Yao Yibin*,Zhao Qingzhi and Zhang Bao, A method to improve the utilisation of GNSS observation for water vapour tomography,Annales Geophysicae, 2016, 34:143-152, DOI:10.5194/angeo-34-143-2016
上一条:Kong Jian,Yao Yibin*, Liu Lei,Zhai Changzhi and Wang Zemin, A New Computerized Ionosphere Tomography Model Using the Mapping Function and an Application in Study of Seismic-Ionosphere Disturbance, Journal of Geodesy, 2016,90(8):741-755,DOI:10.1007/s00190-016-0906-9
下一条:Yao Yibin*, Zhang Bao, Xu Chaoqian, He Changyong, Yu Chen and Yan Feng, A global empirical model for estimating zenith tropospheric delay,SCIENCE CHINA-Earth Sciences, 2016, 59(1):118-128, DOI:10.1007/s11430-015-5173-8