

Personal Information

  • Teacher College:

    School of Resources and Environmental Sciences


兰 天   Tian Lan


联系方式 email: tian_lan@whu.edu.cn


School of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.


1. 简介 Profile


Dr. Tian Lan is a Professor of Geographic Information Science at the School of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University and an Honorary Senior Research Fellow with the Department of Geography, UCL. His recent research revolves around making use of big/open data and geographic data science to better understand cities and people on topics such as inequalities, ethnic segregation, geodemographics, and social/spatial mobility from the perspectives of space and places. His research was featured in the Nat. Commun.’s Editorial Highlights 2021 and was covered by The Economist.



Research interests: Computational geo-demography; urban/population big data analytics; quantitative urban geography; social/spatial inequalities.


数据分析技能:地理数据科学、机器学习、网络地图制图及可视化、编程语言(Bash, Python, JS)、专业软件(QGIS, PostGIS)、操作系统(Windows, Linux, Android).

Data Analytical skills: Geographic data science, machine Learning, web mapping and visualisation, programming in Bash, Python and JS, QGIS, PostGIS, OS (Windows, Linux, Android). 

2. 教育背景 Education

>> 香港大学城市规划与设计系,博士 | PhD, Department of Urban Planning and Design, University of Hong Kong.

>> 武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室,硕士 | MSc, State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University.

>> 武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,学士 | BSc, School of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University.

3. 工作经历 Employment

>> 武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,教授 | Professor, School of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University.

>> 武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,副教授 | Associate Professor, School of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University.

>> 英国伦敦大学学院地理系,博士后 | Research Associate, Department of Geography, University College London.

4. 论文及著作 Publications

(* 通讯作者/Corresponding author)

· Omar Isaac Asensio*, Catherine E. Moore, Nicola Ulibarri, Mecit Can Emre Simsekler, Tian Lan, and Gonzalo Rivero. (2025) Data Technologies and Analytics for Policy and Governance: A Landscape Review. Data & Policy 7 : e25.

· Justin van Dijk*, James Todd, Tian Lan*. (2024). Leveraging digital footprints data for accurate estimation of the residential housing stock in the United Kingdom, 1997–2022. Annals of GIS. 30(3).

· 苏世亮*, 王卓伦, 何深静, 徐阳, 陈逸敏, & 兰天. (2024). 社会地理计算的理论逻辑与研究范式及展望. 地理学报, 79(1).
Shiliang Su*, Zhuolun Wang, Shenjing He, Yang Xu, Yiming Chen, Tian Lan. (2024) Rethinking the theoretical genesis, research paradigm and research agenda of Geo-computational Social Sciences. Acta Geographica Sinica. 79(1).

· Yuxuan Ma, Lei Wang, Di Hu*, Yaoqing Ge, Junzhu Zuo, Tian Lan. (2023). Analysis of spatial patterns of technological innovation capability based on patent data in Jiangsu province, China. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 10:889. 

· Paul Longley, Tian Lan*, Justin van Dijk. (2023). Geography, ethnicity, genealogy and inter-generational social inequality in Great Britain. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 49(1).

· Tian Lan, Paul Longley*. (2022). An individual level method for improved estimation of ethnic characteristics. International Regional Science Review. 46(3).

· Tian Lan*, Oliver O’Brien, James Cheshire, Alex Singleton, Paul Longley. (2022). From data to narratives: Scrutinising the spatial dimensions of social and cultural phenomena through lenses of interactive web mapping. Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis. 6(22).

· Paul Longley*, Justin van Dijk, Tian Lan (2022). Linkage of historical GB Census data to present day population registers. International Journal of Population Data Science, 7(3).

· Tian Lan, Paul Longley*. (2021). Urban Morphology and Residential Differentiation across Great Britain, 1881-1901. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 111(6).

· Paul Longley*, Justin van Dijk, Tian Lan*. (2021). The geography of intergenerational social mobility in Britain. Nature Communications. 12, 6050.

· Tian Lan, Paul Longley*. (2021). Interactive web mapping of geodemographics through user-specified regionalisations. Journal of Maps. 17(1).

· Tian Lan, Justin van Dijk, Paul Longley*. (2021). Family Names, City Size Distributions and Residential Differentiation in Great Britain, 1881-1901. Urban Studies. 59(10).

· Tian Lan, Jens Kandt, Paul Longley*. (2021). Measuring the changing pattern of ethnic segregation in England and Wales with Consumer Registers. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. 48(6).

· Zeynep Engin*, Justin van Dijk, Tian Lan, Paul Longley, Philip Treleaven, Michael Batty, Alan Penn. (2020). Data-driven urban management: Mapping the landscape. Journal of Urban Management. 9(2).

· Tian Lan, Jens Kandt, Paul Longley*. (2019). Geographic scales of residential segregation in English cities. Urban Geography, 41(1).

· Tian Lan*, Paul Longley. (2019). Geo-Referencing and Mapping 1901 Census Addresses for England and Wales. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(8).

· Tian Lan, Jens Kandt, Paul Longley. (2018). Ethnicity and residential segregation, in Paul Longley, James Cheshire, and Alex Singleton Eds. Consumer Data Research. London: UCL Press.

· Yang Yue*, Tian Lan, Anthony Yeh, Qing-Quan Li. (2014). Zooming into individuals to understand the collective: A review of trajectory-based travel behaviour studies. Travel Behaviour and Society, 1(2).

5. 学术会议及报告 Conferences

受邀报告 | Invited talks:

·  兰天, (2023). 人口时空大数据支撑的长时序高频率居住隔离测度方法. 2023首届全国信息地理学大会. 苏州科技大学, 2023年11月17日至19日, 中国苏州.

· Tian Lan (2021). Urban form and demographic changes in historical Britain. School of Geography, Nanjing Normal University, April 27, 2021, Nanjing, China.

· Tian Lan (2016). Mapping the Geodemographics of the UK. Invited talk given at the 5th Methodology Seminar of IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics). November 10, 2016. Teleconference.

会议报告 | Conference presentations:

· 兰天, (2024). 姓名的社会感知功能及其在人口地理计算中的应用. 2024第三届中国数字地球大会. 南京大学苏州校区,2024年6月1日至2日,中国苏州.

· Tian Lan, Paul Longley, Di Hu (2023). Creating enhanced population registers for measuring socio-economic inequalities in Great Britain. The 30th International Conference on Geoinformatics. July 19-21, 2023. London, UK.

· Tian Lan, Justin van Dijk, Paul Longley (2022). A more granular analysis of the social outcome inequalities among different ethnic groups in Great Britain. Annual conference 2022 of the BSPS. September 5-7, 2022. Winchester, UK.

· Tian Lan, Paul Longley (2021). Charting changes in the geodemographic composition of British cities, 1881-1901. In Proceedings of the 29th Conference on GIS Research UK (GISRUK) (Vol. 2021). Geographic Information Science Research UK. April 14-16, 2021. Cardiff, UK.

· Tian Lan, Justin van Dijk, Paul Longley (2020). A name-based analysis of the historical roots to contemporary inequalities. Presentation at the 2020 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. April 6-10, 2020 (online meeting). Denver, US.

· Tian Lan, Guy Lansley, Justin van Dijk, Paul Longley (2019). Geocoding historical census records in England and Wales. In Proceedings of the 27th Conference on GIS Research UK (GISRUK) (Vol. 2019). Geographic Information Science Research UK. April 23-26, 2019. Newcastle, UK.

· Tian Lan, Paul Longley (2017) Understanding residential segregation in Britain through Consumer Registers. Presentation at the 46th Annual Conference of Regional Science Association International – British and Irish Section. Aug. 22-24, 2017. Harrogate, Yorkshire. UK.

· Tian Lan, Anthony Yeh. (2015) Spatial and temporal regularized matrix factorization for urban traffic monitoring. Poster presentation at the 14th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM), July 7-10, 2015. Cambridge, MA, USA.

6. 科研项目 Research Projects

· 2024 中国工程院咨询研究院地合作项目(重点项目),核心成员  | Collaborative Consulting Fund from the Chinese Academy of Engineering (core participant).

· 2024 - 2027, 国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金(海外)项目,  主持 | Excellent Young Scholar Fellowship (overseas), NSFC China. (PI).

· 2023 - 2026, 武汉大学引进人才科研启动经费,  主持 | Wuhan University Start-up Fund (PI).

· 2021 - 2022, Retail Business Datasafe, UK ESRC 重大项目, 参与 (participant).

· 2021 - 2022, 英国阿兰图灵人工智能研究所 (Alan Turing Institute, UK), 博士后发展奖励计划 (PDEA), 主持 (PI).

· 2016 - 2021, Urban Dynamics Lab (UKRDRF), UK EPSRC 重大项目,参与(participant).

· 2021 - 2022, Bartlett Research Fund 2021, UCL自主科研项目, 共同主持 (co-I).

7. 教学 Teaching

· 2025 (Spring term), 武汉大学本科生课程《空间分析》WHU UG course: Spatial Analysis.

· 2024 (Spring term), 武汉大学本科生课程《地理信息系统原理》WHU UG course: Principles of Geographic Information Science.

· 2023 (Fall term), 武汉大学研究生课程《时空大数据分析》WHU PG course: Spatial and Temporal Big Data Analytics.

· 2022, UCL本科生实习项目导师, supervisor of the UCL SODA Institute summer internship.

· 2019, UCL 地理系研究生讲座系列客座讲师 UCL Geography, Technical Tuesdays, guest lecturer.

· 2014, 香港大学研究生课程助教, Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Hong Kong.

8. 奖励 Award

· 2023, 全国高等院校“GIS新锐”.

· 2020, Bill Mead Fund, 伦敦大学学院, UCL Geography.

· 2015, 国际摄影测量与遥感学会开放数据竞赛优秀奖,ISPRS Open Data Challenge, Honourable Mention.

· 2010-2015, 香港大学博士生奖学金 PhD Studentship, University of Hong Kong.

9. 学术兼职及会员 Academic services & membership

>> 2025.03 - 至今(now) The Innovation 期刊青年编委 | Youth Editor of The Innovation journal.

>> 2025.03 - 至今(now) The Innovation Geoscience 期刊青年编委 | Youth Editor of The Innovation Geoscience  journal.

>> 2023.05 - 至今(now) 中国地理学会会员 | Member of the Geographical Society of China.

>> 2023.03 - 2026.03 英国伦敦大学学院,高级荣誉研究员 | Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University College London.

>> 2019.08 - 至今 (now) 英国皇家地理学会,会士 | Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), UK.

>> 2022.11 - 至今 (now) 英国高等教育协会,副会士 | Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK.

>> 2021.08 - 至今 (now) 英国研究与创新署,工程与自然科学研究委员会,基金评审专家 | Peer Review College Member of the UKRI Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

>> 2021.02 - 2022.02 剑桥大学出版社期刊《数据与政策》副编辑 | Associate Editor of the academic journal Data & Policy by Cambridge University Press.

>> 国际学术期刊审稿人(部分) | Selected journal reviews: Nature Cities; Scientific DataCitiesJournal of Transport GeographyCEUSIJGISJournal of Geo-information ScienceHabitat International, etc.

>> 第30届国际地理信息会议议程委员会委员,英国伦敦,2023年7月19-21日 | Program committee member of the 30th International Conference on Geoinformatics (CPGIS 2023), London, July 19 - 21, 2023.