries using Age-Period-Cohort model. Cancer Management and Research, 2019, 11(9): 8145–8155. DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/CMAR.S208323 ( SCI IF= 2.243 SCI Q3)
[121] Wang Yafeng, O’Neil Adrienne, Jiao Yurui, Wang Lijun, Huang Jingxin, Lan Yutao, Zhu Yikun** and Yu Chuanhua*(第1通讯作者). Sex differences in the association between diabetes and risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a systematic review and meta analysis of 5,162,654 participants. BMC MEDICINE, 2019, 17(7):136.( SCI IF= 8.775 SCI Q1)
[122] 宇传华, 吴思齐. 基于全球视角的中国伤害负担现状及趋势分析. 公共卫生与预防医学, 2019, 30(3):1-6.
[123] Cao Jinhong, Eshak Ehab S, Liu Keyang, Gero Krisztina, Liu Zhiming, Yu Chuanhua*. Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Stroke Mortality Attributable to High Sodium Intake in China and Japan. Stroke, 2019, 50(7):1648-1654. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.118.024617. (SCI IF= 7.914 SCI Q1)
[124] Liu X, Jiang J, Yu C, Wang Y, Sun Y, Tang J, Chen T, Bi Y, Liu Y, Zhang ZJ*. Secular trends in incidence and mortality of bladder cancer in China, 1990-2017: A joinpoint and age-period-cohort analysis. Cancer Epidemiol, 2019, 61(6):95-103. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2019.05.011. (SCI IF= 2.888 SSCI 二区)
[125] 罗丽莎, 姜俊丰, 宇传华*, 罗斌, 南培宏. 山西省184 家医院40 岁以上脑卒中患者住院人次及住院费用分析. 中国卫生统计, 2019, 36(2):185-188. (CSCD)
[126] 熊甜, 宋媛媛, 王雷, 宇传华, 胡樱*. 2004 -2017 年湖北省狂犬病发病流行特征变化分析. 现代预防医学, 2019, 46(5):781-783. (CSCD)
[127] 秦国双, 温昊于, 宇传华*. 中国COPD 的患病发病及YLD现状及趋势. 公共卫生与预防医学, 2019, 30(2):4-8.
[128] Wen Haoyu, Xie Cong, Wang Lu, Wang Fang, Wang Yafeng, Liu Xiaoxue, Yu Chuanhua*. Dierence in Long-Term Trends in COPD Mortality between China and the U.S., 1992–2017: An Age–Period–Cohort Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2019, 16(4):1529. doi:10.3390/ijerph16091529. (SCI IF=2.468 SSCI 一区)
[129] Chen Dieyi, Zhang Faxue, Yu Chuanhua, Jiao Anqi, Xiang Qianqian, Yu Yong, Mayvaneh Fatemeh, Hu Kejia, Ding Zan∗∗, Zhang Yunquan*. Hourly associations between exposure to ambient particulate matter and emergency department visits in an urban population of Shenzhen, China. Atmospheric Environment, 2019, 209(7):78-85. (SCI IF= 4.012 SCI Q1)
[130] GBD 2017 Diet Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua 为合作组成员). Health effects of dietary risks in 195 countries, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet, 2019, 393(10184):1958-1972. May 11 (SCI IF= 59.102 SCI)
[131] GBD 2016 Neurology Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua 为合作组成员). Global, regional, and national burden of neurological disorders, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet Neurology, 2019, 18(5):459-480. Mar 14. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(18)30499-X. (SCI IF= 27.144 SCI)
[132] GBD 2016 Stroke Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua 为合作组成员). Global, regional, and national burden of stroke, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet Neurology, 2019,18(5):439-458. Mar 11. pii: S1474-4422(19)30034-1. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(19)30034-1. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI IF= 28.755 SCI)
[133] Mohsen Naghavi, on behalf of the Global Burden of Disease Self-Harm Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua 为合作组成员). Global, regional, and national burden of suicide mortality 1990 to 2016: systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. British Medical Journal, 2019, 364:l94 http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.l94 (SCI IF=17.215 SCI)
[134] 崔芳芳, 赵杰, 宇传华, 宋晓琴, 何贤英, 王琳琳, 高景宏, 翟运开*. 1990 - 2016 年中国囊型包虫病疾病负担变化趋势研究. 现代预防医学, 2019, 46(2 ):193-197+220.
[135] Jiao Anqi, Yu Chuanhua, Xiang Qianqian, Zhang Faxue, Chen Dieyi, Zhang Lan, Hu Kejia, LingZhang, Zhang Yunquan. Impact of summer heat on mortality and years of life lost: Application of a novel indicator of daily excess hourly heat. Environmental Research, 2019, 172(5): 596-603. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2019.01.056 (SCI IF=5.026 JCR Q1 )
[136] Liu Xiaoxue, Yu Chuanhua, WangYongbo, Bi Yongyi, Liu Yu and Zhang Zhi-Jiang*. Trends in the Incidence and Mortality of Diabetes in China from 1990 to 2017: A Joinpoint and Age-Period-Cohort Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2019, 16(1):158. doi:10.3390/ijerph16010158. (SCI IF=2.468 SSCI 一区 )
[137] GBD 2016 Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury Collaborators. James SL, Theadom A, …, Yu C, Zaidi Z…,et al. Global, regional, and national burden of traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet Neurol. 2019, 18 (1): 56-87. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(18)30415-0.
a) (SCI IF= 27.144 SCI)
[138] GBD 2016 Lifetime Risk of Stroke Collaborators, Feigin VL, …, Yu C, Zaidi Z,….et al. Global, Regional, and Country-Specific Lifetime Risks of Stroke, 1990 and 2016. N Engl J Med, 2018, 379(25):2429-2437. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1804492. (SCI IF= 79.26 SCI)
[139] 华珍, 孙向东, 宇传华*. 社会网络方法在兽医流行病学中的应用. 中国动物检疫, 2018, 35(12):54-60.
[140] Liu Xiaoxue, Bi Yongyi, Wang H, Meng Runtang, Zhou Wei, Zhang Ganshen, Yu Chuanhua, Zhang Zhi-Jiang*. Different trends in colorectal cancer mortality between age groups in China: an age-period-cohort and joinpoint analysis. Public Health, 2019, 166: 45e52. doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2018.08.007 (SCI IF=1.441 SCI)
[141] GBD 2017 Mortality Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua 为合作组成员). Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality and life expectancy, 1950–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet, 2018, 392(10159):1684-1735. Published: November 10, 2018(SCI IF=53.254 SCI)
[142] GBD 2017 Causes of Death Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua 为合作组成员). Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality for 282 causes of death in 195 countries and territories, 1980–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet, 2018, 392(10159):1736-1788. (SCI IF=53.254 SCI)
[143] GBD 2017 Disease and Injury Incidence and Prevalence Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua 为合作组成员). Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 354 diseases and injuries for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet, 2018, 392(10159):1789-1858. (SCI IF=53.254 SCI)
[144] GBD 2017 DALYs and HALE Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua 为合作组成员). Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 359 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet, 2018, 392(10159):1859-1922. (SCI IF=53.254 SCI)
[145] GBD 2017 Risk Factor Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua 为合作组成员). Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 84 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet, 2018, 392(10159): 1923–1994. (SCI IF=53.254 SCI)
[146] GBD 2017 Population and Fertility Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua 为合作组成员). Population and fertility by age and sex for 195 countries and territories, 1950–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet, 2018, 392(10159): 1995-2051. (SCI IF=53.254 SCI)
[147] GBD 2017 SDG Collaborators(Yu Chuanhua 为合作组成员). Measuring progress from 1990 to 2017 and projecting attainment to 2030 of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals for 195 countries and territories: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet, 2018, 392(10159): 2091-2138. (SCI IF=53.254 SCI)
[148] 宇传华, 冯太聪. 中国健康相关SDG 2030 目标展望. 公共卫生与预防医学, 2018, 29(5): 1-6.
[149] Wang Lu, Yu Chuanhua*, Zhang Ganshen, Zhang Yunquan, Luo Lisha. Comparison of Secular Trends in Road Injury Mortality in China and the United States: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2018, 15(11):2508. doi:10.3390/ijerph15112508. (SCI IF=2.468 SSCI 一区 )
[150] Luo Lisha, Zhang Yunquan, Jiang Junfeng, Luan Hanghang, Yu Chuanhua*, Nan Peihong, Luo Bin, You Mao. A Short-Term Effects of Ambient Air Pollution on Hospitalization for Respiratory Disease in Taiyuan, China: A Time-Series Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2018, 15(10), 2160; doi:10.3390/ijerph15102160. (SCI IF=2.468 SSCI 一区 )
[151] Li Chunhui, Hu Songbo (共同第一作者), Yu Chuanhua*. All-Cause and Cancer Mortality Trends in Macheng, China (1984–2013): An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2018, 15(10), 2068. doi:10.3390/ijerph15102068. (SCI IF=2.468 SSCI 一区 )
[152] 刘晓雪, 张志将, 宇传华*. 中国居民1987—2015年鼻咽癌死亡趋势[ J]. 中南大学学报(医学版), 2018, 43(7): 760-766. DOI:10.11817/j.issn.1672-7347.2018.07.010 Cite this article as: LIU Xiaoxue, ZHANG Zhijiang, YU Chuanhua. Mortality trend in nasopharynx cancer in Chinese resident from 1987 to 2015[J]. Journal of Central South University. Medical Science, 2018, 43(7): 760-766. DOI:10.11817/j.issn.1672-7347.2018.07.010
[153] 张干深, 罗丽莎, 崔芳芳, 宇传华*, 俞思伟. 1990 年与 2015 年中国心血管病危险因素疾病负担分析. 中国卫生统计, 2018, 35(3):375-379. (CSCD)
[154] 熊甜, 王雷, 魏晟, 宇传华, 胡樱*. 2004 - 2016 年湖北省0 ~ 10 岁人群乙肝发病变化的年龄-时期-队列( APC) 模型. 中国卫生统计, 2018, 35(3):388-390. (CSCD)
[155] Wang Lu, Yu Chuanhua*, Zhang Yunquan, Luo Lisha, Zhang Ganshen. An Analysis of the Characteristics of Road Traffic Injuries and a Prediction of Fatalities in China from 1996 to 2015. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2018, 19(7):749-754. DOI 10.1080/15389588.2018.1487061. (SCI IF= 1.465 SCI+SSCI) (Oct)
[156] GBD 2015 Eastern Mediterranean Reg (Mokdad Ali H, Charara Raghid,…,Yu Chuanhua, Zaki Maysaa El Sayed,…,Murray Christopher J. L.). The burden of mental disorders in the Eastern Mediterranean region, 1990-2015: findings from the global burden of disease 2015 study. International Journal of Public Health, 2018, 63(Suppl 1): 25-37. DOI: 10.1007/s00038-017-1006-1 (SCI IF= 2.617 Q2+ SSCI Q1)
[157] GBD 2015 Eastern Mediterranean Reg (Mokdad Ali H, Khalil Ibrahim,…, Yu Chuanhua, Zaki Maysaa El Sayed,…,Murray, Christopher J. L.). Maternal mortality and morbidity burden in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2015 study. International Journal of Public Health, 2018, 63(Suppl 1): 47-61. DOI: 10.1007/s00038-017-1004-3 (SCI IF=2.617 SCI Q2+ SSCI Q1)
[158] GBD 2015 Eastern Mediterranean Reg (Mokdad Ali H, Khalil Ibrahim,…, Yu Chuanhua, Jumaan Aisha O,…,Murray, Christopher J. L.). Neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality and morbidity burden in the Eastern Mediterranean region: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2015 study. International Journal of Public Health, 2018, 63(Suppl 1): 63-77. DOI: 10.1007/s00038-017-0998-x (SCI IF=2.617 SCI Q2+ SSCI Q1)
[159] GBD 2015 Eastern Mediterranean Reg (Mokdad Ali H, Azzopardi Peter,…, Yu Chuanhua, …, Mokdad AH, et al). Adolescent health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: findings from the global burden of disease 2015 study. International Journal of Public Health, 2018, 63(Suppl 1): 79-96. DOI: 10.1007/s00038-017-1003-4 (SCI IF=2.617 SCI Q2+ SSCI Q1)
[160] GBD 2015 Eastern Mediterranean Reg (Mokdad Ali H, Tehrani-Banihashemi Arash,…, Yu Chuanhua, Zaki Maysaa El Sayed,…,Murray, Christopher J. L.). Burden of cardiovascular diseases in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 1990-2015: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2015 study. International Journal of Public Health, 2018, 63(Suppl 1): 137-149. DOI: 10.1007/s00038-017-1012-3 (SCI IF=2.617 SCI Q2+ SSCI Q1)
[161] GBD 2016 Healthcare Access and Quality Collaborators(Fullman Nancy, Yearwood Jamal, Abay Solomon M,…,Yotebieng Marcel, Mustafa Z Younis, Yu Chuanhua, …, Murray Christopher J L, Lozano Rafael). Measuring performance on the Healthcare Access and Quality Index for 195 ountries and territories and selected subnational locations: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet, 2018, 391 (10136):2236-2271. (SCI IF=53.254 SCI). Published online May 23, 2018 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(18)30994-2 (带有国科金-81773552 81273179).
[162] 宇传华, 侯亚亚. “同一健康”理念与思考. 公共卫生与预防医学, 2018, 29(2):1-5.
[163] 张爽, 王旭艳, 魏娜娜, 谢聪, 金钟, 马荣娴, 宇传华*. 2006—2015 年湖北省个人现金卫生支出分析与趋势预测. 公共卫生与预防医学, 2018, 29(2):41-44.
[164] 徐英, 张培, 田滔滔, 刘建华, 张皓, 鲁芳芳, 宇传华*. 宜昌市1951—2015年流行性脑脊髓膜炎流行病学特征. 中国热带医学, 2018, 18(4):383-386.
[165] 罗丽莎, 宇传华*; 张干深, 俞思伟. 1990年与2015年中国归因于水果摄入不足的疾病负担分析. 中国卫生统计, 2018, 35(2): 168-171+176. 10.3969/j.issn.1002-3674.2018.02.002 (CSCD)
[166] Global Burden of Disease Health Financing Collaborator Network (Dieleman JL, Haakenstad A, …, Younis MZ, Yu C, Zaki MES, …, Murray CJL. Spending on health and HIV/AIDS: domestic health spending and development assistance in 188 countries, 1995–2015. Lancet, 2018, 391(10132): 1799-1829. (SCI IF=53.254 SCI)
[167] Global Burden of Disease Health Financing Collaborator Network(Dieleman JL, Sadat N, …, Younis MZ, Yu C, Zaki MES, Zlavog B, Murray CJL). Trends in future health financing and coverage: future health spending and universal health coverage in 188 countries, 2016–40. Lancet, 2018, 391(10132): 1783-1798. (SCI IF=53.254 SCI + SSCI).
[168] Meng Runtang, Li Jingjing, Zhang Yunquan, Yu Yong, Luo Yi, Liu Xiaohan, Zhao Yanxia, Hao Yuantao, Hu Ying, Yu Chuanhua*. Evaluation of Patient and Medical Staff Satisfaction regarding Healthcare Services in Wuhan Public Hospitals. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2018, 15(4), 769. doi:10.3390/ijerph15040769 (SCI IF=2.145 SCI + SSCI 一区)
[169] Wang Zhenkun, Chuanhua Yu, Henry Xiang, Gang Li, Songbo Hu, Jinhui Tang Age–Period–Cohort Analysis of Trends in Mortality from Drowning in China: Data from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Scientific Reports, 8(1):5829. December 2018 DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-24281-7 (SCI IF=4.122 ).
[170] Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases Collaboration, Roth GA, …, Younis M, Yu C, Zaidi Z, …, Murray CJL. The Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases Among US States, 1990-2016. JAMA Cardiol, 2018, 3(5): 375-389. doi: 10.1001/jamacardio.2018.0385.(SCI IF= 10.133)
[171] 刘晓雪, 宇传华*, 周 薇,王永博. 中国近30年间结直肠癌死亡趋势分析. 中国癌症杂志, 2018, 28(3):177-183. (CSCD)
[172] ZhangYunquan, YuYong, PengMinjin, Meng Runtang, Hu Kejia, Yu Chuanhua*. Temporal and seasonal variations of mortality burden associated with hourly temperature variability: A nationwide investigation in England and Wales. Environment International, 2018, 115:325-333. (SCI IF= 9.621) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2018.03.036
[173] 谢聪, 宇传华*, 张爽, 金钟, 马荣娴. 基于省际面板分位数回归的中国城乡居民医疗保健支出影响因素分析. 中国卫生统计, 2018, 35(1):26-28+32. (CSCD)
[174] 谢聪, 宇传华*, 张爽, 金钟, 马容娴. 中国人均卫生费用及筹资结构与社会人口指数关系研究. 中国卫生资源, 2018, 21(2):106-110.
[175] 周薇, 张志将, 毕勇毅, 王丽君, 刘晓雪, 宇传华. 中国女性1987—2014 年乳腺癌死亡趋势的Joinpoint 回归分析. 中南大学学报(医学版), 2018, 43(2): 210-215. (CSCD)
[176] Zhang Yunquan, Yu Chuanhua*, Peng Minjin, Zhang Lan. The burden of ambient temperature on years of life lost: A multi-community analysis in Hubei, China. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 621:1491-1498. (SCI IF= 4.61) DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.079
[177] Zhang Yunquan, Peng Minjin, Wang Lu, Yu Chuanhua*. Association of diurnal temperature range with daily mortality in England andWales: A nationwide time-series study. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 619: 291-300. (SCI IF= 5.589,Q1) DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.056
[178] Pan Jingju, Zhang Lan, Tang Yumeng, Li Qian, Yu Chuanhua, He Tianjing*. Sharply Reduced but Still Heavy Self-Harm Burdens in Hubei Province, China, 1990–2015. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2018, 15(2), 391. doi:10.3390/ijerph15020391 (SCI IF=2.145 SCI + SSCI)
[179] Zhang ZJ*, Wei M, Bi Y, Yu C, Zhou W, Xia HE. Elevated troponin and higher mortality risk after stent post-dilation. Heart Lung Circ., 2018, 27(3):e21-e22. doi: 10.1016/j.hlc.2017.05.140. (SCI IF=1.921, Letter)
[180] Zhang Ganshen, Yu Chuanhua* , Zhou Maigeng, Wang Lu, Zhang Yunquan and Luo Lisha. Burden of Ischaemic heart disease and attributable risk factors in China from 1990 to 2015: findings from the global burden of disease 2015 study. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 2018, 18(1):18. DOI 10.1186/s12872-018-0761-0 (FEB)(SCI IF= 1.947, Q3)
[181] Yang Jin, Zhang Yunquan, Luo Lisha, Meng Runtang and Yu Chuanhua*. Global Mortality Burden of Cirrhosis and Liver Cancer Attributable to Injection Drug Use, 1990–2016: An Age-Period-Cohort and Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2018, 15(1), 170. doi:10.3390/ijerph15010170 (SCI IF=2.145 SCI+SSCI)
[182] 周薇, 段志洲, 张杰, 牛治平, 魏敏, 毕勇毅, 宇传华, 张志将*. 妊娠期糖尿病对新生儿出生体重的影响. 公共卫生与预防医学, 2017, 28(6):52-55.
[183] 崔芳芳,张岚*,潘敬菊,何田静,李茜,唐雨萌,宇传华,张庆军,王璐. 1990 2015年湖北省交通伤害疾病负担研究. 疾病监测, 2017, 32(9):784-788. (CSCD)
[184] 张干深, 宇传华*, 罗丽莎, 李镒冲, 曾新颖. 1990-2015年中国缺血性心脏病疾病负担趋势分析. 中华预防医学杂志, 2017, 51(10):915-921. (CSCD)
[185] Global Burden of Disease Liver Cancer Collaboration(Akinyemiju T, Abera S, ..., Yu C, Zaidi Z, Zhu L, Murray CJL, Naghavi M, Fitzmaurice C). The Burden of Primary Liver Cancer and Underlying Etiologies From 1990 to 2015 at the Global, Regional, and National Level: Results From the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. JAMA Oncol, 2017, 3(12): 1683-1691. (SCI IF= 20.871)
[186] Yuan Ruixia, Wu Hairong, Zeng Heng, Liu Ping, Xu Quangang, Gao Lu, Li Yin, Li Rendong, Huang Duan, Yu Chuanhua*, Sun Xiangdong**. Prevalence of and risk factors for cystic echinococcosis among herding families in five provinces in western China: a cross-sectional study. Oncotarget, 2017, 8(53): 91568-91576. (SCI IF= 5.168)
[187] GBD 2015 Neurological Disorders Collaborator Group(Feigin Valery L, Abajobir Amanuel Alemu, K Abate alkidan Hassen, …, Yu Chuanhua, Zaidi Zoubida, Zaki Maysaa El Sayed, Zunt Joseph R, Murray Christopher J L, Vos Theo). Global, regional, and national burden of neurological disorders during 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet Neurol, 2017, 16(11):877-897. (SCI IF= 27.138)
[188] 周薇, 张志将*, 王丽君, 刘晓雪, 宇传华. 中国子宫颈癌1987-2014年死亡趋势的Joinpoint回归分析. 中国癌症杂志, 2017, 27(8):634-640. (CSCD)
[189] 罗丽莎, 宇传华*, 孟润堂, 鲍俊哲, 张云权, 崔芳芳, 张干深, 王璐. 应用伤残调整寿命年分析中国脑卒中疾病负担与危险因素. 中国卫生统计, 2017, 34(4):542-545. (CSCD)
[190] GBD 2016 DALYs and HALE Collaborators(Hay Simon I, Alemu Abajobir Amanuel, Abate Kalkidan Hassen…, Yu Chuanhua,…, [...]Murray Christopher J L). Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 333 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet, 2017, 390(10100): 1260-1344. (SCI IF=53.254 SCI + SSCI)
[191] Pandian Jeyaraj Durai, William Akanksha G …, Kissela Brett M…, Yu Chuanhua, Feigin Valery L. Strategies to Improve Stroke Care Services in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review. Neuroepidemiology, 2017, 49:45–61. (SCI IF= 3.697)
[192] GBD 2015 Chronic Respiratory Disease Collaborators (Soriano Joan B, Abajobir Amanuel Alemu, …Yu Chuanhua,…, et al. Global, regional, and national deaths, prevalence, disability-adjusted life years, and years lived with disability for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 2017, 5(9): 691-706. (SCI IF= 21.466)
[193] Zhang Yunquan, Yu Chuanhua*, Yang Jin, Zhang Lan, Cui Fangfang. Diurnal Temperature Range in Relation to Daily Mortality and Years of Life Lost in Wuhan, China. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2017, 14(8):891. (SCI IF=2.101 SCI + SSCI)
[194] Zhang Yunquan, Peng Minjin, Yu Chuanhua*, Zhang Lan. Burden of mortality and years of life lost due to ambient PM10 pollution in Wuhan, China. Environmental Pollution, 2017, 230:1073-1080. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.07.053 (SCI IF=5.099 )
[195] Luo Lisha, Jiang Junfeng, Zhang Ganshen, Wang Lu, Wang Zhenkun, Yang Jin, Yu Chuanhua*. Stroke Mortality Attributable to Ambient Particulate Matter Pollution from 1990 to 2015 in China: An Age-Period-Cohort and Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2017, 14(7):772. (SCI IF=2.101 SCI + SSCI)
[196] GBD 2015 Healthcare Access and Quality Collaborators (Barber Ryan M, Fullman Nancy, Sorensen Reed J D, …, Yu Chuanhua, Zaidi Zoubida, …, Murray Christopher J L*). Healthcare Access and Quality Index based on mortality from causes amenable to personal health care in 195 countries and territories, 1990–2015: a novel analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet, 2017, 390(10091): 231-266. (SCI IF= 53.254 SCI + SSCI)
[197] Roth Gregory A, Johnson Catherine, Abajobir Amanuel, …, Yu Chuanhua, Vos Theo, Naghavi Mohsen, Murray Christopher. Global, Regional, and National Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases for 10 Causes, 1990 to 2015. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2017,70(1):1-25. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2017.04.052 (SCI IF=19.896)
[198] 张云权, 宇传华* 鲍俊哲. 平均气温、寒潮和热浪对湖北省居民脑卒中死亡的影响. 中华流行病学杂志, 2017, 38(4) :508-513.(CSCD)
[199] Global Burden of Disease Health Financing Collaborator Network (Dieleman JL, Campbell M, Chapin A, …, Yu C, Zaidi Z, El Sayed Zaki M, Murray CJL.). Future and potential spending on health 2015-40: development assistance for health, and government, prepaid private, and out-of-pocket health spending in 184 countries. Lancet, 2017, 389(10083): 2005-2030. (SCI IF= 53.254 SCI + SSCI)
[200] Global Burden of Disease Health Financing Collaborator Network(Dieleman J, Campbell M, Chapin A, …, Yu C, Zaidi Z, El Sayed Zaki M, Murray CJL.). Evolution and patterns of global health financing 1995-2014: development assistance for health, and government, prepaid private, and out-of-pocket health spending in 184 countries. Lancet, 2017, 389(10083): 1981-2004. (SCI IF= 53.254 SCI + SSCI)
[201] GBD 2015 Tobacco Collaborators (Reitsma MB, Fullman N, Ng Marie, …,yu Chuanhua,…, Murray CJL, Forouzanfar MH, Gakidou E). Smoking prevalence and attributable disease burden in 195 countries and territories, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet, 2017, 389(10082): 1885-1906. (SCI IF= 53.254 SCI + SSCI)
[202] The Global Burden of Disease Child and Adolescent Health Collaboration (Kassebaum Nicholas, Kyu Hmwe Hmwe, Zoeckler Leo, …, Younis Mustafa Z., Yu Chuanhua, …, Murray Christopher J. L., Vos Theo). Child and Adolescent Health From 1990 to 2015 Findings From the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors 2015 Study. JAMA Pediatr, 2017, 171(6):573-592. (SCI IF=10.251 SCI + SSCI)
[203] 曾倩, 李萌, 宇传华, 罗斌, 董四平*. 商业智能在医院质量与安全监测管理中的应用[J]. 中国卫生质量管理, 2017, 24(1): 1-3.
[204] 曾春霞, 曾倩, 宇传华, 罗忠, 罗斌*. 医疗质量与安全管理体系在临床非手术科室的应用[J]. 中国卫生质量管理, 2017, 24(1): 7-10.
[205] 曾倩, 宇传华, 罗忠, 罗斌, 谢友利*. 手术质量与安全管理系统的应用分析[J]. 中国卫生质量管理, 2017, 24(1): 11-14.
[206] 曾倩, 郭淑岩, 李萌, 罗斌, 宇传华* .医技科室质量与安全考核体系构建与应用[J]. 中国卫生质量管理, 2017, 24(1): 15-18. doi:10.13912/j.cnki.chqm.2017.24.1.05
[207] 宇传华, 王璐. 联合国健康相关SDG指标及中国现状[J]. 公共卫生与预防医学, 2017, 28(1): 1-7.
[208] Zhang Yunquan, Yu Chuanhua*, Wang Lu. Temperature exposure during pregnancy and birth outcomes: An updated systematic review of epidemiological evidence, Environmental Pollution, 2017, 225: 700-712. (SCI IF= 8.071 SCI + SSCI)
[209] Zhang Yunquan, Yu Chuanhua*, Bao Junzhe, Li Xudong. Impact of temperature on mortality in Hubei, China: a multi-county time series analysis. Scientific Reports,2017, 7:45093. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep45093. (SCI IF=4.259)
[210] Zhang Yunquan, Yu Chuanhua*, Bao Junzhe, Li Xudong. Impact of temperature variation on mortality: An observational study from 12 counties across Hubei Province in China. Sci Total Environ, 2017, 587:196-203. (SCI IF=4.61)
[211] Wang Zhenkun, Hu Songbo, Sang Shuping, Luo Lisha, Yu Chuanhua *. Age–Period–Cohort Analysis of Stroke Mortality in China Data From the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Stroke, 2017, 48(2):271-275.(被《医师报》选为2016十大流行病学研究)(SCI IF= 7.914)
[212] 王丽君,宇传华*,张志将,燕虹. 中国居民1987-2014年肺癌死亡趋势分析. 中国公共卫生杂志, 2017,33(1): 42-46. (CSCD)
[213] Global Burden of Disease Cancer Collaboration (Fitzmaurice Christina, Allen Christine, Barber Ryan M.,…Yu Chuanhua, Zaidi Zoubida, …Murray Christopher JL, Naghavi Mohsen). Global, Regional, and National Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost, Years Lived With Disability, and Disability-Adjusted Life-years for 32 Cancer Groups, 1990 to 2015: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study. JAMA Oncology, 2017, 3(4):524-548.(SCI IF=20.871,热点论文11)
[214] Wei Min, Liu Yu*, Wang Chunhong, Yu Chuanhua, Li Dejia, Zhou Wei, Zhang Zhi-Jiang. The need for differentiating diabetes-specific mortality from total mortality when comparing metformin with insulin regarding cancer survival. Acta Diabetol, 2017, 54(2): 219-220. (SCI IF=3.34)
[215] 葛阳, 汪芬娟, 林君英, 宇传华. Access软件在“35岁以上首诊患者测血压”数据管理中的应用. 预防医学, 2016, 28(12):1291-1294. http://iras.lib.whu.edu.cn:8080/rwt/401/http/P75YPLUDN3WXTLUPMW4A/kcms/detail/33.1400.R.20161208.1506.062.html
[216] 崔芳芳, 张岚, 宇传华*, 潘敬菊. 湖北省13 种危险因素的疾病负担研究. 中国卫生统计, 2016, 33(5): 778-781+784. (CSCD)
[217] 曾倩, 宇传华, 罗斌,李梅*. 山西省109 家医院912164 例老年患者住院情况统计分析. 中国卫生统计, 2016, 33(5): 809-811. (CSCD)
[218] Wang Jinyao, Bai Zhiqiang, Wang Zhenkun, Yu Chuanhua*. Comparison of Secular Trends in Cervical Cancer Mortality in China and the United States: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2016, 13(11): 1148. doi:10.3390/ijerph13111148. (SCI IF=2.101 SCI + SSCI)
[219] GBD 2015 Disease and Injury Incidence and Prevalence Collaborators (Vos Theo, Allen Christine, Arora Megha, …, Yu Chuanhua, Zaidi Zoubida, …, Murray Christopher J L). Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 310 diseases and injuries, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet, 2016, 388(10053): 1545–1602. (SCI IF=47.831 SCI + SSCI)
[220] GBD 2015 DALYs and HALE Collaborators (Kassebaum Nicholas J, Arora Megha, Barber Ryan M, …, Yu Chuanhua, Zaidi Zoubida, …, Murray Christopher J L). Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 315 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE), 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet, 2016, 388(10053): 1603–1658. (SCI IF=47.831 SCI + SSCI)
[221] GBD 2015 Risk Factors Collaborators (Forouzanfar Mohammad H, Afshin Ashkan, Alexander Lily T, …, Yu Chuanhua, Zaidi Zoubida, …, Murray Christopher J L). Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet, 2016, 388(10053): 1659–1724. (SCI IF=47.831 SCI + SSCI)
[222] GBD 2015 Child Mortality Collaborators (Wang Haidong, Bhutta Zulfi qar A, Coates Matthew M, …,Yu Chuanhua, Zaidi Zoubida, …, Murray Christopher J L). Global, regional, national, and selected subnational levels of stillbirths, neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality, 1980–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet, 2016, 388(10053): 1725–1774. (SCI IF=47.831)
[223] GBD 2015 Maternal Mortality Collaborators (Nicholas J Kassebaum, Barber Ryan M, Bhutta Zulfi qar A,…, Yu Chuanhua, Yu Shicheng , …, Murray Christopher J L). Global, regional, and national levels of maternal mortality, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet, 2016, 388(10053): 1775–1812. (SCI IF=47.831)
[224] GBD 2015 SDG Collaborators (Lim Stephen S, Allen Kate, Bhutta Zulfi qar A,…Yu Chuanhua, Zaidi Zoubida,…, Murray Christopher J L). Measuring the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: a baseline analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet, 2016, 388 (10053): 1813–1850 (SCI IF= 44.002)
[225] 宇传华,原瑞霞,鲍俊哲,张庆军*. 湖北省流动人口高血压和糖尿病现况调查及危险因素分析. 中国循证医学杂志, 2016, 16(8): 891-896. (CSCD)
[226] Zhu Huiping, Shao Jianbo, Peng Jin, Yu Chuanhua,YaoWenyan, Yao Hongyan, Shi Junxin, Xiang Huiyun. 720 ED physician and nurse experience in diagnosising and reporting paediatric abuse-related Trauma in China. Injury Prevention, 2016, 22(Suppl 2):A258.2-A258. DOI: 10.1136/injuryprev-2016-042156.720(SCI IF= 1.4819 SSCI+SCI)
[227] 张云权, 宇传华* 鲍俊哲. 湖北省12区县日平均气温对缺血性心脏病死亡的急性影响研究. 中华预防医学杂志, 2016, 50(11) :990-995.(CSCD)
[228] Cui Fangfang, Zhang Lan, Yu Chuanhua*, Hu Songbo, Zhang Yunquan. Estimation of the Disease Burden Attributable to 11 Risk Factors in Hubei Province, China: A Comparative Risk Assessment. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2016, 13(10): 944. doi: 10.3390/ijerph13100944. (SCI IF=2.101 SCI + SSCI)
[229] Wang Lijun, Yu Chuanhua, Yu Liu, Wang Jun, Li Chunhui, Wang Quan, Wang Peigang, Wu Shaotang, Zhang Zhi-Jiang*. Lung cancer mortality trends in China from 1988 to 2013: New challenges and opportunities for the government. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2016, 13(11):1052. doi: 10.3390/ijerph13111052 (SCI IF=2.101 SCI + SSCI)
[230] 崔芳芳, 宇传华*, 聂德为, 张干深. 1990 - 2013年中国人群伤残调整寿命年和健康期望寿命变化趋势分析. 现代预防医学, 2016, 43(16): 2959-2962 +2696. (CSCD)
[231] Wang Zhenkun, Wang Jinyao, Bao Junzhe, Gao Xudong, Yu Chuanhua* and Xiang Huiyun**. Temporal Trends of Suicide Mortality in Mainland China: Results from the Age-Period-Cohort Framework. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2016, 13(8):784. (SCI IF=2.063 SCI + SSCI)
[232] Wang Haidong, Wolock Tim M, Carter Austin …Yu Chuanhua, Yu Shicheng… Lopez Alan D, Murray Christopher J L. Estimates of global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and mortality of HIV, 1980–2015: the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet HIV, 2016, 3(8): e361–e387. (SSCI IF= 9.8420)
[233] Wang Zhenkun, Yu Chuanhua*, Wang Jinyao, Junzhe Bao, Gao Xudong, Huiyun Xiang**. Age-period-cohort Analysis of Suicide Mortality by Gender Among White and Black Americans, 1983-2012. International Journal for Equity in Health, 2016, 15(1):107. (SSCI IF= 2.378)
[234] Xia Shuyan, Yu Chuanhua, Zhao TiYu, Chang Hua. A New Approach to Reduce Pressure Ulcers and Improve Health of Scoliosis Surgery Patients. Journal of Nursing and Care, 2016, 5(3): 343. (SCI IF=0.583 ) doi:10.4172/2167-1168.1000343(http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2167-1168.1000343 )
[235] Stanaway Jeffrey D, Flaxman Abraham D, …Yu Chuanhua…, El Sayed Zaki Maysaa, Cookey Graham S. The global burden of viral hepatitis from 1990 to 2013: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet, 2016, 388(10049):1081-1088. (SCI IF= 44.002 , 热点论文11)
[236] Feigin Valery L, Roth Gregory A, Naghavi Mohsen, …the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries and Risk Factors Study 2013 and Stroke Experts Writing Group(Yu Chuanhua)…, et al. Global burden of stroke and risk factors in 188 countries, during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet Neurology, 2016, 15(9):913-24. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(16)30073-4. (SCI IF= 26.284 )
[237] Xia S, Yu C*, Zhao T. Quality Control Circle Application in the Surgical Instrument Traceability for Security Management. Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Research, 2016, 4(2):93-97.http://www.aclr.com.es/clinical-research/quality-control-circle-application-in-the-surgical-instrument-traceability-for-security-management.php?aid=9391
[238] 曾倩, 崔芳芳, 宇传华*, 等. 中国癌症发病、死亡现状与趋势分析[J]. 中国卫生统计, 2016, 33(2):321-323. (CSCD)
[239] 崔芳芳, 曾倩, 宇传华*. 1990-2013年全球和中国健康寿命损失年现状及变化趋势[J]. 中国卫生统计, 2016, 33(2):333-335. (CSCD)
[240] Bao Junzhe, Wang Zhenkun, Yu Chuanhua*, Li Xudong **. The Influence of Temperature on Mortality and its Lagging Effect, A Study in Four Chinese Cities with Different Latitudes. BMC Public Health, 2016, 16(1):375. (SCI IF=2.264)
[241] Wang Jinyao, Wang Zhenkun, Yu Chuanhua*. Association of Polymorphisms in the Atrial Natriuretic Factor Gene with the Risk of Essential Hypertension: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2016, 13(5):458. (SCI IF=2.063)
[242] 章亚男, 宇传华*. 死因统计中的垃圾编码及其处理方法[J]. 公共卫生与预防医学, 2016, 27(2): 8-11.
[243] 宇传华, 罗丽莎, 李梅, 尉景辉, 孟润堂, 原瑞霞. 从全球视角看中国脑卒中疾病负担的严峻性[J]. 公共卫生与预防医学, 2016, 27(1): 1-5.
[244] 李妍,孙向东,刘平,彭民金,宇传华*. 中国布鲁氏菌病发病率的系统性评价[J]. 公共卫生与预防医学, 2016, 27(2):8-11.
[245] 魏娜娜, 鲍俊哲, 宇传华*, 金钟, 马荣娴, 张爽. 中国卫生总费用空间分布特征与趋势分析. 中国卫生资源, 2016, 19(1):47-51.
[246] 魏娜娜, 宇传华*, 鲍俊哲, 薛瑞林, 金钟, 马荣娴, 张爽. 中国人均卫生总费用空间聚集性及其影响因素分析. 中国卫生事业管理, 2016, 33(3):190-192. (CSCD)
[247] Kyu HH, Pinho C, Wagner JA, Brown JC,…, Yu C, El Sayed Zaki M, Naghavi M, Murray CJ, Vos T. Global and national burden of diseases and injuries among children and adolescents between 1990 and 2013: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2013 Study. JAMA Pediatrics, 2016, 170(3):267-87. (SCI IF=10.251)
[248] Haagsma Juanita A, Graetz Nicholas, Bolliger Ian,…,Yu Chuanhua…, Murray Christopher J L, Vos Theo. The global burden of injury: incidence, mortality, disability-adjusted life years and time trends from the Global Burden of Disease study 2013. Injury Prevention, 2016, 22(1):3–18. (高引用,热点论文) (SCI IF= 1.482 SCI + SSCI)
[249] Zhou Maigeng, Wang Haidong, Zhu Jun, Chen Wanqing, …, Yu Chuanhua …, et al. Cause-specific mortality for 240 causes in China during 1990–2013: a systematic subnational analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet, 2016, 387 (10015): 251-272. (SCI IF=47.831 SCI + SSCI)
[250] Meng Runtang, Luo Yi, Liu Bing, Hu Ying, Yu Chuanhua*. The Nurses’ Well-Being Index and Factors Influencing This Index among Nurses in Central China: A Cross-Sectional Study. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(12): e0144414. (SCI IF=2.806 SCI + SSCI)
[251] Bao Junzhe, Yang Xiping, Zhao Zhiyuan, Wang Zhenkun, Yu Chuanhua*, Li Xudong*. The Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of Air Pollution in China from 2001–2014. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2015, 12(12), 15875-15887. (SCI IF=2.063)
[252] 李妍,李印,宇传华,吴光玉,孙向东*. 我国 H7N9 流感易感人群浅析[J]. 中国动物检疫, 2015, 32(11):14-15.
[253] 孟润堂,罗艺,宇传华*,等.健康大数据在公共卫生领域中的应用与挑战[J].中国全科医学,2015,18(35):4388-4392. (CSCD)
[254] Wang Zhenkun, Bao Junzhe, Yu Chuanhua*, Wang Jinyao, Li Chunhui. Secular Trends of Breast Cancer in China, South Korea, Japan and the United States: Application of the Age-Period-Cohort Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2015, 12(12): 15409–15418. (SCI IF=2.063)
[255] Feigin VL, Krishnamurthi RV, Parmar P, …, GBD 2013 Stroke Panel Experts Group (Yu C),…, et al. Update on the Global Burden of Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke in 1990-2013: The GBD 2013 Study. Neuroepidemiology, 2015, 45(3):161-176. (SCI IF= 2.8859)
[256] Krishnamurthi RV, deVeber G, Feigin VL, …, GBD 2013 Stroke Panel Experts Group (Yu C),…, et al. Stroke Prevalence, Mortality and Disability-Adjusted Life Years in Children and Youth Aged 0-19 Years: Data from the Global and Regional Burden of Stroke 2013. Neuroepidemiology. 2015, 45(3):177-189.
[257] Krishnamurthi RV, Moran AE, Feigin VL,…, GBD 2013 Stroke Panel Experts Group (Yu C),…, et al. Stroke Prevalence, Mortality and Disability-Adjusted Life Years in Adults Aged 20-64 Years in 1990-2013: Data from the Global Burden of Disease 2013 Study. Neuroepidemiology, 2015, 45(3):190-202.
[258] Barker-Collo S, Bennett DA, Krishnamurthi RV, …, GBD 2013 Stroke Panel Experts Group (Yu C),…, et al. Sex Differences in Stroke Incidence, Prevalence, Mortality and Disability-Adjusted Life Years: Results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Neuroepidemiology, 2015, 45(3):203-214.
[259] Feigin VL, Mensah GA, Norrving B, …, GBD 2013 Stroke Panel Experts Group (Yu C),…, et al. Atlas of the Global Burden of Stroke (1990-2013): The GBD 2013 Study. Neuroepidemiology, 2015, 45(3):230-236.
[260] Peng J, Shao J, Zhu H, Yu C, Yao W, Yao H, Shi J, Xiang H. A systems approach to addressing child maltreatment in China: China needs a formalized child protection system. Child Abuse Negl, 2015,50:33-41. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0145213415002768 (SCI IF=2.293 SCI + SSCI)
[261] Li Chunhui, Yu Chuanhua*, Wang Peigang. An age-period-cohort analysis of female breast cancer mortality from 1990-2009 in China. International Journal for Equity in Health, 2015, 14(1):76-82. (SSCI IF=1.8)http://www.equityhealthj.com/content/14/1/76/
[262] GBD 2013 Risk Factors Collaborators(Forouzanfar MH, Alexander L,…, Yu C, Zaki ME, …, Lopez AD , Vos T , Murray CJL). Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioral, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks in 188 countries, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet, 2015;386(10010):2287-2323. (SCI IF=47.831 SCI + SSCI)
[263] GBD 2013 DALYs and HALE Collaborators(Murray CJL, Barber RM, …, Yu C , Zaki ME, …, Lopez AD, Vos T). Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 306 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 188 countries, 1990–2013: quantifying the epidemiological transition. Lancet, 2015, 386(10009): 2145-2191. (SCI IF=47.831 SCI + SSCI)
[264] 李春晖,宇传华*. 1990-2009年中国女性乳腺癌死亡趋势的APC 模型分析. 中国卫生统计, 2015, 32(3): 393-395+400. (CSCD)
[265] Hu Songbo, Wang Fang, Yu Chuanhua*. Evaluation and Estimation of the Provincial Infant Mortality Rate in China's Sixth Census. Biomed Environ Sci., 2015, 28(6):410-420. (SCI IF= 2.204 SCI + SSCI)
[266] Bao Junzhe, Li Xudong*, Yu Chuanhua**. The Construction and Validation of the Heat Vulnerability Index, a Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2015, 12(7): 7220-7234. (SCI IF=2.063 SCI + SSCI)
[267] Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 Collaborators (Vos Theo, Barber Ryan M, Bell Brad, …,Yu Chuanhua(co-author), …, et al). Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries in 188 countries, 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet, 2015, 386(9995):743–800. (SCI IF=47.831 SCI + SSCI)
[268] 夏述燕, 宇传华*, 赵体玉, 常花. 俯卧位适应性训练对脊柱侧弯矫形术患者的影响分析. 中国临床护理[J], 2015, 7(3): 225-228.
[269] 孟润堂, 曾倩, 刘锋锋, 崔芳芳, 宇传华*, 何振. 基层医疗机构护士工作满意度对组织承诺影响的实证研究[J]. 海南医学,2015, 26(8):1225-1228.
[270] 孟润堂,胡樱,宇传华*,罗艺. 我国老年护理发展现状与护理人员老年护理从业意愿研究进展 [J]. 中国全科医学,2015,18(15):1791-1796. (CSCD)
[271] Fitzmaurice C, Dicker D, …,Yu C, …, et al. The global burden of cancer 2013. JAMA Oncol, 2015, 1(4): 505–527.(2015年度JAMA新设子刊)(SCI IF=16.559)
[272] 宇传华, 季洁, 张干深, 魏娜娜. 中国人寿命、死因与健康危险因素——全球疾病负担研究最新结果[J]. 中国卫生统计, 2015, 32(1): 181-182. (CSCD)
[273] 向浩, 毛宗福, 秦欢, 陈华, 马露, 何启强, 王全, 宇传华, 毕勇毅. 我国全球健康专业人才培养初探[J]. 现代预防医学, 2015, 42(02):382-384.
[274] GBD 2013 Mortality and Causes of Death Collaborators(Naghavi M, Wang H, Lozano R, …,Yu C, …). Global, regional, and national age-sex specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet,2015, 385(9963): 117–171. (SCI IF=47.831 SCI + SSCI),引用次数超过1112次
[275] Zhang Z, Zhao G, Yu C, et al,Diabetic women suffer more years of life lost than diabetic men. International Journal of Endocrinology, 2014, 2014(12): 208369-208369. (SCI IF=1.948)
[276] Hu Songbo, Yu Chuanhua*. The Application of Model Life Table Systems in China: Assessment of System Bias and Error. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2014, 11(12), 12514-12531. (SCI IF=2.063)
[277] 孟润堂, 宇传华*, 何振. 医务人员幸福感研究进展. 中国健康心理学杂志 2014, 22(11):1454-1457.
[278] 王震坤, 桑舒平, 宇传华*. 基于PLS-结构方程的中国区域卫生绩效评价探索性研究. 中国卫生事业管理 2014, 315(9): 647-651.
[279] 陈华,马露,宇传华,毕勇毅,毛宗福*. 保障公共卫生人才培养改革可持续的体会. 西北医学教育[J]. 西北医学教育2014,22(4) : 668-703.
[280] Murray CJ, Ortblad KF, Guinovart C, …,Yu C(co-author), …,et al. Global, regional, and national incidence and mortality for HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet, 2014, 13; 384(9947):1005-1070. (SCI IF= 45.217,高引用,热点论文)(SCI + SSCI)
[281] 崔芳芳,李碧程,孙强,张智卓,李敏奇,宇传华*. 武汉市无偿献血者知识、态度和行为的调查分析. 中国输血杂志. 2014, 27(5):527-528. (CSCD)
[282] Wang Youming, Li Peng(共同第一作者), Wu Yangli, Sun Xiangdong Yu Kangzhen, Yu Chuanhua*, Qin Aijian**. The risk factors for avian influenza on poultry farms: a meta-analysis. Preventive Veterinary Medicine,2014, 117 (1): 1–6. (SCI IF=2.167)
[283] Qiu Juan, Li Rendong, Xu Xingjian, Yu Chuanhua, Xia Xin, Hong Xichen, Chang Bianrong, Yi Fengjia, Shi Yuanyuan. Identifying Determinants of Oncomelania hupensis Habitats and Assessing the Effects of Environmental Control Strategies in the Plain Regions with the Waterway Network of China at the Microscale. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health,2014, 11(6): 6571-6585. (SCI IF=2.167)
[284] 洪希成, 陈曦, 徐兴建, 魏凤华, 朱惠国, 邱娟, 宇传华* . 湖沼地区钉螺密度与环境关系的广义相加模型研究. 现代预防医学, 2014, 41(18): 3265-3267+3274.
[285] Qiu J, Li R, Xu X, Hong X, Xia X, Yu C. Spatiotemporal pattern and risk factors of the reported novelavian-origin influenza A(H7N9). Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 2014, 115(3-4):229-237. (SCI IF=1.987)
[286] Wang H*, Liddell CA, Coates MM, …,Yu C, …,et al. Global, regional, and national levels of neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality during 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet, 2014, 384(9947):957-979. (SCI IF= 45.217,高引论文SCI + SSCI)
[287] Kassebaum NJ*, Bertozzi-Villa A, Coggeshall MS, …,Yu C(co-author), …,et al. Global, regional, and national levels and causes of maternal mortality during 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet, 2014, 384(9947):980-1004. (SCI IF=47.831 SCI + SSCI)
[288] 宇传华,崔芳芳. 全球疾病负担研究及其对我国的启示[J]. 公共卫生与预防医学,2014,25(2) : 1-5.
[289] 胡松波,王芳,宇传华*. 模型寿命表方法及其研究进展[J]. 中国卫生统计, 2014, 31(1): 173-175. (CSCD)
[290] Sang S, Wang Z, Yu C*. Evaluation of Health Care System Reform in Hubei Province, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2014, 11(2):2262-2277. (SCI IF=2.167 SCI + SSCI)
[291] 孙敏, 宇传华*,杨子娟,连肖,何良,刘家元,马荣娴,张爽. 2007~2011年湖北省政府卫生投入研究[J]. 中国卫生资源, 2014, 17(1): 25-27.
[292] Wang Peigang, Xu Chunling,Yu Chuanhua*. Age-Period- Cohort Analysis on the Cancer Mortality in Rural China: 1990-2010. International Journal for Equity in Health, 2014, 13(1): 1-12. (SSCI IF=1.8)
[293] 李鹏,吴洋丽,Nian Yu-Hsin Kung,李金花,于丽萍,张玉宝,孙向东*,宇传华*. 社会网络技术在动物疫病风险分析中的应用[J]. 中国动物检疫,2013, 30(11): 32-36.
[294] 陈平,李旭东,王长科,么鸿雁,阚坚力,姚聪,宇传华. 热带海岛居民对高温天气健康风险的感知[J]. 环境与健康杂志, 2013, 30(7): 639-640.
[295] 邓璇,宇传华,胡樱,王迎,季洁. 常用统计软件在医药文献中的应用——对统计教学的启示[J]. 西北医学教育,2013,21(S):91-94.
[296] 王忠海,宇传华. 当代大学生思想政治教育途径探析[J]. 今日中国论坛,2013,103(7):108-110.
[297] 吴洋丽,李鹏,王幼明,康京丽,于丽萍,黄保续,宇传华*,孙向东*. 社会网络分析在兽医流行病学中的应用[J]. 中国动物检疫,2013, 30(8): 43-49.
[298] 吴俊,顾敏,宋楷,宇传华*. 基于HIS的临床抗菌药物监测系统开发应用[J],中国医院统计,2013, 20(1):1-3.
[299] Li C-H, Yu C-H*. Performance Evaluation of Public Non-Profit Hospitals using BP Artificial Neural Network: the Case of Hubei Province in China [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2013,10(8): 3619-3633. (SCI IF=2.167)
[300] Xia X, Zhu H-P, Yu C-H*, Xu X-J, Li R-D, Qiu J. A Bayesian Approach to Estimate the Prevalence of Schistosomiasis japonica Infection in the Hubei Province Lake Regions, China [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2013,10(7):2799-2812.(SCI IF=2.167)
[301] 吴俊,顾敏,宋楷,倪美鑫,宇传华*. 抗肿瘤辅助药物管理系统开发应用[J],中国数字医学,2013,8(2):14-16.
[302] 葛阳,汪俞威,宇传华*. 利用DisMod软件分析江干区三种癌症的疾病负担[J]. 中国卫生统计, 2013, 30(6): 910-912. (CSCD)
[303] Hong X-C, Xu X-J, Chen X, Li Y-S, Yu C-H*, et al. Assessing the Effect of an Integrated Control Strategy for Schistosomiasis Japonica Emphasizing Bovines in a Marshland Area of Hubei Province, China: A Cluster Randomized Trial [J]. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 2013, 7(3): e2122. (SCI IF= 4.446)
[304] 李春晖,方 龙,胡靖琛,葛阳,姚聪,宇传华*. 公立医院绩效评价指标体系及其应用[J]. 中国卫生统计, 2013, 30(2): 267-269. (CSCD)
[305] 孙敏, 张增长, 何巧娜, 马荣娴, 张爽, 宇传华*. 2007~2010年湖北省机构法卫生总费用的趋势分析[J]. 中国卫生经济, 2013, 32(2): 50-53.
[306] 姚聪,宇传华*,李旭东. 气候-健康脆弱性概念及评价研究进展[J]. 公共卫生与预防医学,2013,24(1):1-5.
[307] 康爱梅,夏欣,宇传华. 法洛四联症的手术时机及并发症预防对策. 临床护理杂志[J], 2012,11(6):10-12.
[308] Xia X, Xiang J, Shao J, Smith GA, Yu C, Zhu H, Xiang H. Characteristics and Trends of Hospitalized Pediatric Abuse Head Trauma in Wuhan, China: 2002–2011 [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2012, 9(11):4187-4196. doi:10.3390/ijerph9114187 (SCI IF=2.167 SCI + SSCI)
[309] Zhu HP, Xia X, Xiang HY, Yu CH, Du YK. Disability, Home Physical Environment and Non-fatal Injuries among Young Children in China [J]. Plos One. 2012, 7(5): e37766.(SCI IF= 3.234 SCI + SSCI)
[310] 毛宗福,宇传华,毕勇毅,肖海燕,肖模银,陈华. 综合性大学公共卫生人才培养的思考与实践[J]. 武汉大学教育研究,2012,42(2):67-69.
[311] Hu Ying, Yu Chuanhua, Chen Banghua, Wang Lei. Implication of Reported Viral Hepatitis Incidence Rate Chang in Hubei Province, China, between 2004-2010 [J]. J Huazhaong Univ Sci Technol [Med Sci] ,2012, 32(3):428-433.
[312] 宇传华,毛宗福,肖海燕,陈华. 新医改形势下对公共卫生教育的思考[J]. 西北医学教育,2012,20(1) : 23-25.
[313] 宇传华,胡樱. 转化医学研究特点及其对目前医学发展的挑战[J/CD].中华临床医师杂志:电子版,2012,6(5):1110-1112.
[314] 何巧娜,张增长,胡樱,刘家元,马荣娴,宇传华*. 湖北省卫生总费用的比较分析及ARIMA模型研究 [J].中国卫生信息管理杂志,2011,8(3): 80-82.
[315] Zhu HuiPing, Xia Xin,Yu ChuanHua, et al. Application of Weibull model for survival of patients with gastric cancer. BMC Gastroenterol. 2011,11:1. (SCI IF=1.89)
[316] Zhu HuiPing, Yu ChuanHua(contributed equally to this work like first author), Xia Xin,et al. Assessing the diagnostic accuracy of immunodiagnostic techniques in the diagnosis of schistosomiasis japonica: a meta-analysis. Parasitology Research, 2010, 107(5): 1067-1073. (SCI IF= 1.721)
[317] 林嵩艺, 祝慧萍, 方龙, 宇传华*. 信息熵方法在诊断试验评价meta分析中的应用. 中国卫生统计, 2010,27(6):582-584.(CSCD)
[318] 祝慧萍,方龙,夏欣,林嵩艺,宇传华*. 双变量模型在诊断试验Meta分析中的应用. 华中科技大学学报(医学版)2010,39(1):78-81. (CSCD)
[319] 钟文明, 刘晓娟, 宇传华, 等. 遗传性非息肉病性结直肠癌诊断试验Meta分析研究. 中国卫生统计, 2009,26(2):143-146.
[320] 钟文明, 刘晓娟, 宇传华, 等. 诊断试验meta分析在HNPCC诊断筛查试验中的应用研究. 中国医院统计, 2009, 16(2):97-99.
[321] 祝慧萍,夏欣,钟文明,董国营,宇传华*.日本血吸虫病血清学诊断试验的Meta分析. 中国卫生统计,2009,26(1):45-48.
[322] 宇传华. Excel辅助《医学统计学》教学的体会. 2009年中国卫生信息学会医学统计教育专业委员会换届年会暨医学统计教改经验交流会,武汉,2009.
[323] 宇传华. 浅谈统计学的几个常见问题. 武汉大学研究生学报(医学版).2008,24(4).1.
[324] 夏欣,祝慧萍,裴圣广,蒋丽丽,钟文明,宇传华*.主成分分析结合加权TOPSIS法对医院医疗工作质量综合评价.中国医院统计,2008,15(4):343-346.
[325] 蒋丽丽,宇传华*,裴圣广等. 武汉市卫生资源配置现状分析. 中国卫生事业管理杂志,2008,8(12):26-28.
[326] 蒋丽丽,宇传华*.1996~2006年某医院脑血管意外与血脂水平关系的探讨. 中国卫生统计,2008. 25(2):167-169.
[327] 钟文明,程锦泉,刘建平,蒋丽丽,宇传华. 疾病预防控制机构能力建设综合评价研究. 中国卫生统计,2008. 25(1):38-39.
[328] 钟文明, 程锦泉 宇传华*. 深圳市疾病预防控制机构人力资源现状分析. 疾病控制杂志, 2007, 11(2): 205-207.
[329] 梁冰,宇传华,杨莉,王剑. 广西某综合医院伤害住院病人的调查. 应用预防医学,2007, 13(5): 279-281.
[330] 马飞飞, 宇传华*, 裴圣广, 杜良森, 严春华. 武汉市卫生人力资源发展现状、问题及对策. 中国卫生事业管理, 2007, 23(3):158-159.
[331] 彭忆,宇传华*.统计学P值在临床医学应用中意义[J].中国公共卫生,2007,23:40-41.
[332] 钟文明,宇传华*程锦泉. 深圳市疾病预防控制体系建设存在问题与对策. 中国社会医学杂志,2007,24(4):220-221.
[333] 宇传华,钟文明. 统计学符号有关问题的探讨.中国卫生统计,2007,24(5):553-554.
[334] 董卫红, 宇传华, 李晓红, 黄在菊, 王泽华. 单次液基细胞学检查对宫颈上皮内瘤变及宫颈癌的诊断价值. 中国妇幼保健, 2007, 22(2): 243-245 .
[335] 程锦泉, 钟文明, 宇传华. 公共卫生人力素质综合评价研究.中国公共卫生管理, 2007; 23(2) :132-134 .
[336] 刘清,宇传华,冯启明. 住院费用与平均住院日控制探讨. 广西医科大学学报,2006,23:348-349.
[337] 宇传华,张春芳,徐兴建,郑雷,何惠,范和平. 湖北省血吸虫病现场血清学诊断试验的ROC分析. 中国卫生统计学术交流大会,武汉,2006.8, p 93-98.
[338] 郑雷,宇传华*,徐兴建等. 日本血吸虫病血清学联合试验现场诊断的评价.中国卫生统计学术交流大会,武汉,2006.8, p99-104.
[339] 田琪,宇传华*,马飞飞等. 农村卫生人力素质的现状. 中国卫生统计学术交流大会,武汉,2006.8, p295-298.
[340] 宇传华,饶克勤,钟文明,蒋丽丽,武晓玲. 国外卫生人力资源管理与规划的理论框架. 中国卫生人才,2006,7:36-38.
[341] 郑雷,宇传华*,徐兴建等. 湖北省日本血吸虫病家庭聚集性研究. 中国医院统计,2006,13(2):129-131.
[342] 王怀记,宇传华,王增珍. 调查研究中复杂抽样的SUDAAN统计分析软件介绍. 中国卫生统计,2006,23(3):264-265.
[343] 宇传华,余松林,徐勇勇. 综合性医院住院病人年龄分布特征的探讨. 中国卫生统计,2005,22(6):373-376.
[344] 宇传华,余松林,徐勇勇. 比例优势模型实现ROC分析的方法及应用前景分析. 中国卫生统计,2005,22(5):293-296.
[345] 宇传华. 计算机时代医学统计学教学的几点体会. 中国卫生统计,2005,22(3):171-173.
[346] 方积乾,宇传华*. 如何处理随访资料. 中华预防医学杂志,2003,37(1):63.
[347] 杨鹏,徐勇勇,潘峰,赵清波, 宇传华, 张高魁, 姚晨.《医学统计学》多媒体CAI课件简介. 中国卫生统计, 2003年06期.
[348] 肖颖 , 黄文起, 赖仁纯,宇传华,萧亮灿. 结、直肠肿瘤患者围术期输血与术后感染的关系. 中华麻醉学杂志 2003/05.
[349] 宇传华,方积乾. 骨质疏松症临床试验设计的统计学要点及有关问题. 中国骨质疏松杂志,2002,8(2):183.
[350] 石一宁,惠延年,杨琨,宇传华. 活化巨噬细胞体外分泌的源炎性细胞因子研究.中国误诊学杂志 2002,2(5):653.
[351] 沈青,宇传华,潘凯丽等. 肾穿刺对肾小球疾病的临床干预. 第四军医大学学报 2001, 22(5):473.
[352] 刘理,徐勇勇,宇传华,潘峰,胡湖. 住院创伤病人的顺位与统计资料分析. 解放军医学杂志 2001,26(5): 391.
[353] 徐勇勇, 张音, 潘峰, 胡湖, 宁义, 夏结来, 宇传华, 曹秀堂.基于我国
[354] 首页的病例组合方案与病例组合指数.中华医院管理杂志2001; 17(1)34-36.
[355] 宇传华,徐勇勇. 非参数法估计ROC曲线下面积. 中国卫生统计,1999. 16(4):241-244.
[356] 宇传华, 徐勇勇. 非参数统计的SAS计算.中国卫生统计,1999,16(6):367-368.
[357] 宇传华, 徐勇勇. 人体表面积的计算公式. 中华预防医学杂志 1999;33(2):123-124.
[358] 宇传华,徐勇勇. ROC分析的基本原理. 中华流行病学杂志,1998,19(2-A):413-415.
[359] 宇传华,余松林. 棉纺织印染厂职工死亡资料的HWE及其控制. 数理医药学杂志,1998,11(2):139-140.
[360] 宇传华,徐勇勇. 条件logistic回归模型的SAS计算程序. 中国卫生统计,1997,14(5):50-51.
[361] 宇传华. 有序分类资料的一致性模型. 中华预防医学杂志,1996 30(6): 370-371.
[362] 宇传华,余松林. Poisson回归在职业队列研究中的应用. 中国卫生统计,1996,13(1):6-9.
[363] 宇传华,徐勇勇. 四格表精确检验双侧概率计算方法比较. 中国卫生统计 1996,13(4):47-49.
[364] 宇传华,余松林. 微机软件处理日期型数据的技巧. 中国卫生统计,1993;10(2):44-46.
[365] 宇传华,余松林. "健康工人效应(HWE)"及其控制方法. 预防医学情报杂志,1992,8(2):70-73.
[366] 宇传华,余松林.职业队列研究的数学模型.湖北预防医学杂志 1992; 3(4):27-29.
[367] 宇传华,余松林.职业队列研究的数学模型.湖北预防医学杂志,1992; 3(4): 27-29.
[368] 宇传华. 加快SAS操作速度的技巧. 中国卫生统计,1996(增刊),64.
[369] 宇传华译,标准化死亡率比(SMR)可信区间的简单计算方法.湖北预防医学杂志 1992;3(1):39.
[370] 宇传华译,在多年使用灭螺剂后带病钉螺缺乏对灭螺剂产生抗药性.湖北血吸虫病研究工作资料汇编(1989-1990). 武汉:湖北血吸虫病研究委员会 1991:252~253.
[371] 宇传华,余松林.危险人年及其SAS计算程序. 中国首届青年学术年会湖北分会论文集.湖北,武汉,1992,11月.
1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“中国伤残权重及其影响因素研究(编号82173626)”,2022.1-2025.12
2. 主持湖北省卫生健康委员会2019年度第三批联合基金预防专项-重大项目“武汉市卫生健康大数据疾病负担平台构建及关键技术研究”(编号WJ2019H304),2019.10-2022.10
3. 负责国家科技部重点研发计划子课题编号2018YFC1315302,重大慢性病伤残负担研究, 2018.9-2020.12
4. 骨干参与国家科技部重点研发计划子课题编号2017YFC 1200502,四种重大病原体跨境传入和大区域扩散模型研究,2017.12-2020.7
5. 负责国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于统计模型的人群健康大数据修匀与健康评价研究(编号81773552)2018.1.1-2022.12.31
6. 负责湖北省卫健委课题“湖北省卫生总费用”,2009.4-现在
7. 负责武汉市卫健委课题“卫生统计标准及其规范的制定”,2019.7-2020.7
8. 负责中国动物卫生与流行病学中心委托课题“动物疾病负担及其大数据分析”相关课题。2014-现在
四、教 学
1. 武汉大学医学部教学课题:“教学信度、效度软件编制与推广”, 2017年
2. 武汉大学资助“学院层次创新创业训练”研究2016-2017
3. 武汉大学2013年研究生《生物统计学》精品课程结题
4. 2006年度被评为华中科技大学《医学统计学》校级精品课程(负责人)
5. 2005年度华中科技大学研究生教学质量二等奖(排列第一)
6. 《医学统计学》电脑实验课件的开发研究,华中科技大学“新世纪教学改革工程”第六批教学研究立项项目,2007,1万元
7. 教改成果出版《Excel统计分析与电脑实验》,2007,1万元
课程名称 |
授课对象 |
卫生统计学 |
预防医学本科 |
医学统计学、生物统计学 |
硕士研究生 |
SPSS在医学中的应用 |
硕士研究生 |
SAS在医学中的应用 |
硕士研究生 |
医学统计学 |
公共卫生硕士MPH |
Medical Statistics |
护理全英班(华科大),预防医学(武大) |
国际疾病分类与统计 |
统计专业班(四医大) |
卫生管理统计学 |
统计专业班(四医大) |
多元统计学 |
统计专业班 |
全球疾病负担定量方法及其应用 |
全球健康学专业 |
高级卫生统计方法与软件实现 |
公卫硕士研究生 |
[1] 伍晓玲, 武明辉, 张诚, 贾朝霞, 张娣, 姜智海, 宇传华, 安琳, 蔡玥. 卫生统计指标. 第2部分:居民健康状况.见:中华人民共和国卫生行业标准,WS/T 598.2—2018. (ICS 11.020 C 07) (2018 - 04 - 17发布, 2018 - 10 -01实施)
[2] 武明辉, 汤学军, 贾朝霞, 张娣, 安琳, 宇传华. 卫生统计指标. 第5部分:妇幼保健. 见:中华人民共和国卫生行业标准,WS/T 598.5—2018. (ICS 11.020 C 07) (2018 - 04 - 17发布, 2018 - 10 -01实施)
[3] 肖兴政, 陈敏, 胡红濮, 王禄生, 游茂, 李道苹, 甘华平, 宇传华, 邱杰, 马雷, 张帧, 武琼, 孙俊菲, 刘宁, 樊嫚, 徐飞龙. 新型农村合作医疗基本数据集. 见:中华人民共和国卫生行业标准, WS 541—2017( ICS 11.020 C 07)( 2017 - 07 - 25发布,2017 - 12 - 01实施)
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