

Personal Information

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

  • Date of Birth:

  • E-Mail:

  • Date of Employment:

  • School/Department:

    School of Economics and Management,Wuhan Univesity
  • Education Level:

    With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
  • Business Address:

    School of Economics and Management,Wuhan Univesity
  • Gender:

  • Contact Information:

  • Status:

  • Alma Mater:

    East China Normal University
  • Teacher College:

    Economics and Management School
  • Discipline:

    Regional Economics;
    Population, Resources and Environmental Economics
  • Honors and Titles:

  • 2023elected:

    "技术转移网络是否会对城市创新能力产生影响?来自中国城市的证据"获得中国区域经济学会年会优秀论文奖 ;
  • 2017elected:

    "Research on the threshold effect of international technology spillover on regional economic growth" was selected for the Outstanding Paper Award for Young Scholars of China Regional Science Associati ;
  • 2017elected:

    The article "Construction and application of synergistic evolutionary model of social, economic and resource-environmental complex systems" was selected as one of the top academic papers in 2016 Leade
  • Other Contact Information

    • ZipCode:

    • PostalAddress:

    • OfficePhone:

    • Telephone:

    • email:

    Research Projects

    Current position: Home > Scientific Research > Research Projects

    National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund Project "Study on the spatial and temporal evolution mechanism and spatial effect of the allocation efficiency of science and technology resources in cities above prefecture level in China"

    • Date:2019-07-31  Hits:Times
    • Project Number:  
