

  • 1
  • 出生日期:1975-03-01
  • 电子邮箱:
  • 入职时间:1995-12-07
  • 办公地点:资环学院电脑城412
  • 联系方式:whuzjt@whu.edu.cn
  • 在职信息:在职
  • 所属院系: 资源与环境科学学院
  • 学科: 地理学其他专业

张金亭 武汉大学副教授,博导,硕导,国家注册土地估价师,国家注册测绘师,省级自然资源部门特聘专家。长期从事国土空间规划、土地综合整治与生态修复和土地资源资产评估等方面的理论、实践和教学工作。参与国家自然基金项目、国家863项目和武汉市科技攻关项目等纵向研究课题8项,主持了自然资源领域的国土空间规划、土地整治、地价评估等相关横向技术咨询服务50项,发表学术论文60余篇(其中SCI/SSCI论文15篇, EI源刊论文4篇,CSSCI或CSCD论文18,其他7篇论文均为学科认定的较重要期刊)。农业工程学报等重要学术期刊审稿专家。

在国土空间规划方面,参与了1996年来历次土地利用总体规划编制工作。在2019年以来的新一轮国土空间规划中,主持或参与了4个县级的国土空间规划项目, 40个村庄规划,主讲过土地利用规划课程,参与“空间布局优化”相关自然基金课题。获得广西自然厅优成果二等奖,湖北省优秀规划成果二等奖。形成从“空间认知-空间冲突-空间优化”的认识空间规律,优化资源配置的科学范式。


在土地评估方面,积累从多地具体城市土地定级估价成果编制、成果管理软件系统开发到省级行业标准起草到的全过程,评估对象从城镇土地,到国有农用地,到集体建设用地和农用地 城乡一体,以及土地(耕地)质量等别划定工作,进而过渡到全部自然资源资产的核定核算,一些工作对于地方都是第一次做,是试点探索性质。理论和实践上形成各类自然资源资产分等定级、潜力评价和价格评估的完成技术流程。


  • 工作经历、教育背景

l  2004年-至今 武汉大学资源与环境科学学院副教授


l  1996年-2004年 武汉大学资源与环境科学学院助教、讲师(2000年前为武汉测绘科技大学土地科学学院)

l  2013.12-2015.1月 美国 Texas State University 地理系 访问学者

l  2011年 获武汉大学 摄影测量与遥感 专业博士(工学博士)

l  2001 获武汉大学 地图制图与地理信息工程 专业硕士(工学硕士)

l  1996 获武汉测绘科技大学 土地管理专业本科(经济学学士)


[4] Manual book of land spatial planning. Wuhan university press.2022(《国土空间规划操作手册》 黄经南 李刚翊 张金亭等,武汉大学出版社 )

[3] Shenghua LIU etc .Land Management Study. Wuhan:Wuhan University press.2020


[2]  Yingbin LIU.  : Surveying and mapping programming. Wuhan:Wuhan University press.2019 (ISBN 9787307210905) 李英兵主编(张金亭参编) 《测量程序设计》下册武汉大学出版社2019年

[1] 刘家彬 张金亭 胡石元 . 土地信息系统原理与方法.北京:测绘出版社 2002.(Jiabin Liu,Jinting ZHANG,Shiyuan Hu. Theory and Methods of Land Information System. Beijing: Surveying and mapping press.2002 (Jiabin Liu is my supervisor during my master degree course)












2)自然基金项目(41571385),”面向城市扩展过程的动态空间格局指标与自组织空间结构分析模型”, 参与(主持人焦利民)。

3) 自然基金项目( 41971368,)城市扩张宏观过程建模与分析, 参与(主持人焦利民)



6)武汉市科技公关项目(20021002044), 空间信息移动服务示范系统。参与(主持人:李清泉)

  • 学术论文

[63] Zhang Jinting, Yang Kui, Wu Jingdong, et al.Scenario simulation of carbon balance in carbon peak pilot cities under the background of the "dual carbon" goals[J].SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY,2024,116.

[62]彭李智,胡石元,张金亭,,石庆,吴秀,顾及城郊农田生态服务价值的中心城区生态安全网络重构,生态学报,2024,44(13):5801-58I5.Peng l. 2, Hu S Y, ZhangjT, 2hou H, Shi 0 C, Wu X.Reonfigumtion af the eeologieal security netwetk in the cenind city consierng lhe eolegicalsemice value of suburban fammland,Aeta Feologiea Sinica,2024.44(13).5801-5815.DOI:10.20103/j.stxb.202307311645

[61] Wu, Xiu, and Jinting Zhang. Case Study on Spatial Mismatchbetween Multivariate and Student-Teacher Rate in U.S. Public School Districts. Social Sciences  .2024 13: 93.https://doi.org/10.3390/

 [60]Wu, X (Wu, Xiu) [1] Zhang, JT (Zhang, Jinting) [2] Zhang, YX (Zhang, Yaoxuan) [3] Zhang, DJ (Zhang, Daojun) [4] . Multi-Scale Toolbox: An Automated ArcGIS Tool for Evaluating Pupil-Teacher Ratios in US Public School Districts..APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL V12(22)  DEC 2022..DOI:10.3390/app122211449

[59]Wu, X (Wu, Xiu) [1] Denise, BB (Denise, Blanchard-Boehm) [1] Zhan, FB (Zhan, F. Benjamin) [1] Zhang, JT (Zhang, Jinting) [2]. Determining Association between Lung Cancer Mortality Worldwide and Risk Factors Using Fuzzy Inference Modeling and Random Forest Modeling.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH,V19(21) NOV 2022,DOI:10.3390/ijerph192114161 

 [58]陈晓杰,张长城,张金亭,王静.基于CASA模型的植被净初级生产力时空演变格局及其影响因素——以湖北省为例[J].水土保持研究,2022,29(03):253-261.DOI:10.13869/j.cnki.rswc.2022.03.033.( Chen XiaojieZhang Changcheng; Zhang,jinting; Wang Jing.Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Evolution Patterns of Vegetation Net Primary Productivity and Its Influencing Factors Based on CASA Model -A Case Study of Hubei Province.Research of Soil and Water Conservation 29 (3) , pp.253-261)


 [56]  Zhang, J.; Wu, X. Predict Health Care Accessibility for Texas Medicaid Gap. Healthcare 2021, 9, 1214. https://doi.org/10.3390/ healthcare9091214 

[55]Wu, X.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, D. Explore Associations between Subjective Well-Being and Eco-Logical Footprints with Fixed Effects Panel Regressions. Land 2021, 109931.https://doi.org/10.3390/land10090931 

[54] Zhang, Jinting; Wu, Xiu; Chow, T. E.. "Space-Time Cluster’s Detection and Geographical Weighted Regression Analysis of COVID-19 Mortality on Texas Counties" Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 202118, no. 11: 5541. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18115541 

[53] Wu, X., Zhang, J. Exploration of spatial-temporal varying impacts on COVID-19 cumulative case in Texas using geographically weighted regression (GWR).  ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 28 (32) , pp.43732-43746. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-13653-8

[52]Ning, Jiachen;etc. ;Zhang, Daojun; Zhang, Jinting. Spatio-temporal characteristics and control strategies in the early period of COVID-19 spread: a case study of the mainland China.



[50]. Zhang, J.; Zhan, F.B.; Wu, X.; Zhang, D. Partial Correlation Analysis of Association between Subjective Well-Being and Ecological Footprint. Sustainability 2021, 133, 1033. https://doi.org/10.3390/ su13031033 

[49]谭华清,张金亭,周希胜.基于最小累计阻力模型的南京市生态安全格局构建[J].水土保持通报,2020,40(03):282-288+296+325.Tan Huaqing,Zhang Jinting,ZhouXisheng.Construction of ccological security patterns based on minimum cumulative resistance model inNanjing City [J. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation,2020,40(3):282-288. DOI:10.13961/j.cnki. stbctb.2020.03.041;)

[48 ]黄飞波 张金亭.国有农用地基准地价评估若干问题探讨[J].中国房地产业,2020.10(Feibo HUANG,Jin ZHANG.Disscussion on state-owned rural land price appraisal. Chia Estate Industry,2020.10)

[47]张金亭,董艳超,叶宗达.基于地形改进NPP指数的县域耕地产能测算[J].农业工程学报,2020,36(10):227-234+326. (Zhang Jinting, Dong Yanchao1, Ye Zongda  .Calculation of county-level cultivated land productivity based on NPP index corrected by topography .Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering 2020,36(10):227-234+326 )

[46]Zhang, Daojun;etc;Zhang, Jinting .Analysis of spatial variability in factors contributing to vegetation restoration in Yan'an, China.ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS.JUN 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106278

 [45]Zhang, Daojun; etc.; Zhang, Jinting .A novel similar habitat potential model based on sliding-window technique for vegetation restoration potential mapping.LAND DEGRADATION undefinedamp; DEVELOPMENT APR 2020.DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3494 

[44]Xu, Xin ; Zhang, Daojun;etc; Zhang, Jinting .Evaluating the vegetation restoration potential achievement of ecological projects: A case study of Yan'an, China.LAND USE POLICY JAN 2020:DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104293

[43]谭华清,张金亭.深圳市生态保护红线划定研究[J].国土与自然资源研究,2020(03):27-30.(Huaqing Tan, Jinting ZHANG. Research on Delimitation of Ecological Protection Redlines in Shenzhen TERRITORY & NATURAL RESOURCES STUDY. 2020(03):27-30 DOI:10.16202/j.cnki.tnrs.2020.03.008

[42]张金亭,董艳超,方斌.基于灰色关联法的耕地后备资源供需耦合分析[J].地域研究与开发,2020,39(01):163-167+174.(ZHANG Jinting,DONG Yanchao,FANG Bin.Coupling Analysis of Supply and Demand of Cultivated Land Reserve Resource Based on Gray Correlation Method .AREAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 2020,39(01):163-167+174.)

[41] Zhang, J.T.;Xu, X.;Zhang, D.J. Geometric registration of high spatial resolution images based on Google earth image and global DEM data[J]. Lowland Technology International, v 21, n 3, p 197-204, 2019

[40]Zhang, Jinting ;Wang, Bei; Chen, Xiaojie; Wu, Xiu; Zhang, Daojun Research trends on land use changes during 1991–2015: A bibliometric analysis[J] Lowland Technology International, v 21, n 1, p 61-70, June 2019

[39]牛勖,张金亭.客运铁路视角下长江中游城市群网络结构研究[J].测绘地理信息,2019,44(03):99-102.( Niu XU,Jinting ZHANG.Network Structure of Urban Agglomeration in the Middle Reachesof the Yangtze River from the Perspective of Railway Passenger Flow. Journal of Geomatics 2019,44(03):99-102. DO1: 10.14188/ j.2095-6045.2019024)

[38]张金亭,赵玉丹,田扬戈,何青青,庄艳华,彭韵羲,洪松.大气污染物排放量与颗粒物环境空气质量的空间非协同耦合研究——以武汉市为例[J].地理科学进展,2019,38(04):612-624.( [Zhang JT, Zhao Y D, Tian Y G, et al. 2019. Spatial non-coupling of air pollutant emissions and particulate matfer-related air quality:. A case study in Wuhan City. China.Progress in Geography. 38(4):612-624.] DOE:10.18306/alkxjz.2019.04.013)

[37] Zhang, Daojun; etc.; Zhang, Jinting). Assessing the coordination of ecological and agricultural goals during ecological restoration efforts: A case study of Wuqi County, Northwest China. LAND USE POLICY. 2019(03) DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.01.001

[36]张金亭,赵瑞.基于地理加权回归的环渤海城市群房价影响因子研究[J].国土与自然资源研究,2019(01):87-93.( ZHANG Jin-ting ,ZHAO Rui.Study on the influence factors of housing price

in the urban area of Bohai Ring Megalopolis based on geographically weighted regression Territory & Natural Resources Study, 2019(01):87-93 DOI:10.16202/j.cnki.tnrs.2019.01.023)


Ting CHENG,Jinting ZHANG . compensation standard research based on Welfare economics DOI:10.13562/j.china.real.estate.2019.03.003

34张金亭,李冰心.存量土地利用规划探讨[J].中国房地产,2018(18):46-53.(ZHANG Jin-ting,   LI-Bingxin. Discussion on   Stock Land Use Planning[J] . China   Real Estate. ,2018(18):46-53.

33.张金亭,李国珍.深圳市的城镇空间扩张研究[J].国土资源科技管理,2018,35(02):47-58.ZHANG   Jin-ting, LI-Guozhen .Research on Shenzhen City Expansion. Scientific   and   Technological Management of Land and Resources, 2018,35(02):47-58. DOI:   10.3969/J.ISSN.1009-4210.2018.02.005

32.陈晓杰,张金亭,张长城,彭晓军.基于泰森多边形的南京市PM2.5时空特征及其与土地利用的相关性研究[J].水土保持通报,2018,38(01):293-298.( ChenXiaojieZhang JintingZhang Changcheng et al Spatial and temporal variation of PM 2.5   concentrationsbasen on Thiesen polygon and its correlation with land-use   patterns in Nanjing City[J. Bulletin of Soil andWater Conservation2018,38(1),293-298. DOI,10.13961/j. cnki.   stbctb.20171228.001.)

29.Wang Bei;Zhang Jin-ting;Peng Xiao-jun .The Simulation of Urban Growth Induced by the Spatial Regulation Integration of “Three Regulation”Using Constrained CA. Geography and Geo-Information Science. 2017,33(05):69-74. DOI:



28.ZHANG Jin-ting,YIN Jun,SUN Xue-Jia. The quantitative Assessment Method of Properity Degree of Commercial Service Center based on Huff Model . Scientific and Technological Management of Land and Resources,2017,34(04):118-125. DOI: 10.3969/J.ISSN.1009-4210.2017.04.014


27.ZHANG Yi, , LIU Yue-yan ZHANG Jin-ting ZHANG Peng. Scientometric Study on Land Science Development in China. China Land Sciences,2017,31(08):4-14+2. doi: 10.11994/zgtdkx.20170911.093828(张祎,刘越岩,胡守庚,张金亭,张鹏.基于科学计量学的中国土地科学发展分析[J].中国土地科学,2017,31(08):4-14+2.)

26.ZHANG Jin-ting, TAN Hua-qing,SUN Xue-jia.A New Approach for the Correction Coefficient of Floor Area Ratio in Calculating the Benchmark Land Price of Residential Land. Scientific and Technological Management of Land and Resources, 2017,34(02):95-100. DOI: 10.3969/J.ISSN.1009-4210.2017.02.011


25. Jinting ZHANG;Bei WANG,Daojun ZHANG,  Research trends on Land Use Changes during 1991–2015: A bibliometric analysis, Source Pre-IGU 2016 ConferenceWorkshop — Land Use and Rural Sustainability,2016,Xian,China

24. Lai Qilimengge ;Zhang Jinting ;Niu Peipei. Review of Chinese Land Ecological Research Based on Bibliometrics. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation,2016,36(06):333-338. DOI10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2016.06.056


 23.   TU DanHE Zi  juanZHANG Jin  ting . The Correlation between Chinese Stock Market and eal Estate Market Based on VA. GEOMATICS  SPATIAL INFOMATION TECHNOLOGY,2016,39(12):152-154+157)


22. CHEN Lin, ZHANG Jin-ting .A calculation method and proof on urban residential land price in Beihai based on the Geographically Weighted Regression .Territory & Natural Resources Study,2015(03):26-29. DOI10.16202/j.cnki.tnrs.2015.03.009


21.Jinting< Zhang; ShengXue Ke.The Application of Impedance-weighted Network Distance in Urban Land Grading: Proceedings of IEEE:2011 International Conference on Multimedia TechnologyVol6,ICMT,2011 ,p5583-5586. DOI: 10.1109/ICMT.2011.6002724;

20.Jinting Zhang ;Xuejia Sun ;Fei Fang.Theoretical Analysis and Determining Methods for Modification Coefficients Between Floor-area Rate and Urban Land Price: Proceedings of IEEE2011 International Conference on Multimedia TechnologyVol7,ICMT,2011,p6125-6129.  DOI: 10.1109/ICMT.2011.6003205

19 Jinting zhang .The Assessment Method of Grid-based Benchmark Land Price. Wuhan University Dissertations,2011

(张金亭. 城市网格基准地价评估方法[D].武汉大学,2011.)

18.Yaolin Liu;Shiyuan Hu;JintingZhang. Discussion about the Reform of Practice Teaching of the Course Named  Land Information System. Geospatial Information 2008.


17.Yaolin Liu;Shiyuan Hu;Yanfang Liu ,Jinting Zhang. Curriculum Design of Land Information System Course. Geospatial Information,2007(06):4-7.


16.Qi Zhang;Shiyuan Hu;Jinting Zhang. The Study of Consolidation,Surveying and Mapping of the Basic Farmland based on GPS Technology . Journal of Geomatics 2007(05): 34-39. DOI10.14188/j.2095-6045.2007.05.014


15.Jinting Zhang.Discussion about Land Consolidation,Surveying and Mapping. Scientific and Technological Management of Land and Resources 2006(01): 29-31.


14.Jinting Zhang;Xiu Wu;Yueyan Liu. The Implementation of Land Use Planning based on the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method. Management Geological Science and Technology 2005(05): 82-86.


13.Yueyan Liu;JintingZhang; Hua Xiong;Xiu Wu. Discussion of the Assessment Data Foundation during Land Use Planning Implementation. Management Geological Science and Technology, 2005(03): 62-66.


12.JintingZhang;Qingquan Li;Yonghong Zhang.Design and Implementation of the Palm Pilot about Flood Control Information. Management Geological Science and Technology,2005(02): 85-87.


11. Xiu Wu;Jinting Zhang.The Specific Problems about Planning Implementation Evaluation. Land and Resources Herald 2005(01): 31-33.


10.Ming Yu;JintingZhang.Analysis Of Mobile GIS Application Mode.Journal of Wuhan University(Information Science Edition) 2004(12A): 32-33.

(余明 张金亭. 移动地理信息系统应用模式分析. [J].武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2004(12A): 32-33.)

9.Li Qingquan; Zhang Jinting;Huang Jingnan; Xie Zhiying Mobile geoinformation services - Concept, reality and problems : Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 5283, APOC 2003: Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications - Mobile Service and Application, 2004, p 28-38.   ISSN: 0277786X;  DOI: 10.1117/12.521915; 

8.Liu Jian-hua, ZHANG Jin-ting. Curriculum Design for Land Resource Management Subject. Establishing Scientifically Developing Views and Enhance land protection,2004,6

(刘建华 ,张金亭 土地资源管理学科定位与集群式模块课程建设[A]. .树立科学发展观提高土地资源的保障能力研究[C].:,2004:6.)

7.Xiu Wu; Changgen Zhan; Jinting Zhang. The Application of DCF in Assessment of Industrial Land Price. Science Newground ,2004(08): 50-51. DOI10.19345/j.cnki.1671-0037.2004.08.018


6.Qingquan Li;Jinting Zhang;Jingnan Huang.A Optimization Algorithm about Distribution Rule. Journal of Wuhan University(Information Science Edition) 2003(01): 9-12. DOI10.13203/j.whugis2003.01.003


5.Jingnan Huang;Jinting Zhang;Lingjun Tang. Building Lifelike 3D Terrain based on AutoCAD Platform. Journal of Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering 2002(05): 104-108.


4.Hua Xiong;JintingZhang.The Application of Discrete Population Development Model in Land Planning. Wtusm Bulletin of Science and Technology ,2001(01):26-29+33.DOI10.14188/j.2095-6045.2001.01.009


3.Jinting Zhang; Changgen Zhan;Taokun Liu. The Exploitation of Cadastral Information System based on Component Technology. Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Science Edition),2001(01): 67-71. DOI10.13300/j.cnki.hnwkxb.2001.01.019


2.Jinting Zhang;Jingnan Huang. Discussion about The Key Technology of Individual House-drawing Software. Wtusm Bulletin of Science and Technology,2000(04):20-22, DOI10.14188/j.2095-6045.2000.04.006


1.    XUE Chang-sheng,ZHANG Jin-ting .Disscuss on the mode of Multipurpose Cadastre. Chinese and Foreign Red Estata Times,1999(01):13-15.

(]薛长生 ,张金亭.多用途地籍模式若干问题的探讨——以深圳市宝安区多用途地籍模式为例[J].中外房地产导报,1999(01):13-15.)