Yao Yibin, Xu Xingyu,Xu Chaoqian*,Peng Wenjie and Wan Yangyang,GGOS tropospheric delay forecast product performance evaluation and its application in real-time PPP, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics,2018,175:1-17,DOI:10.1016/j.jastp.2018.05.002
上一条:Yao Yibin*, Liu Lei*, Kong Jian and Zhai Changzhi, Global Ionospheric Modeling Based on Multi-GNSS, Satellite Altimetry and Formosat-3/COSMIC Data, GPS Solutions, 2018,22:104,DOI:10.1007/s10291-018-0770-6
下一条:Liu Lei, Yao Yibin*, Kong Jian*, Shan Lulu,Plasmaspheric electron content inferred from residuals between GNSS-derived and TOPEX/JASON vTEC data, Remote Sensing, 2018,10,621,DOI:10.3390/rs10040621