教师拼音名称:Yin Chun




1.        Yin, C.*, Chen, Y.*, & Sun, B. (2024). Examining the relationship between car ownership, car use, and exercise: Role of the built environment. Cities, 149, 104943. (IF: 6.788, SSCI-Q1)

2.        尹春, 孙斌栋*, 姚夏劼. (2024). 人口密度与城市宜居性关系的一般性规律探索. 地理科学, 44(2): 179-191. (CSCD, CSSCI)

3.        Yin, C.*, Liu, J., Dai, S., & Sun, B.* (2024). Mixed land use has opposite associations with subjective well-being through social capital: Spatial heterogeneity in residential and workplace neighborhoods. Travel Behaviour and Society, 35, 100724. (IF: 6.268, SSCI-Q2)

4.        Huang, X., Kang, C., Yin, C.*, & Tang, J. (2024). Influence of Transportation Accessibility on Urban-rural Income Disparity and Its Spatial Heterogeneity. Chinese Geographical Science, 1-15. (IF: 3.4, SCI-Q2)

5.        Liu, J., Yin, C.*, & Sun, B.* (2024). Associations between neighborhood environments and health status among Chinese older people during the pandemic: Exploring mediation effects of physical activity. Journal of Transport & Health, 35, 101757. (IF: 3.6, SCI-Q2)

6.        Qin, K.#, Wang, Z.#, Dai, S.#, Li, Y., Li, M., Li, C., Qiu, G., Shi, Y., Yin, C., Yang, S., & Jia, P.*, 2024. Spatiotemporal Patterns of Air Pollution over the Epidemic Course: A National Study in China. Remote Sensing, 16(7), 1298. (IF: 5.0, SCI-Q2)


7.        Yin, C., Helbich, M., Yang, H.*, & Sun, B. (2023). Pathways from the campus-based built environment to obesity: Evidence from undergraduates in China. Cities, 137, 104311. (IF: 6.788, SSCI-Q1)

8.        Yin, C.*, Liu, J., & Sun, B.* (2023). Effects of built and natural environments on leisure physical activity in residential and workplace neighborhoods. Health & Place, 81, 103018. (IF: 5.621, SSCI-Q1 & SCI-Q2)

9.        Yin, C.#, Peng, N.#, Li, Y.#, Shi, Y., Yang, S.*, & Jia, P.* (2023). A review on street view observations in support of the sustainable development goals. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 117, 103205. (IF: 7.322, SCI-Q1)

10.    Yin, C., Cao, J., Sun, B.*, Liu, J. (2023). Exploring built environment correlates of walking for different purposes: Evidence for substitution. Journal of Transport Geography, 106, 103505. (IF: 6.524, SSCI-Q1)

11.    Sun, B., Guo, R., & Yin, C.* (2023). Inequity on suburban campuses: University students disadvantaged in self-improvement travel. Growth and Change, 54(2), 404–420. (IF: 2.332, SSCI-Q2)

12.    Huang, X., Kang, C., Yin, C.*, & Li, Y. (2023). Urban and individual correlates of subjective well-being in China: An application of gradient boosting decision trees. Frontiers in Public Health, 11:1090832. (IF: 6.002, SSCI-Q1 & SCI-Q1)

13.    孙斌栋, 刘嘉航, 尹春*. (2023). 高密度建成环境与成人肥胖关系的研究现状、启示与展望. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 53(5): 672-683. (CSCD)

14.    Feng, C. #, Shao, Y. #, Ye, T. #, Cai, C., Yin, C., Li, X., ..., Jia, P. *, & Yang, S.* (2023). Long-term exposure to PM 2.5 chemical constituents associated with allergic diseases: Evidence from a large population-based cohort in South China. The Science of the Total Environment, 166755. (IF: 9.8, SCI-Q1)


15.    Yin, C., Yao, X., & Sun, B.* (2022). Population density and obesity in rural China: Mediation effects of car ownership. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 105, 103228. (IF: 7.624, SSCI-Q1 & SCI-Q1)

16.    Yin, C., Guo, R., & Sun, B.* (2022). Effect of Compact Residences and Workplaces on Young Adults’ Commuting Behavior: Evidence from Shanghai, China. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 148(2), 05022004. (IF: 2.573, SSCI-Q3 & SCI-Q3)

17.    Sun, B., Yin, C.*, & Yao, X. (2022). Densification and health in China: A U-shaped association between population density and obesity. Transactions in Planning and Urban Research, 1(1-2), 135-151.

18.    Sun, B., Liu, J., Yin, C.* & Cao, J. (2022). Residential and workplace neighborhood environments and life satisfaction: Exploring chain-mediation effects of activity and place satisfaction. Journal of Transport Geography, 104, 103435. (IF: 6.524, SSCI-Q1)

19.    Sun, B., Yao, X., & Yin, C.* (2022). The built environment and overweight in Shanghai: Examining differences in urban and rural contexts. Habitat International, 129, 102686. (IF: 6.256, SSCI-Q1)

20.    Sun, B., Lin, J., & Yin, C.* (2022). Impacts of the built environment on social capital in China: Mediating effects of commuting time and perceived neighborhood safety. Travel Behaviour and Society, 29, 350-357. (IF: 6.268, SSCI-Q2)

21.    Sun, B., Yao, X., & Yin, C.* (2022). An N-Shaped association between population density and abdominal obesity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15), 9577. (IF: 4.798, SSCI-Q1 & SCI-Q2)

22.    Cao, J., & Yin, C. (2022). Exploring key correlates of trail satisfaction and their nonlinear relationships in suburban areas. Findings, 11, 53105.

23.    Fan, L.*, Cao, J., Hu, M., & Yin, C. (2022). Exploring the importance of neighborhood characteristics to and their nonlinear effects on life satisfaction of displaced senior farmers. Cities, 124, 103605. (IF: 6.788, SSCI-Q1)

24.    姚夏劼, 尹春, 孙斌栋*. (2022). 城市远郊建成环境与居民超重问题研究——以上海崇明岛为例. 城市发展研究, 29(9): 17-24. (CSSCI)


25.    Sun, B., Lin, J.*, & Yin, C. (2021). How does commute duration affect subjective well-being? A case study of Chinese cities. Transportation, 48, 885-908. (IF: 5.804, SSCI-Q1 & SCI-Q1)


26.    Yin, C., Cao, J.*, & Sun, B. (2020). Examining non-linear associations between population density and waist-hip ratio: An application of gradient boosting decision trees. Cities, 107, 102899. (IF: 6.788, SSCI-Q1)

27.    Yin, C., & Sun, B.* (2020). Does compact built environment help to reduce obesity? Influence of population density on waist–hip ratio in Chinese cities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21), 7746. (IF: 4.798, SSCI-Q1 & SCI-Q2)

28.    Sun, B., & Yin, C.* (2020). Impacts of a multi-scale built environment and its corresponding moderating effects on commute duration in China. Urban Studies, 57(10), 2115-2130. (IF: 4.869, SSCI- Q1)

29.    姚夏劼, 孙斌栋*, 仲政, 尹春. (2020). 中国乡村建成环境对肥胖的影响: 基于村民BMI数据的实证. 上海城市规划, 2020(5): 8-14.


30.    孙斌栋, 吴江洁, 尹春*, 陈玉. (2019). 通勤时耗对居民健康的影响——来自中国家庭追踪调查的证据. 城市发展研究, 26(3): 59-64. (CSSCI)


31.    Yin, C., & Sun, B.* (2018). Disentangling the effects of the built environment on car ownership: A multi-level analysis of Chinese cities. Cities, 74, 188-195. (IF: 6.788, SSCI-Q1)

32.    Sun, B., & Yin, C.* (2018). Relationship between multi-scale urban built environments and body mass index: A study of China. Applied Geography, 94, 230-240. (IF: 5.402, SSCI-Q1)

33.    尹春, 孙斌栋*, 何舟, 林杰. (2018). 城市建成环境对通勤时耗的影响及规划启示. 城市规划, 42(8): 83-89. (CSSCI)

34.    孙斌栋, 尹春*. (2018). 人口密度对居民通勤时耗的影响及条件效应——来自上海证据. 地理科学, 38(1): 41-48. (CSCD, CSSCI)

35.    孙斌栋, 尹春*. (2018). 建成环境对居民健康的影响——来自拆迁安置房居民的证据. 城市与区域规划研究, 10(4): 48-58. (CSSCI)

36.    Liu, J., Yin, C., Liu, C., Tang, Y., & Zhang, X.* (2018). Modeling a production function to evaluate the effect of medical staffing on antimicrobial stewardship performance in china, 2009–2016: static and dynamic panel data analyses. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 9, 775. (IF: 6.455, SCI-Q1)

37.    Li, W., Sun, B.*, Yin, C., Zhang, T., & Liu, Q. (2018). Does metro proximity promote happiness? Evidence from Shanghai. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 11(1), 1271-1285. (IF: 3.523, SSCI-Q4)


38.    孙斌栋, 何舟, 李南菲, 尹春*. (2017). 职住均衡能够缓解交通拥堵吗?——基于GIS缓冲区方法的上海实证研究. 城市规划学刊, 237(5): 98-104. (CSSCI)


  1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,职住地建成环境对城市居民体力活动水平的影响及其机制研究,2022-2024,主持,在研

  2. 国家重点研发计划子课题,适老适幼社区居家环境卫生规范及设施要求研究,2023-2026,主持,在研

  3. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助(站中)项目,日常活动地建成环境对城市居民步行行为的影响及其机制分析,2022-2024,主持,结题

  4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,职住地建成环境对居民肥胖的影响及其机制研究,2020-2022,主持,结题

  5. 上海市“晨光计划”项目,城市人居环境对居民心理健康的影响及其机制,2023-2025,主持,在研

  6.  华东师范大学数据驱动人文社科研究专项,基于机器学习的城市人居环境与居民体力活动关系研究,2022-2023,主持,结题

  7.  华东师范大学中国行政区划研究中心开放课题,上海城市紧凑空间格局的演化、成因与绩效,2023-2024,主持,在研



尹春,人文地理学博士,武汉大学资源与环境科学学院副研究员,主要从事健康地理、城市交通、城市规划等方向的研究。入选上海市“超级博士后”、“晨光计划”等人才项目。主持国家自然科学基金和博士后科学基金项目,在交通地理核心期刊《Journal of Transport Geography》、城市研究核心期刊《Cities》、城市规划核心期刊《城市规划》等国内外知名学术期刊发表论文30余篇,担任世界交通大会土地利用与交通规划分委会委员和多个SCI/SSCI期刊审稿人。
