个人信息Personal information
- 教师拼音名称:Peng De Hua
- 电子邮箱:
- 所在单位:遥感信息工程学院
- 办公地点:信息学部教学实验大楼602
- 性别:男
- 联系方式:pengdh@whu.edu.cn
- 在职信息:在职
- 毕业院校:武汉大学
- 所属院系:遥感信息工程学院
联系方式Contact information
- [1]. Peng D, Gui Z*, Wei W, Wu H. 2024. Scalable manifold learning by uniform landmark sampling and constrained locally linear embedding[J]. Preprint at https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.01100.
- [2]. Peng D, Gui Z*, Wu H. 2024. Interpreting the Curse of Dimensionality from Distance Concentration and Manifold Effect[J]. Preprint at https://arxiv.org/abs/ 2401.00422.
- [3]. Peng D, Gui Z*, Wu H. 2023. MeanCut: A Greedy-Optimized Graph Clustering via Path-based Similarity and Degree Descent Criterion[J]. Preprint at https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.04067.
- [4]. Peng D, Gui Z*, Wu H. 2023. A Robust Boundary Detection Method by Measuring Local Direction Dispersion[J]. Preprint at https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.04065.
- [5]. Wei W, Gui Z*, Zhao A, Peng D, Wu, H. 2023. Dynamic Visual Semantic Sub-Embeddings and Fast Re-Ranking[J]. Preprint at https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.08154.
- [6]. Peng D, Gui Z*, Wang D, Ma Y, Huang Z, Zhou Y, WPeng D, Gui Z*, Wang D, Ma Y, Huang Z, Zhou Y, Wu H. 2022. Clustering by measuring local direction centrality for data with heterogeneous density and weak connectivity[J]. Nature Communications, 13: 5455. (中科院SCI一区TOP期刊).
- [7]. Mei Y, Gui Z*, Wu J, Peng D, Wei Z, Wu H. 2022. Population Spatialization with Pixel-level Attribute Grading by Considering Scale Mismatch Issue in Regression Modeling[J]. Geo-spatial Information Science, 25(3): 365-382. (中科院SCI一区期刊).
- [8]. Gui Z*, Sun Y, Yang L, Peng D, Li F, Wu H, Guo C, Guo W, Gong J. 2021. LSI-LSTM: An Attention-aware LSTM for Real-time Driving Destination Prediction by Considering Location Semantics and Location Importance of Trajectory Points[J]. Neurocomputing, 440: 72-88. (中科院SCI二区TOP期刊).
- [9]. Gui Z, Wang Y, Cui Z, Peng D, Wu J, Ma Z, Luo S, Wu H. 2021. Developing Apache Spark based Ripley’s K Functions for Accelerating Spatiotemporal Point Pattern Analysis[C]// Proceedings of the International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 545-552..
- [10]. Gui Z*, Peng D*, Wu H*, Long X. 2020. MSGC: Multi-Scale Grid Clustering via Analytical Granularity and Visual Cognition for Detecting Hierarchical Spatial Patterns[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 112: 1038-1056. (中科院SCI二区TOP期刊).
- [11]. Wang Y, Gui Z*, Wu H, Peng D, Wu J, Cui Z. 2020. Optimizing and Accelerating Space-Time Ripley’s K Function based on Apache Spark for Distributed Spatiotemporal Point Pattern Analysis[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 105: 96-118. (中科院SCI二区TOP期刊).
- [12]. Li F, Gui Z*, Zhang Z, Peng D, Tian S, Yuan K, Sun Y, Wu H, Gong J, Lei Y. 2020. A hierarchical temporal attention-based LSTM encoder-decoder model for individual mobility prediction[J]. Neurocomputing, 403: 153-166. (中科院SCI二区TOP期刊).
- [13]. 隆玺, 桂志鹏*, 彭德华, 吴华意, 宋爱红. 2022. 基于低通保边滤波和尺度约束大津法的网格空间多尺度聚类方法[J]. 地理与地理信息科学, 36(01): 65-74.
- [14]. 吴京航, 桂志鹏*, 申力, 吴华意, 刘洪波, 李锐, 梅宇翱, 彭德华. 2022. 顾及格网属性分级与空间关联的人口空间化方法[J]. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 47(09): 1364-1375.