Personal Information
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Name (Pinyin):Wang Taoyang
- E-Mail:
- Date of Employment:2013-12-07
- Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
- Gender:Male
- Status:Employed
- Teacher College:School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering
- Discipline:
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- Honors and Titles
2021 elected:中国测绘学会青年测绘地理信息科技创新人才奖
2020 elected:《珞珈一号 01 星设计与数据处理关键技术》获“测绘科技进步特等奖”,排名第六
2019 elected:《星载SAR无控高精度处理关键技术》获“测绘科技进步一等奖”,排名第二
2018 elected:《光学卫星影像高精度几何处理及工程应用》获“湖北省科学技术进步一等奖”,排名第二
2016 elected:《线阵推扫式光学卫星高精度几何处理关键技术》获“测绘科技进步一等奖”,排名第三
Other Contact Information
- ZipCode:
- PostalAddress:
- email:
Research Field
Paper Publications
More- Tiancheng Dong , Taoyang Wang* , Xuefei Li , Jianzhi Hong , Maoqiang Jing and Tong Wei. A large ship detection method based on component model in SAR images. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 18. 4108-4123. 2025.
- Cheng, Qian , Wang, Taoyang* , Li, Xin , Wan, Yongcheng and Jing, Maoqiang. Geometric Positioning Accuracy Improvement Method of Micro SAR Satellites with Large Positioning Errors. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 17. 14949-14964. 2024.
- Taoyang Wang , Qian Cheng , Boyang Jiang and Haoxuan Sun. Spaceborne SAR stereoscopic intersection capability analysis and accuracy verification. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 130. 2024.
- Qian Cheng , Xin Li , Taoyang Wang* , Boyang Jiang , He Fu , Yunming Wang and Feida Zhang. MSRSI-TPMF: A Tie Points Matching Framework of Multisource Remote Sensing Images. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 17. 1623 - 1637. 2024.
- 李欣 , 蒋博洋 , 汪韬阳* , 张过 , 崔浩 and 程前. 面向高分三号全球正射影像生成的无控定位精度提升方法. 测绘学报. 52 (11). 1929-1942. 2023.
MorePublished Books
- 汪韬阳 , 张过 , 邓明军 , 崔浩 , 李欣 , 陈亚欣 , 蒋博洋 and 程前. 全球星载 SAR 正射影像研制原理与方法. 科学出版社. 2022/02/28.
- 汪韬阳 , 张过 , 蒋永华 , 卜丽静 , 李立涛 , 王韵鸣 , 洪建智 and 李欣. 光学卫星视频数据处理与应用. 2020/11/01.
- 张过 , 钟兴 , Shen Xin , 蒋永华 , 汪韬阳 , 涂建光 and 李治江. 珞珈一号01星夜光遥感设计与处理. 2019/10/01.
- 张过 , 蒋永华 , 汪韬阳 , 李立涛 , 吴佳奇 and 卜丽静. 高分辨率视频卫星标准产品分级体系. 2016/11/01.
- Yuan Xiuxiao , 曹金山 , 汪韬阳 , 王密 , 余俊鹏 , 季顺平 , 吴殷丹 and 余翔. 高分辨率卫星遥感精确对地目标定位理论与方法. 2012/03/01.