Personal Information
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Date of Birth:
1984-07-16 -
51e7707f2be4a12b31a3f2aed3cb555f0db67e71586b27d8b01c18f93a8508746b1fb674d8747f820bc57d60a9a83475b351cc685b30a3725d12431740bd6b26df7018eb1f2d258ea50b466c3255051a36677ac86d47379cbb7fb1fc2a9f51782748ea1318370d0ec55acfd1c48c6741b900778dd8beeaaf04ced453fe96a92c -
Date of Employment:
2015-11-02 -
School of Economics and Management,Wuhan Univesity -
Education Level:
With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study -
Business Address:
School of Economics and Management,Wuhan Univesity -
Male -
Contact Information:
13607111667 -
Employed -
Alma Mater:
East China Normal University -
Teacher College:
Economics and Management School
Regional Economics;Population, Resources and Environmental Economics
Honors and Titles
"技术转移网络是否会对城市创新能力产生影响?来自中国城市的证据"获得中国区域经济学会年会优秀论文奖 ;2017elected:
"Research on the threshold effect of international technology spillover on regional economic growth" was selected for the Outstanding Paper Award for Young Scholars of China Regional Science Associati ;2017elected:
The article "Construction and application of synergistic evolutionary model of social, economic and resource-environmental complex systems" was selected as one of the top academic papers in 2016 Leade
Other Contact Information
7babf8b996fc02ba8f391f8b71b22a8bcd3f4abeccc50782ac500df2fc7bbbfd33ec0121535ccb720ea6e8c8df3da800745dcf948c0bd9a02ad5c77e04e6d33c04185bb88739ad1e39fd79615c8afd8e3118d468533fff05fefb4c3e65073aa021f4b7573ae694db00bd0033171d46e65f649f546418a26ce92eabcfbdf7fea1 -
4845fa203bed7a53e8440adaddc8f7c75f5d0b3703cf24385e17b6cc9a01ec79577c8a07b53bd24a264c1d0904c01321f5d2e99f95b32a906b544e751d2a56812141b47da6ff7d6736030f53ae301494eb212ad61958a15d7b5fd4fc0f21a8579bcd334aff92c792e84339d75462533acb298c843267459745363a0fdd16fde8 -
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1aea13aa0207272d2ce6b0340b05cf769aed046c8ba833d8d671e7252e1e7499d2b42a0bb2cd35a6d5b62e9901a315866d60b2a9266eaf70eff577f3ad9de045cd952f3eb1cc51202ab54983fdd381acad6f5ef036d2cc893199136817e7a779d0c8ec2577da6761d6ac44413af35f4ff68db21d8802e62d0ac935c87f7fc0c1 -
Research Projects
Current position: Home > Scientific Research > Research Projects
- [1]. 国家社科基金重大项目“城市群协同创新带动大中小城市协调发展研究”. 项目编号:23&ZD068,主持. 2024/01/01 to 2028/12/31.
- [2]. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Spatial and temporal evolution, spillover effect and interaction mechanism of multi-dimensional collaborative innovation in Chinese cities. 42071154, 主持. 2020/09/18 to 2024/12/31.
- [3]. National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund Project "Study on the spatial and temporal evolution mechanism and spatial effect of the allocation efficiency of science and technology resources in cities above prefecture level in China". 项目编号:41501141,主持. 2016/01/01 to 2018/12/31.
- [4]. National Social Science Foundation of China Post-grant Project "Research on Multidimensional Collaborative Innovation in Chinese Cities". 项目编号:20FJLB001,主持. 2020/10/20 to 2022/12/31.
- [5]. Humanities and Social Sciences Research Planning Fund of the Ministry of Education "Research on the mechanism of spatial knowledge spillover of collaborative innovation on the quality of economic development in Chinese cities". 项目编号:20YJA790010,主持. 2020/06/01 to 2023/12/31.
- [6]. Post-grant Project of Philosophy and Social Science Research of Ministry of Education "Research on the interaction mechanism between regional innovation drive and green development in the context of high-quality development". 项目编号:20JHQ064,主持. 2020/05/10 to 2022/12/31.
- [7]. Research on the interpretation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee National Social Science Foundation Major Project "Research on the Layout and Construction of Comprehensive National Science Center and Regional Innovation Heights" sub-project. 项目编号:21ZDA011,主持. 2021/04/06 to 2022/12/31.
- [8]. Specially funded project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation "Study on the Spatial Spillover Effect of Regional Green Science and Technology Resource Allocation Efficiency". 项目编号:2016T90710,主持. 2016/03/01 to 2016/11/30.
- [9]. The General Program of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation "Research on the convergence mechanism of regional green science and technology resource allocation efficiency". 项目编号:2015M582251,主持. 2015/08/01 to 2016/11/30.
- [10]. National Development and Reform Commission public tender project "Evaluation of the Implementation Effect of a Package of Policies to Support Economic and Social Development in Hubei Province". 主持. 2020/08/10 to 2020/12/31.
- [11]. 科技部创新战略研究专项“日俄欧与美国科技竞争合作历程及启示”. 2019/05/10 to 2020/05/20.
- [12]. 科技部创新战略研究专项“后疫情时期中美科技竞争与合作形势及对策研究”. 2020/05/10 to 2021/05/10.
- [13]. 湖北省政协重大专项课题“加快推进湖北新型城镇化与城乡融合发展”. 项目编号:2022029,主持. 2022/07/01 to 2023/12/31.
- [14]. The General Program of Soft Science Foundation of Guangdong Province "Research on Collaborative Innovation Development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area City Cluster Based on Spatial Network Optimization". 项目编号:2019A101002120. 2019/10/01 to 2020/10/01.
- [15]. 湖北省软科学面上项目 “环境异质性对长江经济带创新驱动经济发展转型的影响研究”. 项目编号:2019ADC130,主持. 2019/07/31 to 2020/07/30.
- [16]. 湖北省软科学面上项目“长江中游城市群创新供需系统的时空协同演化及政策模拟”. 项目编号:2016ADC068,主持. 2016/07/10 to 2017/07/31.
- [17]. 深圳市哲学社会科学规划课题 “深圳加快建设具有全球影响力的科技创新中心研究”. 项目编号:SZ2023C005,主持. 2023/06/20 to 2024/06/30.
- [18]. 深圳市哲学社会科学规划课题 “深圳以创新驱动引领城市可持续发展的路径研究”. 项目编号:SZ2019C003,主持. 2019/06/30 to 2020/06/30.
- [19]. 成都市软科学研究项目“成都平原经济区协同创新的演化机制与保障体系研究”. 项目编号:2019-RK00-00006-ZF,主持. 2019/08/27 to 2020/08/10.
- [20]. 武汉市软科学重点项目“武汉建设具有全球影响力的科技创新中心改革发展路径研究”. 项目编号:2016040306010200,主持. 2016/07/13 to 2017/07/28.
- [21]. 2023年武汉市科技创新智库建设调研课题"打造武汉新城世界级科技创新策源高地路径研究". 项目编号:WHKX202302,主持. 2023/05/10 to 2023/10/30.
- [22]. 2022年武汉市科技创新智库建设调研课题“创建湖北东湖综合性国家科学中心的战略路径与保障措施研究”. 项目编号:WHKX202204,主持. 2022/05/10 to 2022/10/30.
- [23]. 2021年武汉市科技创新智库建设调研课题“武汉市建设国家科技创新中心的实现路径与对策研究”. 项目编号:WHKX202112. 2021/04/20 to 2021/10/31.
- [24]. 2020年武汉市科技创新智库建设调研课题“武汉与长江经济带沿线城市协同创新的思路与对策建议”. 项目编号:WHKXZK202002. 2020/05/15 to 2020/12/31.
- [25]. 2016年武汉市科技创新智库建设调研课题“企业、大学及政府在武汉建设全球影响力的产业创新中心作用及互动关系研究”. 项目编号:WHKX201602,主持. 2016/01/01 to 2016/09/30.
- [26]. 武汉大学抗击新冠肺炎疫情人文社会科学应急研究专项课题“疫后时代开创中部地区崛起新局面的思路和对策建议”. 项目编号:2020YJ061,主持. 2020/05/29 to 2021/05/30.
- [27]. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(人文社会科学)“长江经济带协同创新治理体系研究”. 主持. 2020/06/30 to 2020/12/31.
- [28]. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(人文社会科学)“研发要素流动的空间知识溢出及其对经济增长影响机制”. 项目编号:2018QN056,主持. 2018/01/01 to 2018/12/31.
- [29]. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(人文社会科学)“协同创新与空间关联对区域创新绩效的影响机制”. 项目编号:2017QN077,主持. 2017/01/01 to 2017/12/31.
- [30]. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(人文社会科学)“武汉城市圈城镇化与产业协同发展研究”. 项目编号:2016QN063,主持. 2016/01/01 to 2016/12/30.