教师拼音名称:Yin Chun


  • 主要研究方向:人居环境与健康福祉、城市交通发展与规划、健康城市与健康社区规划



    1.        Yin, C.*, Chen, Y.*, & Sun, B. (2024). Examining the relationship between car ownership, car use, and exercise: Role of the built environment. Cities, 149, 104943. 

    2.        尹春, 孙斌栋*, 姚夏劼. (2024). 人口密度与城市宜居性关系的一般性规律探索. 地理科学, 44(2): 179-191. 

    3.        Yin, C.*, Liu, J., Dai, S., & Sun, B.* (2024). Mixed land use has opposite associations with subjective well-being through social capital: Spatial heterogeneity in residential and workplace neighborhoods. Travel Behaviour and Society, 35, 100724. 

    4.        Chen, Y., Yin, C.*, & Sun, B. (2024). Nonlinear associations of built environments around residences and workplaces with commuting satisfaction. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 133, 104315. 

    5.        Huang, X., Xia, Y., & Yin, C.* (2024). Associations between the built environment and travel to higher-order centers in Chinese rural areas. Journal of Transport Geography119, 103956. 

    6.        Huang, X., Kang, C., Yin, C.*, & Tang, J. (2024). Influence of Transportation Accessibility on Urban-rural Income Disparity and Its Spatial Heterogeneity. Chinese Geographical Science, 34(3): 453−467. 

    7.        Liu, J., Yin, C.*, & Sun, B.* (2024). Associations between neighborhood environments and health status among Chinese older people during the pandemic: Exploring mediation effects of physical activity. Journal of Transport & Health, 35, 101757.

    8.        Qin, K.#, Wang, Z.#, Dai, S.#, Li, Y., Li, M., Li, C., Qiu, G., Shi, Y., Yin, C., Yang, S., & Jia, P.*, 2024. Spatiotemporal Patterns of Air Pollution over the Epidemic Course: A National Study in China. Remote Sensing, 16(7), 1298. 

    9.        刘嘉航, 尹春, 孙斌栋*. (2024). “生产-生活-生态视角下国民幸福感的影响因素与形成机制. 资源科学, 46(5): 910-923. 


    10.    Yin, C., Helbich, M., Yang, H.*, & Sun, B. (2023). Pathways from the campus-based built environment to obesity: Evidence from undergraduates in China. Cities, 137, 104311. 

    11.    Yin, C.*, Liu, J., & Sun, B.* (2023). Effects of built and natural environments on leisure physical activity in residential and workplace neighborhoods. Health & Place, 81, 103018. 

    12.    Yin, C.#, Peng, N.#, Li, Y.#, Shi, Y., Yang, S.*, & Jia, P.* (2023). A review on street view observations in support of the sustainable development goals. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 117, 103205. 

    13.    Yin, C., Cao, J., Sun, B.*, Liu, J. (2023). Exploring built environment correlates of walking for different purposes: Evidence for substitution. Journal of Transport Geography, 106, 103505. 

    14.    Sun, B., Guo, R., & Yin, C.* (2023). Inequity on suburban campuses: University students disadvantaged in self-improvement travel. Growth and Change, 54(2), 404–420.

    15.    Huang, X., Kang, C., Yin, C.*, & Li, Y. (2023). Urban and individual correlates of subjective well-being in China: An application of gradient boosting decision trees. Frontiers in Public Health, 11:1090832. 

    16.    孙斌栋, 刘嘉航, 尹春*. (2023). 高密度建成环境与成人肥胖关系的研究现状、启示与展望. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 53(5): 672-683. 

    17.    Feng, C. #, Shao, Y. #, Ye, T. #, Cai, C., Yin, C., Li, X., ..., Jia, P. *, & Yang, S.* (2023). Associations between long-term exposure to PM2. 5 chemical constituents and allergic diseases: evidence from a large cohort study in China. Science of The Total Environment, 904, 166755.


    18.    Yin, C., Yao, X., & Sun, B.* (2022). Population density and obesity in rural China: Mediation effects of car ownership. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 105, 103228. 

    19.    Yin, C., Guo, R., & Sun, B.* (2022). Effect of Compact Residences and Workplaces on Young Adults’ Commuting Behavior: Evidence from Shanghai, China. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 148(2), 05022004. 

    20.    Sun, B., Yin, C.*, & Yao, X. (2022). Densification and health in China: A U-shaped association between population density and obesity. Transactions in Planning and Urban Research, 1(1-2), 135-151. 

    21.    Sun, B., Liu, J., Yin, C.* & Cao, J. (2022). Residential and workplace neighborhood environments and life satisfaction: Exploring chain-mediation effects of activity and place satisfaction. Journal of Transport Geography, 104, 103435. 

    22.    Sun, B., Yao, X., & Yin, C.* (2022). The built environment and overweight in Shanghai: Examining differences in urban and rural contexts. Habitat International, 129, 102686. 

    23.    Sun, B., Lin, J., & Yin, C.* (2022). Impacts of the built environment on social capital in China: Mediating effects of commuting time and perceived neighborhood safety. Travel Behaviour and Society, 29, 350-357. 

    24.    Sun, B., Yao, X., & Yin, C.* (2022). An N-Shaped association between population density and abdominal obesity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15), 9577. 

    25.    Cao, J., & Yin, C. (2022). Exploring key correlates of trail satisfaction and their nonlinear relationships in suburban areas. Findings, 11, 53105. 

    26.    Fan, L.*, Cao, J., Hu, M., & Yin, C. (2022). Exploring the importance of neighborhood characteristics to and their nonlinear effects on life satisfaction of displaced senior farmers. Cities, 124, 103605. 

    27.    姚夏劼, 尹春, 孙斌栋*. (2022). 城市远郊建成环境与居民超重问题研究——以上海崇明岛为例. 城市发展研究, 29(9): 17-24.


    28.    Sun, B., Lin, J.*, & Yin, C. (2021). How does commute duration affect subjective well-being? A case study of Chinese cities. Transportation, 48, 885-908.


    29.    Yin, C., Cao, J.*, & Sun, B. (2020). Examining non-linear associations between population density and waist-hip ratio: An application of gradient boosting decision trees. Cities, 107, 102899. 

    30.    Yin, C., & Sun, B.* (2020). Does compact built environment help to reduce obesity? Influence of population density on waist–hip ratio in Chinese cities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21), 7746.

    31.    Sun, B., & Yin, C.* (2020). Impacts of a multi-scale built environment and its corresponding moderating effects on commute duration in China. Urban Studies, 57(10), 2115-2130. 

    32.    姚夏劼, 孙斌栋*, 仲政, 尹春. (2020). 中国乡村建成环境对肥胖的影响: 基于村民BMI数据的实证. 上海城市规划, 2020(5): 8-14. 


    33.    孙斌栋, 吴江洁, 尹春*, 陈玉. (2019). 通勤时耗对居民健康的影响——来自中国家庭追踪调查的证据. 城市发展研究, 26(3): 59-64. 


    34.    Yin, C., & Sun, B.* (2018). Disentangling the effects of the built environment on car ownership: A multi-level analysis of Chinese cities. Cities, 74, 188-195. 

    35.    Sun, B., & Yin, C.* (2018). Relationship between multi-scale urban built environments and body mass index: A study of China. Applied Geography, 94, 230-240. 

    36.    尹春, 孙斌栋*, 何舟, 林杰. (2018). 城市建成环境对通勤时耗的影响及规划启示. 城市规划, 42(8): 83-89. 

    37.    孙斌栋, 尹春*. (2018). 人口密度对居民通勤时耗的影响及条件效应——来自上海证据. 地理科学, 38(1): 41-48. 

    38.    孙斌栋, 尹春*. (2018). 建成环境对居民健康的影响——来自拆迁安置房居民的证据. 城市与区域规划研究, 10(4): 48-58. 

    39.    Liu, J., Yin, C., Liu, C., Tang, Y., & Zhang, X.* (2018). Modeling a production function to evaluate the effect of medical staffing on antimicrobial stewardship performance in china, 2009–2016: static and dynamic panel data analyses. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 9, 775. 

    40.    Li, W., Sun, B.*, Yin, C., Zhang, T., & Liu, Q. (2018). Does metro proximity promote happiness? Evidence from Shanghai. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 11(1), 1271-1285. 


    41.    孙斌栋, 何舟, 李南菲, 尹春*. (2017). 职住均衡能够缓解交通拥堵吗?——基于GIS缓冲区方法的上海实证研究. 城市规划学刊, 237(5): 98-104. 


    1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,职住地建成环境对城市居民体力活动水平的影响及其机制研究,2022-2024,主持,在研

    2. 国家重点研发计划子课题,适老适幼社区居家环境卫生规范及设施要求研究,2023-2026,主持,在研

    3. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助(站中)项目,日常活动地建成环境对城市居民步行行为的影响及其机制分析,2022-2024,主持,结题

    4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,职住地建成环境对居民肥胖的影响及其机制研究,2020-2022,主持,结题

    5. 上海市“晨光计划”项目,城市人居环境对居民心理健康的影响及其机制,2023-2025,主持,在研

    6.  华东师范大学数据驱动人文社科研究专项,基于机器学习的城市人居环境与居民体力活动关系研究,2022-2023,主持,结题

    7.  华东师范大学中国行政区划研究中心开放课题,上海城市紧凑空间格局的演化、成因与绩效,2023-2024,主持,在研

    欢迎有意向从事健康地理、福祉地理、行为地理、交通地理、城市研究、地理信息科学的青年才俊加入课题组~~  ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ

